
  1. What are the shelves
  2. Rating of high-quality inexpensive wall shelves
  3. Rating of goods of the middle price segment
  4. Expensive wall shelves
  5. Conclusion

Rating of the best shelves for 2022

Rating of the best shelves for 2022

The shelf belongs to the category of furniture products. It consists of a base, often side walls. The front and back panels are usually missing. The best manufacturers produce popular models from various materials: wood, metal, plastic, MDF, drywall, glass. Products can be of a combined type, with backlight functions. For installation, various types of fasteners are provided.

What are the shelves

There are a great variety of products. However, all of them can be divided into the following groups:

closed designEnjoys huge popularity. Gives the room comfort and order. Allows the room to maintain aesthetics. Facades can be corrugated or transparent glass. Equipped with sliding, hinged or lifting doors.
open designIdeal for small spaces. Helps to compactly place small accessories, to which there will always be free access. Used to display beautiful items and accessories.
MountedAttached to the wall. They can decorate any interior with their original look. They will become a unique solution for those who love creativity. Produced in different sizes, colors and shapes. Chains, ropes, cables, belts and other devices are used as fasteners.
EmbeddedFit into any design. Allow useful use of "dead zones" (niches, openings, joints, and so on).
transformersModular design. You can arrange elements in any order, add or remove unnecessary details. Fairly easy to use.

Variety of forms

Popular models are available in a wide variety of configurations and sizes. Constructions of this type are produced:

  • vertical;
  • horizontal;
  • oblique;
  • curved;
  • with abstract patterns;
  • with whimsical lines.

Let's dwell on the most interesting and common options in more detail:

  1. Square. Give the room style and rigor. Sold in a wide range. Suitable for any interior. Are issued in different color schemes. Most of them are wooden, varnished.
  2. Corner. Take advantage of free space. Mounting occurs on two walls at once. Beautiful and comfortable. The unusual design depends on the chosen accessory and material. They are not massive. Appearance is original. You can make your own at home.
  3. Zigzags. The look is unformatted. Look interesting and unusual. Suitable for futuristic interiors. Practical and functional. They make the atmosphere of the room unique and attractive.
  4. Honeycombs. Decorate any wall with the right geometric pattern. Ideal place to store small items. Hexagons. They are hung separately or you can create a unique composition of several elements that differ in size and color.
  5. Round or oval. Will complement any interior. Attached to the wall. Suitable for baby bath. You can give the product a unique frame.

Production material

Which product is better to buy depends on the personal preferences of the person. The main thing is that there are plenty to choose from. Mainly products are produced from:

  1. Metal. It differs in such characteristics as strength, wear resistance, durability, quality, practicality. They will be the perfect addition to any interior. However, hi-tech and minimalism are most suitable for style. Ideal for the kitchen. Most often, the manufacturer uses this material for the manufacture of shelves for a computer and TV.
  2. Wood. Classic variant. Suitable for any design decision.Versatile and practical. The best material for bookshelves or photo frames. Able to withstand significant loads. You can put dishes, kitchen appliances on them, use them for souvenirs.
  3. Glass. Models are available in corrugated, tempered, colored and plain glass. They have a stylish appearance, make the room airy and visually increase it in volume. Treat them with care, take care - carefully. It is better not to place heavy objects on them.
  4. Chipboard / chipboard. The main feature is moisture resistance, so such models can often be found in bathrooms. Shelves for shoes are made from this material. Most often finished with a film, veneer or plastic. The variety of colors and sizes is impressive.
  5. Plastic. Inexpensive but functional product. The appearance is simple. Suitable for any design decision. The weight is small. Careful care is not required. The question of where to buy them is not worth it. A huge assortment will be offered by specialized outlets. You can also order online from the online store.

