
  1. Shoe organizer - general information
  2. Advantages and disadvantages of placing shoes in the organizer
  3. Modern models of organizers
  4. Shoe cases - the most popular organizers
  5. DIY hanging organizer
  6. Ranking the best shoe organizers for 2022
  7. Conclusion

Ranking the best shoe organizers for 2022

Ranking the best shoe organizers for 2022

In a modern apartment, every meter of usable area should be used with maximum effect. The economical use of apartment space for placing shoes will allow maintaining the organization of a nominal order in a relatively small space. Also, competent planning of the placement of things can increase the usable living space due to the compact arrangement of shoes.

Shoe organizer - general information

The fashionable term "organizer" successfully masks an ergonomic and simple device designed to accommodate shoes. Such products can be various shelves or drawers, as well as hanging cabinets. They can be placed on the floor in the hallway, or be neatly hidden under the bed, inside the sofa or a large closet - that is, in principle, wherever there is an unfilled space. Their main purpose is to store shoes in an orderly manner.

Organizers can be purchased at the store or made by hand. They are divided into types according to the type of location:

  • Floor - usually these are containers located on a flat surface;
  • Hanging - the same containers that are hung on the wall in the pantry, hallway or linen closet.

Fabric organizers, first of all, are used to accommodate lightweight and soft shoes (sandals, moccasins, flip-flops, ballet flats), although, by and large, tarpaulin boots can also be stored in them, which will simply depend on the size of the device.

Leather shoes (boots and shoes) should preferably be placed in a box with hard dividers. This type of shoe is best stored on its side, not stacking items too tightly so as not to damage their shape.

As a rule, all cells in factory cases have equal dimensions and are designed for shoe models of approximately the same size. However, winter boots should be placed in a trunk with large cells, and slippers or sandals can be compactly stored in trunks with small compartments or pockets.

Advantages and disadvantages of placing shoes in the organizer

The device in question is a useful and necessary household item, with the help of which it is possible to use every centimeter of home space as economically as possible. Having such a device at home, the owner will not have to rummage through a pile of shoes for a long time, hoping to find the right pair, because everything will be folded neatly in the designated place.

The benefits include:

Saving home space - a wardrobe trunk designed for 12 pairs of boots, on average, occupies a small volume - 59x75x15 centimeters. Due to the fact that the organizers have rigid ribs, they can be placed on top of each other, saving horizontal space. If there is no need to store a large number of shoes, then the wardrobe trunk can always be folded and put away in a closet;

  • Quickly find the right pair - most models are equipped with soft and transparent lids that are easy to lock. Thanks to this design, you don’t have to guess where this or that shoe is located, because the contents are perfectly visible through the lid.
  • Ease of storage - the same type of shoes are always located in the same place.
  • Careful storage - made of airtight materials, the closed case design will successfully protect the shoes from moisture penetration or dust settling.The main thing is that before placing the shoes in the organizer, rinse and dry them well, and then you don’t have to worry about their safety until the next season.

However, these devices also have their own disadvantages:

  • Not every organizer is suitable for every type of shoe - for example, boots that have high tops are best stored in a long box or even on weight;
  • The non-standard nature of some types of organizers - for example, fabric trunks, even with stiffeners, still remain soft and pliable. If you fold them into a pretty decent height column, then the lowest organizer will begin to sag, and the shoes inside it will bunch up.

Each owner is free to judge the usefulness of the organizer for himself. For example, if a person lives alone and manages with three or four pairs of shoes, then, naturally, he simply does not need an organizer. But for a family of several people, this accessory will become a useful necessity, helping to competently optimize free space, while keeping things in order.

Modern models of organizers

  • Metal or wooden shelves

These devices are good because they are able to reliably protect shoes from accidental mechanical impacts: their durable design will not allow the objects stored in it to be wrinkled, due to its massiveness, such an organizer is difficult to overturn, it is not scary to drop a bulky object on it or spill water. Shelves are perfect for women's shoes, which can accommodate large jewelry - it is better to store such a pair on a shelf.Wooden shelves have some “minus” - they are poorly suited for winter or autumn outdoor shoes, which will leave wet marks on the base, while exposing the tree to damage. From this it is clear that the metal shelf is considered more versatile.

