
  1. What distance courses are
  2. How to choose the right online course
  3. Ranking of the best online courses
  4. Conclusion

Ranking of the best online courses in agronomy for 2022

Ranking of the best online courses in agronomy for 2022

The science of agronomy deals with the study of agriculture and agriculture in the context of all specialized industries in order to improve production.

The professional has knowledge in the following areas:

  • rational use of territories for sowing;
  • selection of seed varieties with a focus on climate and soil characteristics;
  • seed preparation;
  • organization of measures to combat pests, taking into account the safety for the soil and plants;
  • determination of the best fertilizer with the choice of dosage, method of application;
  • conducting field work in terms of control and adjustment;
  • responsibility for product quality and primary processing.

In the process of training, agronomists master the multitasking of this profession. In addition to specialized agricultural knowledge, such as animal husbandry, crop production, the specialist studies agricultural law and engineering.

In subsections of specialties, knowledge is acquired in botany, plant biochemistry, their physiology, as well as in soil science, agriculture, land management, agrochemistry, agrometeorology.
Practical skills are developed in the following areas:

  • use of soil maps;
  • drawing up crop rotation programs;
  • introduction of statistical methods for the analysis of experiments;
  • planning periods of agricultural work;
  • introduction of new technologies;
  • improvement of the production process;
  • creating new cultures.

In addition to agribusiness, one can single out such areas as plant breeding and genetics, lawns and meadow landscapes, and flora protection.

Distance learning involves not only high-resolution video lectures with clear teacher notes on the board, but also links to abstract materials, as well as webinars, seminars or web conferences, reports, web trainings, interactive tests to consolidate the material. An important aspect is feedback from experts.

What distance courses are

The whole range of online programs can be divided into the following types:

  • professional retraining;
  • training;
  • qualification or vocational training.

In turn, all of these courses are divided into paid and free forms.

How to choose the right online course

  • Introductory material

In order to make sure that the chosen program meets the needs, it is advisable to listen to a trial lesson, study a demo course, and get acquainted with free fragments.
The absence of a demo version indicates a weak qualification of the provider. A trial lesson will allow you to evaluate the quality of the presentation of the material, compliance with the level of susceptibility of the student.

  • Availability of accreditation

ATIt is important to remember that the educational institution must have a license to teach the declared specialization and legally issue certificates and certificates of the education received, regardless of whether it is additional or newly acquired. The quality and completeness of the courses in case of accreditation are guaranteed.

  • Requirements

When gaining knowledge in each area, a “starting arsenal” is needed, so an assessment of the student’s competence at the initial stage is necessary. Otherwise, the applicant may be exposed to materials that assume skills and information a priori, leading to failure of the program sequence.

  • Written assignments

It is believed that self-fulfillment of “homework assignments” with their provision for verification systematizes knowledge, controls the level of understanding and quality. This method is a good way to find weaknesses in the material covered for each student. Ideally, the system provides a personal account where communication is carried out, you can track the history, use additional functions.

  • Technical failures

Online learning directly depends on stable and high-quality communication. The reasons may be different. The training center is obliged to provide the contact of the person responsible for technical support, indicating the period for troubleshooting.

  • Contact with the teacher

The quality of knowledge is determined by frequent communication with the curator, the ability to get answers to questions that have arisen. The result of learning depends on active communication in the process.

Errors when choosing

It should be remembered that online courses are characterized by a characteristic time limitation. It is expected that the student thoroughly works through the material. However, in reality, the percentage of people who do not know how to organize the process on their own is quite large. The lack of control has a detrimental effect on academic performance, some students drop out of the course.

The lack of constant live contact with classmates and the teacher does not allow you to thoroughly immerse yourself in the subject, to identify weak points in the perception of information. Hence - gaps in the studied material, weak self-discipline.

A highly specialized area that requires certain basic knowledge is the best space for distance learning. It should be remembered about the requirements of the employer, the level of trust in traditional diplomas is much higher if it is not about advanced training.

Ranking of the best online courses

Paid platform


Education at the Academy of Additional Professional Education and Professional Training takes place using distance learning technologies.
In the section of agriculture in the direction of vocational retraining, the following programs are presented:

  1. Greenhouse economy - production in protected soils;
  2. Beekeeping - honey production;
  3. Landscaping and landscaping - landscape gardening and landscape architecture;
  4. rabbit breeding;
  5. Fish farming.

The average duration is from 1.5 months to 5, the specialty of livestock engineering involves a duration of 28 months. All specialties are obtained on a paid basis.

A total of 12 courses are presented, including advanced training courses - comprehensive garden care, with the assignment of a profession - a huntsman, a forester, a florist.

  • state sample of graduation certificates and diplomas;
  • licensed organization;
  • electronic application for the selection of a training program;
  • with flexible discounts;
  • ongoing support;
  • can be paid in instalments;
  • with unlimited access to materials;
  • quality support in the process;
  • practical aspect to the maximum;
  • a detailed description of the objectives, goals and structure;
  • with passing a qualifying exam;
  • availability of audiobooks and electronic textbooks;
  • designated teachers for each specialty;
  • with remote conclusion of an agreement with scanned copies of documents;
  • clear site interface.
  • technical support during the period 8 ÷ 20.30 hours.

Contact Information:
☎ 8-800-550-76-27; 7-812-448-64-27
Address: St. Petersburg;
st. Shpalernaya, house 36, p. 26-N.


Volgograd Humanitarian Academy for professional training offers 18 distance courses in the agriculture section.

