
  1. Briefly about the methodology
  2. How to carry out the procedure
  3. Advantages and disadvantages of biorevitalization
  4. Rating of the best drugs for biorevitalization
  5. Conclusion

Rating of the best drugs for biorevitalization for 2022

Rating of the best drugs for biorevitalization for 2022

Despite all the events taking place in the world (pandemic, quarantine, border closures, etc.), women will never stop striving to be beautiful. Fortunately, technology in the beauty industry has reached such a level that it does not require a lot of effort.

One of the most popular procedures is biorevitalization - the introduction of hyaluronic acid under the skin. She successfully fights such age-related problems as loss of elasticity, smoothness of the epidermis, the appearance of wrinkles. The procedure has practically no contraindications, is almost painless and is popular all over the world.

Briefly about the methodology

In order to understand the essence of the technique, no special knowledge is required. The dermis restoration technique is based on the natural processes occurring inside the epidermis. In the deep layers, division and the creation of new cells occur with the participation of two elements - collagen and elastin. In order for cells to regenerate effectively, hyaluronic acid, which is located in the intercellular space, is involved in this process.

The older a person gets, the less acid is produced in the body. Because of this, the first signs of withering of the dermis begin to appear - dryness, loss of elasticity, the appearance of wrinkles.

Hyaluronic acid injected under the dermis activates longevity factors, strengthens cellular defense mechanisms and improves the appearance of the epidermis. In this article, we will consider the main types of cosmetics for biorevitalization, find out what to look for in order not to make mistakes when choosing, and compile a rating of quality products, according to buyers.

Cases when it is necessary to carry out biorevitalization

Before signing up for this procedure, you need to find out if you need it and if you have any contraindications. Cases when biorevitalization is indicated:

  • The first signs of withering and aging of the skin appeared - dryness, wrinkles, cracks.
  • The dermis lost its elasticity, began to thin.
  • There are problems with the work of the sebaceous glands that are not solved by traditional methods.
  • The color of the skin of the face became uneven, dull.
  • Such serious procedures as peeling, laser resurfacing were carried out.

Types of biorevitalization

Since technologies, including cosmetic ones, do not stand still, there are an increasing number of ways to introduce hyaluronic acid under the skin. Today, two of the most popular of them are used: injection and using a special apparatus.

Most often, in beauty salons, the first procedure is carried out - using a syringe with a needle, liquid is injected into the deep layers of the dermis. This process is characterized by soreness and the appearance of small wounds at the injection sites, which disappear on their own after a few days.

The second technique involves the use of laser equipment, in which case, with the help of radiation, the composition is introduced into the epidermis, while the pain is minimal or completely absent. There are practically no contraindications for this technique, since the integrity of the skin is not violated. Since this method is gentle, it can be recommended to impressionable women, as well as to those who have contraindications to the introduction of the substance in the traditional way. The only drawback of the technology is that the method cannot provide a long-term effect, since it is not possible to introduce a sufficient amount of the composition at a time.

How to carry out the procedure

Cosmetologists recommend thinking about restoring and maintaining the balance of the epidermis after 25 years. However, this threshold is not rigid, since many women at this age do not yet show signs of fading on the face and décolleté.However, after 35 years, almost all the fair sex is recommended to visit a beautician for biorevitalization two to four times a year.

It is worth noting that the visible result from the introduction of hyaluronic acid appears no earlier than after 14 days, which is why many women believe that this anti-aging procedure is ineffective.

Benefit and harm

According to most cosmetologists, biorevitalization is harmless, brings only benefits and passes without consequences for the body. It is important to remember that this statement is true only if all manipulations are carried out by an experienced cosmetologist in a specially equipped room and using disinfected tools.

Possible complications with the introduction of hyaluronic acid: the appearance of edema; blanching or redness of certain areas of the skin, the manifestation of an allergic reaction (swelling, pain), the occurrence of hematomas and seals at the puncture site.

