
  1. Brief information
  2. Golden Life Volgograd Nursery
  3. Vivat Bulfast cattery in Volgograd
  4. Volgograd cattery "Tribal"
  5. Volgograd kennel "BAS-KO-CHI"
  6. Volgograd nursery "My Empire"
  7. Volgograd kennel «Free Jump»
  8. Volgograd kennel "Flai Flau"
  9. Conclusion

Rating of the best dog kennels in Volgograd for 2022

Rating of the best dog kennels in Volgograd for 2022

Many pet lovers eventually get purebred dogs, but where is the best place to go to purchase such puppies? First of all, you need to go to a professional kennel for purebred dogs. After all, it is there that representatives of the relevant organization will help to make a choice, further care and cultivation, advice on education and training, as well as preparation for various exhibitions of cute and fluffy dogs. There are also specialized dog kennels in Volgograd.Why a nursery? As a rule, such establishments employ really professionals who have registered a kennel within the kennel club, and only they can guarantee that your future dog will be of the right breed, without any deviations.

Brief information

First of all, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the purpose of the nursery and its exact definition. The nursery is a clearly directed organization for growing and breeding animals, registered in accordance with the requirements of the Russian Federation, as well as in the RKF. People who breed and grow dogs at home do not belong to the representatives of a registered cattery. It's worth remembering.

In order to avoid the risk of getting into unofficial breeders, before choosing a dog, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of verified kennels. What does this mean? As a rule, this involves a mandatory check of reviews from previous customers, a search for detailed information, comments on the website of the organization itself (if it exists), etc.

If there are no such organizations in your area, then as a last resort you can resort to searching for home breeders, but before that you should carefully read the reviews about them. Of course, reviews may not always be real, so before such an important step as choosing a purebred dog, you should clearly analyze all the information.

After choosing a cattery, you should make sure that you have all the necessary documents for the animal. For this, there is a special puppy metric, it is usually transmitted along with the acquired puppy, as well as a veterinary passport, which indicates all vaccinations, prophylaxis, and so on.

With a special desire, the puppy's metric can be easily exchanged for a pedigree, with the help of the nearest kennel club. It is this pedigree that will be considered a real document indicating the breed of the puppy, as well as confirming that you are the owner of this dog. Turning not to a private breeder, but to the nursery, the pedigree will be issued without fail.

The basic information about the concept of puppy papers is already clear, however, why this headache really?

Perhaps many buyers do not particularly break their heads over this, they bought a dog and everything seems to be fine. Moreover, it is most convenient to use various sites for purchase or even a market for animals. However, in this case, not everything is so simple. Many customers are led to "divorce" the seller, indicating the exact breed of the puppy's parents, as well as a demonstration from the photos. They can also assure clients that the parents are provided with all the necessary documentation, but the puppy is not, because this procedure is too expensive. This is a lie.

When a client purchases a puppy with certain documents, he first of all receives not just papers, but a 100% guarantee that he has a German shepherd, and not a mixture of a mongrel and a Caucasian.

Of course, those who do not take this so seriously can contact the seller of the nearest market and in the future proudly walk with their beloved dog and brag to everyone that she is purebred. Although, most likely it will not be so. But for those who did not sleep at night, in order to choose a thoroughbred "little animal", it is best to contact the very kennels where puppies are sold with documents.

The last thing that relevant documents can indicate is the health of the animal. Oddly enough, but at the present time, many dog ​​owners are too carried away by the exhibition of their pets. Constant training, selection of the correct stance and grooming, all this can hide many of the dog's serious shortcomings. It is worth remembering that even in the most beautiful and well-groomed dogs, the owners can hide many diseases, including mental disorders. Just in this, the pedigree of the ancestors of the future puppy can help, since it has the opportunity to see all the existing deviations. With this, you can even determine past matings and make sure on the example of existing puppies.