With a certificate of relevant qualification, you can take courses:

  1. gardener
  2. soil agronomist;
  3. florist;
  4. poultry farmer;
  5. fish farmer.
  • possible retraining and advanced training;
  • availability of a state license;
  • 5 samples about education;
  • Affordable supply of material;
  • availability of a mobile application for students;
  • online webinars;
  • provision of a curriculum prior to registration;
  • the presence of a loyalty program;
  • there are social discounts;
  • profitable corporate directions;
  • the possibility of checking a sample of a diploma, certificate in Rosobrnadzor;
  • regulation on cost reduction;
  • callback ordering function;
  • many students are re-educated in other specialties;
  • regular updates of news, articles.
  • students point out the lack of visual materials on topics.

Contact Information:
☎ 8-800-550-74-37, 8-8442-20-10-09
Russia, Volgograd,
st. Kanunnikova, house 6.


Voronezh State Forest Engineering University named after V.I. G.F. Morozova in the section of distance education offers a course "Gardening and landscape construction" in the category of advanced training. VGLTU has 8 faculties and is included in the group of leaders of Russian universities.

The program provides for obtaining the following theoretical knowledge:

  • the art of organizing domestic and foreign objects, stylistics;
  • indicators of recreational use of forest plantations;
  • landscape formation;
  • design;
  • development of technological processes;
  • the use of modern methods of mechanization, the material aspect in production.
  • short course for 14 days;
  • acceptable price;
  • upon completion, a certificate is issued;
  • the ability to fill out an application on the site;
  • own channel "YouTube";
  • mastering the disciplines of designing and architecture of landscapes, floriculture, planting protection, conducting work under the circumstances of anthropogenic impacts;
  • after filling out the application form, the commission itself gets in touch.
  • only for the target group of advanced training.

Contact Information:
st. Timiryazev, house 8.
☎ 8-920-443-88-38; 8-910-241-59-33.

ANO "Professional Standard"

The licensed educational center is a member of the Center for Enterprise Reforms group.

The specialty of an agronomist in the professional retraining section is designed for 3 months, and only the Internet and a computer are required.Representatives of any city can receive education.

  • development of legal bases;
  • standard requirements and a list of instructions for positions;
  • agronomy in theory, practice;
  • fundamentals of microbiology, agrochemistry, botany;
  • sections of mechanization and melioration;
  • obtaining a diploma allows you to conduct professional activities;
  • convenient payment schedule with a delay until the end of the course;
  • availability of materials;
  • optimized terms from the entire sector of advanced training and retraining;
  • guarantee of quality knowledge.
  • compulsory secondary or higher education.

Contact Information:
Prospect im. 50 years of October,
House 93
☎ 8-800-234-17-05.
Website: https://professional-standard.rf

ANO DPO "Profrazvitie"

The center offers registration and access to a personal account using an available algorithm. On the site, it will be possible to have access to materials 24/7, and perform all necessary operations, up to payment.

  • detailed description of the programs on the site;
  • having a license;
  • a diploma is issued on completion of the course as part of professional retraining;
  • students are admitted from any region;
  • custom delivery of the diploma upon completion of the course through the postal service;
  • demand for the profession;
  • with final testing;
  • online application with a subsequent response from a specialist;
  • available videos.
  • missing.

Contact Information:
Yekaterinburg city,
Bazhova street, house 193, 6th floor, room 355.
☎ 8-800-300-56-86.

Orenburg Business School

The school has the ability to conduct distance learning anywhere in the world via Internet connection via a smartphone, tablet, PC.

  • compliance of certificates and diplomas with state standards;
  • significant discounts on prices;
  • within the framework of increasing specialization, retraining;
  • with programs of standard, advanced and advanced levels;
  • with payment on the site;
  • with access to the electronic library;
  • for legal entities with postpaid;
  • with entering data into the database of the "Federal Register of Information" of the received specializations;
  • providing a link to a closed, individual educational portal;
  • holding consultations.
  • no.

Contact Information:
Victory Avenue, house 75.
☎ 8353-23- 76-898;

Free Education Group

Agricultural Academy

The electronic resource has more than 3,000 courses and over 500 teachers, the number of graduates is approaching 100,000.

The institution develops the practical skills of students and focuses on the current requirements of employers. Being partners of organizations and companies, the academy provides an opportunity for internships at enterprises. 175 programs are announced in the "Agriculture" section.

  • intuitive search in the system according to the needs in a specific field of education;
  • free schedule;
  • use of advanced technologies;
  • electronic forms for individual portfolios, resumes;
  • time efficiency;
  • with internship and job search functions;
  • competent structure of education;
  • exemplary teaching staff;
  • all popular specializations.
  • without demo versions and detailed description of the course.

Contact Information:

Best Online Agronomy Courses
Programs, nameHoursAverage cost, rub.Qualification
Agrotechnologies in greenhouses62014600agronomist
Landscaping and landscaping62013500landscaping specialist, landscaping
Design of small gardens1084900-
Agrochemistry, agrosoil science134014600agronomist
Agrochemistry, plant protection62014600−”−
Gardening, landscape construction724900specialist
Forestry, forest park management2800−”−
4.ANO "Professional Standard"
Testing and approbation of seeds−”−20000specialist
5.ANO DPO "Profrazvitie"
soil science−”−9900−”−
6.Orenburg Business School
plant protection 260/780/10105850/7800/10350agronomist


Modern technologies make it possible to receive education and master professional programs remotely, while saving material and time resources. Educational centers issue state documents at the end of the educational process. A convenient way to improve qualifications, retrain, as well as master new skills to obtain in-demand specialties. Agronomy is a promising area that is in dire need of specialists both within the state and abroad. Material investments are more than paid off by the knowledge gained and the possibility of implementation.

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