Like other medical manipulations, the introduction of hyaluron has a list of contraindications: pregnancy, critical days, infectious diseases in the acute stage, diabetes mellitus, damage to the epidermis in the area where the impact is made. In most cases, contraindications are temporary, and after their cause is eliminated, manipulations can be carried out.

Biorevitalization process

Before starting, the beautician carefully treats the skin of the face with antiseptic agents. This is done to prevent infection from entering along with injections. In order for the patient not to experience discomfort, local anesthesia is performed.

After that, the cosmetologist marks the places where the substance will be injected.He starts to make injections from the lower edge of the jaw, moving on. Distances between points should be at equal distance. After the manipulations, a soothing tonic and sunscreen are applied to the face.

Advantages and disadvantages of biorevitalization

The main advantage of the procedure is the restoration of the properties of the dermis, due to which wrinkles are smoothed out, the elasticity and firmness of the epidermis increases, circles under the eyes disappear, age spots and other minor defects on the face disappear.

Among the shortcomings, one can single out the need for constant repetition of injections, since the duration of the effect does not exceed several months, as well as the rehabilitation period, in which one should try to avoid the harmful effects of cold, wind, and sunlight on the skin. Sometimes, when injections are performed by an inexperienced specialist, balls and seals may remain that take a long time to come off.

Rating of the best drugs for biorevitalization

On the market for formulations containing hyaluronic acid, there are products not only from European and Asian manufacturers. Depending on the country of origin of the goods, we divide our rating into three main categories.

European lineups

Veluderm Faceliftsystem 10
votes 24

The main office of the company is located in Barcelona. The company is considered one of the best manufacturers of injectable cosmetics in aesthetic medicine. The composition of cosmetics includes, in addition to the main ingredient (hyaluron), also collagen, vitamins, mannitol. The composition of the ingredients is balanced in such a way as to perform natural skin hydration, prevent dryness, tighten and fill the epidermis with moisture at all levels.In addition, the manufacturer's ampoule cosmetics have a whitening effect, and also stimulates local immunity.

The drug is indicated in the following cases: withering and dryness of the dermis, loss of elasticity, the appearance of age spots. The composition has proven effectiveness when used in women over 45 years of age. The product is sold in 5 ml bottles. The average price is 1,242 rubles. The product can be bought in specialized cosmetic centers, it can also be ordered online in online stores.

Veluderm Faceliftsystem 10
  • inexpensive in price;
  • one of the best drugs, according to cosmetologists;
  • suitable for the face and décolleté;
  • balanced composition.
  • not detected.

Bielita Prof Active Hyalform
votes 2

The product of the Belarusian company stands out against the background of competitors with a budget price and good quality. It is designed for non-injection procedures in beauty salons.

According to the manufacturer's description, cosmetics has the following characteristics: eliminates dryness, flabbiness and thinning of the dermis, has a pronounced lifting effect, protects against ultraviolet rays, smoothes wrinkles and promotes regeneration at the cellular level.

The main active ingredient - hyaluronic acid, provides filling of the deep layers of the dermis with moisture and retains it for a long time, improves intercellular exchange. Due to the filling of tissues with components that aging skin does not produce or produces in insufficient quantities, the upper layer of the epidermis has an increased resistance to harmful environmental factors.

The composition can be used for ultraphonophoresis, microcurrent therapy, electroporation, mesotherapy.The line of drugs consists of a large number of items, and before choosing one of them, it is necessary to consult with a cosmetologist. The average price is 711 rubles.

Bielita Prof Active Hyalform
  • budget cost;
  • one of the best products that are in beauty salons with good value for money;
  • a popular model of the product is found in all stores selling this kind of goods.
  • not detected.

Mesotech Overage Meso
votes 13

The novelty of Italian production immediately after its appearance gained popularity among professional cosmetologists. The main advantage of cosmetics is the high content of hyaluronic acid, while apart from it and sterile water, there is nothing superfluous in the composition. Thanks to this, cosmetics have special characteristics - they quickly cope with hyperpigmentation, saturate the skin with moisture, restructure and smooth wrinkles and small scars.

