
  1. Nuances of choice
  2. Tips for care and proper use
  3. Irrigation hose rating for 2022
  4. Conclusion

Rating of the best garden hoses for 2022

Rating of the best garden hoses for 2022

Of great importance for the land on which fruits and vegetables are grown is artificial irrigation. Even if there is an ordinary grass lawn near a country house, it also needs to be watered at regular intervals. In this regard, every good owner should have watering hoses. More recently, when such products were made from simple rubber, it was not a problem to acquire the required footage. Today, with the development of technology, the range has become simply huge.

The device is a tube made of flexible material and hollow inside. Its purpose was the transportation of various liquids. The product is connected to a pump or conventional water supply and delivers water to the right place over the entire area of ​​​​the site. When choosing, you should be guided not only by the length, but also by the technical parameters. In addition, you need to pay attention to the material and pressure that the watering hose can withstand. You should also buy adapters and connectors needed to connect the product to the pump.

Nuances of choice

What to base on when choosing a hose in a store? At its cost? On the color scheme? On length? Large stores offer popular models in disassembled condition. And here already for each buyer there is his own argument!

From the entire range, light models can be distinguished or more durable, but at the same time they are heavy. You can even visually see which of the hoses will last a long time, and which will become unusable after a couple of seasons of operation. For example, watering plants will require the purchase of a product that can withstand the pressure of the pump that the owner has.

The technical parameters that the hose is endowed with can be found on its label. Often sellers prescribe the same information on the price tag. This helps the client to immediately see the main parameters of the product. Not every hose is sold in individual packaging. If necessary, managers will rewind the desired length. So, the label should contain:

  • operating pressure range, pump power should directly depend on the pressure value that the device can withstand;
  • diameter measured in inches;
  • Wall thickness;
  • what material the product is made of;
  • temperature range of operation, not every hose is able to work at low temperatures;
  • period of operation.

However, there are parameters that require more detailed study. For example, the reinforcement of the material and which of the diameters (internal or external) is indicated on the packaging.

Manufacturing materials

Any manufacturer makes every effort to improve the quality and properties of the materials used in production. They are trying to increase the wear resistance of their products and their service life.

  1. From rubber. The best combination of quality and cost. This hose is the most widely used. The period of its operation exceeds 10 years, and it can work in conditions of negative temperatures. However, it also has its drawbacks, the main of which was weight. The rubber hose is perfect for use in stationary water supply in the summer.
  2. From polyvinyl chloride. Having a light weight, the device is unlikely to last more than 3 years. The appearance of cracks and creases on it is due to poor transfer of low temperatures.
  3. From plastic. Such products did not gain much popularity. Corrugated shape increases flexibility and ductility. Due to the corrugation, the product has a beautiful appearance, however, it is prone to rapid deformation and cracking.

Technical parameters of additional character

The quality and reliability of the purchased hose will also depend on the availability of a number of modern options.


The shell of a single-layer product does not have additional layers inside or outside. It is not resistant to head pressure changes. It should only be used and stored at temperatures above 00C.

The multilayer hose has the increased durability.It is highly durable and flexible. These qualities do not affect its elasticity. Due to the ability to pass a large volume of liquid, by means of a multilayer product, it is possible to water a large area of ​​the site.


For reinforced hoses, polymer or reinforced threads are soldered into the walls. This approach improves wear resistance and the ability to withstand high pressure. Frost resistance increases along with weight. An excellent option for operation in a summer stationary water supply, provided it is stretched throughout the site.

When choosing, pay attention to the size of the cells. Strength directly depends on the parameters. The smaller the cells, the stronger the hose itself.

Expandable hose

The design of this product is unique. The inner layer is made of rubber rubber. It stretches great. The outer layer is made of nylon. Its task is to limit the stretching of the rubber inner layer.

When filled with liquid, the product expands in volume. As soon as the water supply stops and it flows out, the device will decrease in size to its original state. The product weighs little and looks attractive to potential buyers.


Length often affects the diameter, which decreases proportionally to it. When connecting the product to a water tap, its diameter should be slightly larger.

The most common diameters are 13 mm and 19 mm. The largest is the parameter 38 mm. Pipes in Russia are measured by the inner diameter.

People often purchase hoses that have a large diameter, thinking that this will increase the volume of fluid passing through. This is a mistake, because with a drop in pressure, the time for watering will increase significantly.It is best to purchase a durable hose with a medium diameter.

Operating pressure

Reinforced multilayer hose able to withstand water pressure up to 40 bar. Its single-layer counterpart will not withstand pressures greater than 2 bar. When selecting a heavy product, you need to take into account its fastening to the tap, as it can fly off with increasing pressure.

