
  1. What does an SMM marketer do?
  2. What does it take to become an SMM specialist?
  3. Rating of high-quality paid online courses on SMM
  4. Rating of free online courses on SMM
  5. Conclusion

Rating of the best online courses for beginner SMM specialists for 2022

Rating of the best online courses for beginner SMM specialists for 2022

Now is a good time to do self-education, to discover a new profession. Learning new knowledge will help not only take time, but also spend it usefully.

A new and sought-after specialty in the labor market in modern realities is SMM marketing (translated from English - marketing in social networks). The main task of such a specialist is the promotion of goods and services in social networks. There is a misconception that an SMM manager performs the functions of a site administrator, filling them with content, or sending out advertisements. This concept is too simplistic, since the best marketer forms a whole brand promotion strategy, which includes a large number of tools for work.

Since many managers understand the purpose of this profession too simplistic, they appoint an inexperienced employee who has only a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat exactly needs to be done and does not have the necessary knowledge. Because of this, the end result suffers, sales fall. In order to avoid such mistakes, it is recommended to appoint specialists who have at least minimal knowledge in the profession to a responsible position. Since this specialty is still new for the Russian labor market, it is impossible to get it at a college or higher educational institution. However, a large number of online courses are now offered that provide the necessary knowledge base. In this article, we will consider all available forms of remote learning, their application functionality, types and selection criteria, find out what to look for in order not to make mistakes when choosing, and also compile a rating of online education companies based on customer feedback .

What does an SMM marketer do?

As mentioned earlier, marketing toolkits include a large number of features. From these opportunities, the job responsibilities of a brand promotion manager are formed. The main ones are:

  • creation and administration of a page in social networks from scratch, filling it with information;
  • developing tactics and strategies for promoting a product or service, creating a plan and following it;
  • attracting the maximum number of subscribers by holding various contests, promotional games and sweepstakes;
  • analysis of the activities of competitors in order to obtain information and adjust their own plan for the development of the page in social networks;
  • market monitoring and analysis of novelties in the field of sales, introduction of new methods and technologies;
  • maintaining contact with customers, establishing feedback, involving people in filling the page, increasing their activity.

SMM Marketing Process

In order for the brand promotion system to work effectively, the manager must perform a sequence of certain steps, while at each stage the required result must be achieved.

It is necessary to start your work, first of all, with the choice of a social network in which the work will be carried out. At this stage, you need to decide on the choice of the target audience, set the age limits, study the interests of people in order to establish effective work with them. It is not recommended to “scatter” on several social networks, as this will not only increase the budget of advertising campaigns, but also take more time for the employee, while the desired result will still not be achieved. After that, you need to develop a strategy for further development, as well as create all the conditions for attracting a potential audience. To attract attention, you can post interesting material, hold contests and draws.

After the audience is interested, you need to redirect their attention to the promoted brand. It is important not only to attract attention, but also to keep it.According to the recommendations of SMM specialists, you need to constantly increase the number of subscribers, attracting new ones to replace those who are losing interest in the product.

Separately, it is worth noting that in order to organize effective work, an SMM marketer must have deep knowledge in the field of the proposed product, in order to inform subscribers about all its features, and also to point out possible shortcomings to management.

What an SMM should not do

Many executives believe that a person involved in promoting a product on social networks has a wide range of responsibilities. In order for a marketer to concentrate on their duties and perform them properly, they should not do work such as:

  • write texts to fill the content, since this is the specialization of copywriters who have the necessary knowledge in this area;
  • take photos and record videos, this business is also recommended to be entrusted to professionals;
  • maintain contact with users on technical issues, as well as draw up sales transactions, conclude contracts (these tasks should be performed by technical support or sales department employees);
  • engage in the development and customization of advertising (for this there is a position of a targetologist).

What does it take to become an SMM specialist?

Everyone who wants to enter the profession is faced with the need to choose from two options - to study on their own, or to take online courses on the Internet.

The first option has only one advantage - it does not require financial costs, while it has a number of disadvantages: the student will not receive a certificate (which may cause problems with further employment), it takes a lot of time to find the necessary information, information on the Internet is in a fragmented form, there is no structure and outdated information may be used.

Free online courses also have their own advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage is that they do not require cash injections. Some of these classes even give out certificates, knowledge is presented in a structured way. Among the shortcomings, one can note a large amount of unnecessary information, as well as its superficiality.

