
  1. What are, how to choose
  2. Rating of ashy hair dyes

Rating of the best ashy hair colors for 2022

Rating of the best ashy hair colors for 2022

Ash hair color is always in fashion. It gives the external image of luxury, elegance and a certain zest. It is the heaviest shade for coloring curls, as it is very difficult to obtain. To achieve the perfect ash color, you need to have professional skills and choose the right paint.

What are, how to choose

Ash color is always in demand. A different palette of shades helps to create a chic and individual look for any person. The range of tones is quite wide: you can find from light gray to saturated graphite. Before choosing a paint, it is important to take into account a number of criteria, these are: the condition and current hair color, age, facial features, eye and skin color. Paying attention to these signs, you can achieve a truly elegant and harmonious image.

Ash tone is presented in all brands of cosmetic products. The basis of this paint includes all kinds of caring substances, thanks to which it is possible not only to transform externally, but also to restore the condition of the curls. The more of these components are present in the composition, the better. Then the coloring becomes less aggressive and the curls do not suffer much.

Ash color is the most difficult, it takes a lot of effort to achieve the desired staining result. An illiterate remedy can lead to bad consequences, especially when carrying out the procedure at home. In this case, it is not surprising to get green, blue and other extravagant strands that are difficult to get rid of on your own.

In addition to a beautiful and perfect image, the advantage of steel color lies in its versatility. It is quite possible to use such tones not only for spectacular women, but also for the male sex. This shade creates an original and sensitive image, perfectly emphasizes individual features, making them more expressive and memorable.

Hairdressers distinguish several color directions of steel color, which are the most popular among people of different ages and color types:

  • ash-blond - is in particular demand among men and women, best suited for those with fair skin and thin curls, great for masking gray hair;
  • ash pink is a rather interesting and bold color, which is often chosen by young girls with fair skin and eyes, it is with this appearance that the image will look original and advantageous;
  • dark ash - will be an excellent choice for women with natural dark curls, this shade is undoubtedly suitable for owners of brown eyes and tanned skin, the shade gives individuality, charm and some charm;
  • chocolate ash - the most popular paint tone over the past 5 years, outwardly looks like a dark with a rich steel sheen. It is universal, will help emphasize the individuality of any lady, it will look especially advantageous on those who like to be in the spotlight, prefer classics, bright outfits and accessories.

The review contains the best coloring products, thanks to which you can change your look and achieve the perfect result. When distributing places, not only the characteristics of the product were taken into account, but also feedback from experienced colorists and real people who used these products on themselves.

Rating of ashy hair dyes

Finding the right coloring agent is not an easy task. When compiling the rating, each product took into account ease of use, cost, uniqueness and staining efficiency. The basis was the opinions of women and experts. All selected funds are divided into three categories for ease of choice, depending on the cost of the paint.

The best premium ash paints

Davines Finest Pigments Ash (ash)

The leading position in the ranking is occupied by the Italian line of hair dye. This unique product has been specially formulated for weak, thin and dry curls that do not tolerate chemical treatments. Pigmenting substances delicately saturate curls, creating a special film on their surface that protects dyes from washing off. The product is so gentle on the hair structure that it can be used immediately after curling.

Natural ingredients perfectly improve the condition of curls, perfectly saturate, moisturize and prevent the influence of negative environmental factors. Curls become well-groomed, silky, shiny and soft. Do not tangle and do not split. This product has some similarity with the effect of lamination, without the need for additional aggressive procedures.

Given the feedback from users, the result is unsurpassed. The color is rich, deep. Washing off of paint is carried out evenly. The product is great for coloring gray, previously dyed and natural curls. The remedy is kept for at least 3 weeks. The procedure can be performed independently at home. Everything is quite simple, even beginners will not have any difficulties.

Davines Finest Pigments Ash (ash)
  • high-quality pigmentation;
  • can be used for severely damaged tips;
  • the composition contains natural substances;
  • elegant and chic real shade, shimmers in the sun;
  • there is some lamination effect.
  • high price.

