
  1. Supports in detail
  2. Economy segment
  3. Medium budget category
  4. Premium category
  5. Outcome

Rating of the best engine mounts for 2022

Rating of the best engine mounts for 2022

In order to reduce the vibration of the engine, specialized pillows (supports) are used. These cushions compensate for the shaking effect when driving on bumpy roads. Thanks to this protection, the engine does not receive significant damage.

Pillows tend to fail when used under high stress conditions. It is important to replace this part in time, otherwise the engine will receive serious mechanical damage. There are enough models on the market from different manufacturers, standard and specific configurations. High-quality components can last a long time and save the driver an impressive amount when servicing vehicles.

Supports in detail

The market includes parts from manufacturers from America, Europe and Asian countries.Instances have different characteristics and resistance to increased loads.

When choosing, you should pay attention to the reputation of the brand in question, the availability of quality certificates, reviews on the network. A conscientious manufacturer has a wide staff of representatives, a counterfeit protection department, a range of products for cars of different categories (from cars to trucks).

In some auto manufacturers place components of mediocre quality. In this case, it is recommended to get a spare part from a third-party manufacturer. This will increase the handling characteristics of the car by an order of magnitude.

This spare part is able to serve at a distance of up to 100 thousand km, so the driver often forgets about the need for diagnostics. A sure sign of a malfunction of this part is increased vibrations from under the hood, upon hearing which, it is necessary to analyze the condition of the spare part.

If you do not replace or repair the pillow in time, the motor will begin to transmit vibrations to the chassis, gradually rendering this part unusable. In addition, an unfixed engine will create problems for other parts of the system. The degree of damage to important elements in this case depends on the architecture of a particular machine. Also, mechanical impact on the engine will only have negative consequences for it.

It is important to understand how motor mounts work. The greatest load on this element is produced during the following actions of the driver:

  • Starting off;
  • Overclocking activities;
  • Braking actions.

These moments lead to increased vibration of the engine. If the user is interested in a long service life of the supports, it is recommended not to make sudden starts, not to get involved in the acceleration of the machine.Also, it is important to be able to produce smooth braking. The load on the motor (respectively, vibration) is also exerted by driving on poor-quality road surfaces. In the conditions of Russian realities, this problem is difficult to avoid, but if the driver tries to drive on high-quality roads, the pillows will last an order of magnitude longer. Also, it is worth considering that in cold weather, it is more difficult for rubber elements to restrain vibrations.

Economy segment

In this segment, budget copies are presented. These products have proper quality certificates, but it is important to understand that the cost of such spare parts is often reflected in the service life.

votes 1

This brand has been on the market for more than 25 years, specializes in the production of automotive components and cooperates with EU and US companies. In addition to ICE pillows, the manufacturer has 19 product categories. The management of the company, as well as the main enterprises, are located in Germany, the rest of the factories are located in France, Italy and England. In addition, the manufacturer has representative offices in the markets of South America. Although this brand is not famous for its high quality, drivers are often satisfied with the products. Thanks to a wide range of accessories, it is possible to select the necessary parts even for not the most common types of structures.

Corteco engine mount
  • Certified products;
  • Adequate price tag;
  • A wide range of.
  • The pads are made from hard rubber.


“The supports from Corteco show good results for the budget segment, but it should be borne in mind that with the products of this company it doesn’t happen every once in a while.Sometimes you are lucky with quality, but there are enough reviews on the Internet with a negative color for those products that I personally have no complaints about. In addition, the company offers a wide range of models of different configurations for any system, not even common ones. I recommend it to anyone who is looking for pillows of satisfactory quality at an adequate price!”

votes 0

Manufacturer from Germany, which has been popular on the market for 22 years. Although the brand's factories are located in China, this does not affect the quality of the products, because the production of products complies with strict European standards. In addition to pillows, 25 categories of spare parts are available to the buyer. Users note the high accuracy of drilling parts, which allows them to be easily placed in the car system. In the manufacture of pillows, rubber is used, which allows the product not to lose its useful properties even at low temperatures. According to the manufacturer's recommendations, the supports can be used at temperatures up to -45.

Febest engine mount
  • Acceptable cost;
  • Product quality;
  • Brand reputation.
  • There are many fakes on the market.


“These bearings do not cause any complaints even in cold climates, thanks to the rubber additives in the gaskets. Spare parts are mounted into the system without problems, they do a good job of stabilizing the motor while driving. There are many fakes of this brand on sale, so you should be especially careful when buying. I recommend it to anyone who is looking for a budget spare part of strong quality!”

votes 0

Products of this brand are easily identified by the blue packaging with a large word “SWAG” on top of the background. The original packaging is equipped with 2 stickers.The 1st shows the characteristics of the spare part, the 2nd shows the country of origin (Germany). This company has occupied a strong position in the market since the middle of the last century. According to the reviews of drivers, it is not recommended to purchase products from this company via the Internet. It is safer to personally visit the store and make sure the authenticity of the goods according to the above signs, because fakes of Swag products are not uncommon on sale. The company offers the buyer high-quality hydraulic engine mounts. This configuration provides the best vibration damping. A similar part will fit new machines without any problems, but some old ones are also compatible with hydraulic technology.

swag engine mount
  • Supports are provided with protection on the basis of nickel;
  • A wide range of;
  • High quality standards in manufacturing.
  • Many fakes from nameless manufacturers.


“Excellent components, Swag hydraulic cushions almost completely dampen vibrations even on bumpy roads. It is worth being vigilant when buying, because the products of this company are often faked. It is better to visit the outlet yourself and choose a product with the proper certificates. Would recommend to anyone looking for quality ICE pillows!”

