
  1. Device types
  2. Basic parameters when choosing
  3. The best ultrasonic repellers
  4. Overview of the best biometric repellers
  5. Visual Repellers: The Best Options

Rating of the best bird repellers for 2022

Rating of the best bird repellers for 2022

Previously, in order to scare off annoying birds, savvy owners put a scarecrow in the garden. However, the birds themselves had no idea that a strange immovable structure should be feared. Technology does not stand still, and devices are placed in modern gardens and fields, the action of which is based on the physical characteristics of birds, but at the same time they do not harm their health and psyche.

Device types

On sale you can find many devices arranged in different ways. The differences are in which receptors the repeller acts on. Conventionally, they can be divided into 3 types:

  • visual;
  • ultrasonic;
  • biometric.


The most accessible way to scare away is visual. It will not be difficult for anyone to take improvised materials and make a scarecrow out of them. There are few requirements for such a device - it must be high enough, and a wide-brimmed hat must be placed on the head. Birds are afraid of this design. Some believe that the color of the scarecrow matters. For example, starlings categorically do not like shades of blue. Shiny items are also designed to scare away birds. Small mirrors, pieces of foil or metal lids are ideal. They are recommended to hang directly on the branches of trees.

It is very easy to make a scarecrow, moreover, this method does not require large investments, so many summer residents choose this option. However, it is not the most efficient. Devices for scaring away birds do not always resemble humans. There are scarecrows in the form of a large animal. A simple mechanism that emits beams of light will also make the bird fly past. No less effective are mechanical devices that prevent birds from landing and walking around a certain area.

Spikes, barbed wire or tires are usually used to scare away. They are installed on the roof, a small area in front of a cafe or shop. These devices have a very long service life and low cost.


This type of repeller is characterized by low cost and ease of installation.The devices emit ultrasound that cannot be heard by the human ear. However, such a sound is very unpleasant for birds.

Advanced models are equipped with a light function. Such devices are activated when moving, and scare away birds with bright flashes of lights. At the same time, not only birds, but also stray animals and small rodents escape from the site. Therefore, before turning on the device, you should remove pets from the territory.

Another undoubted advantage of this type of devices is their compactness. The device will not take up much space on the roof or wall. It can even be placed on the ground by placing it on a small leg. It will not spoil the interior of the yard, as it is practically not noticeable.

The only limitation of ultrasonic devices is their range. On average, it is 20-25 square meters. Therefore, you should not purchase such a device for owners of large plots. But it can be placed in a garage, in a hangar or in a small garden.

Basic parameters when choosing

The choice of bird repellers is huge. So that buyers do not get confused when buying, they should pay attention to several nuances:

  1. First of all, you need to consider the range of the device. This information can be found directly on the packaging or on the manufacturer's website.
  2. Not all devices are easy to use. If most of them are easy to install and turn on without even looking at the instructions, then a small part of them still require special care, which only a professional can do. In order to avoid unnecessary expenses, it is better to choose a simple model.
  3. If the region experiences very cold winters or heavy rains, which not every device can withstand. Devices that are not waterproof must be additionally protected by a canopy.
  4. From what the apparatus for scaring away birds comes from, can also matter. All of them can be divided into three categories: portable, stationary and autonomous. The latter appeared relatively recently, they are powered by solar panels. Portable devices are powered by batteries that need to be changed, but infrequently. Stationary ones require connection to an electrical outlet, which may not be near the site or field.
  5. If the gadget can adjust the power, this is a plus. In a small area, the signal strength can be reduced, thereby conserving battery power.

You should pay attention to which birds the repeller acts on.

The best ultrasonic repellers

The structure of hearing in birds is very different from that of humans, so they can hear much more different sounds, and at a frequency that is completely inaccessible to people. The ultrasonic repellent system is built on the basis of these differences. Ultrasonic deterrent devices are loudspeakers that constantly make certain sounds that are unpleasant for birds and make them leave the site. It should be noted that many of this type of devices cope with scaring away not only birds, but even small rodents that find themselves in the zone of action of the sound wave.


An ultrasonic repeller, which is useful not only for use in personal plots. Its use is indispensable in large agricultural holdings or on the runways of airfields, since, in these cases, a small compact device will not be able to cope with numerous flocks. This is a professional repeller with a range of more than a kilometer and working in the widest range.It has 4 columns that are configured individually.