According to the recommendations of cosmetologists, this remedy is especially indicated for women over 50 years old, since it not only copes with serious epidermal defects, but also has a pronounced long-term effect, due to which it does not require frequent repetition of procedures. The drug rejuvenates the skin at the cellular level and starts the process of reproduction of its own hyaluronic acid, which contributes to its regeneration.

Since there are no unnecessary ingredients in the composition, and the acidity level is close to natural, the cosmetics are completely compatible with the dermis and biodegradable, do not cause side effects and allergic reactions, and have practically no contraindications.

The drug can be used in the following cases: the appearance of signs of wilting and aging of the dermis, dryness and loss of elasticity, the presence of wrinkles and scars, dark circles and swelling around the eyes. The substance is injected into the areas: face and décolleté, neck, body, ears, hands. The product is sold in syringes of 1 ml. The average price is 6,340 rubles.

Mesotech Overage Meso
  • natural composition;
  • fast and pronounced effect;
  • can be used for different skin types;
  • a large number of positive reviews.
  • high price;
  • many buyers complain about problems with where to buy cosmetics - they are sold only in specialized stores.

Dr. Kozhevatkin Active Complex
votes 2

Russian-made ampoule cosmetics are not popular with women, which is probably due to their skeptical attitude towards domestic products. With regards to this brand, prejudice can be misguided.

The product in question differs from its predecessors in the way it is used - it is intended for non-invasive use, that is, it does not involve piercing the skin with a needle. The box contains seven ampoules of 2 ml, with a gel-like liquid inside.

The drug has no age restrictions, it is used twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. It is suitable for restoring skin elasticity, smoothing fine wrinkles, and also as maintenance therapy after injection procedures and facial contouring. The gel is quickly absorbed, odorless, and should be applied to problem areas with gentle massaging movements. According to the manufacturer's description, it should be applied for three weeks without interruption, after which, as a maintenance agent, it can be used once or twice a week.

The composition of the product is natural, in addition to hyaluronic acid, there are seaweeds, keratids, fruit acids. No artificial colors or sulfates. You can apply the composition on the face, neck and décolleté.

According to customer reviews, after applying the product, the skin becomes smooth, moisturized, for several days there is no peeling and a feeling of tightness. The complexion and relief of the dermis are evened out, small wrinkles are smoothed out. The average price of a set is 1,740 rubles.

Dr. Kozhevatkin Active Complex
  • budget price (compared to how much similar products for invasive use cost);
  • Suitable for all skin types;
  • non-invasive application, the skin is not injured and the rehabilitation period is not required;
  • There are no restrictions on the age of application.
  • short-term effect, a systematic repetition of the course is necessary.

Asian lineups

Gigi MesoActive BRV HA LIFT
votes 0

The products of the manufacturer Gigi have proven themselves well among female customers. The popularity of this product is connected not only with the popularity of the brand, but also with the fact that the composition contains only natural hyaluronic acid, and the functionality of cosmetics exceeds all expectations.

Molecules with an average molecular weight contribute to the attraction of a large amount of moisture, due to which the hydration of the epidermis occurs almost immediately after applying cosmetics. The tool has a pronounced lifting effect. The high efficiency of the active substance is manifested even with serious manifestations of age-related aging of the dermis - deep wrinkles, dryness and folds, peeling.

Since the composition includes only one active ingredient, it is completely safe to use and has no age gradation (suitable for both young girls and adult women).

The drug is applied using a mesoscooter, it has shown itself well when applied under contact gels during procedures such as ultrasound, iontophoresis, etc. Beauticians recommend this type of procedure according to the “3 days after 14” scheme. For a maintenance effect, the remedy is used 1 time in 3-4 weeks. The average price is 2,500 rubles.