Redken Chromatics ash purple

Professional and high-quality product for coloring curls.Allows you to lighten your hair up to three tones at once, gives the image originality and a 4D volumetric effect. Does not contain ammonia, but the durability is very long. This is due to the fact that the dyes reach the hairs using a certain technology. Therefore, the pigment penetrates deeply into the strands, fixing for a long time and, at the same time, does not violate the appearance and structure of the hair.

Also an important advantage of the product is the absence of a pungent odor. As a result, everyone can use the product, even people with hypersensitivity, great for gray hair. The base includes useful nourishing ingredients, so after the procedure there is no need to apply care products.

Most users emphasized the good composition of the product and confirmed the restoration of the strands after dyeing. Everyone was completely satisfied with the color, it turns out bright, shiny and iridescent. Thanks to the product, you can easily make an ombre without the use of additional procedures.

Redken Chromatics ash purple
  • persistent and rich tone;
  • no ammonia in the base;
  • qualitatively masks gray hair;
  • oil delivery of the pigmenting component;
  • no strong odor.
  • not identified.

Osmo Renbow Color Psycho (Wild Silver)

The product does not contain aggressive ammonia, so the product does not affect the structure of the curls. The pigments are perfectly absorbed. The result is a chic silver-ash color. Rinse off gradually and gently.

After purchase, the paint can be immediately used for coloring, it has a comfortable texture. Therefore, the product is easy to apply and does not flow. You can change the image thanks to this tool without any problems at home. The smell of the product is not particularly pronounced, the use is economical.The tube of paint is hermetically screwed with a lid, it can be stored for some time.

Given most of the reviews, the shade is beautiful and deep. The strands shimmer and shine interestingly. Lasts up to 2-3 weeks. After staining, the curls become more well-groomed and soft, do not get confused after washing. Many users recommend this remedy before choosing an ashy shade and a more resistant paint.

Osmo Renbow Color Psycho (Wild Silver)
  • brilliant, bewitching color;
  • good coverage of the strands;
  • no ammonia;
  • economical and large, in a tube of 150 ml;
  • no pungent chemical smell.
  • not identified.

Naturtint Long Lasting Ash Blonde

It is worth paying attention to this paint, since the composition of the product is as natural as possible. It does not contain parabens, ammonium and a number of other aggressive substances. Coloring components freely and deeply penetrate the hair structure, contributing to the rich and lasting color of the ash blond. The tool effectively paints over any gray hair.

Due to natural components, the hair heals, becomes well-groomed and protection from adverse external factors is formed. Can be used for dry curls. The composition contains wheat peptides that have a positive effect on dry, weak and damaged strands. As a result, they become strong, healthy, beautifully shiny and do not break.

According to reviews, a beautiful glow lasts for a long time and remains. There is no abrupt transition from dyed and natural hair when they grow back, everything looks natural. The product is washed off gradually, it does not spoil the appearance.

Naturtint Long Lasting Ash Blonde
  • the natural basis of the product;
  • deep and rich pigmentation;
  • high color fastness;
  • recovery and care.
  • can only be used to color gray hair.

Middle price category

Matrix SoColor dark blonde mocha ash

A popular and effective tool for coloring curls. It has a comfortable creamy texture. Additionally, it has wide functions of lamination, coloring, restoration of shade and toning. Has a wide range of different colors. 6 bright and saturated shades will help to create an individual image and emphasize the natural beauty of the strands.

The product is loved by many, it is used both at home and in salons. Cream paint allows you to create a unique dark ash tone. Suitable for a different base: for gray, natural and dyed hair.
The paint is based on special useful oils, thanks to which the dyes delicately and deeply penetrate the hairs. Therefore, the color retains for a long time, does not get enough sleep and does not select under the influence of sunlight.