This device can rightfully be considered the best, but for home conditions it is most likely not suitable due to the large radius of action, which implies a professional orientation. It takes this place in the rating because the description provides an extended list of objects on which it is recommended to use this device. This includes antennas, radio towers, since flocks make it difficult to transmit a high-quality signal, as well as manufacturing plants, since bird flocks harm such objects. The price of this repeller corresponds to a wide range of its application, so few people want to install such a device on their balcony, even the best of all.

  • not only for use in home gardens;
  • powerful.
  • too expensive and powerful for home use.


Most often, the invasion of birds is spontaneous. If the balcony is chosen by swallows or pigeons flock to it periodically, this repeller, the main advantage of which is the presence of a motion sensor, will perfectly protect the property from birds. It saves battery power, as it turns on only when an intruder is in the beam's coverage area. The range is more than 80 meters, so this gadget can easily protect a summer cottage or garden. Power is supplied from simple batteries or from the mains using the adapter included in the kit.

Judging by the numerous laudatory reviews left on the Internet by real users, the device can be considered one of the best in its class. It has a wonderful effect not only on birds, but also on small rodents.A great rarity for such devices is its effect on large birds - crows, rooks or gulls.

  • acts not only on birds, but also on small rodents;
  • impact on large birds.
  • not detected.


WT321 is a universal action device that repels both birds and all kinds of rodents. The ultrasonic vibrations that the device emits are absolutely harmless to people and pets, but cause a panic state in a large number of small animals and rodents.

A big advantage can be considered the convenience and ease of installation of the repeller, the rod of which is stuck into the ground in the right place. It can easily be made shorter or longer. If you are fighting pigeons, crows or sparrows, you need to raise it to the maximum, and when you need to scare away rodents, lower the bar down. The gadget is very simple, but it has a huge amount of laudatory reviews, which most often talk about economical battery consumption and high performance. Powered by three AA batteries, which is enough for several weeks of continuous use. There is also an IR motion sensor, however, for the fight against rodents, it has a low efficiency.

  • repels both birds and all kinds of rodents;
  • Operates on three AA batteries;
  • convenience and ease of installation of the repeller.
  • not detected.

Ecosniper LS-987 BF

Many ultrasonic devices have one significant drawback: they must be turned on and off by yourself, which creates inconvenience, and even leads to a rapid consumption of batteries.This device is equipped with a motion sensor, so it turns on only when feathered friends appear within its range.

And that's not all the surprises of this repeller model. It has a very high efficiency, because it can work in several directions at once. In addition to ultrasound, which is easily tuned to a frequency that a person can hear, the device is equipped with a powerful stroboscope that turns on when birds appear. If the flash failed to scare away the bird, the ultrasound turns on, which is guaranteed to scare away even large birds. It operates in the zone of 85 meters - not the best, but a very worthy result. The repeller works only from the Krona battery. If necessary, you can use a suitable adapter, which is not provided in the basic kit.

Ecosniper LS-987 BF
  • very high efficiency;
  • The device is equipped with a motion sensor.
  • The adapter is not included in the basic set.


WEITECH WK-0020 has an operating frequency of 2.5-4 kilohertz. It can rightfully be considered the best in terms of "price-quality" ratio, since the greatest efficiency is achieved with a radius of 40 meters. The device is very simple, runs on three AA batteries, which last for several weeks of uninterrupted operation.

It is absolutely harmless for people and pets. This is confirmed by numerous test results, as well as certificates of conformity. Suitable for installation in a summer cottage or even in the city, on the balcony of a high-rise building. Using the regulator on the body, the device is configured to work within a certain radius, so that if the neighbors breed pigeons, you cannot harm them, but they will not approach your garden.The device has a rather low security. Rain or snow will not bring much harm, but it is advisable to avoid immersion in water in every possible way, as this immediately disables the gadget.

  • configured to work within a certain radius;
  • is absolutely harmless to people and pets.
  • not detected.

Overview of the best biometric repellers

Biometric repellers, just like ultrasonic repellers, act by ear. Unlike ultrasonic, biometric repellers operate by recording the sound of a bird of prey. Such sounds have an excellent effect on birds, without fail driving them away from an unnecessary place to visit. Some manufacturers add several recordings of sounds inherent in various predators. Thus, if a bird is not afraid of the sounds of an owl, then the sound of a falcon will be dangerous for it. In addition, biometric repellers, with the help of the sound of predators, perfectly drive away all kinds of rodents.


