
  1. Classification of mole repellers: criteria for choosing devices
  2. Rating of high-quality sound mole repellers for 2022
  3. The best mole traps for 2022
  4. Do-it-yourself mole repellers - the best models of 2022
  5. Conclusion

Rating of the best mole repellers for 2022

Rating of the best mole repellers for 2022

Many summer residents are faced with garden pests such as moles. Gardeners are trying to eliminate uninvited guests by folk methods, but, unfortunately, in most cases, attempts are crowned with failure. Attention is presented a list of the best mole repellers for 2022, which, according to buyers, most effectively cope with the task.

Classification of mole repellers: criteria for choosing devices

The popularity of models of mole repellent devices depends on the effective impact on these mammals. For years, gardeners have used various tricks: folk remedies, mole traps, drugs and special devices made by themselves, but not everyone got the desired result. To date, there are methods without harming the garden and pets, new devices have appeared that work according to certain methods. What is the best repeller to buy - you decide. The table shows the main varieties of these devices.

Table - "Types of modern mole repellers for 2022"

According to the principle of action:ultrasonicvibrations created by an ultrasonic emitter that are inaccessible to human hearing
mechanicalproduces mechanical vibrations
biologicalthe spread of a peculiar odor
By power supply:battery poweredneed replacement, wear out quickly
networkwork from a network cord
solarcharged by sunlight, no time limit
By material:metaloften combined plastic and metal
woodhomemade devices
By installation:stationaryin room
streetLocation on
By cost:expensivemodern fixtures
inexpensivelive traps
freemade by hand

Popular models among mole devices are sound devices.What to look for when buying them:

  • Radius of action;
  • Wave power;
  • Battery;
  • Customer reviews;
  • Where is it used (room, street);
  • Simple installation diagram;
  • Which firm is better;
  • The cost of the device.

A device of this type is inexpensive, but you can buy them even cheaper: order on Ali Express or make it yourself.

Rating of high-quality sound mole repellers for 2022

The best manufacturers in this category are the companies:

  • "EcoSniper";
  • RemiLing;
  • "Grad";
  • Boyscout;
  • "TORNADO";
  • "31st CENTURY".

Model "LS-997R" from the manufacturer "EcoSniper"
votes 9

Purpose: from moles and rodents, as well as insects.

The device resembles a large nail with a plastic cap. It runs on batteries and, depending on the use of the device, the batteries need to be changed regularly. One such device is enough for an action of 45 meters in diameter. If the site is huge, then several repellers are installed from each other at a distance of 30-40 meters.

Packaging and appearance of the model of the mole repeller "LS-997R" from the manufacturer "EcoSniper"


Action area (square meters):1500
Size (centimeters):41,5/6,5/6,5
Net weight:420 g
Frequency:300-400 Hz
Battery:battery, 4 pcs., type "D"
Material:metal + plastic parts
By price:1600 rubles
LS-997R EcoSniper
  • Efficient device;
  • The repeller is easy to operate;
  • The range of one device is enough for 12 acres;
  • Holds a charge for a long time;
  • Universal model: not only from moles;
  • Rugged construction;
  • Inexpensive.
  • Not for sub-zero temperatures: it is recommended to extract if the soil is frozen;
  • Sound is blocked by obstacles such as foundations, concrete paths, and tree roots.

Model "Terminator D03" from the manufacturer "RemiLing"
votes 10

Purpose: from moles and mice, as well as snakes.

The repeller from the Chinese manufacturer starts working on solar energy after turning on the button on the panel. It is stuck into the soil for 3/4 of the entire fixture. It is advisable to place in a well-lit area so that the sun feeds the battery charge. The durable case consists of metal and plastic, the appearance is like a nail.

Packaging and appearance of the mole repeller "Terminator D03" from the manufacturer "RemiLing"


Covered area (sq. meters):700
Frame:plastic, metal
Radius of action:35 meters
Company from:from China
Net weight:120 g
Size (centimeters):25/6
Average price:700 rubles
Terminator D03 RemiLing
  • Environmentally friendly device;
  • Effective;
  • Safe;
  • Inexpensive;
  • Repels ants;
  • Does not require a change of power: it is charged from the sun's rays;
  • Lightweight;
  • Small size.
  • Not identified.

Model "A-500" from the manufacturer "Grad"
votes 0

Purpose: from moles and rodents.

The device for premises works from a network. Universal: you can insert AAA batteries, but the range will be covered by 2 times less. Outwardly, it looks like a rectangular box, equipped with various holes. Body in black. There is a round speaker from which sound waves come out in a chaotic manner.

