
  1. How to choose
  2. Ranking of the best online physics schools for 2022

Ranking of the best online physics schools for 2022

Ranking of the best online physics schools for 2022

To get full-fledged preparation for the exam in physics, exams for university entrance (yes, it is better to do this in advance - six months or a year in advance), you can hire a tutor or find an online school.

How to choose

There are paid and free courses. The first ones involve working with a teacher in small groups or individual (as with a tutor, only online). The second is independent study of structured material, without feedback. That is, there will be no verification of the correctness of the tasks.
The first option, rather for those who, in principle, have difficulties with physics - the teacher will explain, analyze in detail an incomprehensible topic. The second is for those who need to refresh their knowledge, repeat the material and practice passing tests.

What to pay attention to

Availability of accreditation

Rather, a license of the established state sample. Ideally, all documents should be posted on the site, in the public domain. If not, feel free to ask questions, you can even ask to send scans to an email address - this is normal. If the school refuses, this is a reason to look for another site.

Important: the point is not in the document itself, but in the fact that educational institutions that have received a license guarantee that training will be conducted according to the standard curriculum (the questions from which will be in the tests for the Unified State Examination and in exam tickets when entering a university).

Service list

It is better to find out in advance what exactly is included in the fare:
How many people in the group is better, if not more than 10 people. So the teacher can allocate time for each student. A group of 20 - 30 people is not much different from a class in a regular school - you should not count on any special approach to each child, as well as on the high quality of educational services. In general, the ideal option is individual training. But it costs way more.

In what format will the lessons be held - online (you need to plan the time), recorded (you can study in your free time from school) or the entire educational course is a brief summary of the curriculum. It is also worth clarifying:

  • How long do homework checks take?
  • is there a chat with the teacher;
  • total hours of training;
  • Is a certificate issued upon completion of training?

It is good if the school provides a free trial period (usually 3-7 days) or at least a few lessons, so that you can understand how suitable this format of training is, how clearly the teacher gives information.

Important: if there are free lessons, you should request a contract in advance, which will detail the conditions for providing such a service. It happens that the money for training is not returned, for example, after the user is authorized in his personal account (and without this very authorization, you cannot get access to free lessons) - you should read carefully and do not trust the word of managers.

Teacher Qualifications

The websites of large schools usually have a list of teachers, with a photo, data on work experience, education (the name of the university, specialization is indicated). If such information is not on the site, request information yourself. Believe me, not a single teacher will be against the scans of his diploma, certificates of advanced training, additional training being sent to the student's parents. Since it is difficult to imagine a person who would not be proud of his education, really.

By the way, you can look at reviews on a particular teacher on the websites of tutors (often they combine work) and after that make a choice in favor of one or another specialist.


Advertising about the fact that you can learn at any time, beautiful photos of happy children can be skipped right away. Look for specifics, namely:

  • the price of training, its terms - preferably a fixed amount with a description of the tariff, and not a blurry "from 1000 per month";
  • free options - for example, a knowledge base with notes, USE tests for past years;
  • statistics - so many children completed courses, so many successfully passed exams, so many entered the university, and not something from the series “we give the best education, guarantee admission (which in itself sounds implausible);
  • is it possible to study under any programs - for example, discounts for large families, payment for courses from maternity capital.

In general, the fewer beautiful pictures, but more necessary, useful information, the better. And, yes, pay attention to the date of creation of the Internet resource. It happens that newly opened online schools write about "many years of experience."


Compare user opinions about a particular school across multiple sites. What should be of concern:

  1. The average score of 5 points - for several dozen reviews. It is very difficult to believe in such unanimity of users with children of different ages and completely different ideas about what an educational service should be.
  2. Similar reviews - something about the fact that it was difficult for a child to study in a regular school because of the nitpicking of teachers (specifically, a physics teacher, director). But after studying at an online school, he became more confident in himself, won several olympiads, received the highest score in the Unified State Examination and entered the university. And not a word about the organization of the training itself, the qualifications of teachers.
  3. Lack of reviews - most likely the school has been operating recently, well, or often changes names. Just read the information on the site more carefully and request all documents in advance, from a license to a sample contract.

It is also worth paying attention to reviews about the organization of training. Do notifications about schedule changes arrive on time, how long homework is checked, is it always possible to contact the teacher. Is access to paid content quickly opened after the transfer of money for training.


This is the main document regulating the rights and obligations of the parties. Therefore, you need to read it very carefully. Separately, it is worth paying attention to the points:

  • what services the school undertakes to provide, in what terms, whether the materials (the same notes, for example) will be available after completion of training;
  • in what cases the user has the right to return the money;
  • under what conditions is it possible to postpone a paid lesson (for example, if a child missed several classes for a good reason) and is it possible at all;
  • what is the responsibility of the curator - only checking homework or full support, including clarification of incomprehensible topics.

By the way, about curators. It is better to clarify in advance who exactly will perform their duties - graduates (most often students, recent school graduates themselves) or teachers themselves. The second option is better. The fact is that graduates who do not have teaching experience cannot always convey their thoughts to the audience correctly.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask your manager. We didn’t get a clear answer - it’s worth looking for another platform, since the choice is now huge.

