
  1. Water ozonation
  2. Equipment, features
  3. Rating of the best water ozonation devices for 2022

Rating of the best pool ozone generators for 2022

Rating of the best pool ozone generators for 2022

Owners of stationary and portable pools need to have an idea of ​​what activities should be carried out so that an artificial reservoir turns into a comfortable and safe facility for health. Moreover, even at the design stage, you need to make a list of the necessary equipment and decide how much personal time the owner is willing to allocate for cleaning work in the pool.

Water ozonation

In the process of ozonation, the water is purified, while no harmful side effects are observed. Let's figure out how useful it is to carry out ozonation of water in the pool.Consider the advantages over other cleaning technologies.

The unit with which water is saturated with oxygen atoms is called an ozonizer or ozone generator. The cleaning procedure takes place according to the following algorithm: the device drives air through the medium with the lowest percentage of humidity between 2 electrodes that are under high voltage. As a result, ozone is formed, since the oxygen contained in the air is ionized. In the course of processing water is cleared of harmful impurity. At the end of the ozonation of the liquid, sodium hypochlorous acid is added to it, after which the water purification process is completed.

However, according to the sanitary and technical standards prescribed in the instructions, saturation of water with oxygen atoms alone is not enough. A whole range of cleaning procedures should be carried out, and ozonation is only the first step in preparation. In addition to the ozonator, you must definitely purchase a filtration system. For what it is necessary, we will tell a little below.

  • the acidity of the water remains unchanged;
  • odors disappear, the taste of water improves;
  • is the best natural disinfectant;
  • removes manganese and iron from water (translated into a common language, it prevents the formation of limescale, since during the ozonization process the precipitate is removed from the air by the filtration system);
  • if the water is cloudy, then in the shortest possible time it makes it transparent;
  • in the process of saturating water with oxygen atoms, no by-products hazardous to health are formed;
  • does not change the acidity of the water.
  • short-term effect (after saturation of water with oxygen atoms, they quickly decompose);
  • ozonation causes chemical destruction of materials, therefore, before purchasing the installation, get expert advice so that he can help you choose technical equipment even in the process of planning and building an artificial reservoir;
  • high cost of the ozonator;
  • improper use of the equipment leads to the formation of oxidation by-products, therefore it is necessary to use other methods of disinfecting the water in the pool;
  • Ozone is a toxic gas, so safety precautions should be strictly followed when working with it, ideally, special sensors should be installed.

Equipment, features

Depending on the volume of the artificial reservoir and the purpose of its purpose (commercial or private pool), various ozone generators are used. They are easy to install because ozone is injected into the water through a special pipe called a bypass. It makes it possible to reduce the load on the compressor unit and extend its life.

In some models of units, a degassing column is installed, which removes excess bubbles that appear during the enrichment of water with ozone.

Installations are also distinguished by dimensions and performance indicators. Each owner selects the unit individually.

The supply of ozone for liquid treatment is set depending on the plans for its further use. If you just need to neutralize microorganisms in the water that has already passed filtration and coagulation, the amount of ozone required is 1-3 mg / l. To saturate water from underground sources with oxygen atoms, 0.75-1 mg / l will be needed. When it is necessary to reduce the color and eliminate harmful bacteria in dirty water, then the portion of oxygen atoms must be increased to 5 mg / l.

The duration of the interaction of ozone and water is from 8 to 12 minutes. If you increase the pressure, then the ozone will dissolve in the liquid faster. The advantage of this method is that there is no need to use additional reagents. When ozone is reduced, oxygen is produced.

Thus, it has been established that water saturation cannot be the only method of water treatment, while it is an important step in the water treatment process. Installing an ozonator on your own is not recommended, as this can be risky for health. The master must set the required dose of ozone, draw up a water saturation scheme and accurately program the unit.

Water saturated with gas from the combination of three oxygen atoms is beneficial to humans. The effect will be noticeable after the first ozonation.