Fixing options

The reliability and strength of the shelves depends on how correctly the fasteners are chosen. Much depends on the workload. The main types of fasteners for wall shelves are considered to be:

  1. Removable fixation. For fastening, special hooks and staples are used. Hooks are mounted to the wall, brackets - directly to the shelf. At the same time, the products are simply put on and removed. Staples can be placed not only on the back wall of the structure, but also on the front. It will turn out a hanging device, interesting and very stable.
  2. Hidden mount. For these purposes, hidden fittings are used. She is invisible. There is a feeling that the shelves are simply glued to the wall.If it becomes necessary to move them to another place, it may be difficult to dismantle them. Only masters will be able to install the structure. For amateurs, this occupation is not within the power.
  3. Rigid fixation. As fasteners, special fittings are used. The most durable kind. Can be used for wall, floor or ceiling mounting. The structure attached in this way can withstand significant loads. The best solution for bookshelves and kitchen shelves.
  4. Mounting of the modular plan. Modern and comfortable option. It will help you choose the number of elements yourself, remove them and return them back. It is done quite simply: the upper elements are strung on the lower ones. Thus, a unique composition can be obtained.

How to choose shelves for the style of the room

Everyone has different selection criteria. When choosing designs, designers recommend listening to the following tips:

  1. Classic. Preference is given to angular and even products. You can use brackets if you get harmony.
  2. Modernity. Turn on all your imagination. Any option will do: from concise forms to clear geometric shapes. According to buyers, the best option is mobile or modular wall structures. The color solution can be the most diverse. It all depends on the color of the wallpaper, flooring, furniture.
  3. Provence. It is advisable to give preference to wooden products. You can create an aging effect or cover the surface with white paint.
  4. Loft. Permissible slight negligence. Perfectly combined with brick wall cladding. Can be hung on thick ropes or leather straps.
  5. Minimalism. Partially closed structures or equipped with doors are suitable. Wood or glass surfaces look great.It is desirable to give preference to horizontal, even and smooth bases.

Scope of use of structures

There are practically no such rooms, wherever there is not a single shelf, both wall-mounted and standing. They differ in functionality, maximum load, appearance and material of manufacture. Depending on where the shelf is to be hung, there are:

  1. For decor. Produced beautiful and weightless. They differ in sizes, colors, shapes and material of manufacture. Fasteners are selected according to the estimated weight of items installed on the structure. The main task is to make the room cozy and beautiful.
  2. Book. Suitable for living room or bedroom. Designed to accommodate fiction and textbooks. Sufficiently roomy, voluminous and bulky. To withstand a lot of weight, you need to choose a reliable mount. Mounted above the desk. Can occupy the entire wall if it is a home library. You have to be careful about their placement. Otherwise, you can significantly take away the free space of the room.
  3. For bathroom. As a rule, aromatic oils and candles, towels and hygiene products are placed on them. In their manufacture, moisture-resistant materials are used. Don't be afraid of high humidity. Splashes and detergents. In most cases, durable plastic, moisture-resistant drywall, glass are used for their manufacture.
  4. For kitchen. Separate product category. Designed to accommodate not only kitchen appliances, jars of spices, tea and coffee, but also appliances, as well as utensils. A distinctive feature of the models is durability, ease of maintenance, moisture resistance, reliability, safety, environmental friendliness.They must not only withstand significant loads, but also be easily cleaned of grease, dirt, soot, using cleaning products.
  5. For a children's room. The main purpose is to place toys and books. What should you pay attention to in order to avoid mistakes when choosing? The recommendations of experts boil down to the following: shelves should be roomy, comfortable, practical, durable, made from environmentally friendly materials, and have super-rigid fasteners. In no case should the shelf fall on the baby and harm him. It is strictly forbidden to purchase glass products for the children's room. Too fragile and can break during active play.
  6. For pets. This applies to those families who cannot imagine their life without little pets. Entire playgrounds for pets are being created. For these purposes, comfortable and roomy shelves are selected. Here it is worth paying more attention to functionality than elegance.

Selection rules

Which company is better to purchase products, each is determined by himself. But the brand is not the most important thing. Before making a final decision, it is necessary to clearly determine the location of the structure. This depends on the parameters of the product. If you miscalculate with them, then you can not only spoil the interior of the room, but simply do not fit into the free space. I'll have to visit the store again and try to exchange the purchase for a more suitable one.