Matrix SoColor dark blonde mocha ash
  • no harmful ammonia;
  • can be used frequently
  • excellent care;
  • has the property of accumulating;
  • makes hair smooth, soft and shiny;
  • the cost is fully consistent with the quality.
  • Strong smell;
  • semi-permanent result.

Schwarzkopf Igora Highlifts special blonde ash

A high-quality and professional tool is widely loved by craftsmen and those who prefer coloring at home. Thanks to the unique technology of the composition, the product simultaneously protects the curls from aggressive substances and paints them in a pleasant silver-ash color.

Such a line of paint is considered as cold as possible. The shade as a result turns out bright and deep, any damage to the tips is excluded.After using the product, an improvement in their internal and external structure is observed. Curls are easier to comb, fit, do not fluff and shine.

All reviews are only positive, which confirms the high quality of the product. There is no need to additionally use caring components, since they are already included in the paint base. It is easy to apply, so coloring can be done at home without any problems. The smell is acceptable, quickly disappears after distribution into curls. Washing out of the product occurs gradually, as a result, lighter shades are obtained.

Schwarzkopf Igora Highlifts special blonde ash
  • saturated cold color;
  • caring technology in the composition;
  • easy and convenient use;
  • excellent result after the first application;
  • curls shine and shimmer beautifully.
  • not identified.

Loreal Paris Preference

Excellent coloring agent. Universal for any age and type of curls. The product allows you to create a persistent natural shade with a pleasant ash sheen. It does not fade for a long time, does not fade and is washed off gradually. The result is a rich and interesting color.

This tool is a great option for home coloring. It has no pungent odor, does not cause allergies to mucous membranes and skin. At the base there are various filters and useful vitamins that have a positive effect on the condition of the curls.

The final color result is excellent. The color is bright, rich and shiny. In a set with a coloring pigment there is a special balm. Thanks to him, the color is well and deeply sealed in the hairs. Additionally, there are protective filters in the base that reduce the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation.Vitamin E makes strands silky, soft and easy to comb.

Loreal Paris Preference
  • natural shade;
  • no ammonia in the composition;
  • healing and strengthening curls;
  • perfectly masks gray hair;
  • without pungent odor;
  • There is a balm included.
  • high price.

Cutrin Aurora Permanent Hair Color Ash Blonde

A popular and high-quality product for hair coloring. Brand from Finland. It has a delicate non-aggressive formula with a complex for restoring damaged curls and nourishing them. Easy and even application. The color is rich, elegant with a soft steel sheen. It is washed off gradually, without harming the appearance.

The tool can be used for weakened hair. The product does not harm, but rather effectively cares for them. Natural oils and extracts of medicinal plants give the hair shine, radiance and make it strong.

Most users noted the softness and silkiness of the curls after applying the paint. Hair is easy to comb, styled faster and become voluminous. The texture of the product is ideal for application, it does not flow, it is perfectly distributed along the entire length. The smell is berry, great for exploring gray hair. The durability of the product is very high. The saturation and shine of the shade is maintained even with daily shampooing.

Cutrin Aurora Permanent Hair Color Ash Blonde
  • natural safe components in the composition;
  • Magnificent painting of any degree of gray hair;
  • wonderful, high-quality pigmentation of hairs;
  • Good staying power with deep and vibrant color.
  • not identified.


Kapous Professional Studio Professional, light ash blonde, with ginseng extract and rice proteins

Ultra-resistant paint, considered the best in its category. It features an improved formula that allows the pigment to remain on the curls for a long time, and also contributes to the maximum restoration of weakened hair. Due to the natural composition, the product gently affects the hair. The ginseng extract and rice proteins contained in the composition, strengthening and healing previously dyed hair, have an instant effect on their structure. With their help, the protection of the hair from the negative effects of UV rays and other external factors is enhanced.

After dyeing, hair acquires a pleasant silvery mother-of-pearl shade, and the shine remains for a long time. Since this is a professional tool, preparation is required before use. In the case of independent use, be sure to strictly follow the detailed instructions.