Gigi MesoActive BRV HA LIFT
  • natural composition without synthetic ingredients;
  • hyaluronic acid molecules are processed using modern techniques in such a way as to increase the moisturizing effect and avoid adverse reactions of the body;
  • does not require frequent application;
  • low cost for a drug of this level.
  • according to the advice of cosmetologists, the product is not recommended to be used independently at home.

Dermaheal HSR Hyaluronic Acid Skin Rejuvenating
votes 1

Products of the South Korean company Caregen with a worldwide reputation in the field of research in the field of biochemistry of beauty. The drug is designed to eliminate fine wrinkles, as well as restore overdried and lost its attractive appearance of the dermis, reduce the number of enlarged pores and eliminate teenage and age-related acne.

The drug can be applied to the following areas: face, neck, décolleté, palms, shoulders, hips. The biorevitalization procedure cannot be used in the following cases: pregnancy and breastfeeding, the presence of individual intolerance to ingredients, infectious diseases in the area of ​​exacerbation, diabetes mellitus, etc.

The tool is used according to a specific program, several courses: at the first stage, injections are carried out once a week for a month, the next month - twice a week, then - once a month, starting from the fourth - the procedure is repeated once every few months.

The list of components that make up the drug has 58 positions. The main ones are: hyaluronic acid, 13 vitamins, 5 minerals, amino acids, peptides, coenzymes. According to the description on the package, the complex of ingredients contributes to the achievement of the desired result in the shortest possible time. The substance is administered using a mesoscooter or friction mesotherapy apparatus. The package contains 10 ampoules of 5 ml. The average price is 990 rubles.

Dermaheal HSR Hyaluronic Acid Skin Rejuvenating
  • budget price;
  • a large number of components provides a quick result that lasts a long time.
  • high cost of medical manipulations, since expensive equipment and consumables are used.

Hyaluform Biorevitalizant Lift Booster
votes 0

Despite the fact that this drug is produced at the facilities of the Russian branch of the Toscani Laboratory LLC plant, the raw materials for cosmetic products are supplied by the well-known Japanese company Shiseido, and according to this selection criterion, we will attribute the brand drug to Asian cosmetics.

The review of the product should begin with an ergonomic form of release - the liquid is placed in disposable syringes with a volume of 1.5 ml. The composition of the drug consists of only one component - hyaluronic stabilized acid. Due to the natural composition, the product has no contraindications (except for serious diseases, pregnancy and lactation) and does not cause allergic reactions.

Injections are made to eliminate problems such as age wrinkles (deep and medium), loss of elasticity, dryness, acne and other dermal defects. The drug has shown itself well in the long term - most clients note a long-term moisturizing tightening effect. Due to the use of partially stabilized hyaluronic acid, the product has a viscous structure and must be applied using a special technology (lumpy or linear).

The full course of procedures is from 4 to 6 procedures, depending on the condition of the epidermis, with breaks of 14 days.

The product is suitable for all skin types.

Hyaluform Biorevitalizant Lift Booster
  • natural composition;
  • pronounced and lasting effect;
  • convenient packaging.
  • hard to find on the open market.

Yvoire Hydro
votes 0

Another representative of South Korean cosmetics for biorevitalization differs from competitors in cost - not every woman can afford to spend 8,000 rubles on a care product. The drug was developed by a well-known company that manufactures electronics and household appliances - LG. The company has a branch that develops products for the beauty industry.

The effectiveness of the drug has been clinically proven, it has passed all the necessary laboratory tests, including FDA certification. Injections with the active substance smooth wrinkles, even out the tone of the face and give it radiance.

The product has a gel-like structure, which allows it to be distributed evenly under the skin. For ease of use, it is filled in a disposable syringe. The substance can be used starting from the age of 30, the best result can be achieved on thin skin with shallow wrinkles. The course of procedures consists of three injections with an interval of 14 days.The visible effect persists for 8 months or more. To maintain the effect, one-time subcutaneous injections can be carried out. After administration, it is recommended to remain calm for several days and protect the treatment area from the harmful effects of wind, cold and sun.

