English has long been recognized as the most important international language. This has been going on since the time of the colonial conquests carried out by the British Empire in the 19th century. English became the main language in the colonies it captured, and it was also necessary for representatives of other countries to carry out trade operations, conduct diplomatic negotiations and a number of other purposes, as well as for ordinary human communication.
In the future, the leading role of the English language was consolidated due to the dominant position on the world stage of the United States of America, which also belong to the English-speaking countries.
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Like almost any foreign language, English has a number of dialects and dialects that are specific to certain regions and countries. When studying, separate styles stand out:
They have certain functions: from the most common intellectual and communicative, which all the styles listed above have, to aesthetic, cognitive and emotive, inherent primarily in poetic and artistic styles.
Knowledge of foreign languages, primarily English, is a requirement that applies to applicants for many positions:
The above list of professions is not exhaustive.In addition to being used in the professional field, knowledge of a foreign language can be useful when traveling, when communicating with citizens of other countries, for watching movies and reading books in the original format, and for a number of other useful and enjoyable activities.
For those who want to improve their skills or gain additional knowledge, there are many forms of study. Popular are individual, group and corporate training.
The system of corporate training differs from traditional forms. It is directly related to the place of work of a person and his employees. Both all employees of the enterprise, without exception, and only a part of them can be trained. It allows you to increase the level of education of employees, to give similar skills and abilities, which will contribute to cohesive and productive work.
Joint classes will allow you to get closer and even make friends, which will positively affect the psychological climate in the team. This will increase the efficiency of the company, and it is for this reason that corporate executives are interested in corporate training.
Corporate training can be carried out in several forms:
Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Recently, the role of online learning has increased. It allows you to gain knowledge without interrupting the production process, and live communication with teachers makes it closer to full-time, rather than part-time, which involves mostly self-study of the required material.
Given the worldwide spread of the Internet, the actual location of the online school becomes a minor factor in the transfer of knowledge. But in a number of cases, for example, if it is necessary to return the funds spent on a low-quality service through the court, this circumstance becomes important. Therefore, in this rating, schools are divided into two groups: those registered as Russian companies and those with foreign registration.
Many of the schools listed below have official representations and offices in Moscow and a number of other cities in Russia, as well as abroad.
The YES Foreign Language Center is a network of modern language schools located throughout Moscow and the Moscow region. Corporate training in English, German, Chinese and many other foreign languages is one of the leading directions of the Center. Training is conducted in person and online according to individual programs that are developed for the specifics of the business, so the courses provide maximum practical benefit.
Highly qualified teachers with higher linguistic education conduct training according to the author's communicative methodology. The YES Foreign Language Center is the winner of the SchoolRate Award-2020 Expert of the Year in online learning. Since 2018, the YES Center not only teaches, but also administers Cambridge English international exams.
Official website: https://www.enlineschool.com/kursy/corporate/
This school features a strong teaching staff with international TESOL / TEFL / CELTA certificates. Classes are held via Skype and Zoom.us. To check the effectiveness of each employee, an individual report is generated. The time of the classes can be set in accordance with the work schedule of the company.
Official website: https://www.languagelink.ru/services/corporate/
Headquartered in Mytishchi near Moscow and teaching centers in several of Russia's largest cities and abroad, this school places equal emphasis on speaking, writing and listening skills in language learning. This training center is recognized as the best in Eastern Europe. It has been operating for 25 years and has experienced employees, a large number of its own developments and programs, and extensive connections. Here you can not only take corporate training, but also confirm your qualifications by passing such prestigious exams as Linguaskill - Cambridge University exams, and receive an international certificate.
Official website: https://skyford.ru/korporativnoe-obuchenie-angliyskomu-yazyku
This Russian company has existed since 1999. Its first office was opened in Volgograd. Over 10,000 students have taken the course. It offers training not only in English, but also in German, French, Chinese and a number of other languages of the world. Classes are held via Skype or Zoom. You can use the company's ready-made offer or develop a course specifically for the individual needs of the company, focusing on spoken English, business or any other style. All listeners undergo free testing and are further divided into groups of 4 people with a similar initial level of knowledge.