In addition to dimensions, it is necessary to clearly understand how many shelves will be hung. The distance between them is calculated, placements are determined, accurate measurements are taken. Experts recommend leaving a margin of a couple of centimeters. So the shelves will not rest against each other and will look harmoniously on the wall.

Style matching is important. It is better not to experiment, but to seriously study this issue. If you do not have enough of your own knowledge and skills, you can seek help from a design bureau.

Rating of high-quality inexpensive wall shelves

Hiba (metal)

The product is manufactured by a French company. The set consists of two shelves. They are made using high quality metal. Dimensions - 50/16 * 9 cm. Mounted on the wall. Color black, matte. Ideal for placing books, figurines, all kinds of trinkets. Appearance is restrained. Differs in elegance and refinement. Suitable for any design solution.

The average price is 2899 rubles.

Hiba shelf (metal)
  • attractive appearance;
  • epoxy metal coating;
  • practicality;
  • functionality;
  • universality;
  • high service life;
  • suitable for both the hallway and the bedroom;
  • assembly is not needed.
  • dowels and screws are not included in the kit.

metal frame

Comfortable and functional shelf is made in the color of burnt birch. Width / height / length - 600/220/200 mm. The weight of the goods is 2 kg. Produced by a domestic manufacturer. In the manufacture of steel and moisture-resistant plywood. Made in the style of minimalism. Simple shapes and ideal proportions will not leave anyone indifferent. Differs in functionality and a practicality. It can be used both as a shelf and as a console, bedside table or shelving unit, if you purchase not one, but several designs.

The thickness of the birch plywood is 2 cm. The top layer is a water-based varnish. The structural elements are square pipes with a side of 2 cm. The coating is powder paint, which increases the service life at times. Available in six finishes.It will fit perfectly into classic, Scandinavian and loft styles. Sold in assembled condition. Assembly - manual, high-quality. It is popular both in Russia and abroad.

You can buy goods at a price of 2244 rubles.

metal frame shelf
  • advanced functionality;
  • practicality;
  • versatility;
  • ease of use;
  • ease of care;
  • unusual design solution;
  • durability;
  • reliability.
  • not identified.

Alba kraft oak golden/premium white

Hinged shelf from the Russian producer. Differs in large parameters and ease of use. Significant weight - 12 kg. Very wide and elegant, as well as roomy. Suitable for both the hallway and the living room. You can place a large number of books and all kinds of accessories on it. Type is open. Will fit into any interior.

How much does the item cost? Sellers are asking for him 2079 rubles.

shelf Alba kraft oak golden/white premium
  • a budget option;
  • positive reviews;
  • practicality;
  • high service life;
  • in the manufacture of environmentally friendly materials are used;
  • does not require careful maintenance.
  • missing.

Berwyn (brown)

A novelty from a domestic manufacturer. Produced in brown. In the manufacture of an array, metal and wood. Product dimensions - 1200/850 * 250 mm. Belongs to the open type. Significant weight - 10.6 kg. Requires secure fasteners. It goes well with the loft style.

The purchase price is 3890 rubles.

Berwyn shelf (brown)
  • reliability;
  • quality factor;
  • practicality;
  • wealth of appearance;
  • functionality;
  • ease of operation and maintenance;
  • long service life.
  • not installed.

Reina (white)

A small item is attached to the wall. Made from MDF. Produced by a Russian company. Dimensions - 95 * 14 * 23 cm, weight - 8 kg. Suitable for installation in the hallway, bedroom or living room. Does not require careful maintenance. Looks great with any interior.

The purchase price is 1790 rubles.

shelf Reina (white)
  • universality;
  • interesting appearance;
  • practicality;
  • comfort in use;
  • value for money;
  • withstand heavy loads.
  • missing.