Tips for care and proper use

In the summer, hoses can be left on the site without any problems, but it is better to choose the shady side for them. Manufacturers recommend that products be stored rolled up on the shelf. Another option was a specialized device with bays or coils. This is not surprising, because many of them work in automatic mode, are always at hand, and do not take up much space during storage.

The subtleties of storage

Properly store the device at a comfortable temperature so that it is not damaged and does not have critical kinks.

You can twist the product only if there is no water in it along the entire length. The coiled hose can be tied up, which will make it easier to transport it to the place where it will be stored.

It is highly desirable to have a positive temperature in the place of winter storage. You can take the device to the apartment or store it in the basement of a private house. Rubber hoses will winter well indoors without heating.

Irrigation hose rating for 2022

Quite a rare occurrence in the areas - wells with manual water intake. Automated process for a long time and firmly entrenched in everyday life. Gardeners buy new hoses every year to replace old, deteriorated ones, or to water a recently purchased plot.

The rating is based on user feedback on online forums and the number of items purchased in stores. Buyers talk about successful models, share tips and give recommendations for use.

Flexible watering hoses

HOZELOCK Tricoflex Ultramax ¾ʺ

Easy application by putting on the goose of a classic crane used in cottages and yards. The flexible watering tube is equipped with a microporous PVC inner layer, which uses Soft&Flex technology, which ensures fast water flow. This design makes the channel for irrigation lighter than analogues by 25% and simplifies winding into a coil. Rubber does not break due to three yellow ribs on the surface, which not only serve as decorative inserts, but also transfer the load onto themselves.

Buyers especially highlight the product due to the absence of phthalates and the absence of heavy metals, which allows its use to moisten the soil and draw water for drinking. The irrigation pipe is considered the best due to the presence of reinforcement using TNT technology. Intertwining reinforcing fibers located inside the rubber layer reinforce the walls, preventing the product from deforming.

The cost is 4300 rubles.

hose HOZELOCK Tricoflex Ultramax ¾ ʺ
  • a quarter lighter than analogues;
  • simple winding;
  • hardening with TNT technology;
  • the inner layer provides a rapid flow of liquid.
  • high cost;
  • sold without coil.


Sold in two sizes - 50 and 25 meters, endowed with a three-layer reinforcement. Reliable and durable, it moves easily through the garden and withstands strong water pressure pumped.Works unhindered at sub-zero temperatures, and nylon threads are used for reinforcement.

The cost is 1850 rubles.

  • ease;
  • compatibility of quality factor and cost;
  • impossibility of propagation of greenery.
  • a small guarantee from the creators.

PALISAD Professional ¾”

A dense and rigid channel is obtained due to the total wall thickness of 2.4 mm. Thus, the throughput is maintained during heating, or the passage of a garden cart, as well as pressure. Although when hitting the wheels of a car, it is necessary to make an effort to align the flattened part of the tube. The flexible pipe has 4 layers and can withstand a maximum pressure of 25 bar.

Owners are satisfied with the light weight - 5.2 kg, which makes it easier to carry, move and prepare (unwind) for the elderly and children. External reinforcement is the highlight of the product. Most competitors place it inside, as a result of which there is a rapid fraying of the outer shell during frequent laying of the system. In this case, the reinforcing fibers play the role of protection against damage and hold back the three-layer frame.

The cost is 1700 rubles.

hose PALISAD Professional ¾ ʺ
  • relatively small weight;
  • good density;
  • heat cracks do not appear + 60;
  • with increased twisting, the water supply channel is blocked;
  • hard to see on the ground.

Raco Premium ¾”

Retains its shape due to textile and diagonal reinforcement at the time of exposure to high mechanical loads, which helps to prevent deformation and extend the service life.

The structure, consisting of 5 layers, gives a guarantee of resistance to a maximum burst pressure of 35 atmospheres. Despite this characteristic, the device is endowed with improved flexibility, which facilitates laying in difficult conditions.
The length of 50 meters can be used at temperatures from 20 to + 50º C. The material does not contain cadmium and barium, and algae does not form in the inner layer.

Raco Premium ¾ ʺ excels at irrigation in remote areas.

The cost is 3900 rubles.

Raco Premium hose ¾ʺ
  • good length;
  • reinforced frame;
  • long service life;
  • flexibility;
  • high pressure endurance.
  • great cost.

KARCHER Primo Flex

In recent years, it has been the market leader in sales. A separate and complete kit is available, which includes: watering gun, ¾ ʺ faucet fitting, ½ ʺ adapter, auto-stop connector and regular connector. Efficiency at low temperatures, lightness, convenience and well-chosen components that create incredible comfort are noted.

