
  1. How to choose courses
  2. Ranking of the best online courses for confectioners for 2022

Ranking of the best online courses for confectioners for 2022

Ranking of the best online courses for confectioners for 2022

If you don’t know how to cook desserts at all, and the hardest thing you’ve ever cooked is charlotte, then it’s time to start learning. Fortunately, now it can be done at any age and without even leaving home.

How to choose courses

First, decide what you want to learn. If you are just starting to cook, it is better to start with free ones. It is likely that at first you will have to spoil a lot of products before you can bake a beautiful cake, make air cream or marshmallows with the right texture.

You can buy paid programs if you already have some skills and want to gain new knowledge.Usually on such resources they give the basics of photography and explain to home confectioners how to turn a page on social networks into a full-fledged sales tool.

It is worth studying the curriculum - if the organizers promise to teach you how to cook all kinds of desserts, cakes and pastries in two weeks, then it is better to look for another one. During this time, it is unlikely that it will be possible to study the theory, such as which ingredient is responsible for what, what fat content cream whips well. Check if you can definitely find a step-by-step video tutorial and a recipe for red velvet cake, cupcakes, meringues on free resources. If so, why pay more.

When choosing, pay attention to reviews - organization, feedback (otherwise, it makes sense to pay if there is no one to ask what went wrong), how clear the information is given, what ingredients are used. You can ask about this in a chat or send a request by e-mail - at the same time, check how quickly administrators respond to questions.

Why you need to ask about components. A simple example - if you live in a small town, then it will be difficult to get some passion fruit puree, the right brand of cocoa, rum (for sweets, for example), chocolate or dyes. Ordering online is of course not a problem now, but delivery will take time, plus it's an extra expense.

By the way, it is better to look for reviews on third-party resources - there users share complete information, tell in detail what they liked and what they didn’t. Is the certificate of completion of training valid (many often overprice, explaining that the diploma received is quoted in employment) or is it just a useless piece of paper that can be hung in a frame as a reminder of wasted money.

Another point - check in advance for how long access to paid lessons is available. Some schools give unlimited, others - for a period of 30 days to six months. If you perceive information well, take the economy version without feedback. Such courses are usually cheaper by 30 percent. If you understand that you don’t understand anything, it’s better to take a premium package with feedback, a chat with other program participants.

It's great if the organizer provides simple recipes for free, gives useful tips on choosing the same inventory, and what it can be replaced with. Novice confectioners usually enthusiastically buy silicone mats, molds, pastry bags for cream with hundreds of nozzles, of which 5 will be used at best. And then it turns out that all this mountain of unnecessary things for a decent amount is gathering dust in cabinets.

Ideally, all you need to start learning is a mixer (an ordinary small one), a mixing bowl, products from the nearest supermarket and that's it.

It is better to look for copyrighted courses, preferably from pastry chefs, and not on educational platforms that sell everything from copywriting, marketing, programming. It is quite possible that they also provide basic knowledge, but, firstly, they cost an order of magnitude more (even with super discounts), and secondly, the groups are large, and often the curators do not have time not only to answer students' questions on time, but also check homework.
It makes sense to buy training on such resources if a state certificate is offered - it is better to clarify this point in advance, before paying for the course.

Advantages of online courses:

  • format - you can study from home, at a convenient time;
  • children can be involved in the process;
  • small, compared with full-time education, price;
  • useful tips from professionals.


  • no one will check and point out errors - after all, chatting is one thing, but good advice from a confectioner who will tell you exactly when something went wrong is completely different;
  • you should not overpay for promises to issue an “international diploma” (world-famous confectioners, after all, have nothing to do, study all their lives, but they could just go through online training for a couple of months), assistance in finding a job;
  • it is possible that the necessary components will be difficult to buy when it comes to small towns and cities.