Yvoire Hydro
  • the product is clinically tested;
  • proven effectiveness;
  • long-term effect;
  • convenient packaging.
  • high price.

American lineups

Juvederm Hydrate
votes 1

A novelty from the USA appeared on sale relatively recently, and in a short time has proven itself well in beauty salons. The drug is manufactured by Allergan, from the name of which it is clear that special emphasis in the production of the drug is placed on ensuring that the patient does not experience any side effects, including allergic reactions.

The product is sold in a box containing a syringe with the active ingredient. Its contents should be enough for one complete procedure. Depending on age, the minimum course is 3 injections, the maximum is 6.

The product consists of two components - hyaluronic acid and mannitol. The second element, an antioxidant, has a prolonged action, due to which the duration of the effect of the use of hyaluron increases. It also has a decongestant effect, which helps to reduce swelling and inflammation after the procedure.

As a result of the introduction of the drug, the following effect is achieved: increased elasticity, smoothing of mimic and static wrinkles, lifting effect, elimination of swelling and bags under the eyes. The result of the procedure is stored for a period of six months to a year. It is recommended to repeat the injections after the end of the course once every two months.In order to keep the skin in balance for a longer period, it is recommended to give up alcohol, smoking, eating heavy and fatty foods, and reduce the amount of stress. The cost of one package is 12,000 rubles.

Juvederm Hydrate
  • visible effect;
  • does not cause allergic reactions;
  • the result is stored for a long time;
  • convenient packaging;
  • The product has passed international certification and meets all international standards.
  • high price.

Meso Xanthin F199
votes 0

Another representative of American care products with the function of biorevitalization, Mezoxanthin, continues the review. The American company ABG Lab has long been known to cosmetologists for another of its products - Mesovarton. Unlike its "colleague", Mezoxanthin is suitable not only for older women, its use is possible from the age of 25.

The agent in question starts the regeneration process at the cellular level. Due to the content of carotenoids, which are obtained from algae, it accelerates the process of regeneration of fibroblasts, which are responsible for the "youth" of the skin.

The composition also contains components such as hyaluronic acid (moisturizes and retains moisture inside the cells, participates in the synthesis of collagen), fucoxanthin (helps restore the process of intercellular interaction, participates in cell regeneration and collagen production), growth factors (contribute to the restoration and reproduction of new epidermal cells ), peptides (prevent excessive production of melatonin, reduce hyperpigmentation, reduce inflammation), antioxidants (accelerate regeneration), vitamins (make the upper layer of the dermis denser and more elastic, prevent damage to intercellular membranes).

The duration of the course is from 4 to 6 sessions, after which it is recommended to take a break for a year. The number of sessions is prescribed only by a specialist, and he focuses not only on age, but also on the state of the dermis. As a rule, after cosmetic manipulations, papules do not form, in rare cases there is a feeling of soreness and itching, which disappear in a short time.

The drug has few contraindications, the main ones are pregnancy and lactation, infectious diseases in the acute stage, individual intolerance to the components. The product is sold in a cardboard box, inside which there is an individual syringe with a volume of 1.5 ml. This amount is enough for one session. The cost of funds is 4,500 rubles.

Meso Xanthin F199
  • a balanced composition that eliminates a whole range of skin problems;
  • visible results in a short time;
  • rarely remain papules and other external manifestations after injections.
  • high price;
  • hard to find for sale.


When choosing products for biorevitalization of which company is better to buy, you should focus not only on advertising slogans and the cost of the product, but also the opinion of a professional cosmetologist who works with this or that substance and knows all its advantages and disadvantages, side effects.

Given that such products belong to professional cosmetics, they are not easy to find on the free market, and most often you have to choose from what is available in the beauty salon.

When signing up for a procedure, you should remember that no matter how safe such drugs are, they all have a number of contraindications and can cause irreparable harm to health.Be careful, and before carrying out medical manipulations, be sure to tell the beautician about all the health problems that you have.

We hope that our article will help you understand all the variety of biorevitalization products and make the right choice!