Paid classes, despite the fact that they are expensive, offer systematic information that is relevant at the moment. At the end of the program, all students are issued a certificate without fail, it is possible to receive an individual consultation with the teacher if necessary, homework is checked by the mentor, indicating errors and shortcomings. After completing the program, you can practice on paid orders, thus earning your first salary. Job-guaranteed programs can also be found on the Internet (although such promises in most cases turn out to be a marketing gimmick).

Rating of high-quality paid online courses on SMM

votes 0

Address: Moscow, st. Aviamotornaya, 8, building 39

Phone: ☎ +7 (499) 116-53-41.

Official website on the Internet:

This Internet marketing agency is well known among professionals.The company has been promoting for more than 6 years, and has gained popularity not only among job seekers, but also among employers who know that after training here you can find a specialist with a full set of basic knowledge.

Among the clients of the agency are such well-known companies as Knauf, Humana, Daewoo, Michelin, etc. The center trains beginners in the SMM profession using tools such as targeted and contextual advertising, landing page, web analytics. Classes are held in the form of online courses (live meetings), which involves feedback from the teacher, participation in the discussion of general issues, etc. In 2022, two groups of students are expected to be held, with each assigned a personal curator (and not only for the period of study , but also in the next 30 calendar days). Each student must complete 31 (25 - reduced program) lessons, each of which is given homework, checked by the curator, indicating errors and shortcomings. The agency guarantees each student assistance in further employment.

Webinars are held twice a week at a convenient time - 18:30 Moscow time, thanks to which training can be combined with the main job or full-time study. Students are offered full knowledge with final exams and the issuance of a standard certificate.

The average price of one program is from 33,000 to 65,000 rubles per month, depending on the duration and complexity. It is possible to arrange the provision of services in installments without overpayments for a period of 3, 6, or 12 months. Mentors constantly monitor the latest trends in SMM marketing, adjusting the program right in the process of transferring knowledge.Those students who did not have time for the webinar are sent a recording and presentation by e-mail. All materials on the topic are stored on the GetCourse platform, access to which is preserved forever. The next webinar is scheduled for May 25, 2022.

  • a convenient site where you can find all the information you need, including how to choose one or another intensive, and find out what they are (there is a detailed description);
  • webinars are suitable for beginners;
  • the knowledge gained at the center can be applied not only to work in large product companies, but also in advertising agencies;
  • each student is assigned an individual curator, who subsequently assists in finding employment;
  • There is a free first trial lesson.
  • payment can be made in installments without overpayments;
  • webinars with the function of workshops (collective participation in the discussion of the problem);
  • there are home and practical assignments that are checked with indication of the main mistakes and shortcomings.
  • a small number of threads;
  • courses are paid.

votes 0

Address: Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 6.

Phone: ☎+7 (495) 266-81-84.

Official website on the Internet:

Training courses "SMM marketing from A to Z" are designed for beginners, representatives of creative agencies, businessmen and other interested parties. After completing the course, students will have the following knowledge and skills:

  • Correct assignment of tasks. This skill will allow you to choose the right line of business, determine the target audience and find out the competitiveness of your product.
  • Strategy Development. At this stage, you need to decide on the methods for achieving the goal, work out a general approach to marketing.
  • Direct promotion of your own brand.
  • Search for new ideas, projects, creation of priority areas for development.
  • Management and organization of the creative team.
  • Ability to conduct a constructive dialogue with the target audience, search for approaches to a peaceful solution to emerging problems and disagreements.

The unique program consists of 11 thematic blocks, each of which contains not only theoretical foundations, but is also supported by practical tasks. To complete the courses, you need to study the theoretical task (watch a video lesson), then do your homework and send it for verification. According to mentors, 3 to 5 hours a week is enough for this. All homework assignments can be completed at a pace that is convenient for the student. After the mentor checks the homework, he will point out the mistakes and recommend ways to correct them. After passing all the thematic blocks, the student must defend the graduation project, a link to which can be added to his future portfolio. Upon completion of training, a diploma is issued. The cost of the course is 65,000 rubles. The first 20 students are offered a 35% discount.

  • suitable for beginners;
  • wide range of issues covered;
  • even after the end of the course, there is access to all content for repeating key points;
  • there are discounts for those who are among the first to sign up;
  • there is an opportunity to study independently at a convenient time, without adjusting to other students.
  • payment for the course is made at a time;
  • lessons are expensive.

Geek Brains
votes 0

Address: Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 39, building 80, 16th floor.

Phone: ☎ +7 (495) 700-68-41.

Official website on the Internet:

The company positions itself as an educational portal, and teaches everyone the basics of programming, web design and marketing. It hosts both online courses and free master classes in popular areas.

A person who does not have the slightest experience in the field of marketing and sales can gain new knowledge here. Classes are held online, the duration of the course is 4 months.