Such a device is perhaps the best representative of all kinds of repellers. It is equipped not only with a biometric scare system, but also with an ultrasonic and light system. Able to drive away any, even large representatives of the bird world. In addition, it affects the animal world. Equipped with over 40 different sounds. The collection of sounds that are unpleasant for birds can be supplemented, so there is no need to be afraid that they will get used to the sounds that the repeller makes.

The sound propagation range is very large, around 7 km. The gadget is designed for installation in particularly large areas. The radius of action can be changed to a smaller side.The price for such a device is very high, so there are hardly any people who decide to install the device in a summer cottage or garden plot. Although the device is certainly worth the money.

  • equipped not only with a biometric scare system, but also with an ultrasonic and light system.
  • the price of the device is very high.


SAPSAN-3 is installed at a decent height.

All devices, even those that are not of the best quality, are equipped with a special panel for changing all kinds of settings. It is most often located on the body of the device itself, which causes certain inconveniences for changing parameters.

The advantage of this device is a separate module from which you can change the settings. It is mounted in any place most convenient for the consumer of services. The only downside to this approach is that the individual module is equipped with a rather short wire, which makes it impossible to install it far from the instrument itself. Although, such a drawback can be easily corrected on your own, it will not be difficult to build up a wire.

The gadget has 30 different sounds that scare away unwanted guests. Sounds are divided into 3 groups. The first is responsible for scaring away small representatives of the bird world. The second drives away rodents, and the third helps to cope with large birds. If the consumer does not need a certain group of sounds, you can turn it off or set it to a very rare frequency.

  • a separate module from which you can change the settings.
  • short wire, which makes it impossible to install the module far from the device itself.


Representatives of the bird world very quickly get used to various sounds, and soon they begin to ignore unpleasant, but generally safe sounds for them. This device does not have this problem. The fact is that the device is equipped with more than 30 programs that alternate by day of the week, preventing the representatives of the bird world from getting used to unpleasant sounds. In addition, this device is equipped with a powerful light stroboscope. As soon as the bird appears in the area of ​​the device, there is a powerful and bright flash of light. As users say, often the flash directly has a stronger effect.

The area covered by the device is not the largest, especially when compared with other top models. It is 400 sq. m. But, it is quite enough to protect a decent suburban area. There are several switches on the case that allow you to adjust the time of the sound signal. At night, the device can be programmed to turn off, because, as a rule, there is no harm from night birds. With dawn, such a device will turn on by itself.

  • the device is equipped with more than 30 programs;
  • at night, the device can be programmed to turn off.
  • not detected.


Repellers are rather expensive devices, therefore, when a cheap device is found on the market, suspicions of its quality involuntarily arise. This device is budget, but, according to numerous reviews, is a good option. It costs about 2000 rubles, but it does its job perfectly. Its range is about 1 km, which is generally quite enough for many purposes.

Not a small advantage is that the device is equipped with more than 10 different scaring sounds. They can be interleaved and changed.There are sounds of the scream of predatory representatives of the bird world, and hunting shots from weapons. Sounds can be combined with each other.

The device is equipped with a special sensor that reacts to the movement of birds. If you believe the reviews, then there are a number of questions directly to the sensor. With a declared viewing angle of 110 degrees, it works in a smaller range.

Falcon bird scarers
  • the device is equipped with more than 10 different scaring sounds;
  • Motion Sensor.
  • not detected.

Tornado OP.01

This is a very versatile device with which you can scare away almost all types of birds and rodents. The device is equipped with three methods of scaring away. The first produces sounds that drive away birds of prey and small birds such as sparrows and tits. The second group of sounds gives out a semblance of a hunter's cries and shots. It is designed to repel rodents and small animals. The third group is designed to drive away large representatives of birds. The sounds are reminiscent of the calls of large birds of prey such as falcons, hawks and the like.

A special panel is installed on the panel, which is equipped with many switches and levers. On the panel, you can set the desired timbre of the signals and change the order of their alternation. The service consumer himself determines which groups of sounds will be emitted more often and which less often. You can also set pauses during which the device will be silent. One of the main advantages of the device is its huge range of use. The device operates at a distance of about 10 square kilometers, which allows you to install the device to protect really large objects. The radius of action, if desired, can be reduced, which will allow you to install it on a personal plot.Although the price is quite high, it is not very suitable for such use of the device.

