
  1. What courses for pregnant women are
  2. How to choose
  3. Best Online Pregnancy Courses
  4. Conclusion

Ranking of the best online pregnancy courses for 2022

Ranking of the best online pregnancy courses for 2022

An important event, the birth of a child, has a number of features that should be dealt with competently, both in the prenatal period and at the stage of the first months of a baby’s life. The health of mothers and newborns, the general emotional background in the family and the development of the child depend on this.

Recently, due to the pandemic situation and lack of time, parents are increasingly turning to online courses. Distance learning solves the issue of moving in an “interesting” position, reduces the risk of infection and provides the expectant mother with the necessary comfort at home while learning the information. The best courses for pregnant women online are discussed in this article.

What courses for pregnant women are

You can divide all supporting sites into free and paid resources.
A more detailed study of all stages of preparation for motherhood, overcoming phobias, competent behavior at each stage of obtaining important skills takes place in paid classes with a structured presentation of information.

The entire period of formation from the gestation phase to the first steps of the baby is divided into specific periods, each of which has its own characteristics.

There are many standard approaches to each stage, as well as many authoring techniques. Working with a professional psychologist is necessary, as well as live communication in a group of expectant mothers. Creating a calm atmosphere with a sense of qualified assistance, supervision, care and the availability of the necessary knowledge determines the successful passage of childbirth, postpartum recovery.

In turn, a narrow thematic division can be made into programs such as:

  1. first pregnancy;
  2. correction of the psycho-emotional state;
  3. the birth of the 2nd child;
  4. competent behavior in the postpartum period.

How to choose

Given the pandemic situation, more and more parents-to-be are turning to Internet sites and online courses. In recent years, the technological capabilities and readiness of medical specialists for remote communication have stepped far forward.Individual programs and 24/7 support allow you to prepare a pregnant woman very deeply and professionally for upcoming events.

Advanced Program or Express Workshop

For expectant mothers preparing to experience the birth of a baby for the first time, it is certainly better to choose an in-depth program. Indeed, for experienced parents, many physiological processes are already known and represent lesser fears.

An important role in determining one or another choice is played by the individual psycho-emotional background. For some, the support of a perinatal psychologist is an absolute necessity. Partner support also determines the level of necessary support of the curator for a given period.

For some women, it will be a convenient format to purchase individual lessons or classes on narrow topics. The lack of information can be supplemented with free author's courses and free access video lessons.

The mixed form involves conducting online courses with regular support and supervision, as well as single meetings at mothers' schools. In addition, individual resources provide access to closed communities where you can chat in a chat to share your feelings and concerns, discuss pressing problems, questions, and information.

With an expanded range of services to obstetrician-gynecologists, perinatal psychologists, fertility specialists and immunologists are connected to the team of curators.


Paid courses provide access to video materials for a certain period, which is very convenient for re-elaboration of topics, more thorough study, and the ability to refresh information on individual points.
It's no secret that the dominant will change in the course of ongoing events, and hence interest, increased attention to detail will require re-applying to resources.

An important point is the availability of a recording of webinars, audio aids.

Individual approach

Each person is unique in his manifestation and inner world, therefore the central issue of overcoming the fear of childbirth lies in deep accordance with the personality. An individual approach with the development of programs taking into account private psycho-emotional states comes to the fore for some women. This is possible with online courses. It is not only possible, but must be used.

Escort 24/7

Since the entire period from gestation and preparation for childbirth to the stage of the first steps of the baby takes a fairly long period of time, then consultations with a doctor, an obstetrician-gynecologist at a certain time become a necessity for someone. Of course, such a service requires additional costs, but the feeling of round-the-clock professional support is noticeably reassuring.


Separate information requires practical study to obtain certain skills.
In particular, these are things like:

  1. correct breathing;
  2. various postures to alleviate physical suffering, reduce pain;
  3. control of sensations through meditation;
  4. fitness exercises;
  5. yoga for pregnant women.

The ability to seek advice with the exception of errors that occur and the correction of skills through training plays a big role in competent preparation. It is important to consider the possibility of such a service when choosing a course.


Professional Internet sites provide comprehensive information about the speakers. It is important that education is confirmed by a diploma. A practicing doctor is always preferable. Regular advanced training of doctors and employees with the award of certificates will eliminate possible errors and annoying learning outcomes.

Ideally, at different stages of training there are one or more specialists, masters in a specific narrow area. In addition to psychosomatics, it is important to consider the aspect of physiology, the context of the change of scenery and the implementation of new social roles, and this requires the supervision of individual professionals.


If you have the necessary literature, you can watch free video materials and focus on individual moments of problematic topics, you can opt for an incomplete online course, at a cost of up to 10,000 rubles.