Medium budget category

This category contains the best-selling pillows, which at a reasonable price offer a guarantee of quality and a long operating period. If the driver is not interested in wide functionality, but counts on the quality of the product, you should pay attention to this category.

votes 1

This brand has existed since 1947 and has been successfully ranked among bona fide component manufacturers.Lemforder's production facilities are located all over the world, the company has more than 100 plants. Among the people, this brand is popular due to the high endurance resource of components (with an adequate driving style). Lemforder also offers the customer the latest technology (hydraulic cushions) to achieve the best result in vibration stabilization. The manufacturer also offers hydraulic options that are compatible with older machines.

Lemforder engine mount
  • The design is protected against rust;
  • Impressive service life;
  • Acceptable cost.
  • Not found.


“Good components, pillows last a long time if you drive without extreme sports. They are mounted without problems, there will be no complaints during operation. Would recommend to anyone looking for quality props!”

votes 0

The manufacturer has existed since the 77th year of the last century, the company's management is localized in Germany. The main specificity of the manufacturer is centered around the manufacture of brake systems. Thanks to the success in this area, Mapco has expanded the scope of production and now the buyer has access to a variety of categories of components, including engine mounts. Drivers recommend purchasing Mapco products in domestic stores, and not on Western platforms, because the products of the Russian market meet local endurance requirements.

Mapco engine mount
  • Thick pads;
  • Quality metal;
  • Acceptable price.
  • Some users experience installation problems.


“Excellent pillows, but it’s worth buying strictly in Russian stores. The fact is that for the domestic market, increased endurance standards are applied, in view of the specifics of local road surfaces.I recommend to anyone who is looking for quality parts in the middle price segment!”

votes 0

The brand from Taiwan has existed since the 73rd year of the last century, managed to gain a good reputation among drivers. In the manufacture of supports, rubber is used, which provides the product with resistance to low temperatures. Buyers note the originality of designs from this company. Also, the metal components are protected against corrosion. It is recommended to purchase the company's products on the official website, this will save a significant amount for the buyer, but you will have to measure the delivery time.

Tenacity engine mount
  • Products are compatible with most car configurations;
  • Manufacturing quality;
  • Brand reputation.
  • Some users complain about poorly colored areas.


“Excellent pillows, they last a long time, they dampen vibrations with high quality. There are copies with minor cosmetic defects, otherwise there are no questions about the quality. Would recommend to anyone who is looking for good quality parts at an affordable price!”

Premium category

This segment included the most advanced engine mounts. These examples offer a long service life and build quality.

votes 1

The French brand offers the buyer premium quality car components. To avoid acquiring a fake, you need to make sure that the packaging has the proper barcodes and stickers with product characteristics. Also, you should pay attention to the intensity of the smell of rubber - the original has a low one.

Sasic engine mount
  • High quality;
  • brand reputation;
  • Long service life.
  • Expensive.


“Pillows from this company last a long time, there are no problems during operation.It is worth being vigilant when buying and familiarize yourself with the accompanying certificates so as not to purchase a fake. I recommend it to anyone who is looking for high-quality premium poles!”

votes 0

Brand from America, exists since the end of the 19th century, is popular among buyers. The company's factories are located in America and England, the products meet the high North Atlantic standards.

Walker engine mount
  • High quality;
  • Long service life;
  • Buyer confidence.
  • A small assortment of supports.


“The reputation of the company is beyond doubt, the pillows are of excellent quality, the service life is impressive, and the vibration stabilization is of high quality. The company specializes in exhaust systems, so the choice of supports is limited, there are not always specimens suitable for rare systems. Would recommend to anyone looking for quality parts!”

votes 0

The company was founded in Germany at the beginning of the 20th century. The metal component of the spare part is reinforced and protected, resistant to high loads and corrosion. Suitable for sports cars.

Boge engine mount
  • A wide range of;
  • Resistant to high loads;
  • Resistant to corrosion.
  • Not found.


“High quality mounts, suitable for sporty riding. The price is high, but the support resource is also impressive. Would recommend to anyone looking for engine mounts for a sports car!”


The engine mounts have the function of neutralizing vibrations and prevent them from having a harmful effect on the rest of the system. If the bearings fail, the vibration will spread to other parts, which will lead to premature wear of parts and poor vehicle handling.In this regard, it is important to replace or repair the pillow on time in specialized repair centers.

When choosing this part, it is important to understand that there are 2 types of supports: hydraulic type and classic. In the first case, the driver will receive a guarantee of endurance, but will pay an impressive amount. The classic type offers a number of advantages:

  • Affordable (relatively) price;
  • Reliability guarantee (even in case of failure, the spare part will continue to provide a minimum useful effect);
  • Easy installation.

Also, it is important to understand that there is high humidity under the hood, which will negatively affect elements that are not equipped with proper protection. When choosing supports, you need to make sure that there is a coating on the body of the structure that is resistant to rust. It is worth paying attention to the quality of the gasket materials, since this element plays the most important role in the functioning of the structure.

The degree of wear is determined mainly by the rubber gasket. If the latter has an impressive number of cracks and traces of rupture, it is worth taking care to replace the pillow. In rare cases, metal supports are deformed. In addition to visual signs, you should pay attention to the following deviations:

  • The motor runs without problems, but the driver feels vibrations on the steering wheel and gear lever;
  • When the car is moving and during a stop, knocking sounds are heard from under the hood;
  • When driving on a poor-quality road surface, the sounds of impacts are heard from the front of the car.

For the diagnosis of supports, an independent test is allowed without the involvement of specialists. It is necessary to shake the engine with your hands, focusing on the presence or absence of knocking sounds. In the first case, you should think about purchasing new pillows.A popular method among the people is to separate the gasket from the body as a repair. It is important to know that removing the rubber gasket from the structure will not give a long-term result.