Sequential puppy selection scheme

Before choosing a small puppy, it is worth referring to the following principles that will ensure the right purchase:

  1. At the very beginning, it is necessary to determine the purpose for which you need a dog.;
  2. Having decided on the goal, you should choose the breed;
  3. Having chosen a breed, it is worth deciding on a nursery or a breeder;
  4. In the case of buying puppies for further breeding, it is best to buy a cable and a bitch at once;
  5. Warn the representative of the organization about your intentions and wishes;
  6. Wait for the birth of a puppy of the breed you planned;
  7. Wait until the puppy reaches the desired age in order to be able to transport him to your home. After that, fill in all the necessary formalities and pay the seller.

Volgograd nursery "Golden Life"
votes 9

The main representative of this organization is a professional certified doctor who breeds and breeds Pomeranians. This kennel has a special website with the same name, where you can find and get acquainted with all the necessary information about the available producers and puppies. The kennel organizer assures customers that, contrary to all too common belief, Pomeranian puppies are distinguished not only by their unique beauty, but also by intelligence, devotion and good health. If you want to get a Pomeranian puppy, you just need to go to the nursery website and leave your consent using a certain button. The representative of the organization undertakes to present all the necessary documents, taking into account registration within the framework of the RKF. In addition, advice will be given on the further cultivation, education and training of puppies.

Contact details: ☎ +7 919 987 60 92 (MTS), +7 960 891 90 16 (Beeline)


This breed of dog has a fairly developed mindset and self-esteem. The dog is an excellent companion during walks, she is able to easily make friends with people around her and loves small children. Spitz is incredibly devoted to his master, he loves affection and care, and also easily agrees to all training lessons. It is also noteworthy that this dog is completely unpretentious in content.The main purpose of this dog is to create joy and happiness for its owner. The appearance of the Pomeranian also has many positive features. Smart and expressive eyes, a wide smile and soft fur - all this can be attributed to the description of a cute dog.

According to history, the Pomeranian breed originated many centuries ago, namely at the time when ordinary Spitz already existed in the world. It is believed that the beginning of the Pomeranian breed was laid by dogs that were at the pile buildings of Switzerland during the Stone Age. They used to be called fossil Spitz or Neolithic peat dogs.

The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthese animals is considered to be the region of Lake Ladoga, since archaeologists found the remains of Spitz in that area. It is noteworthy that even the oldest cultural sites depict small dogs in the likeness of Spitz. This indicates that the one hundred described breed passed through almost the entire world history. There is an opinion that the miniature spitz appeared in medieval Europe, Africa, Asia, etc.

Volgograd nursery "Vivat Bulfast"
votes 1

The Bulfast organization was opened in the late nineties of the last century and to this day is engaged in breeding and raising bullmastiff dogs. Since the end of 1998, the kennel has been officially part of the Russian Cynological Federation. The name of the cattery is formed thanks to a play on words, which combines:

  • Vivat - long live;
  • Bul - bullmastiff;
  • Fast - fast.

The organizers of the nursery carefully approach the breeding of animals and carefully carry out all the necessary procedures. Within the framework of the kennel, representatives bring the dogs primary lessons in the upbringing and development of thinking.At the time of purchase, the necessary documentation is provided with the puppy.

Contact details:☎ 8-904-407-58-78, 8-904-779-93-48

Breed Bullmastiff

Bullmastiffs are rather harsh dogs, which can be attributed to the working class, thanks to their extraordinary strength, endurance, large size, as well as the ability to smell a clear troublemaker from a mile away. Representatives of the organization from the very beginning set themselves the goal - to breed an excellent dog that will be as watchdog as a mastiff and as dexterous, hardy and courageous as a bulldog.

Thanks to the mixing of the blood of a bulldog, whose hallmarks are courage, self-respect, perseverance, stamina, strength and endurance, as well as a mastiff, which has massiveness, reliability, pride, poise, loyalty and courage, such a breed as a bullmastiff appeared.

The positive features of the bullmastiff include, first of all, the ability to protect the owner from various threats. This is evidenced by sufficiently developed strength, dexterity and, of course, courage. Surprisingly, these dogs are designed in such a way as not to use force to attack the enemy, but to use it only to divert danger from the owner. However, if suddenly this dog decides to attack the enemy, especially if the situation requires it, then it will definitely attack. And in other cases, the bullmastiff will keep an appropriate distance between the enemy and the owner.

