A steam sauna for the face is a device that gently cleanses and moisturizes the skin. These devices are easy to use, safe and compact in size. They remove dead skin cells and also protect against inflammation. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the recommendations of experts.
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What it is? This appliance includes a bowl and a tank with a heating element that is designed for water. The device is suitable for different skin types. The resulting steam slows down aging, eliminates blackheads and comedones, and evens out skin tone.
The device has the following principle of operation:
With the help of a steam sauna, you can prepare your face for future care procedures - nutrition, moisturizing. This will significantly improve the effect, help improve the condition of the skin of the face.
In order for the procedures to bring only a positive result, it is necessary to choose a comfortable steam sauna. To do this, it is important to first compare the characteristics of several products, and then choose the most suitable option.
Not everyone knows what a steam sauna is for. It is necessary for:
The device is also necessary if deep cleansing of the skin is required, as well as its moisturizing. The device works effectively when signs of aging appear. To remove black dots, you need to use this particular device.
According to customer reviews, after procedures with this device, an excellent result is provided. They eliminate dead dead cells, acne, inflammation, ulcers. Another device improves blood flow, improves skin elasticity. It also provides an even complexion and also moisturizes it. It is enough to perform the procedures regularly to achieve an excellent effect.
Although the device is of great benefit, it can not be used by everyone. Steam procedures are prohibited when:
It is undesirable to frequently perform procedures with severe violations of the sebaceous glands, as this can worsen the condition of the skin. It is important to take into account all contraindications in order to prevent negative consequences.
With weak vessels, steam procedures are contraindicated, as they can lead to the formation of spider veins on the face. It is impossible to conduct sessions with highly enlarged pores.
How to use such a device? The description of the product usually contains the rules of operation. Therefore, you need to familiarize yourself with it in advance. The procedures are very simple, just follow the following rules:
Before the session, you can add essential oils, herbal decoctions to the water. This provides improved blood supply, elasticity, restoration of skin condition. Additives can be a decoction of sage or chamomile. Of the oils, tea tree eucalyptus, pine are suitable - oily skin needs such products. And lemon, chamomile, grapefruit are used for dry dermis.
When the session is over, the skin is wiped with a soft towel. After the session, it is useful to apply masks that will be especially useful.For acne, you can choose blue clay, and for dry dermis, honey with peach oil. Such procedures will significantly improve the effect.
It is important to bear in mind that oily and problematic skin is cleaned no more than once a week. Procedures for the normal type of dermis are performed 2-3 times a month. And with sensitive and dry skin, steam treatment is carried out no more than 1 time per month.
How to choose a steam sauna? It is necessary to pay attention to important characteristics. The main selection criteria will help you find the right fixture:
These are the main parameters that everyone who wants to choose a quality device needs to pay attention to. It must be taken into account that the wide functionality increases the cost of the goods. The following rating of quality devices will help you make the right choice.
You can provide anti-aging care, as well as cleansing, moisturizing the skin with a simple, cheap device. You just need to use it for its intended purpose, follow the manufacturer's recommendations.
The device produces ozone during operation, which acts as an antiseptic. That is why all skin wounds are disinfected, bacteria are eliminated. This model is suitable not only as a sauna, but also as an inhaler in the treatment of respiratory ailments. One procedure is enough to improve the condition of the face.
If the device will be used for skin beauty, then the procedures should be performed more often. The main thing is to follow the safety rules. The price of the goods is 800 rubles.
This is a simple inhaler that can be used with medical fees, oils. He also performs warming of the respiratory tract. But the best effect is provided for cosmetic manipulations.
The device ensures the elimination of blackheads as the pores are cleansed. During the session, the skin relaxes, its color improves, and aging slows down. Aromatherapy treatments are effective. The cost is 980 rubles.
The device perfectly cleanses the skin, and acts delicately, without damaging the integument. There will be no irritation or redness after the procedures.
The sauna cannot be turned off immediately from the socket. If the device has fallen into water, do not immediately remove it.It is advisable to turn it off from the network. It is important that children and incapacitated persons do not have access to the device.