  • Standard Organizers

They are a comfortable system for placing shoes, consisting of individual cells, sections or compartments, oriented to objects of various sizes. Ordinary organizers are made of fabric, plastic, wood, or even cardboard (wicker models are also available). Functionally, the organizer is able to replace an entire rack or rack, while it is very convenient to transport it, and it is possible to store it when folded.

  • Utility rooms (storages)

This is probably the oldest type of organizer used for shoe storage purposes. The pantry can be used throughout the area, equipping it with appropriate shelves, or use its separate wall, where a suspended type of small organizer would be placed. Its use is very convenient when a rearrangement of furniture is planned in the house.

  • Large metal or wooden shelving

The use of this type of device is suitable for those who have a large number of shoes. You can provide a whole rack for storage purposes, where you can put your favorite sneakers, sneakers, shoes or boots. However, if the collection consists entirely of high boots or ankle boots, then it will not be very convenient to store them on the open shelves of the rack. Moreover, in an open rack you will have to brush off the dust that settles on shoes once a week.

  • Shoe stands-spacers

Such a device is suitable for fans of high boots or over the knee boots.With its help, it is possible to prevent deformation of the tops of boots of any length, and it will become easier than ever to take care of them and keep them clean.

  • Special shoe racks

The main problem of small-sized hallways is the lack of space for all shoes. Here it is required to organize compact storage conditions, which can be done with the help of shoe racks. They can contain several tiers, which will accommodate a fair number of couples.

  • Shoe cabinets (dressers)

Not every hallway will allow you to mark a bulky shoe rack on its square. Here, an alternative option can be a cabinet or chest of drawers, which will provide all the advantages of closed storage: shoes will not be in sight, will not stand out from the general interior, and in the hallway, without any special difficulties, it will be possible to maintain order, cleanliness and tidiness. Also, the presence of various sections in the cabinet / chest of drawers for placing shoes according to the seasons will be a plus.

  • Shoe boxes

In fact, they are considered the simplest and classic shoe organizers made of cardboard. It is preferable that such boxes have small holes in their base in order for air to circulate, because shoes made of any material must “breathe”. The advantages of boxes are that they can be stacked on top of each other, it will protect objects from dust and sunlight. It is possible to avoid the penetration of moisture into the inside by placing a bag with an adsorbent inside - it will prevent the effects of dampness on storage items. Moreover, the boxes can be marked with a simple felt-tip pen, in order to facilitate the search for the right pair.

  • shoe containers

The main purpose of the container is to protect shoes from dust, which is important for seasonal shoe models.They are also able to prevent fading and keep the original look for each pair as long as possible. In addition, if the container is large, then several pairs can be placed in it at once. They will be the best solution for saving sneakers, sneakers and other summer shoes.

Shoe cases - the most popular organizers


They are made of high quality textile materials, which are produced on the basis of compounds of artificial and natural fibers. The most popular options are: kanvalan, canvas and spandbond. All these materials are durable, dense, light, shoes in them perfectly "breathe". Non-woven material is necessarily impregnated with special compounds, and as a result, it receives water and dirt-repellent properties. Due to the presence of a fibrous structure, textiles provide natural ventilation, which is important for products made of suede or leather. Cardboard is used to seal the walls and bottom, while the sections are usually made of polyester. As a result, the product is lightweight, durable and easy to clean. Traditionally, the top cover of the trunk organizer is made of transparent polyethylene, closed with a zipper, in order to prevent dusting of shoes, all items are clearly visible through it.

IMPORTANT! When buying, you should definitely pay attention to how well the trunk organizer is able to maintain its shape. The softer the fixture, the more likely it is that the shoes will bunch up and lie as if in a bag.