Volgograd nursery "Tribal"
votes 1

This organization was registered in the Russian cynological federation in the late nineties.The main purpose is to raise and breed puppies of breeds such as Russian Longhair Toy, Malinois, Tervuren, Belgian Shepherds and Dobermans.

The organizers treat all the dogs of the kennel as full-fledged members of the family. They live with them and have a completely controlled psyche. The main task of the organization is to raise an absolutely healthy dog, both physically and psycho-emotionally. This is evidenced by a strict selection of manufacturers. When buying, the nursery provides all the important documents, taking into account the puppy and the pedigree. The rest of the detailed information regarding the design details is located on the official website of the organization.

Contact details: ☎ 8-903-315-76-71. Address: g. Volgograd, st. Gorokhovtsev, 4

Belgian Shepherd

This dog is a bright representative of domestic animals, which can be easily brought up and kept, both outdoors and in the house. She is very smart, absolutely unpretentious, proportionately built and dexterous, calmly endures sudden changes in climate. Due to its stern appearance and proud head position, the Shepherd Dog gives the impression of an elegant dog. Ultimately, over time, this appearance became the standard of beauty among working dog breeds.

Since ancient times, this family of dogs was intended as an accompaniment for livestock while walking on pastures. This was facilitated by the watchdog skills of the dog, as well as the ability to protect the owner in the event of a sudden attack. In such situations, the Belgian Shepherd behaves violently and defends itself to the last. The appearance of the dog is admirable. Brilliant and beautiful eyes once again confirm that the dog is incredibly smart.

Volgograd nursery "BAS-KO-CHI"
votes 0

This organization is located in the southern part of Volgograd. Representatives of the kennel are engaged in breeding two breeds of dogs, namely the Chihuahua and the Caucasian Shepherd Dog, but they still give more preference to the latter option. Be that as it may, the owners of the kennel treat each puppy and each producer with love, because, according to them, not a single day in their life passes without the joy that cute dog eyes and wagging tails bring.

During the purchase of a pet, the owners will provide all the necessary information on raising a dog, as well as all the attached documents.

Contact details: ☎ +7 (927) 518-43-78, +7 (927) 518-43-77;

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

The Caucasian is considered one of the best guard breeds in the world. A distinctive feature of these dogs in comparison with others is a clearly built understanding of the protection of the territory belonging to the owner. In no case will she make concessions and compromises. This animal cannot be bribed or appeased, if a Caucasian is defending the territory, then it is better not to mess with him.

As for the attitude on a neutral terrain, the dog treats strangers calmly. It is worth noting that the Caucasian Shepherd Dog will in any case be rebellious and proud, however, in relation to the owner, she will always remain faithful. This is her most positive character trait.

As for the other advantages of the dog, in this case it is worth noting its desire for leadership, pride, strength, endurance and independence. When buying a Caucasian, you need to take into account some of the nuances, she is very difficult to train and does not like it when her voice is raised.

A Caucasian can affectionately treat the children of his master, and with someone else's children he behaves rather restrained and tactful.Of course, it depends on the manner of upbringing, in some cases he may not perceive other people's children.

It is very convenient in the content of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog that it is absolutely unselective in feeding. Despite the fact that it is resistant to various conditions, it is best suited for yard maintenance than at home.

Volgograd nursery "My Empire"
votes 0

Another worthy kennel in the Volgograd region is Moya Imperiya, which breeds dogs of the Siberian Husky and Basset Hound breeds. Animals of this organization are purchased from the best breeders who take care of growing puppies.

Representatives of the kennel prefer huskies, but they also treat other breeds properly. During the cultivation and training of dogs, the right approach is applied. This is done so that in the future the dog behaves with restraint and calmness. The purchase of puppies is accompanied by the delivery of all necessary documents and giving useful advice on training.