Rating of goods of the middle price segment

Elm slab shelf (small)

The product is produced under the Russian brand Wowbotanica. Belongs to the category of high-quality and reliable. Resin and wood are used in the manufacture. The parameters are compact: 65 * 3 * 11 cm. Processing with epoxy resin and varnishes is carried out in manual mode. A distinctive feature is the bright and cool texture of the tree. Edge shapes are natural. A rich brown shade with black glossy ends looks unique. Enliven and ennoble any interior.

The purchase price is 9000 rubles.

shelf Shelf of elm slab (small)
  • interesting design;
  • value for money;
  • environmental friendliness of the materials used;
  • reliability;
  • decorate any room.
  • missing.

Vida oak pacific

Product parameters are significant: 1.4 * 0.32 * 022 meters. Weight - 30.5 kg. Massive goods require special fasteners. Looks rich on the wall. Withstand a large load of 10 kg. Made from chipboard. Produced under the Serbian brand Lazurit. Decorate the living room and bring bright notes to it.Its presence evokes thoughts of the 60s of the last century. Perfect for modern design. The color combination is interesting. Along with calm shades, there are rich colors. The horizontal panel is made of chipboard and has a thickness of 18 mm. The coating material is a glossy UV varnish. The vertical panel has the same coating, only its thickness is 16 mm.

The average price is 7667 rubles.

Vida shelf in Pacific oak
  • creates a nostalgic mood;
  • universality;
  • quality factor;
  • safety;
  • impressive appearance;
  • functionality.
  • not identified.

Celeste (dark ash)

Dark shelf of impressive dimensions: 900*900*300 mm. Weighs 27.5 kg. Produced at a domestic enterprise. Production material - PVC, chipboard, MDF. Consists of a body divided into five parts. Suitable for modern interior. There you can put both books and vases, decorative items. The model is in harmony with cabinets from the same collection. Withstands a load of 20 kg.

The purchase price is 7271 rubles.

Celeste shelf (dark ash)
  • there are no problems with the acquisition;
  • construction design;
  • functionality;
  • universality;
  • the strength of the materials used;
  • value for money.
  • hangers are not adjustable.

snowy provence

Decorative design with a width of 91 cm, a height of 21 cm, a depth of 20 cm. Made by a Russian company from solid wood and MDF. Belongs to the open type. White. In the manufacture of paneled elements, MDF is used. The finish is a matte water-based varnish. It is impossible not to pay attention to artificially made scuffs.You can purchase in this form, or you can place an order and get products without the effect of aging.

The average cost is 8050 rubles.

shelf Snow Provence
  • attractive appearance;
  • the quality factor of the materials used;
  • long service life;
  • suitable for any interior;
  • easy to care for;
  • can be mounted both in the hallway and the living room.
  • missing.

Country (color - green)

Suitable for those who want to bring country style to the living room, hallway, office, bedroom. Manufactured using high quality MDF. It features smooth curved shapes. An olive branch is used as a decoration, which is applied by hand. Shelf type - open. The parameters are significant. Small scuffs visible on green background.

The average price is 8918 rubles.

Country shelf (color - green)
  • value for money;
  • positive reviews;
  • appearance;
  • can become the highlight of the room;
  • suitable for children's play areas;
  • quality;
  • practicality;
  • does not need serious care;
  • withstand heavy loads.
  • not identified.

Expensive wall shelves


The product is made of glass and wood. An amazing creation from an Italian manufacturer. It will decorate and bring positive notes to any interior, create coziness and cheer you up. Dimensions - 1.33 * 0.42 * 0.23 meters. The set includes two open shelves: glass and wood. Both are attached to the wall panel. The wooden version has two color schemes - ash and wenge oak. The glass is tempered, shifted to the right side. There is a hidden fastener, which is recessed into the shelf. Completely able to replace a bulky closet.

The purchase price is 74,813 rubles.

Milano shelf
  • design decision;
  • advanced functionality;
  • practicality;
  • quality of performance;
  • hidden fasteners;
  • withstand significant loads;
  • will become a key element of the interior;
  • value for money;
  • high service life.
  • not identified.