Ranking of the best online physics schools for 2022


Online School No. 1

An accredited educational institution operating according to the federal educational standard. In fact, it is a general education school that accepts children from the age of 7. Here they issue a state-recognized certificate, prepare graduates for exams (OGE, Unified State Examination, as well as the final annual certification must be taken in person).
You can sign up for a full-fledged education or preparation for final exams, in particular in physics. Preparation includes working with a personal curator, passing tests, analyzing and consolidating complex topics. The schedule is chosen by the student himself - there is no rigid schedule of lessons. A week of free classes is provided, after which you can either pay for the courses or refuse to take the course.

The price of the issue is from 1900 rubles per month, you can sign up at

  • payment from maternity capital is possible;
  • study at any convenient time - the lessons are held online, but the schedule is drawn up for a specific student;
  • preparation for final school exams;
  • state license.
  • there is little information on the site - all questions are proposed to be discussed by phone;
  • reviews - 23 with the highest possible score per one negative, in which the user notes that he could not contact the manager to discuss the conditions for admission to the online school.


The school has been operating since 2016 and has a license. In general, one of the most famous educational sites in the Russian Federation. Offers a variety of educational products - from courses, selection of tutors, to sets of classes.
The cost of training depends on the qualifications of the teacher. For example, a course of 64 lessons (3 academic hours each) with a teacher from the MIPT department will cost 30,000 rubles. You can study online or view recorded lessons. Manual checking of homework and support of curators are included in the price.
In addition, you can choose courses for university applicants, courses to prepare for specialized olympiads. The trial lesson is free - you can watch it without registering on the site.

More information can be found at

  • time on the market;
  • informative site with clear navigation, subsections;
  • highly qualified teachers;
  • a wide range of educational courses.
  • no.


School for preparing for final exams - just choose a subject and a tariff, with or without a personal tutor. The difference in cost is 1500 rubles.Classes are held online, but you can watch them in the recording. The duration of each is 1.5-2 hours. After each student is given a personal homework assignment, which will be checked by the teacher.

To help the student, there is a convenient platform, an interesting learning format with elements of the game (cramming is not needed) and the help of a psychologist who will help you achieve your goals and avoid burnout. This is also important when preparing for exams.

There is also a trial period - after authorization, the user can use free materials. All conditions can be found in the offer agreement - posted right there on the site (this is a huge plus for the platform). Prices are more than loyal, reviews on the site are mostly positive, without a sharp negative.

You can sign up at

  • convenient format;
  • technical support 24/7;
  • you can select only the necessary lessons;
  • adequate price for educational services.
  • no.


Accepts children from the age of 13. A creative approach to the educational process and no boring cramming of formulas. Here, children can feel like not just students, but real researchers.
Of the benefits - a wide range of tariffs. You can choose individual or group lessons (trial, by the way, free). After assessing the level of knowledge, specialists will draw up a schedule in accordance with the selected tariff. Classes are held on their own platform - nothing but access to the Internet is needed. You can track progress in your personal account, once a month parents can communicate with the teacher to sum up the intermediate results of the training.

You can sign up for a trial lesson at

  • convenient, understandable site;
  • the contract can be viewed in advance - a separate plus for simple wording, in order to understand the conditions, you do not have to consult a lawyer;
  • a free transfer of the lesson is possible (provided that the teacher was warned no later than 8 hours before it starts);
  • author's methods - according to the school, the teacher will find an approach to each child.
  • no.


Physics Unified State Examination and OGE 2023

This is the YouTube channel of Vladislav Karibyants, a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences and, concurrently, a tutor with 29 years of experience. Here you will find analyzes of the most difficult tasks, online lessons, free courses.
The advantage is that you can evaluate in advance how clearly the material is presented. If you like the teaching style, you can order paid courses. Prices - from 2800 rubles. But you need to understand that such videos will not replace a full-fledged study in any way - they will be useful only for those who understand the subject well, as an additional elective.

  • complex information in simple, understandable language;
  • analysis of typical questions, tasks;
  • regular update of information.
  • no.

A simple site with a lot of useful information. There are textbooks, manuals, many tasks (with hints, step-by-step explanation), including those for tests in physics.
The authors of the assignments are teachers who have done everything to turn boring notes into an exciting game. In general, the site is good, despite the modest design - it will be useful for those who have just begun to study physics, and for graduates.


  • material supply;
  • many practical tasks - from testing to tasks, often found in control and thematic Olympiads;
  • thematic creative competitions.
  • no - a good educational base for free education.

cool physics

Teaching videos, descriptions of simple (safe) experiments that can be done at home - for grades 7-9, short notes, a collection of tasks - for grades 10-11. Plus documentaries about scientists, quizzes, analysis of physical paradoxes, clear site navigation.
In general, everything to make complex, boring definitions from textbooks interesting. Probably, such lessons are more useful for seventh graders who are just starting to study the subject.

You can evaluate the work of the creators of the resource at

  • breakdown of topics by categories, classes;
  • analysis of tasks - step by step, with tips and rules for registration (for control, USE, OGE, for example);
  • explanation of physical phenomena with examples - a sort of educational comics.
  • no - videos, tasks are really entertaining and, quite possibly, even parents will be interested.

In order not to waste money, it is better to choose a course with your child. It is worth taking a trial lesson, if, for example, the teacher categorically does not like it, it is hardly necessary to hope for some result from taking the courses.
Otherwise, online learning is a convenient alternative to tutors. You do not need to travel anywhere, and you can study at any convenient time.

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