
  1. How to Choose Online Algebra Courses
  2. Ranking of the best online algebra courses for 2022

Ranking of the best online algebra courses for 2022

Ranking of the best online algebra courses for 2022

Algebra is the most important part of mathematical science that studies quantitative relations. Without knowing its basics, it is impossible to imagine a full-fledged life of any person. A large amount of algebraic material, the complexity of numerical equations, mathematical formulas, the specifics of solving problems have led to the emergence of numerous online courses in this academic discipline in order to improve the quality of education, prepare for exams when entering a university for schoolchildren or improve qualifications for programmers. We offer an overview of the most popular of them for 2022 with a description of the characteristics and feedback from students.

How to Choose Online Algebra Courses

The problem of choosing training courses most often arises for students of a general education school, starting from the 6th grade, when algebra is introduced as a subject. In most cases, this becomes a worthy alternative to tutoring, which can hardly be called inexpensive. Self-paced online learning is usually free or affordable. It is a logically connected video lessons, including theoretical material in a concise form and mandatory practical tasks that allow you to identify the level of mastery of the theory and the ability to apply it in practice.

What are the courses

According to their focus, online courses can be in mathematics, in algebra and geometry, or exclusively in algebra. In the latter case, the material is given in a more directed way and specifically for the development of this area of ​​mathematical science.

What is studied in online courses for high school students:

  • Grade 7: mastering the mathematical language, understanding the mathematical model, numerical and algebraic expressions, operations with natural numbers and fractions, the concepts of polynomial, monomial, linear function.
  • Grade 8: Algebraic fractions and arithmetic operations on them, square root. Quadratic function, quadratic equations and inequalities.
  • Grade 9: linear inequalities, their systems and sets, solving square inequalities, the method of intervals, the concept and properties of arithmetic and geometric progression, probability theory, transformation of expressions.
  • Grade 10: trigonometry, properties and graphs of the inverse function, practical solution of trigonometric inequalities and equations, logarithmic expressions, power and exponential functions, irrational equations.
  • Grade 11: derivative function, its application, plotting and problem solving, antiderivative, integrals, discrete and continuous random variables.

There are three types of cost:

  • free - the most popular, especially when studying algebra from absolute zero, and all questions and difficulties that arise in this case are resolved on numerous online forums;
    free with paid sections - you do not need to pay for the basic part of the curriculum, but classes with increased functionality, for example, sections of the university program, personal consultations of the teacher, a higher level of mastery of the material are held on a paid basis, depending on the rates of the online learning center;
  • paid - involve direct communication with the teacher, in some cases - certification of the established sample at the end of the course, which indicates the level of knowledge gained. For better accessibility to a larger number of people who want to study, promotions with bonuses and discounts are held, which significantly reduces the average price of courses.

Advantages of online courses:

  1. You can study when and where it is convenient, take distance learning without leaving your home.
  2. Control of the process according to the schedule of classes, if there are gaps in knowledge, you can retake the desired lesson, control test and get individual advice from the teacher.
  3. Each lesson is prepared by qualified teachers, video lessons are prepared in collaboration with professional artists, which makes them colorful and visual.
  4. Using simulators, screening tests, video lessons similar to the materials of the OGE and the Unified State Examination, a virtual tutor always knows what to focus on in practical exercises, based on the exam papers of past years.
  5. Cheaper than tutoring: pay per month or subscription for a longer period of time, while the tutor charges an hourly fee for each lesson.
  6. Know your level of preparation thanks to intermediate tests.