Aviator (color - green)

The shelf is an exact miniature copy of a retro aircraft. It has everything: propeller, wings, portholes. The Russian company, in the production of its offspring, uses an array and MDF. Suitable for those who prefer to surprise loved ones and relatives with eccentricity of decisions. The product weighs 5 kg with dimensions of 120*41*32 cm. Ideal as a bookshelf for the living room or hall. Retro design is suitable for modern and classic interiors.

The average cost is 30,000 rubles.

shelf Aviator (color - green)
  • can be presented as a gift;
  • looks unusual;
  • attracts the attention of others;
  • the strength of the materials used;
  • ecological purity of products;
  • safety;
  • ease of use.
  • cleaning will take a long time.

Waska (oak + weaving)

The French company launched the production of interesting wall shelves using veneer, solid wood, MDF and wood. The dimensions are small - 80 * 22 * ​​20 cm. It is very popular in the domestic market. Made in the Scandinavian style, decorated with weaving. Exquisite and unique, creates comfort and warmth in the room. The bottom and sides are made of natural weaving, covered with NC - varnish. Mounted on the wall with screws and dowels, which are not included in the kit.

You can buy goods at a price of 11599 rubles.

shelf ]Waska (oak + weaving)
  • unique design solution;
  • excellent design;
  • fastening strength;
  • fits perfectly into any interior;
  • value for money;
  • durability;
  • functionality;
  • practicality.
  • not installed.

Menorca (color - walnut)

A review of user reviews shows that, despite the fact that the products are manufactured in the Middle Kingdom, there are no questions about quality and reliability. The product weighs 5 kg with dimensions of 30 * 80 * 30 cm. Made of veneer and MDF. Decorate the wall in the bedroom, hallway and office.

The average price is 22,100 rubles.

Shelf Menorca (color - walnut)
  • practicality;
  • comfort in operation;
  • reliability;
  • long service life;
  • does not require constant care;
  • withstand significant loads.
  • missing.

Jimi (color - chestnut)

Beautiful wall shelf from a French manufacturer. Compact enough to be placed on any wall. It is made of natural wood, therefore it is distinguished by good quality, reliability and environmental friendliness. Decorate not only the hallway, but also the office. For mounting, you do not need to seek help from specialists. Everything can be done by hand and quickly enough. Designed in Scandinavian style. There is a tabletop for hats or photo frames, a niche for books and decor items, a crossbar for clothes.

The purchase price is 10699 rubles.

shelf Jimi (color — chestnut)
  • attractive appearance;
  • functionality;
  • practicality;
  • wear resistance;
  • ease of cleaning;
  • durability;
  • positive reviews.
  • missing.


A beautiful wall shelf is produced by a Spanish manufacturer. For its manufacture, mango wood and metal are used.The weight of the product is small - only 3 kg with dimensions of 260 * 300 * 900 mm. It is sold disassembled, but you can assemble it yourself. There is nothing difficult in this. Will become an original addition to any interior. Very reliable and functional. The metal elements are painted black.

The average cost is 12990 rubles.

Edwina shelf
  • capacious;
  • durable;
  • beautiful;
  • universal.
  • missing.


If you review the manufactured shelves, you can get lost in the variety. On store shelves you can find open and closed designs, with and without a back panel, with a compartment for disks, photo frames, hats, and so on. The design is also impressive, ranging from the usual classic to the intricate. The scope of use of products is diverse: for storing books, toys, decor items, personal hygiene items, clothes and towels. You can choose for every taste and budget. The main thing is that the shelf fits perfectly into the existing interior.

The advantages of structures are many. Of the main positions, the following can be distinguished:

  1. Able to completely replace bulky cabinets.
  2. Differ in compactness.
  3. They are inexpensive.
  4. Interesting design.
  5. Can be installed in any room.
  6. Ease of service.

As a disadvantage, we can single out the need to wipe dust from them.

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