Tornado OP.01
  • versatility of the device;
  • huge range of use.
  • not detected.

Visual Repellers: The Best Options

The simplest repeller has always been a garden scarecrow, although its effectiveness is very doubtful, because representatives of the bird world quickly enough realize that this is a hoax, and no longer pay attention to such an awkward and strange design. Modern analogues are much more effective because they are more similar to the visual objects they imitate. As a result, birds do not approach such repellers, preferring to stay away. To scare the pest, as well as make him get out in search of another landing site, there are many devices, but the matter is not limited to ordinary stuffed animals.


Such visual repellers are set up to mimic the habits of the animal they represent. Stuffed animals are made in the form of various predators that are dangerous for pests. This model offers an eagle owl, mounted on a special rod in flight. Such a repeller works mainly on small rodents, although the annotation also says about the use of a stuffed animal against birds.

Although birds will also not rush to approach such a visual repeller, it is worth remembering to change the location of the scarecrow from time to time so that cunning birds do not stop paying attention to it and continue to react. It is also important that in combination with biometric or ultrasonic devices, the repeller will work most productively.

  • inexpensive fixture.
  • works mainly on small rodents.

BIRD-X Predator Eye

The best options for scaring away birds turn out to be the simplest tools, which, surprisingly, have an impressively effective effect. This option is an ordinary plastic ball with an eye pattern applied to it. But on pests, such a visual repeller works just fine. Models are hung throughout the site, best in places with an abundance of vegetation. Then everything happens according to one scheme. The feathered one approaches the object's location, sees a large-eyed predator staring at it, and decides not to mess with it. Eyes play a significant role here, the size of which tells the birds the approximate size of the predator.

Many may doubt the effectiveness of such a primitive device, but if you look at the reviews on the Internet, you can conclude that it works well. Although the price may be somewhat shocking, but the brand is from Europe, and the price is indicated for several balls at once. With due desire, you can find models and cheaper.

BIRD-X Predator Eye
  • simple but effective;
  • brand from Europe.
  • great cost.

HELP "Tape"

As many people know, representatives of the bird world, in addition to loud sound, can also be scared away by bright light. They are very cautious, so any, even the smallest signal, announcing danger, makes them fly away. This model is a tape that has a print that reflects and refracts sunlight. This intensifies the light, which acts as an irritant on the birds, and makes the pests not come close to this place.

In order to use the tape, you need to hang it in places that need to be protected from pests.It can be various fruit trees or vineyards. The tool is not an ideal pest control method, but it is quite effective. It is best used in combination with other repellers such as strobe lights or ultrasonic devices.

HELP "Tape"
  • effective in this class of repellers.
  • not detected.

SITITEK "Buzzard"

Unfortunately, various models of scarecrows may lose their effectiveness over time, because the birds stop responding to such repellers, getting used to them. This model has the appearance of a kite, being a lightweight frame structure that has a canvas stretched over it, due to which it can imitate a flying predator. Therefore, it will be enough to simply install the snake, tying it tightly, and the birds will fly around the site in a wide arc.

All birds know that the buzzard flies at a fairly high altitude, so at long distances the imitation of this bird of prey becomes more successful and realistic, and abrupt changes in location work as an additional deterrent. The only negative is the fragility of this model. The maximum time that it can last is one season, although the cost of the model is quite inexpensive.

SITITEK "Buzzard
  • simple construction.
  • the fragility of this model;
  • model is quite expensive.


The most dangerous predator, which all birds are wary of, is the eagle. This repeller is the best stuffed animal made by a real hunter. The model is attached behind the back, so it can be hung on absolutely any object. The scarecrow perfectly fulfills the task, just swaying in the wind.

The quality of the paints that were used to create this model is its main advantage. Such paints do not fade in the sun, serve for a long time and do not lose their brightness. This is a great option to protect your yard from pest attacks. Also, the overall efficiency will increase many times over if you combine this model with ultrasonic devices or biometric ones. Just do not forget to change the location so that the birds cannot get used to the predator.

  • effective in this class of repellers;
  • very realistic.
  • not detected.

Knowing all the rules for choosing a repeller, you can purchase a good device for your garden, garden, cottage or even a balcony, which will serve for many years and will be an excellent assistant in pest control.

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