There have been many situations when a person calmly walking down the street met a stray dog on his way. Mostly, at the sight of a person, dogs run away or do not react in any way to his presence, but there are times when an animal can attack. Currently, in order to be able to defend against an attack, you can purchase a special portable device that will always be at hand.
In public places where the presence of animals is undesirable - at playgrounds and schools, parking lots, beaches or parks, repellers are also used, only stationary ones.
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Depending on the method of influence on the animal, three types of repellers are distinguished:
When choosing a device for protection, one should not forget about the animal itself, which should not be harmed.
It is a gas bottle. When using it, the direction of the wind and the distance to the animal must be taken into account. Otherwise, you can cause significant harm not only to the dog, but also to yourself. The action of the aerosol is based on irritation of the mucous membrane of the nose and eyes, which causes lacrimation. Gas sprays will be effective only if the dog has already started the attack and is literally in front of the nose. The main disadvantage of this method of protection is that it is not always possible to avoid an animal bite. In addition, not every person is able to calmly think and act at the time of a dog attack.
This is a stun gun that is quite effective, but there is a high probability of harming the dog and yourself, so a few points should be considered when using it:
The two types of devices considered are currently not used often due to their low efficiency and the possibility of injury both to the person himself and to the animal.
The safest, most humane and effective dog-stopping device currently available is the Ultrasonic Repeller.
When using an ultrasonic repeller, you can not be afraid of danger at all. Firstly, because it emits high-frequency waves that simply cause discomfort to the dog. Secondly, the waves are able to reach the dog, even if it is at a distance of 20 meters. When using the device, contact with animals is excluded.
In addition, stationary types of devices are widely used to protect the territories of private estates from visiting unwanted animals - dogs, cats, rodents, wild animals.
Dogs, like many other animals, are endowed by nature with acute hearing and the ability to pick up high-frequency sounds. The dog's pain threshold is 110 dB. If this level is significantly exceeded, then the dog will endure the impact very painfully, up to the destruction of body cells.
To avoid harming the animal, without losing the opportunity to defend yourself, you should choose a repeller with a frequency of not much more than 110 dB., But no less, because. the dog will not perceive such a frequency.
When choosing an ultrasonic repeller, the following criteria should be considered:
Since, according to buyers, the most common and reliable dog repellent device is an ultrasonic device, below is a rating of the best of them.
For self-defense against aggressive animals on the streets of the city, mobile portable pocket dog repellers are used.
A pocket-sized device that is convenient to carry. It has two emitters with a power of 125 dB each. The covered distance is 20 meters. In addition to the based function, you can use the siren and flashlight. It can be used to protect against robbers, as well as on a hike to fix your location. The device has a signal cable that can be passed through the bag and connected to the repeller, this action will help when searching for stolen items. Lightweight, fits easily into a small purse, pocket or purse. It is powered by a battery that can be charged through a conductor.
An easy-to-use device that is often purchased for children. Works on aggressive dogs. An additional flashlight allows you to scare not only with ultrasound, but also with light, which can help with an attack by a deaf dog. It is used not only to scare away, but also to train dogs and cats. In the weak ultrasound mode, you can wean the animal from bad habits. However, it is often not recommended to use the device for these purposes for humane reasons. Can be used as a portable flashlight. It is powered by a Krona battery, which makes it easy to use. One battery is enough for 500 inclusions. You should beware of fakes. The original device will cost around 2500 rubles. There is a company logo on the case.
American made device. Effectively affects all breeds of stray and aggressive dogs. In addition to them, it can scare away cats and any wild animals. Operates at a distance of 15 meters. Silent, small size and can be attached to the belt. Ultrasound at 116.5 dB. Does not harm animals, causing only psychological discomfort.Widely used by various services related to working with animals.
Easy to use and inexpensive domestic model. It has been on sale for a long time, but is still in demand. The durable and comfortable body is protected by a metal grill, which significantly extends the life of the device. To turn it on, just press the big button. Often purchased for children. The ultrasonic pressure is large - 135 dB and covers a distance of 15 meters thanks to two emitters. Battery operated.
A common pocket model that runs on batteries. It does not work at all on calm and trained dogs. There is one rather powerful speaker, the action of which extends to 15 meters. The action is supplemented by an LED. It is most effective in the dark, due to the possibility of using ultrasound and a light signal. Operates in temperature conditions from minus 5 to plus forty degrees.