The "pros" of using an organizer case

A textile shoe case is a box divided into several sections by means of removable or stationary inserts and can be designed for 4.6 or 12 shoe pairs.Initially, this type of organizer was conceived as an alternative to cardboard box organizers, which seemed convenient, but not too strong and more bulky. And the issue of dimensions is especially relevant for small apartments with limited usable space. In general, the advantages of the trunk organizer include:

  • Proper use of space - based on existing realities, then one wardrobe trunk for twelve pairs will occupy the same area as three boxes with three pairs. Among other things, its rectangular shape, coupled with a dense frame, will allow you to put one case on top of another, using a vertical arrangement. Also, space savings will be achieved by placing wardrobe trunks under the bed, in sofa niches or on the mezzanine.
  • Finding the same type of shoes in one place - if there are too many items, then you have to store them in different places - some in the closet, some on the floor in the hallway, and so on. Accordingly, it is easy to forget what and where lies, or not to remember the presence of a particular pair at all. A wardrobe trunk with many sections will perfectly solve this problem.
  • Transparent cover - through it an excellent overview of the entire contents of the organizer is provided, which allows you to quickly find and select the right pair.
  • Careful storage - the design itself and the composition of the materials are responsible for this useful characteristic. Dirt, dust and moisture do not get on the storage items, everything is perfectly stored in separate cells and does not wrinkle.
  • Competent maintenance of order is another important advantage for a home wardrobe. Properly organized order teaches self-discipline: do not miss the moment when you need to wash and clean your shoes in a timely manner, tidy them up before the new season.

DIY hanging organizer

The manufacturing process includes several stages. The basis of the product will be canvas fabric, it is folded on each side and sewn with a machine seam. This will be needed so that the organizer does not become disheveled during use.

Pockets in the form of rectangles are cut out of the knitted fabric. The size of this detail should be related to the overall dimensions of the entire product, as well as the size of the shoes that are supposed to be stored. If we are talking about slippers, then the ideal pocket width is from 12 to 15 centimeters. In order to tightly hold the object and prevent it from falling out, the height of the pocket should be at least two thirds of the length of the sneaker, which is from 20 to 25 centimeters. Accordingly, the size of the finished pocket will be 15x20 centimeters. To these indicators, it is necessary to add one more centimeter for the hem. The location of the pockets on the canvas is a matter of taste of the manufacturer. The arrangement can be diagonal or in a row; no strict restrictions are required to adhere to. Before attaching the pockets to the canvas, they need to be processed in such a way that the material does not crumble. For these purposes, the edges are trimmed by machine or processed with an overlock. Three sides of the pocket are attached to the base of the canvas, according to a pre-marked mark. And from a thick braid or remnants of the material, a loop is made for hanging.

Ranking the best shoe organizers for 2022

Budget options

3rd place: "Ningbo Organizer"

Very simple and functional organizer. Its body is quite soft and contains ten pockets. Perfect for seasonal storage of summer shoes. The transparent cover is made of polyester, closes with a strong zipper.Several of these wardrobe trunks can be stored in a vertical position, the main thing is not to “overdo it” with height. If a single instance is used, then it is convenient to place it under the bed or in a niche under the sofa. The recommended cost for retail chains is 290 rubles.

Ningbo Organizer
  • Adequate cost;
  • Possibility of vertical storage;
  • The presence of ten collapsible compartments.
  • There are no stiffeners.

2nd place: "Hipster Style Premium"

A good fabric organizer that will be indispensable when traveling or for using to store shoes on vacation. Designed for soft footwear. The material of manufacture has water-repellent properties and will not allow dust to settle on stored items. Due to its small size, it fits perfectly in the suitcase of a business traveler or vacationer. The recommended cost for retail chains is 300 rubles.

Hipster Style Premium
  • Great option for business trips or vacations;
  • Reliable lightning;
  • Dense manufacturing material.
  • There is only one department.

1st place: "HOMSU Organizer for shoes 5 compartments"

Organizer for 5 pairs of shoes fastens with a zipper and has a transparent PVC cover, which allows you to see the contents of the wardrobe trunk. Made in a universal beige-brown color, thanks to which it will harmoniously fit into any interior. There are special handles on the case, with the help of which the wardrobe trunk is easily transported. Dense non-woven material of manufacture guarantees reliable safety for shoes. The recommended cost for retail chains is 510 rubles.