Certificates are a different story. It is assumed that the student will send the curator a photo of the finished work, after which he will receive a certificate of completion of the training. As soon as the curator understands that the biscuit turned out to be airy, the texture of the cream corresponds to the recipe, it is tactfully kept silent.

The only course that issues certificates after passing the exam costs 400 euros. And to show what the user has learned, you will have to go to another country - it is easier to take full-time training at some paid school near your home.

Ranking of the best online courses for confectioners for 2022


Coup de Coeur

Good site, easy to navigate, beautiful photos. There is a lot of useful information, free master classes with a detailed, step-by-step description (registration is required to gain access).

You can choose a paid lesson on cooking one dessert, lasting 45-60 minutes, or buy a full course. Here they will teach you how to bake cupcakes, make chocolates, macaroons and mousse cakes.
Strong teaching staff with links to social media accounts, responsive curators and prompt feedback. Plus a lot of free recipes, tips on choosing household appliances, shapes and even food photography, promoting your services as a confectioner in social networks.

Prices - from 900 rubles per lesson to 36,000 for the course, however, there are often discounts.


  • convenient site - navigation, division into topics;
  • access to the paid course is retained for 90 days - you can study in your free time;
  • a lot of free and really useful information, not just pretty pictures.
  • price;
  • before paying, check the full list of ingredients (by the way, users themselves write about this in the reviews).


Beautiful design, paid lessons and free recipes - everything for beginners and pastry chefs with experience. Here they will teach you how to work with chocolate, how to cook beautiful gingerbread, New Year's cookies and healthy low-calorie desserts.
Students receive a personalized certificate of course completion, supplier contacts and, accordingly, discounts on orders (useful for home confectioners who want to monetize their hobby and bake cakes for sale), tips on branding and promoting a small home business.

Teachers are confectioners with extensive experience who know exactly how to make a real masterpiece out of an ordinary eclair.

Before buying, you can read the detailed description of the lessons (pre-registration is not needed). In fact, this is a detailed lesson plan for every day. You can go through theory and practice at your own pace. After each lesson of theory - practice, a photo of the results of which must be sent to the teacher.

Price - from 199 rubles for a paid video lesson to 21,000 - for a full-fledged course with the support of a personal curator.


  • a detailed description of each lesson in the course;
  • free step by step recipes;
  • useful tips;
  • analysis of errors;
  • adequate prices.
  • no.

The cake school

The name speaks for itself. Here they will tell you how to cook delicious cakes, make glossy icing, decorate desserts with flowers, fruits, and berries. Several programs to choose from - for beginners and experienced confectioners. As well as:

  • links to stores where you can buy the necessary products, inventory (with promotional codes);
  • teacher support 12/7;
  • general chat;
  • learning the basics of photographing desserts;
  • lessons are available after training.

There is a free calculator on the site that will help you calculate the weight of the ingredients depending on the size of the mold (for example, the recipe indicates a diameter of 15 cm, and a mold with a diameter of 30 cm is available).

The blog has a lot of useful information and answers to popular questions, such as whether it is possible to replace honey with sugar, or wheat flour with corn flour. There are free recipes from ordinary products. The site has a lot of photos of cakes and desserts of the course students with links to Instagram profiles.

Prices are adequate, from 3950 rubles without the support of a teacher, a thousand more expensive with a curator and unlimited access to lessons.


  • acceptable prices;
  • detailed description of the courses;
  • a complete list of inventory, components - you can familiarize yourself with it in advance, you just need to go through a quick registration on the site.
  • no, judging by the reviews, the courses are really useful, they give a lot of new information.

Make Cake

Anastasia Lazareva Confectionery School - Pastry Chef.There are face-to-face workshops and online courses. Teachers will teach novice confectioners not just to blindly follow recipes, but to understand cooking technology, the principle of interaction of components (real chemistry).

There are no free lessons, as well as no recipes. But the prices are quite reasonable. There is a subscription that gives users bonuses and 10% discounts on any lessons.

The price of the basic course is 9000 rubles.