The cost is 980 rubles.

KARCHER Primo Flex hose
  • long-term operation - 12 years;
  • no kinks after long storage in a rolled form.
  • high price;
  • buy a better kit.


One of the most purchased products, suitable for many water taps. The circumference and length of the product provide good pressure and watering of large garden areas. It is distinguished by resistance to UV radiation. The manufacturer is known for a wide range of reinforced products.

The cost is 1980 rubles.

hose GARDENA Classic
  • not heavy;
  • does not change shape.
  • in the cold season should be left indoors;
  • there are samples sold expensively.

Grinda Expert½ʺ

The multi-layered model creates the conditions for resistance to a significant breaking load and various kinds of damage. The characteristic allows the equipment to increase performance in difficult conditions.

The composition of the material of the product is polyvinyl chloride. Additional force is provided with the help of reinforcement with polyamide threads. The operating temperature is in a wide range and is - 20 ... + 50º C.

Complex maintenance is not required, and internal algae growth is excluded. It is also not prone to tangling, twisting and kinking.

Intends for use all the year round in systems of water supply and watering.

The cost is 2500 rubles.

hose Grinda Expert ½ ʺ
  • optimal length;
  • democratic price;
  • easy to maintain;
  • withstands a pressure of 35 bar.
  • rigidity.

Bison Master ¾ ʺ

A special feature is a reinforcing spiral, which provides the product with durability and excludes fracture. The non-replaceable working condition contributes to the uniform distribution of stable pressure along the entire length (30 m).

Operating temperature from -5 to + 60º C. The equipment works in difficult conditions, unable to lose shape during a long service life. Attachment of fittings is facilitated by a smooth surface.

Provides pumping and fluid supply. Can be used in production and at home.

The cost is 1100 rubles.

hose Zubr Master ¾ ʺ
  • high strength;
  • heat resistant;
  • connects conveniently;
  • keeps its shape, durable.
  • weightiness.

Forplast Garden

The cost is 1420 rubles.

Perfect for plumbing in the warm season. The three-layer tube moves around the territory without any obstacles, simply connects to the pump and does not cause difficulties in acquiring transitional elements.

hose Forplast Garden
  • ease;
  • softness.
  • kinks may appear due to long storage.

Rostock Classic

Irrigation hose that can withstand temperatures up to -200, used in gardening in the summer.

The cost is 1230 rubles.

hose Rostock Classic
  • comes in different lengths;
  • lightweight.
  • price.

Expandable hoses

Products that have the ability to stretch are highlighted in a separate category. Such irrigation devices are rapidly conquering the market and rising in various tops to high positions. Their value increases due to ease of use, storage and transportation. An important aspect that attracts consumers is the low price.


The volume of the device and the color changes when it begins to pass water through itself. The maximum threefold increase is achieved under pressure. XHOSE Magic is a pioneer that is now emulated by many in the market for this product.

The cost is 450 rubles.

Hose XHOSE Magic
  • decreases on its own when water stops flowing;
  • no twist;
  • reliable and durable;
  • almost weightless;
  • can be used for gardening, washing cars and cleaning windows.
  • stops working at low temperatures.
  • adequate water pressure is required.

Irrigation kit GRINDA

Quality work is confirmed by good reviews. A distinctive feature is a good mount for connection to a water supply source.Possibility to set watering functions. Some of them can be especially useful: shower function, weaker and more powerful jet, aeration. This diversity allows an individual approach to each unit of the flora.

The cost is 750 rubles.

hose set for watering GRINDA
  • no kinks;
  • 7 operating modes;
  • no twist;
  • there is no need for pressure.
  • maximum value in this category.


There is no doubt that one cannot do without a watering device in the country. For what purposes can it be used? Water the plants, wash the car, the inside of buildings and windows. You can just play on a hot day, dousing each other.

Disappointment will not arise if, choosing scrupulously, you get acquainted with the possibilities and materials of manufacture. Before buying, you should answer some questions for yourself. How long does it take to buy a hose? What is the required length? What is the diameter of the water supply pipe to which the product will be connected? Answering these questions will help you avoid mistakes.

In the case of renting a garden plot for a short period, it is advantageous to buy an inexpensive single-layer option. Otherwise, it is better to purchase more reliable models.

It is very nice when country life brings joy. Heavy physical labor associated with watering with buckets is the last century. Leaving the difficult tasks of modern technology, immerse yourself in communication with nature and an unforgettable vacation.

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