Another device of domestic production with a range of 20 meters. Equipped with a laser pointer that allows you to direct the beam at the dog's head. The low frequency mode allows you to use the repeller for training. The built-in LED can be used as a flashlight. Peace-loving quadrupeds do not suffer from the use of the apparatus, while aggressive ones experience panic, which leads them to flee.
A simple pocket machine. Operates at the push of a button immediately at full power. The wavelength is about 10 meters. Very compact making it portable. The sound pressure is small, so a pack of dogs, most likely, will not be very frightening, but against one aggressive animal it is quite effective. There are two models. One has a flashlight installed, and the other has two emitters.
Provides ultrasonic protection, bright light and sound pattern. Works at any temperature. Provides maximum protection at a distance of 20 meters.As the battery discharges, efficiency does not decrease due to the built-in voltage regulator. Specially designed sound pattern provides maximum deterrent effect. If you add to the ultrasound also the effect of light, then this greatly frightens the dogs and they run away. Can be used for training.
To protect any territory from visiting unwanted four-legged guests, portable stationary repellent devices are used.
It is installed to protect the territory from stray and wild animals. Works from the solar battery and protects the territory up to 75 sq.m. There is a motion sensor, which allows you to save battery. Three different modes are set for different animals. Country of origin - Belgium. Widespread in the US and Europe. Can be installed in playgrounds and schools.
The radius of influence is 200 meters. It is widely used to protect private estates and industrial facilities, parking lots and hotels, residential buildings from animals. It needs a network to work. Able to scare away everyone: from rodents to wild animals.Placed on the facades of houses. The device must not be exposed to direct sunlight or precipitation. Before him, the presence of green spaces and other obstacles is undesirable.
Protects estates from wild animals, livestock, cats, dogs and birds. Not capable of causing harm, but can seriously frighten an intruder. There is a simultaneous impact on the animal by ultrasound, a sound siren and light. There is an infrared motion sensor that allows you to take breaks in the operation of the device. Adjustable to different animals depending on the needs.
Name | Housing type | long range | Sound pressure | Working mode | Food | Dimensions |
Sititek Grom-250 M | plastic | 20 m | 125 dB from each speaker | scare, flashlight, siren, anti-theft | battery | 75*55*21mm |
Sititek Grom-125 M | plastic | 10 m | 125 dB | scare, flashlight, training | battery "Krona" | 130*40*22mm |
Dazek II | plastic | 15 m | 116.5 dB | scare away | battery "Krona" | 115*50*35mm |
Chiston-11 | plastic | 15 m | 135 dB for each radiator | scare away | battery "Krona" | 116*79*41mm |
Bios "Cobra" | plastic | 15 m | 120 dB | scare, flashlight | battery "Krona" | 100*30*60mm |
Hawk OS-2 | plastic | 20 m | 130 dB | scare, flashlight, training | battery "Krona" | 135*25*55mm |
Tornado-112 | plastic | 10 m | 110-125 dB | scare, flashlight | battery "Krona" | 90*25*25 |
iPhone technology " Flash +" | plastic | 20 m | 120 dB | scare, flashlight | battery "Krona" | 110*57*35 |
Weitech WK0053 | plastic | 75 sq.m | 120 dB | scare away | solar panels | 137*120*90 |
Ecosniper LS-937CD | plastic | 200 sq.m | 120 dB | scare away | electricity | 145*138*82 |
DS-035 | plastic | 200 sq.m | 110 dB | scare away | electricity or batteries "Krona" | 138*116*96 |
Which brand of dog repeller to choose will depend on the place, time and how it is used. For public places, it is advisable to purchase a stationary device that can be used from various types of animals. For convenience, you can use a portable device that does not require attachment to a support. If we are talking about protection against the attack of aggressive animals on humans, then pocket ultrasonic devices with good power are used. For a child, the device should be easy to operate, and for a person who often returns home in the dark, it is desirable to have a flashlight. On the well-known Ali Express, you can buy quite worthy and inexpensive repellers made in China, if the question of choice stops at the price of the device.
In any case, manufacturers offer a huge range of this kind of goods, which one to choose is up to the buyer.