Model "A-500" from the manufacturer "Grad", mole repeller, device appearance


Parameters (centimeters):10,5/5,8/1,9
Net weight:120 g
Area coverage (square meters):500
Food:from the mains 220 V
When operating on batteries or an “AAA” accumulator, covers an area (square meters):250
Connection adapter:9 V
Required number of batteries:3 pcs.
What is the price:2000 rubles
A-500 Grad
  • Sound frequencies are constantly changing, because the moles will not be able to adapt to the action of the device;
  • High efficiency;
  • Can be left on 24/7
  • Sufficient capture area to protect the site from pests;
  • Device design;
  • Value for money;
  • Regardless of weather conditions, perfectly copes with the task;
  • Can run on batteries.
  • Not identified.

Model "80411 HELP" from the manufacturer "Boyscout"
votes 0

Purpose: from moles and shrews.

A device that looks like a sunflower. Recharges from sunlight. The stem is metal, the cap is plastic. A device for outdoor use will complement the site with bright colors. At night, it provides illumination thanks to the built-in LED flashlight.

Model design "80411 HELP" from the manufacturer "Boyscout"


Operating area (sq. meters):800
Dimensions (centimeters):16,3/36
Working frequency:400-1000 kHz
Frame:aluminium, plastic
Food:solar battery
Battery type:1.2V/300mAH Ni-cd
Producing country:China
Average cost:1120 rubles
80411 HELP Boyscout
  • Ergonomic design;
  • The device is safe for pets, insects and people;
  • Certified;
  • Unlimited validity;
  • Does the job well;
  • Covers a large area;
  • Additional accessory for the suburban area.
  • Do not allow moisture to enter: store only in a dry place.

Model "OZV.02" from the manufacturer "TORNADO"
votes 0

Purpose: from moles and snakes, as well as other rodents.

The appearance of the device resembles a huge sharpened pencil.The body is black, the hat-valve is green. The case is durable, water-repellent, allows you to carry out activities in all weather conditions, except for negative temperatures. Repels all pests living underground.

Model "OZV.02" from the manufacturer "TORNADO", unpacked


Action area (square meters):2000
Frame:ABS plastic
Food:on batteries, 4 pcs.
Operating time until the next power change:3 months
Result:after 4 weeks
Emitted frequencies (Hz):-100; 400+
Ultrasonic Pressure: 72 dB at 1 meter
Working temperature range:0-50 with "+" sign
Net weight:200 g
Parameters (centimeters):6,7/6,7/38,5
Pause exposure:45-50 seconds
Buzzer vibration length:10-15 seconds
Price segment on average:900 rubles
  • Functional;
  • Protective case against moisture;
  • Inexpensive;
  • Design;
  • Range of action of one device;
  • Long battery life;
  • Effective: after the specified time, there are no traces of the presence of pests;
  • Two types of exposure: mechanical, ultrasonic.
  • Works only at positive or neutral temperatures;
  • You need to buy batteries yourself.

Model "GH-316" from the manufacturer "31 VEK"
votes 0

Purpose: for the fight against earthen rodents.

A small, in height, size “nail”, on the cap of which there is a solar battery. Affects a depth of up to 20 centimeters. The rod is made of aluminum, so it will not rust if it gets wet. To get a quick result, you can use several of these devices. The device is endowed with high rates of frequency of operation and coverage of the territory.

Model "GH-316" from the manufacturer "31 VEK", appearance


Action area (square meters):700
Frequencies (Hz):400-1000
Vibration interval:30-50 seconds
Dimensions (centimeters):33/15,5/15,5
Net weight:310 g
Material:made of plastic and metal
Food:from sunlight
Price:1600 rubles
GH-316 31st CENTURY
  • Safe device;
  • Copes with the task;
  • Rugged housing;
  • Without terms of restrictions on operation;
  • Does not require replacement of batteries;
  • Value for money.
  • Not identified.

The best mole traps for 2022

This category includes traps for moles, which are installed in a certain place of moves and after a while are checked for the presence of an animal. Such devices can be made by hand.

Model "000812" from the manufacturer "Cat Fedr"
votes 0

Purpose: for catching moles.

The mole trap is made of metal and plastic. Installation Recommendations:

  • On a straight section of the course, dig a hole with a diameter of 6 cm;
  • Below 2 cm of the bottom of the tunnel, set the trap vertically;
  • Raise the handle all the way up;
  • Sprinkle the area with grass.