The company has a convenient website where you can not only find contact details and the name of the course, but also learn the advice and recommendations of experienced marketers on choosing the right SMM direction, find out which course is better to buy based on the desires of students. Training programs are designed for novice marketers, businessmen, students and freelancers.

Studying at GeekBrains will allow you to learn how to develop a product promotion strategy, attract and retain an audience, quickly and positively resolve emerging conflict situations, invent and post interesting content, etc. All the information provided is divided into several blocks:

  • introduction to SMM marketing, general concepts - at this stage, students will be taught to understand the essence of the process of attracting customers, decide which social network to focus on in their work;
  • strategy development - here they will teach you how to analyze the target audience, compare your approach with the tactics of competitors;
  • adding content, creating it and choosing interesting information for users;
  • the introduction of creativity, the use of informational occasions for the publication of posts;
  • creation and management of targeted advertising;
  • development and planning of the budget of the advertising company;
  • the basics of working with the audience;
  • upon completion of the course, an internship is offered in their own company, as well as in a remote format in the Group, the completed work can be added to your own portfolio.

The cost of the full course is 60,000 rubles. It is possible to arrange a bank installment plan.

  • classes are held online - you can ask the teacher a question in the process of studying the topic;
  • there is an opportunity to issue a bank installment plan;
  • each student is assigned to a mentor who guides him throughout the entire period of obtaining knowledge;
  • there are home practice sessions;
  • for those who have studied all the necessary information, an internship is offered.
  • high cost of education;
  • The first free trial lesson is missing.

SMM Spetsnaz 2.0
votes 0

Official website on the Internet:

The review continues with one of the most famous online courses in Runet - SMM Spetsnaz. The course is in the TOP of user reviews due to the fact that, first of all, it gives practical skills, not theoretical ones.

According to the assurances of the ideological inspirer and creator of the course, Denis Ffring, here you can get several advantages at once: the opportunity to create a business in social networks from scratch, gain invaluable knowledge that other teachers do not have, learn about the know-how and life hacks of advanced SMM specialists, support mentors at all stages of training, and even after, and much more.

The training program consists of 12 modules, as well as several bonus blocks. Students will learn how to find a project for work, study digital marketing, learn how to work with the target audience, respond quickly to its requests, create unique product offers, master the skills of working with graphic editors, and the basics of targeted advertising.After studying the theoretical foundations, each student will try to create their own advertising campaign, learn the features of working on Facebook and Instagram, Target Hunter. As bonuses, students will discover such a novelty as Vkontakte artificial intelligence, learn how to promote a channel on Youtube and create chat bots on social networks.

In order to get comfortable in SMM marketing, the student will be offered all the necessary tools for work, such as a set of templates, checklists and cheat sheets, layouts, samples, draft contracts. Upon completion of training, a certificate of the established form is issued in electronic form, if necessary, you can order the original on paper. After completing the courses, all students can participate in webinars where existing marketers share their problems and find a common solution. Programs are designed for a different amount of information, their cost varies from 8,000 to 25,000 rubles.

  • a large amount of practical training;
  • budget prices compared to competitors;
  • one of the best intensives, according to buyers;
  • it is possible to arrange a monthly installment plan;
  • support for students not only during training, but also after it;
  • there is a large community of those who have completed courses and continue to communicate.
  • it is impossible to find a contact number or the actual address of the organization, all services are issued via the Internet.

votes 0

Address: Moscow, Warsaw highway, 1, building 3.

Phone: ☎ +7 (495) 301-39-69.

Official website on the Internet:

Netology is a well-known online university among subject matter professionals.Mastering the profession at the Faculty of SMM consists of several blocks: SMM manager, targeted advertising, promotion on Instagram, influencer marketing, community management, promotion in instant messengers.

Based on the results of the training, the student will learn how to choose a work strategy, determine the goals and objectives of an advertising campaign, and select the best tools to influence the target audience. In addition, here they will learn how to find contact with the audience, respond correctly to conflict situations, find approaches to involve users in discussions, reposts, etc. Here they will also give basic skills in such specialties as copywriting (writing texts on a given topic), web design , graphic arts. It will not be superfluous in further work and knowledge of how to use advertising tools, bots and mailing lists.

Video lectures can be viewed at a convenient time for the user, practical classes are held at the appointed time once a week. Homework assignments are constantly issued, which are checked by mentors indicating errors and ways to correct them. After the training is completed, teachers help to write a resume, correctly placing emphasis, help prepare for an interview, offer a list of vacancies in well-known companies. The company has its own chat in which those who have graduated and work in their specialty communicate.