The device is suitable for regular home procedures. If he works without rest for 20 minutes, he should take a break for at least 15 minutes. Do not keep your face very close to the steam diffuser. Price - 900 rubles.
The popularity of models of this type is associated not only with an affordable price. The devices do an excellent job with their main function. They can also be purchased from the online store.
Budget steam saunas remain in demand. Although they are inexpensive, they can easily cope with the main function. You just need to choose your model.
This is a practical device produced by a Russian-English brand. This model is classic, has a large plastic inhaler bowl. The set includes a nozzle for steaming the nose. The design includes a grate for herbs, but you can also use aromatic oils. The model has a steam function with 2 modes.
The bowl is large, so the face penetrates deep into it. According to customer reviews, hot steam can burn if the device is turned on at maximum power. The water warms up quickly. One glass is enough for 20 minutes, which is enough for one session. The average price is 1600-2000 rubles.
This model has a cone mask that steams the face, as well as an inhalation nozzle. The device is in demand due to its affordable price and simple operation. According to buyers, the mask is easy to use because it is made of soft plastic.
Not only water and herbal decoctions, but also essential oil are added to the liquid container. There is a steam function. The water warms up very quickly. The steam is thick and not very hot. The session is 10 minutes.
The set includes an aromatherapy head, an inhaler cup and a face cup. The sauna itself is compact. The bowl is not very large, so many buyers note that it is better to steam the face in parts. The cost is 2000 rubles.
This model has ionization. The device has an attractive cost, non-standard look. It lacks a face mask. Steam is supplied under pressure, it works at a distance.
Only purified water is suitable for this device, and it is better not to add decoctions or oils to it. Steam ionization has an excellent effect, restoring the moisture balance. According to buyers, the device is great for moisturizing the skin of the face.
Another advantage of the sauna is the speed of heating water. Within 40 seconds steam is already supplied. The temperature is very comfortable for this procedure, and therefore safe. How much does such a product cost? The approximate price is 2000 rubles.
All presented types of devices perfectly cope with their main task. Of course, the TOP products of the middle segment can be continued. In addition, new items appear regularly.
Each device in this segment has its pros, cons and features. In any case, they do an excellent job of cleansing, steaming the face. The following ranking includes the best devices.
This device will help to effectively cleanse the skin, moisturize the skin. This is ensured by small particles of steam. It is advisable to use the device before vacuum cleansing, skin peeling or manual cleaning of the epidermis.
After a short procedure, the skin becomes elastic. The steam is not very hot, which is gentle on the epidermis. For maximum effect, it is desirable to carry out procedures 2-3 times a week. After this remedy, there is a good assimilation of serums, masks, creams. Price - 3600 rubles.
Ionized steam enters 40 seconds after starting the device. It will be at a safe temperature. The manufacturer advises to keep the face no closer than 20 cm. This is a suitable distance for steaming the face.
This sauna has an attractive appearance, compact size. The advantage is the presence of an auto-off function when the water evaporates. The volume of the container is enough to complete the procedure within 10 minutes. You can pour only clean water without herbal decoctions and oils.
According to users, the effect of such procedures is excellent. The device cleanses the pores, moisturizes the epidermis. With it, an increase in skin elasticity is observed. The device is reliable, and if properly maintained, it will last for many years. Price - from 3500 rubles.
This model has a steam ionization function, is easy to operate, and also has a stylish design. The tank in this device is removable, moreover, it can be washed in the dishwasher. For the convenience of users, there is a built-in timer that turns off the device after 15 minutes. A volume of 100 ml is sufficient for the procedure.
The basis of the device is durable plastic. Although the price of the product is quite high (from 5000 rubles), it is reliable and will be used for many years. In addition, the device is compact in size and stylish in appearance.
All expensive models can be chosen to cleanse pores, moisturize the skin, and eliminate inflammation. Although they are overpriced, they are justified by the high quality. This type of device can last for many years.
What is the best option to buy a steam sauna, everyone can decide for himself. It is necessary to pay attention to the functionality, characteristics on which the convenience depends, the effect of the procedures. All products can be ordered online.