Criterias of choice

It is important to immediately determine what to look for when choosing an online course from the best teachers and educational institutions in order to understand which one is better to buy. Several options:

  • focus - for students in grades 7 and graduates of a secondary school, the programs will be diametrically opposed, since in the latter case the goal will be guaranteed passing the exam, while in the first it is just basic thematic educational material that will help significantly improve the child's academic performance and understanding of the school curriculum ;
  • teaching methods - the popularity of courses is determined by the presence of a patented author's methodology or the presence of a binding agreement with the author on teaching according to his program; also, the methodology must comply with school educational standards, so as not to contradict what is being studied at school, but to supplement and help to assimilate this material;
  • the presence of a free introductory course - this applies to paid Internet resources: the so-called probe - a trial lesson or a cycle of lessons on introducing a subject into the program, is offered by every self-respecting training center. Otherwise, when concluding an agreement on the purchase of this educational service, the clause on the possibility of a refund in case of dissatisfaction of the buyer is considered mandatory;
  • accessibility - now there is such a large amount of online training available that you can easily choose a high-quality option, budget or completely free; if this is a paid service, then discounts and pleasant bonuses are often offered;
  • reviews - a reliable proven online learning course is distinguished by mostly positive feedback from those who have completed the courses, the presence of numerous recommendations for choosing this option from many similar ones, advice from friends.

Ranking of the best online algebra courses for 2022

We offer a selection of popular high-quality domestic Internet sites for conducting algebra classes on a free and paid basis for school or university programs. The rating includes courses that can be ordered online on the websites of educational centers and educational projects, the popularity of which is determined by years of impeccable work on the mathematical literacy of schoolchildren and adults. They are most often chosen by users in 2022.


Khan Academy
votes 1


A free resource for middle and high school students as part of the school curriculum or for students and programmers (probability theory, statistics, complex numbers, integrals). After studying the theoretical material in lectures in the form of video lessons, of which there are more than 1000 in total, verification tests are given that allow you to control the knowledge gained and identify what needs to be repeated again.

Several thematic courses:

  1. basics of algebra;
  2. trigonometry;
  3. statistics and probability;
  4. integral calculus;
  5. differential equations;
  6. linear algebra;
  7. university program.

Testing is structured in an entertaining way, when solving problems, three answers are given.When choosing the correct answer, you can hear a beep and a pop-up window with an encouraging inscription.

  • for different levels of training;
  • free form of education;
  • control tests;
  • examples for each topic;
  • subtitles in Russian.
  • knowledge of English is required.

votes 0

Free course on the basics of linear algebra for students of IT-specialties of technical universities. The program includes:

  • concept of linear space;
  • options for solving the system of linear equations;
  • matrix determinant.

Students are offered 9 lessons, 4 hours of video, 3 interactive tasks and 51 testing tests, compiled by qualified teachers - doctors and candidates of mathematical sciences. Upon completion of training, a general certificate is issued. Ideal for upgrading the skills of programmers, training students with a zero base on a university program. All those who received the certificate note the availability of the presentation of the material, the reinforcement of each theoretical part with deep practical tasks in an original non-standard form. Learning is easy and fun.

  • interesting basic program;
  • many practical tasks;
  • non-standard tasks;
  • accessible presentation of lectures.
  • difficult for beginners.

votes 0

Online program for preparing graduates for the OGE and the Unified State Examination. Getting a course is very simple: just leave a request on the site with your name, phone number and email address. To complete the training after registration, you must go to your personal account and familiarize yourself with the information about the schedule. The program includes problems in probability theory, solving inequalities and logarithmic functions.Regular attendance of online lessons will ensure the systematization of the knowledge gained, the consolidation of strong skills, and adaptation to the exam format.

On a free course for 4 weeks, the student receives 19 tasks, the completion of which guarantees him 35+ points (USE) or grade 4+ (OGE). Under the guidance of an experienced teacher with ten years of experience, a graduate of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University, all types of assignments are analyzed and various types of problems of Part C (USE) are solved, preparation for listening and writing on the main tasks and topics (OGE) is carried out. All those who have completed these courses note the competence and psychological literacy of the teacher, the acceptable pace of classes, the accessible presentation of educational material, and the emphasis on the practical part of the assignments.