  • simply great reviews;
  • support at every stage of training;
  • available products;
  • step-by-step video tutorials in the format from theory to practice.
  • no.

Anna Galich

Courses of Anna Galich, confectioner of the 6th category, mother of 3 children, and author of books on confectionery art. Simple components, accessible presentation of the material (for those who want to watch the format of video tutorials, there are small video cuts on the site).
During the course, users will learn:

  • rules of sanitary norms;
  • what equipment, utensils and appliances are needed (recipes are selected so that they can be made in the home kitchen, without the use of professional equipment);
  • how to make simple cake decorations;
  • how to work with biscuit, choux pastry, meringue;
  • how to mold complex figures from mastic, how to make sugar flowers.

Plus vegetarian recipes and working with chocolate. There is a blog in which the author shares recipes for making glaze, eclairs, gives useful tips on choosing inventory.

Prices - from 2350 rubles for all courses (for the duration of the promotion) for self-study.


  • simple and understandable presentation of the material with an explanation of what, why and why it is necessary to do it this way and not otherwise;
  • a lot of useful tips that are especially useful for beginners;
  • adequate prices.
  • no.


An online school that, according to pastry chef Yegor Kozlovsky, will teach you how to think, and not blindly mix ingredients according to a recipe. There are 21 courses to choose from, from detailed, for beginners (100 lessons, theory plus practice), to programs for experienced confectioners. Here they will teach:

  • make mousse desserts;
  • work with yeast dough, bake bread;
  • cook airy cupcakes and chocolates, decorate desserts.

And also take beautiful photos of your masterpieces and post them on Instagram. In general, it is strongly advised to maintain pages on social networks. Firstly, the approving feedback from friends is great motivating and makes you achieve the perfect result in case of failure, even if previous attempts ended in complete failure. Secondly, if you decide to organize your own small business, then an advertising platform with a whole gallery of cakes will already be ready.
There are free lessons, webinars on various topics are regularly held. Users from 40 countries study at the school, photos of their work can also be found on the site.

Price - from 15,000 rubles for the basic (100 lessons).


  • prompt feedback from teachers and Egor himself;
  • clear and simple presentation of the material;
  • a lot of useful tips on how to replace certain products, detailed analysis of errors.
  • no.



Here are collected free video lessons, lasting 15-20 minutes, on how to prepare simple desserts, like tartlets, various types of cookies, marmalade and pancakes. As well as advice on choosing a confectionery school (for those who dream of becoming a professional in this field), ideas for decorating cakes.


  • available components;
  • simple recipes;
  • good presentation of material.
  • background music is quite loud.

ABC Confectioner

These are not courses, but a YouTube channel with 46,000 subscribers. The recipes are a little outdated, but you can learn how to bake a magnificent biscuit, make Prague cakes or Napoleon, beloved by many. Plus, there is a detailed description of the main types of creams, from cottage cheese to charlotte, and useful tips on how much to evaluate your work for home confectioners.


  • detailed explanation of the preparation processes;
  • convenient format - short videos;
  • recommendations on the choice of inventory or adaptation for it (the same molds, for example) of the dishes that are in the house.
  • no, except that the collection of recipes is not replenished.

Yuliya Small

Lots of recipes, from classic honey cake to sponge cake, mousse cakes and gingerbread cookies. Good quality, without camera jerking, loud background music, simple and understandable, even for beginners, explanation of the cooking steps. Plus ideas for decorating desserts and many interesting ideas for the home. No additional fees, over 1.7 million subscribers and only positive reviews.


  • up-to-date recipes;
  • simple components;
  • verified grammar (at least users in the comments under the video note that all the desserts turned out);
  • no background music and good image quality.
  • no.

So, it's never too late to learn something new. Look at the descriptions of the courses, ask the administrator questions, read reviews and choose the most convenient learning format for yourself. After that, it remains to purchase products and start preparing your first dessert.

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