After the mole falls into the trap, the handle will lower, and to extract the pest, you need to lower it all the way.

Model "000812" from the manufacturer "Cat Fedr" in packed and unpacked form


Parameters (centimeters):22,3/10/5,8
Net weight:200 g
Average price:750 rubles
Trap 000812 Fedrus the Cat
  • original assembly;
  • Active trap;
  • The sensitivity of the device;
  • durable;
  • It works, regardless of which side the mole is approaching;
  • For all weather conditions;
  • Price.
  • Little information on installation;
  • Need dexterity.

Model "Pipe"
votes 0

Purpose: to catch moles.

A device for catching moles, which allows you to save the life of a rodent. It is installed horizontally in one of the passages and sprinkled with earth.You can check the trap in the morning, afternoon and evening. Appearance of the device: a cylinder with holes, made of durable plastic. The entrance and exit are designed so that the beast enters, but cannot exit. Operates from 2 sides.

Model "Pipe" in action: the mole is caught


Openings and entrances:2 pcs.
Frame:ABC plastic
Average price:500 rubles
Mole trap Pipe
  • Ease of use;
  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Saves the life of the mole;
  • Active;
  • Resistant model to any temperature;
  • Durability;
  • Design reliability.
  • Not identified.

Model "Wire"
votes 0

Purpose: catching moles, their elimination.

Supplied in pairs for sale. The mechanism is simple: steel wire twisted to a certain shape. A special mechanism repeats the principle of the mousetrap, but in a more gentle mode.

Model "Wire", appearance, installation in moves


Amount in a package:2 pcs.
Body material:steel
By price:about 100 rubles
Wire trap for moles
  • The most budget devices;
  • Eco-friendly;
  • Simple mechanism;
  • Long service life;
  • Suitable for any underground rodents.
  • Not identified.

Do-it-yourself mole repellers - the best models of 2022

This category includes simple do-it-yourself mole repellent devices. You can create your own design, or you can use blanks that have been proven over the years.

Model of a repeller from a plastic bottle
votes 0

What the device looks like: a plastic bottle is put on the pin. In it, rectangular slots are pre-made with the letter "P" and bent to the outside.Thus, a primitive anemone is created.

Principle of operation: the pin is installed in the middle of the excavated passage. When the wind gusts, the bottle spins and creates a vibration field.

Appearance model of a mole repeller from a plastic bottle


Pin material:wood or metal
Type of:sound
Holder length:about 1.5-2 meters
Price:is free
  • Zero costs;
  • Year-round use;
  • Any temperature conditions withstand;
  • Long service life;
  • The speed of construction.
  • Inefficient model: small sound wave propagation radius.

Do-it-yourself mole repeller using an alarm clock
votes 0

For the design, they take several glass jars and an electronic alarm clock (the appropriate amount). The timer for the sound signal is set. Different devices have their own time, for example, with an interval of 6-12 hours. Alarm clocks are placed in jars and buried at the exit of the mole hole on one side of the site and on the other.

Do-it-yourself mole repeller using alarm clocks


Number of cans recommended:2 pcs.
Alarms:2 cheapest
Food:finger batteries
Burial depth:up to 25 cm
Estimated spending amount: 500 rubles
  • Effective;
  • A budget option;
  • The tightness of the device;
  • Repels other underground pests;
  • Quick installation;
  • Waterproof.
  • Moles can get used to the sound;
  • Power replacement.


The review compiled the best mole repellent devices for 2022.Thus, repellers are devices of various forms that operate at certain frequencies, accessible to perception, only by garden pests. Many of them are designed to clean the garden plot not only from moles, but also from rodents, snakes, and insects.

A consultant in the store will help you not to make mistakes when choosing a device, and when buying a device through an online store, customer reviews are saved. The main question is how to choose the right device? There are models that perform several functions. For example, the appearance of a repeller can serve as a decorative decoration for a soda area. Some instances of devices with the “flashlight” function can illuminate the paths of the garden at night.

Picture - Mole covered areas

On the packaging of each repeller there is information and tips on how to use the device correctly. If there is no such information, then you should look at the description on the official websites of the stores where the product or videos are sold.

The table shows only popular modern mole repellers with a brief description of each model.

Table - "Rating of popular devices, against the scourge of moles for 2022"

Name:Manufacturer:Coverage area (square meters):Battery:Average cost (rubles):
Terminator"RemiLing"700solar battery700
A-500"Grad"500from the network2000
80411 HELPBoyscout800solar battery1120
"GH-316""31st CENTURY"700solar battery1600