Official site: https://www.wallstreetenglish.ru/english-courses/english-for-adults/corporate-english/
This Moscow-based online school operates under the franchise of one of the European educational centers Wall Street English. It offers the development of individual programs for each corporate client, as well as the choice of the form and location of the classes: face-to-face at the office of the training center, face-to-face on the territory of the customer enterprise, remotely using an online platform.
Official site: http://intelligentplus.ru/index.php?area=1&p=static&page=korporativ_eng
In this center, not only online classes are held via Skype, but face-to-face individual or group lessons are also possible. Experienced teachers can come to classes directly to the office of the company where the course is held for employees. In addition to English, you can learn German, Finnish, Czech, Arabic and other languages. The cost varies depending on the complexity of the course, as well as the number of students. Optionally, you can choose a teacher from among native speakers. Classes with a Russian-speaking teacher will cost less.
Official website: https://corp-english.com/
Several courses are offered: general, specialized (according to professional groups) and business. Particular attention is paid to the practice of telephone conversations.
Some of the schools listed below have representative offices in Moscow and other Russian cities, others must be contacted directly through their website.
Official site: https://kaplan.com/
Kaplan Inc. - one of the largest educational providers in the world, offering services to hundreds of students in both individual and group and corporate programs. Online classes are held on the Zoom platform. The group size does not exceed 12 people.
Official site: https://www.englishdom.com/corp/
EnglishDom is an online English language school and IT product company that inspires you to learn English through technology and human care. The company is one of the leaders in the field of EdTech in Eastern Europe. The EnglishDom platform includes 5 innovative services for learning English, including mobile applications and an interactive digital textbook. The service brings together more than 900 English teachers and 50,000 users.
EnglishDom technologies allow you to deploy corporate English language training, regardless of the format of the company, the number of employees and their location. Training takes place on an online platform individually with a teacher, which adapts to the company's request.
Official site: https://www.ef.ru/englishfirst/english-study/articles/corporate.aspx
This international company has training centers in many capitals of states, including Moscow. Corporate clients are offered a program aimed not only at developing communication skills, but also at understanding basic values and cultural foundations. There are courses designed specifically for senior management.
Official website: https://www.kingseducation.com/learn-english/essential-english-smartclass
This international educational company specializes in English-language programs for foreigners. The experience of working with students from various countries allowed us to create an extensive practical base. Students are divided into groups of 4-8 people. The duration of the courses is up to 52 weeks.
Official website: https://www.oxfordinternationalenglish.com/online-courses/
One of the most popular language courses based on the Oxford University program, which is available not only in full-time format, but also remotely. They offer a number of programs designed for different levels of trainees.
Official site: https://corporate.skyeng.ru/
It is based on the Vimbox platform of its own design. It is constantly being improved, offering listeners new opportunities. English is taught in an all-in-one format. It includes an electronic textbook with reading and writing tests, a dictionary for memorizing new words. Live communication with the teacher in the classroom will allow you to better learn and consolidate the material covered. Homework is checked automatically. The cost is related to the number of students, the number of lessons in the chosen course and the availability of discounts. The official representation of the school is located in Cyprus.
Official website: https://www.estudy.ru/countries/england/online-learning/language-courses-for-adults/st-giles-live/
This is one of the largest networks of language schools in the UK, founded in London in 1955. Firm "Chancellor" - the official representative of St. Giles Live in Russia, through which corporate training can be organized. Classes are conducted by native speakers, which increases their effectiveness.
Among all kinds of corporate training courses, English language programs break records in popularity. Online schools offering these programs develop interesting and favorable conditions, supplementing with a package of related services and a system of benefits and discounts.
When choosing a platform for training, it is necessary, in addition to the direct educational program, to pay attention to a number of points:
Comparison of the costs required for the study, and the amount of knowledge received as a result of employees is also a significant nuance when choosing a particular school.
An important point is the final certification of knowledge. It is necessary to get acquainted in what form it will be carried out, how the final results will be evaluated. The course completion document is an important part of the process, which will be able to confirm the qualifications of the employee in the future, for example, in the event of a change of job.
Listener reviews - information that will allow you to get a complete and reliable picture of the quality of study at the chosen school, about possible problems or nice bonuses.
A competent approach to choosing an online school for corporate English language training is a step on the ladder that you can climb up, bringing the company to a level that meets international standards.