The Italian-made product combines all the best, which influenced the choice of many women. The shade in the end is exactly the one that was promised by the manufacturer. It has a texture that is easy to apply, does not flow, and has a pleasant smell. The color gradually becomes paler, but the noble shade is preserved.

Kapous Professional Studio Professional, light ash blonde, with ginseng extract and rice proteins
  • improved formula with natural ingredients;
  • resistant composition;
  • ash blond with a silvery tint;
  • Suitable for all hair types;
  • protects from external influences.
  • not found.

GARNIER Color Sensation Pearl Ash Blonde

A well-deserved second place is rightfully occupied by an ultra-resistant product for self-coloring at home. But the effect of the paint is the same as after the procedure in an expensive salon - a multi-level mother-of-pearl shade that completely overlaps the previous tone. Even with daily shampooing, the saturation of the pigment is guaranteed for 2 months.

After dyeing, it is immediately noticeable that the condition of the hair improves: they become soft, smooth, shiny without any hint of dryness. At the end of the procedure, a care balm is applied, which has a delicate aroma of flowers. The creamy consistency of the balm forms a thin protective film on each hair, preserving the brightness of the pigment and protecting it from the negative effects of external factors.

Natural flower oils stimulate hair growth, which is confirmed by the feedback from women who constantly use the products of this GARNIER line. It is washed out gradually, the hair has a well-groomed appearance without the need to often tint the roots.

GARNIER Color Sensation Pearl Ash Blonde
  • super resistant spectacular color;
  • the shade matches the declared;
  • contains mother-of-pearl particles;
  • expressive micropigments;
  • complex of vitamins and oils.
  • on found.

Londa Ash Blond

The bronze nominee was a product of the trademark Londa, which gained popularity among Russian women. This is a great option for any hair: natural, gray, dyed. Result, i.e. the multifaceted iridescent shade covering the original color delighted everyone. This is the merit of the patented technique of mixing shades. In this case, the type of hair does not matter.

The unique system guarantees a lasting effect: the rich pigment lasts up to 2 months. But most importantly, it is washed out smoothly, and there is no unattractive pronounced border at the roots. And the lipids contained in the paint formula help to improve metabolism and smooth out the porous surface of the hair. And, finally, fixing the effect with the help of the "Persistent Color" balm, which is included in the kit. The balm not only helps the pigment to settle firmly inside each hair, but also has a restorative and caring effect.

The paint has earned many positive reviews. Using it, you can completely eliminate gray hair, as well as change the image without resorting to the help of a master. Creamy paint does not flow, there is no sharp smell. The instructions are simple and clear, the staining procedure is not difficult.

Londa Ash Blond
  • noble shade;
  • reliable fixing of color;
  • original color technique;
  • durability.
  • not detected.

Fito cosmetic Fitocolor, "Ash Blond" tone

The product is made on a natural basis. Natural components promote the introduction of pigment into the deep layers, preventing rapid leaching from problematic porous hair.

The result: a beautiful cold shade shimmering with bizarre highlights. A caring balm is attached to the paint, which is used after staining. The composition of the balm is rich in natural ingredients: witch hazel and ginseng extracts, jojoba oil, flax seeds and black currant. All components stimulate each other's properties and, as a result, have a strong regenerating effect, which is no different from an expensive salon procedure.

Many women who want to get rid of gray hair have chosen this particular remedy, which completely paints over both individual strands and all hair. Each interviewed woman confirmed: the paint is effective, and its consumption is economical. And the effect of bio-lamination, due to which the hair gained amazing smoothness and shine, completely delighted many.

Fito cosmetic Fitocolor, "Ash Blond" tone
  • gentle composition;
  • uniform pigmentation;
  • aroma;
  • equipment;
  • inexpensive.
  • no.

Choosing a stylish ashy shade, you should build on the original hair color and their condition. The composition of the paint should not be aggressive, but should contain natural caring ingredients. With good quality, it does not have a strong smell. It causes burning and does not cause inconvenience.

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