  • is free;
  • fast registration;
  • simple course acquisition algorithm;
  • convenient lesson schedule;
  • competent teacher;
  • solid knowledge and skills;
  • real exam preparation.
  • not identified.

votes 0

A library of video lessons and notes on each algebraic topic, from the school curriculum to in-depth study of the subject by students of technical universities and programmers. The project involves teachers of the highest qualification category, holders of scientific degrees, many of them have additional psychological education, which allows them to find an approach to each student in a short time.

Courses are held regardless of the current level of preparation, at any time and at a pace that is comfortable for the student. The virtual tutor assigns homework. For each topic studied, the acquired knowledge is evaluated in a test form. Interactive novelty simulators are used that make the learning process fun and effective.In case of difficulties or misunderstanding of the assignment received as homework, you can contact the site at any time with the function of a round-the-clock chat with a tutor. In addition to video lessons in the recording, online classes are held in real time with the opportunity to ask a question, find out the moment of interest or cause difficulties.

The first trial lesson is offered free of charge. In the future, the average price of basic and specialized preparation courses for the Unified State Examination and other programs is 800 rubles per month. Subscription for the entire academic year costs 6300 rubles.

  • excellent teachers;
  • quality feedback;
  • accessible interface;
  • rich library of video tutorials;
  • convenient structuring of the material;
  • access to notes on each topic of the course;
  • interactive simulators;
  • adequate cost.
  • not identified.

Tutor Online
votes 2

An educational website and a YouTube channel with video tutorials prepared competently, thematically logical, colorful and visual. The presentation of educational material is available to any student. If necessary, the site has a round-the-clock help chat and a bot in the telegram messenger. A free sample is offered to get acquainted, determine the level of preparation, and set goals correctly. About 300 mathematicians with pedagogical and mechanical and mathematical higher education cooperate with the site. The most popular and effective methods adapted for distance learning are used. An individual approach is welcomed, which allows each student to reveal their abilities and gain the necessary knowledge and skills. This is evidenced by the positive feedback from graduates, as well as the points received at the exam.The emphasis is on practice, so a large selection of tasks: tests, quizzes, tasks, exercises.

There is a wide range of tariffs, you can choose the most suitable one and pay in any of the convenient ways: in cash, by card or electronic wallets.

  • affordable;
  • different payment methods;
  • trial introductory lesson;
  • choice of teacher according to preferences;
  • personal recommendations;
  • practice-oriented approach;
  • qualified tutors;
  • well-designed lessons.
  • no.

votes 1

Courses via the Internet for any grade from 1 to 11, the school curriculum, which allow you to fill in the gaps in knowledge and catch up with your class, deepen existing ones, guarantee conscious knowledge of theory and confident solution of practical tasks in the field of algebra. Used to prepare for the successful passing of the exam, OGE. The complexity corresponds to the school curriculum. Olympiad courses "Summer Intensive" have an increased level of complexity. You can choose any courses:

  • school program;
  • Olympiad program (only in the summer period);
  • OGE;
  • USE.

Classes are held all year round, you can choose an arbitrary pace for passing the selected program. Lessons are held every day or with breaks, it is possible to return to the topics covered and re-pass them with a different set of practical tasks and tests.
You can join from the first lesson at any time by paying a fee of 3000 rubles. This includes theory, practical tasks, detailed solutions, correct answers, individual consultations with the teacher. Several payment methods:

  1. cash through an ATM;
  2. by bank card;
  3. from Yu-money, Qiwi, WebMoney account.

Upon completion of the payment, a notification will be sent to your e-mail with access to the service within one business day. In some cases, access is provided before payment is made through the Project Support Service. Within one calendar month, there is a guaranteed refund of funds at the written request of the user.

  • low pay;
  • several programs to choose from;
  • convenient payment;
  • fast access;
  • arbitrary pace;
  • money back guarantee.
  • not detected.

To avoid mistakes when choosing courses for high-quality distance learning in algebra, it is advisable to focus on the presented rating of high-quality mathematical online schools that allow you to improve academic performance, prepare for the OGE and the Unified State Examination, get an excellent theoretical base, backed up by rich practice with minimal time and money.