There are three different training programs to choose from, depending on the complexity, their cost is 36,000, 42,000, 129,000 rubles.

  • inexpensive price of the basic course;
  • lectures can be watched at a convenient time for the user, without being tied to a deadline;
  • the company has been working in the SMM market for a long time, has worked out all the possible nuances;
  • support for students at all stages, including after graduation;
  • there is feedback from teachers.
  • a full course of knowledge will cost a decent amount.

Rating of free online courses on SMM

Despite the fact that free education provides a small amount of up-to-date information and applied skills, it allows you to get acquainted with the profession and understand whether it is suitable for a person, whether he is ready to work in this area. Since such webinars do not require financial investments, anyone can sign up for them.

votes 0

Address: Rostov-on-Don, st. 13th Line, 18/26.

Official website on the Internet:

The company offers to learn a profession in demand - an Instagram administrator. According to the creator of the webinar, anyone can get access to the classes, all you need to do is register. After completing all the necessary procedures, the user has access to 15 blocks of the program, in which the specifics of maintaining an account in a popular social network are considered in detail.

Since the administrator is responsible for account promotion and development, after completing the course, basic knowledge will help you understand the strategy for attracting new customers, the specifics of working with the target audience, and also learn how to look for new customers - business creators.

The learning process begins with watching videos. The first of them are introductory - they tell general information about what Instagram is, how communication takes place here. After the introduction, the theory begins, according to the results of which you need to do your homework.In order to open access to the next video lesson, you need to buy it for coins that are awarded for completed homework.

  • video lessons are provided free of charge;
  • interesting conducting classes for the user;
  • in order to order classes online, it is enough to register;
  • a good set of information for a free course.
  • narrow direction - only the theory on Instagram is covered, other social networks are not considered.

GeekBrains for Odnoklassniki
votes 0

Address: Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 39, building 80, 16th floor.

Phone: ☎ +7 (495) 700-68-41.

Official website on the Internet:

The short collaboration between Odnoklassniki and the advertising agency Ikra has come to a logical conclusion, and now the social network has teamed up with GeekBrains to create a new educational product. The previously reviewed course for SMM specialists of this company is not always popular because of how much it costs, since many beginners have not yet decided on the direction of their future profession and are not ready to pay a large amount for the program. In this case, we recommend trying the free workshop from Odnoklassniki.

Students of the course will learn how to work with a social network, create interesting and attractive content for the target audience, and increase the number of orders. Here you can find out which posts are popular with users, get acquainted with the basics of creating targeted advertising, depending on the preferences of the target audience.

In order to get started, you need to have minimal communication skills in social networks, as well as have a personal account in Odnoklassniki.You can find a course in a group or on the Odnoklassniki educational portal. Much of the information given in the course echoes that which is given to students for study in paid classes. In connection with the current situation with the coronavirus, and in order to support businesses in difficult times, Odnoklassniki is doubling the budget for businessmen for marketing promotion on their site.

  • a lot of information is given, a lot of attention is paid to creating posts of various types to attract an audience;
  • All training is free of charge;
  • in terms of characteristics and content, the information in the free program is not too inferior to paid courses.
  • narrow direction - training is conducted only for work in Odnoklassniki.

votes 0

Address: Moscow, st. Sadovnicheskaya, 54, building 2.

Phone: ☎ +7 (495) 640-89-97.

Official website on the Internet:

The Completo company is known not only in Russia, but also abroad. It provides training for a large list of specialties, has its own educational portal.

The intensive is suitable for those who are not yet ready to invest in training, but want to get to know the profession of an SMM manager better. The program consists of eight video lessons with basic information on social media marketing. The videos are made in the format of master classes, at the end of each of them there is a list of materials for self-study. As a result of studying the entire program, a certificate is issued, which is rare in free webinars.The advantage of the classes is the acquisition of systematic knowledge of SMM marketing, giving students not only theoretical, but also practical knowledge, the study does not require physical presence in the classroom.

  • knowledge is given free of charge;
  • despite the fact that the program is small, it contains a large amount of necessary and useful information;
  • at the end of the program, all students receive a certificate;
  • lectures are conducted by teachers with practical experience in the field of product promotion.
  • no feedback from teachers.


Despite the fact that SMM marketing is a new profession, on the Internet you can find a large number of offers from large and little-known companies that offer their services in training this specialty.

Before you pay money for paid education, you need to make sure that your choice is final, and the knowledge gained will help you with further job search and employment. If you are still hesitant, you should think about how to study free intensives and understand whether it is for you or not. We hope that our article will help you make the right choice!