Rating of the best water ozonation devices for 2022

Everyone knows that the water in the pool should be transparent and clean. Before the construction of an artificial reservoir, it is necessary to take care of the disinfection of its contents. Currently, the most advanced method of water disinfection is ozonation. This is done using a special device. Below are the ozonizers that hit the top of the best devices.

single stage

Prozone PZ24

The device is made to destroy harmful microorganisms. It can be used in pools with different designs. The ozonator is suitable for both private use and commercial purposes. Using this device, you do not have to add all kinds of chemicals to the water. For example, chlorine is contraindicated for many people. It causes irritation and allergies. The ozonator makes almost no noise. For its production, the most modern technologies are used.The body of the product is made of sound-absorbing materials.

Manufacturers have achieved very good results. The latest technology has been used in the development of the product. The modern system was patented and put into production. With its help, it was possible to significantly reduce the workload on the compressor, so now the device effectively produces ozone, which quickly dissolves in water.

The device is easy to transport and install. Optionally, a degasser column can be installed. It will remove excess air bubbles. The manufacturer gives a guarantee for their products. For ozonizers, it is 20,000 hours, and for compressors, 40,000 hours.

Prozone PZ24
  • suitable for both private use and commercial purposes;
  • easy to transport and install.
  • not detected.


This ozonator has its own peculiarity. Manufacturers have added to it the function of producing chlorine from table salt. This chemical element disinfects water well. Such chlorine does not pose a danger to humans. It does not irritate the mucous membranes of the cornea of ​​the eyeball. It turns out a double treatment of water. It gives a higher degree of purification of the liquid. The unit generates 11 g of chlorine and 150 mg of ozone in 1 hour. The device should be installed in pools with a volume of no more than 56.8 cubic meters. The whole system is equipped with a self-cleaning function. It works in three modes, which differ in time. On the body there are buttons for controlling the unit and a small display. There is also a scheduling function using a timer.

If someone does not like chlorinated water, then you can buy a device without this option, however, in this model, you can turn off the chlorine generation option and leave only ozonation.The device has a very good build. It is distinguished by reliability and long service life.

ozone generator Ozone-20tkd
  • ease of use and operation;
  • water is purified in a double way;
  • the device can process large volumes;
  • the unit is multifunctional (there is an option for scheduling work, self-cleaning and delay).
  • not identified.

Prozone PZ22

The ozonizer is able to process an artificial reservoir up to 179 cubic meters. The unit is used not only in private pools. It is often purchased for commercial use. The device has a very high power. It produces 1 g of ozone per hour. The reagent quickly destroys all harmful microorganisms without adding all kinds of chemicals. Many dangerous compounds under the influence of ozone decompose into neutral components. The end result will please any user. The resulting water is crystal clear. It will not cause irritation of the mucous membranes and allergies.

The device has a rather high price, but the ozonizer will fully pay for itself if it is used in commercial establishments (hotels, boarding houses, swimming pools). The device is not equipped with additional functions, however, it disinfects water very quickly due to its high performance.

ozone generator Prozone PZ22
  • the device can disinfect large volumes of liquid;
  • products are certified;
  • excellent assembly;
  • The unit is easy to use and operate.
  • high price.

Triogen Corona T8 (O3 S8)

The unit is suitable for public and domestic artificial reservoirs. The ozonator can disinfect about 400 cubic meters of water at one time. For large pools, devices are manufactured for processing up to 800 m3 of water.The principle of operation of the device is based on a corona discharge. It produces the necessary ozone, however, for the treatment of public pools, you do not need to be limited to one generator. For disinfection, you can also use a chemical station.

The whole system works absolutely safely. The principle of operation is based on counter pressure using a Venturi valve. Ozone enters the jet of liquid passing through the unit.

Triogen Corona T8 (O3 S8)
  • air is supplied to the ozonator from the dehumidifier;
  • the corona discharge system is reliably protected from all kinds of overloads, overheating and short circuits;
  • The unit is equipped with a flow regulator.
  • not detected.

two stage

Intex 26666

The ozone in this device is generated by passing air through a corona discharge system. Oxygen molecules are split, after which they combine into ozone microparticles. The resulting gas is injected into the flow of passing water and then dissolved in it. Ozone neutralizes harmful microorganisms and polluting particles.