Contact details: ☎8 902 382 15 75

Siberian Husky

This is a very friendly and cheerful animal, which belongs to the type of northern sled dogs. The appearance of representatives of this breed is characterized by: erect ears, medium height, a tail, like a fox, and impressive indicators of strength, speed and endurance. Of course, this is not surprising, since the main purpose of the Husky has always been considered the rapid transportation of small loads over fairly long distances.

The distinctive features of this cute creature include pronounced blue eyes, thick hair that does not have a specific smell and beautiful coloring. The dog has a cheerful character, energy and balance. She also has a well-developed immune system, which is necessary to protect against various diseases.

Volgograd kennel "Free Jump"
votes 0

This kennel was founded in 1994 and to this day specializes in breeding Staffordshire Terriers, Bull Terriers and Pit Bull Terriers. The owners of the nursery responsibly approach the cultivation and education of their animals. This approach is considered correct, since dogs of this breed need specialized training. This is evidenced by the nature and disposition of the animals of the described breed. After the purchase, the organizers without fail provide the advice necessary for proper education. Also there are all necessary documents and guarantees.

Contact information: ☎ 8-902-658-61-76, +7-902-658-61-76

staffordshire terrier

This breed, which may have the short name "Amstaff", was bred in the United States of America several centuries ago. A distinctive feature of this breed is considered to be absolute credulity in relation to a person, which, in a general sense, cannot be said about other dogs of service breeds. If you behave correctly with a pet, then he will willingly succumb to all the methods of training, after which he can easily participate in various competitions and take the appropriate places.

We can say about the amstaff that they are very cheerful, friendly and energetic dogs. The main purpose of the amstaff is to please its owner. This also speaks of the opposite, that is, if this dog falls into the wrong hands, then the pet will turn out to be a harmful and pugnacious animal. The nature of this dog is characterized only by positive features.For example, the dog’s complete calmness in relation to other animals of this kind can disappear sharply if they decide to touch him, then he will react instantly and strike first. And given the strength and power of the jaws, it is best to avoid clashes with a dog of this breed. Also, the amstaff dog has a very good memory, if you do some dirty trick, he will remember it for the rest of his life. With age, this dog should be monitored more closely, because it can rush on the street to other dogs in order to play or sort out their relationship.

Volgograd nursery "Flai Flau"
votes 1

The last kennel in the list of the best dog breeding organizations is Flagi Flow. The main purpose of this kennel is breeding puppies of Rottweiler, Labrador and Bulldog breeds. Before buying, representatives of the organization provide all possible consultations, including the basics of feeding and raising, maintenance and service in urban and suburban areas. In addition, the organization provides the following services:

  • Correction of puppy behavior;
  • Preparation for various competitions and performances;
  • Knitting instruction;
  • Training of physical abilities and correction of all existing shortcomings;
  • Advice on proper dog care, namely washing and combing hair, choosing cosmetics, etc.
  • It is worth remembering that all dogs in the kennel are titled and have multiple prizes in various exhibitions and shows.
  • They also have the necessary certificates that guarantee their level of training according to international standards. It is also convenient that the organizers, upon purchase, provide documents indicating the passage of exams for social adaptation.

Contact details: ☎ 8 (905) 334 10 26, address: Volgograd, Narezenskaya st., 20


There are only a few things that can be said about this dog that indicate its purpose. First of all, it is worth noting that dogs of this breed from the moment of their appearance (17th century) were powerful fighters and participated in the seven-year war.

The appearance of these dogs is severe, this is evidenced by a powerful, strong jaw, serious dimensions and a stable strong character.


After reading this article, you can be sure that in Volgograd and the surrounding area there are kennels for thoroughbred dogs for every taste. When buying a puppy, you should definitely check all the necessary documents and guarantees. This is very important, as there is a risk not only of acquiring a dog of a non-pure breed, but also an animal that has serious mental or physical abnormalities.

In any case, when buying an animal, a person bears further responsibility for it, so this decision should be taken quite seriously. Make sure that the puppy you buy will grow up in a full-fledged family and receive the necessary attention. Both his and your future well-being depend on it.