If the pregnancy is the first, and future parents prefer to have round-the-clock support from a specialist with in-depth knowledge in the necessary areas, then, probably, at least several tens of thousands of rubles should be invested in the cost part.

Errors when choosing

At different stages of pregnancy and in the postpartum period, mothers face characteristic mistakes. Which course is better to buy, it is not always possible to decide unambiguously. The presence of a dominant on each individual period involuntarily misleads that "I don't need it yet." In fact, it is precisely the understanding of the entire process of becoming a mother from conception to the first steps of the baby that allows you to competently prepare for a new realization. It is not only about saving money, but also about the systemic perception of change. For the entire period, a lot of skills, knowledge, important little things and global readiness for the next stage will be required. The complex of opportunities from fitness, yoga to self-hypnosis and understanding of physiology requires the participation of specialists of different profiles. You need to be prepared for this, which you should pay attention to.

Best Online Pregnancy Courses

Overview of paid platforms

Mikhail Fomin - Soft childbirth is a joy for mom and baby

Exclusive course of Dr.Fomin, which is held online, is the key to understanding one's own nature. In addition, it saves time and effort in finding reliable and useful information. M. Fomin is a practitioner with over 30 years of experience. This is a family doctor, spiritual obstetrician, practicing psychologist, and author of books about childbirth and family health. He has helped hundreds of children to be born healthy without complications for mothers. Mikhail Fomin has a successful marriage, and he is also raising 6 children.

The course includes 28 lessons from 15 to 30 minutes, which you can watch at your convenience. M. Fomin gives useful recommendations and practical advice to future mothers. The course allows you to prepare so that everything goes as it should - prenatal mood, childbirth, the first hours of a child's life, feeding, etc. This course is an excellent guarantee of peace and happiness, and will also allow you to remember the day your child is born as the best day of your life.

  • You will understand how to accept changes in yourself during pregnancy.
  • You will be able to competently organize your life during pregnancy.
  • You will avoid the difficulties of childbirth.
  • You will become the best mom in the world.
  • You are not only physiologically, but also emotionally a preparer for childbirth, which will allow you to live the period of pregnancy in peace and happiness.
  • You will learn how to give birth in a way that is comfortable not only for the child, but also for you.
  • Not detected.

Online school "Easy childbirth"

A group of professionals in the field of obstetrics and gynecology, perinatal psychology, yoga for pregnant women from Moscow, with current practice, have a lot of regalia and accompany expectant mothers not only in prenatal preparation, but also in the first months of motherhood.

The online course "Easy childbirth without fear" offers to prepare for the process of childbirth, getting rid of all fears, as well as avoid gaps with the help of a special training program for expectant mothers.

  • availability of free master classes and webinars at the school;
  • access to helpful videos about childbirth;
  • extensive systematized material;
  • 3 blocks of information - about the harbingers of childbirth, contractions and attempts, the postpartum period;
  • teaching breathing practices to overcome pain and balance the condition;
  • mental skills of relaxation and trust to avoid panic;
  • to maintain the mood of natural birth, the study of postures during contractions and attempts;
  • practical recommendations for postpartum recovery;
  • under the guidance of an obstetrician-gynecologist and a perinatal psychologist;
  • the program consists of 5 or 9 models, depending on the purchased package;
  • from preparation and comfortable bearing to the first period, contractions, attempts and elaboration of situations in the maternity hospital;
  • as bonuses, there can be sets of meditations and fitness, as well as checklists;
  • the extended program includes support for 2 months with consultations;
  • with possible access to a closed community chat;
  • providing various forms of installment payment;
  • option to return 100% payment in case of refusal of services in the initial 3 days;
  • lessons consist of video materials and descriptions adapted to the understanding of non-professionals;
  • with online meetings of teachers and groups, answers to questions;
  • with the support of curators, doctors;
  • after the transfer of funds, the administration provides access through a password, login to the personal account of the platform;
  • there is a video with reviews of mothers who have been trained;
  • more than 9000 grateful students.
  • not found.


Center "First Step"

Psychological center for more than 10 years. Multilateral assistance from supporting family relationships to preparing for childbirth and harmonious upbringing of children has helped more than 7,000 clients become happy.
Availability of 4 program options - accelerated, full, individual or online project.

The individual course "Mystery of Birth" is an online preparation for the birth of a baby.

  • development of an individual program with a focus on overcoming personal fears;
  • providing structured and verified information;
  • with the passage of practice;
  • includes not only preparation for the birth process, but also feeding, care;
  • live communication through webinars;
  • with answers to questions;
  • interesting delivery of lectures;
  • participation of a perinatal psychologist, pediatrician;
  • with skill development;
  • topics can be chosen;
  • the presence of a partner in the lesson is free;
  • receiving support in the postpartum period;
  • conducting training via Zoom, Skype;
  • you can work in a mini group;
  • individual training;
  • with the development of practical skills;
  • implementation of author's proven methods.
  • no 24/7 support.