Intex has created know-how. She came up with a two-stage cleaning system. The developers had to combine ozonation with a technology that allows you to purify the liquid by producing chlorine from table salt. This method gives more effect. Chlorine generators are absolutely safe. The substance that they emit does not cause irritation and allergies. In addition, the devices are cheap to operate, since ordinary salt is used for their operation.

The unit has a display. You can set a timer on it so that the unit will turn on automatically at the right time.An indicator will alert the operator that the unit has begun to produce chlorine. The amount of production of this element can be adjusted. If it is necessary to increase the effect of disinfection, then the concentration of chlorine should be increased. The control panel is equipped with a keypad lock so settings cannot be accidentally changed. There is also a power saving mode. During operation, the generator automatically goes into sleep mode.

ozone generator Intex 26666
  • everything is clearly visible on the display;
  • simple control panel;
  • instruction on paper and disk;
  • the system is equipped with a keypad lock;
  • There is a training video on the DVD;
  • Comes with adapters for connecting hoses.
  • not detected.


The unit can be operated not only at home, but also in the chemical, food, pharmaceutical and many other industries. Ozone is produced here from oxygen with a purity of 93%. This makes it possible to realize the maximum efficiency of the unit and to ensure a high content of ozone at the outlet. The dissolution of the substance in water reaches 90%. Developers periodically make small changes to the design of the system. They may affect the dimensions, appearance and weight of the unit, but the technical characteristics of the device remain unchanged.

ozonizer OZO-V3 (OZO-W3)
  • the dissolution of the substance in water reaches 90%;
  • can be used not only at home, but also in industrial conditions.
  • not detected.

Pulsar 25PV-B-20-2AT-12SM

Proper operation of this unit improves water quality. It meets all the requirements of SanPiN.The ozonator is intended for chemical purification of liquids, destruction of harmful bacteria, improvement of organoleptic qualities of water passing through the installation. The unit is ideal for recirculating pools.

The entire system is connected to a pipeline through which water circulates in the pool. The Pulsar 25PV-B-20-2AT-12SM installation was made in Russia. It has a good assembly, high-quality components and parts. The device provides an ozone density at the entrance to the pool tank of 0.1 mg/l. Sorption filters are not needed in this case. Such a good result is ensured by innovative solutions that are implemented in the design of the entire unit.

ozone generator Pulsar 25PV-B-20-2AT-12SM
  • destruction of harmful bacteria;
  • improvement of organoleptic qualities.
  • not detected.

Ozomat SB

The device will provide high-quality disinfection in artificial reservoirs, fish farms, private baths. Ozonation is considered the most reliable method of disinfection. In this unit, the air mass is fed into the ozone generation system. Inside the device there is a dielectric and an electrode, between which, after the passage of current, a corona discharge is formed. It transforms the oxygen contained in the air to the state of ozone. Next, the resulting gas enters the water.

The product will delight the buyer with its characteristics. The unit will save any artificial pond from unpleasant odors. All organic formations will also be neutralized. The water will look crystal clear. All fluid parameters will be normal. Ozone is completely safe for the human body. The control system is fully automated.

ozonizer Ozomat SB
  • high-quality disinfection of water;
  • will relieve any artificial pond from unpleasant odors.
  • not detected.

Triogen based on UV250 (O3 XS 250)

The principle of operation of the unit is not much different from other devices. Ozone is formed from the oxygen found in the air. Through the Venturi injector, the gas enters the water, after which the liquid is disinfected. The ozonizer is mounted in the water treatment system, which is located after the filtration device. The Triogen generator creates UV radiation. Under their influence, the air is split into individual molecules. After that, oxygen atoms combine, as a result of which ozone is formed. The resulting gas enters the injector. After this procedure, the water is saturated with ozone. The liquid used becomes transparent. All unpleasant odors and impurities disappear from it, while the taste qualities improve.

Triogen based on UV250 (O3 XS 250)
  • all unpleasant odors and impurities disappear;
  • water quality improves.
  • not detected.

Knowing the characteristics of some ozonizers, their advantages and disadvantages, as well as customer reviews, it will be easier to choose an installation.

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