HOMSU Organizer for shoes 5 compartments
  • Dense non-woven material;
  • Adequate cost;
  • Possibility of comfortable transportation.
  • Small volume.

Middle price segment

3rd place: "Valiant S6 Shoe Case"

The shoe box will harmoniously fit into the modern interior of the wardrobe due to its aesthetic design. Padded dividers form 6 sections to neatly arrange standard size shoes. The transparent lid allows you to see the contents of the product. The bag closes tightly with a zipper. Easily folds and unfolds. The model is positioned as an excellent device for storing women's shoes. The recommended cost for retail chains is 800 rubles.

Valiant Shoe case S6
  • Sufficient capacity;
  • Sewn-in section dividers;
  • Dense stiffening ribs.
  • Weakly holds the shape of the bottom, additional reinforcement with a homemade cardboard tab will be required.

2nd place: "Grey Flower HOM-1093"

A very high-quality and small organizer is suitable for storing shoes at home, and as a container for transporting shoes on vacation or on a business trip. There are four departments in total. All seams are made very high quality, and the non-woven material of manufacture is not only durable and reliable, but in addition it is also pleasant to the touch. The small dimensions of the product will allow vertical storage of several samples. The recommended cost for retail chains is 850 rubles.

Gray Flower HOM-1093
  • Durable and pleasant to the touch material of manufacture;
  • Qualitatively executed seams;
  • Elastic sectional partitions.
  • Small capacity.

1st place: Costa Rica

Convenient organizer has 6 compartments for storing shoes, they can easily fit shoes, boots, sandals and other low shoes. The wardrobe trunk is closed with a transparent cover, so you will always see what shoes are inside. The model is recommended for stationary use. The material of manufacture has water-repellent properties. The division into sections is carried out with the help of removable (with Velcro) partitions, so that a pair of high boots can also be placed in this organizer. The recommended cost for retail chains is 1100 rubles.

Costa Rica case
  • Excellent model for home use;
  • Roomy sectional compartments;
  • Adequate cost;
  • Removable partition walls.
  • Not detected.

Premium class

3rd place: "White HOM-1100"

This comfortable organizer has durable sides, is made in a pleasing aesthetic design, it is convenient to store almost any shoes in it. The material of manufacture is spandbond, and the bottom of this sample is reinforced with a plate made of reliable cardboard. Suitable for placement under the bed or in the sofa niche. The recommended cost for retail chains is 1200 rubles.

White HOM-1100
  • Strong external boards;
  • Additional strengthening of the bottom part;
  • Removable dividers.
  • Not detected.

2nd place: "Cofret Coffer-organizer hanging"

The organizer will perfectly decorate the interior, while your shoes and various small accessories will fit compactly in convenient transparent pockets and on special eyelets. The organizer is lightweight, practical, and you will always have everything you need at hand.Production material - non-woven fabric, all shoes can be placed on six shelves. The recommended cost for retail chains is 2300 rubles.

Cofret Hanging trunk organizer
  • Original design execution;
  • Sufficient capacity;
  • There is a color variation.
  • Somewhat oversized product.

1st place: "Universe of Order Assembly Module"

Excellent organizer-constructor, recommended for home use. The case is made of heavy-duty and transparent plastic, which provides not only reliable storage, but also the ability to quickly find the right pair of shoes. Due to the robust housing, as well as design features, up to six sections can be placed in a vertical position at the same time. The recommended cost for retail chains is 5390 rubles.

Universe Order Prefabricated Module
  • Orientation to a vertical composite arrangement;
  • Transparent and durable case;
  • Durability during operation.
  • Overcharge.


In any good deed, you need to know the measure. And when the shoes in the hallway filled the whole space, all the cabinets and shelves, then you should think about whether you keep too much at home? The easiest tip on how to free up cabinets and a rug in the hallway is to separate everything by season. At the same time, everything that is irrelevant - hand it over to the organizer for six months! Storing shoes there during the off-season will save you space, and the shoes will be in safe conditions and will definitely not deteriorate, as if it were, for example, on a winter balcony.

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