☎ 8-473-22-99-853

Project Mam Expert

The online learning program is represented by 5 blocks:

  • prenatal preparation;
  • childbirth process;
  • competent period of breastfeeding;
  • recovery.

The birth preparation course consists of theory and practical self-help.

  • stress relief techniques during pregnancy;
  • independent stress relief with the help of “live” points of the body;
  • principles of working out fears and practice;
  • the dominant of childbirth and its formation;
  • studying the harbingers of the main event;
  • the difference between false and true contractions;
  • determination of the correct moment of departure to the maternity hospital;
  • competent behavior at home;
  • study of the 1st stage of childbirth;
  • the study of postures, breathing, self-hypnosis, hypnoanalgesia;
  • attempts and behavior at a crucial moment;
  • lessons of soft adaptation of the newborn;
  • postpartum physiology and breastfeeding;
  • benefits of co-sleeping;
  • determination of feeding rhythms;
  • the concept of crises, mastitis, their prevention;
  • exclusion of postpartum depression;
  • transitional periods of the baby;
  • support at all stages;
  • according to customer reviews, attitudes towards pregnancy are changing;
  • gaining confidence and eliminating fears.
  • site navigator.

☎ +375-44-553-20-50

School of Future Parents

The MAMAM.PRO project is supervised by obstetrician-gynecologists of the highest category, candidates of medical sciences from the city of St. Petersburg.

  • about a conscious approach to pregnancy;
  • how to properly prepare for childbirth;
  • quick recovery and care for the baby;
  • about the moment of readiness for a trip to the hospital;
  • competent behavior in the process of childbearing;
  • for a comfortable solution to the issue of the impossibility of attending full-time classes;
  • from practitioners with experience in maternity hospitals, medical centers;
  • free access for viewing and discussion at a convenient time on any medium with the Internet;
  • concepts of pathologies and norms;
  • explanations of the examinations carried out;
  • the question of the need to maintain pregnancy in a hospital;
  • how the bag should be collected in the maternity hospital;
  • how to ensure a soft birth;
  • about ways to reduce pain;
  • options for medical care;
  • competent care of the baby in the first days.
  • missing.

☎ 8-911-020-33-34

Free education

There is no online communication format in this case, since Internet resources are presented by author's video tutorials.

Course "Correct preparation for childbirth" from INFOHIT

The project of their 4 lessons will be introduced by the perinatal psychologist A. Aleeva.

  • about preventing common problems for most pregnant women;
  • prohibitions and how to replace former favorite foods and drinks;
  • with the necessary guidance on actions in the maternity hospital and the right choice in the suggestions of doctors;
  • about the comfortable passage of the prenatal period;
  • skills to effectively alleviate common complications;
  • availability of a review of specialized literature;
  • total duration 5.5 hours;
  • with a basic level of difficulty;
  • for independent study;
  • high material rating;
  • the presence of the author of other qualified programs.
  • no feedback.

☎ 8-800-350-55-24

Express course from the YouTube service "Easy childbirth - a healthy baby"

Attention is given to 35 lessons from a practicing psychologist L. Melikhova.

  • full accessibility;
  • popular topics;
  • specialized skills;
  • visual presentation of information with a detailed description of physiology;
  • with a schematic explanation on the board;
  • positive and appreciative feedback.
  • no online consultation.


Comparison Chart of the Best Online Pregnancy Courses      
1.Paid Platforms
Course nameInternet resourceStructureBonusesCost, rub.
Easy childbirth without fearEasy childbirthof 5 (9) modules depending on the purchased packageAvailability of all information within 1 year.3000÷7000
Mystery of birthFirst step2-5, 7 or 9 lessonsEducational video. The presence of an electronic manual. 1500/lesson, 9500 - 1100
Childbirth preparation course Mam Expert5 blocks-4100
MAMAM.PRO School of Future Parents
2.Free education
Proper preparation for childbirthINFOHIT 5.5 hours 4 lessons--
Easy delivery - healthy babyExpress course from YouTube service35 lessons--


Studies have shown that expectant mothers who have undergone quality preparation for childbirth and the subsequent period have an 85% reduced risk of possible complications. An important event in the life of the family and parents is always accompanied by anxiety and anxiety about the upcoming event. Competent specialists know the secrets of bypassing the “pitfalls” of an interesting situation and all the stages following it. Online courses not only provide an opportunity to deeply immerse yourself in the necessary information, but also to gain practical skills through trainings, to feel the blissful atmosphere of expectation along with community members. The offered service of paid support of doctors and the possibility of feedback have a positive effect on the emotional background of mothers and their companions.

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