
  1. Classifications of speech defects
  2. Troubleshooting Procedures
  3. The best children's defectologists

In a society where new technologies are a top priority, a person, more than ever before, must have social communication skills to build profitable connections and strong relationships with people. And what, if not literate and clear speech, helps a person to make new acquaintances and easily achieve their goals.

Even without being an open public figure or a radio announcer, everyone should have the skill of stage speech (pronounce each syllable, speak clearly on the topic, appropriately operating with emotions, facial expressions and gestures). Someone possesses oratory immediately from the moment he begins to speak, and someone, living his whole life, never learns speaking skills.

Classifications of speech defects

Any speech deviation is dealt with by a defectologist.In a consultation after a series of diagnostic procedures, he determines the diagnosis and prescribes treatment, which may include both physical and medical practices.

  • Dyslalia. The most common and relatively mild defect, which is characterized by good hearing, complete preservation of sound and graph perception (a person distinguishes between sounds and spelling of letters). It is expressed in the inability to pronounce certain sounds (replacement of certain sounds by others, similar ones or the complete absence of the pronunciation of this combination).
  • Dysarthria. The second most popular disease, which, depending on the severity, proceeds in different ways. It manifests itself due to the lack of a full-fledged relationship between the parts of the nervous system and the organs of articulation (lips, tongue, palate). In such patients, paresis (weak facial muscles) is diagnosed, however, in a mild form (erased), hearing, perception of sounds and understanding of what he says are preserved.
  • Stuttering. "Stuck" on one sound, repeating it several times. Unlike the previous violation, this is due to excessive tension of the articulatory apparatus. It differs from dyslalia and dysarthria in that the patient is completely critical of his speech, he understands what the mistake is, however, due to the lack of training of the muscles of the lower part of the face, he cannot do anything.
  • Aphasia. The speech apparatus retains its tone and correct movement during sound extraction, however, verbal speech is lost after its formation in the speech center.
  • Alalia. An intractable defect, often obtained during childbirth or with traumatic brain injuries. Speech is sluggish and poorly distinguishable, but a person does not lag behind in mental development, moreover, his hearing is well developed.
  • Rhinolalia.A characteristic feature is nasality, which occurs due to disruption of the nasopharynx. Often accompanied by chronic sinusitis. The client may complain of shortness of breath and shortness of breath after a long conversation.

Troubleshooting Procedures

Parents, depending on the severity of the disease, will be offered several ways to solve the problem:

  • First of all, a universal step will be a visit to a speech therapist. The doctor will determine the root of the problem and prescribe a number of treatment measures (some of them, such as developmental exercises, can be done at home under the supervision of a parent).
  • If the speech therapist does not identify problems with the speech apparatus, you should think about examining other problematic organs - checking the nose or nervous system for possible pathologies.
  • Taking medications that improve the blood supply to the articulatory muscles and relieve spasms.
  • Visiting the dentist and correcting the malocclusion.

The best children's defectologists

ELENA, Cheboksary

Specialties: Private tutor, Teacher of additional education, Speech therapist, Defectologist, Psychologist.

Cost: 1200 rubles / 30 minutes.

Experience: 6 years.

A premium class specialist who performs in several professional areas at once: a special defectology specialty at the bachelor's level, graduation from a medical college in the nursing department, psychological and pedagogical education (master's degree), a specialist in the field of dysarthria correction (massage and speech therapy exercises).

In addition to correcting sound pronunciation, Elena will help children of all ages overcome problems with reading (difficult perception of letters) and writing.The specialist prepares preschool patients for school (learning to write and read, phonetic analysis of the alphabet, sound correction, etc.). Elena will ensure effective work with children of general speech underdevelopment (GSD) of various degrees of complexity, as well as with children with mental retardation (MPD) or a diagnosis of HIA (people with disabilities).

An adult who has similar problems in the development of the articulatory apparatus can also become a client.

  • Average cost;
  • Availability of full-time massage service;
  • Treatment of complex degrees of dysarthria;
  • Working with children (HIA);
  • Multidisciplinary specialist;
  • Reception of adult clients.
  • Little experience.


Specialties: private tutor, teacher-psychologist, teacher-speech therapist.

Cost: Distance online classes: 750 rubles / 30 min. Classes in groups: 1500 rubles / 45 min.

Experience: 21 years.

The full course of classes includes eight sessions, however, if the parent wants to continue working, he can extend the purchased package. The teacher works with children of different age categories, including students and patients of preschool age. In addition to speech therapy classes, Elena works with hyper- and hypoactive children, helping them overcome hyper- or hypotonia. As a teacher, Elena Nikolaevna helps students with preparation for the VPR, checks and analyzes homework and tests. Thanks to the methods used by Elena, dysgraphia and dyslexia can be corrected well.

Elena Nikolaevna has developed her own manual for the development and consistent correction of spoken language in verse, which is often used by specialists in this field.Elena Nikolaevna is a laureate of the international poetry competition Golden Stanza.

  • Opportunity to choose group or private work;
  • Great experience;
  • Higher pedagogical education;
  • Tutoring in subjects;
  • Winner of numerous competitions;
  • Author of methodological books on working with speech disorders.
  • High price.


Specialties: Private tutor, School teacher, University teacher, PhD.

Cost: classes with children - 800 rubles; classes with students - 1000 rubles.

Experience: 23 years

Works with different ages, using different techniques to achieve the highest results. Lyudmila practices classes with a diagnosis of alalia, teaching children speaking skills from scratch in five months. Previously non-speaking children consistently master the skill of phrasal speech.

Active work is underway to correct defects in perception, short-term memory, impaired thinking, imagination and speech, as well as consultations for children with a complex structure of defective manifestations (hearing impairment, autism, mental retardation, some types of visual impairment). Lyudmila has a narrowly focused education as an oligophrenopedagogue, which allows her to interact and correct the defects of children with disabilities.

Also, Lyudmila Vladimirovna is engaged in the psychological preparation of children for school and young students for higher educational institutions. Lyudmila helps in writing ESSAYS, olympiad and diploma papers.

Lyudmila Vladimirovna also trains specialists in her fields, helping young students to adapt to their chosen profession and help them choose high-quality and modern techniques for working with difficult-to-correct children.

Lyudmila is a highly qualified specialist and the owner of the “Gratitude of the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Altai Territory”.

  • The holder of the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences;
  • Several higher educations;
  • Impressive work experience;
  • Low prices;
  • Broad age categories;
  • The owner of numerous thanks for his great contributions to the development of speech therapy techniques;
  • Personnel training.
  • Not found.


Specialties: Private tutor, School teacher.

Cost: 1300 ₽/60 min.

Experience: 21 years

An experienced defectologist from Moscow, working with elementary school children, will correct not only speech defects, but also help to catch up on lost knowledge in some school disciplines. Eugene is a high category specialist in the field of speech therapy, and is also a teacher of history and social studies. Moreover, Evgeny Ivanovich speaks English and German, which allows him to work with children on the pronunciation of foreign languages.

For preschoolers, Eugene can offer programs for teaching writing and reading, as well as developing memory and imagination. For more “advanced” children who have completed courses on correcting pronunciation defects, Evgeny can offer speech technique courses that expand the child’s abilities in stage reading of texts.

The specialist works every day, the time of consultations is chosen together with the parent. In addition to defectological classes, Evgeny Ivanovich will help children deal with homework, learn and consolidate a complex topic.

  • Low price;
  • Broad specialist profile;
  • Huge work experience;
  • Seven days a week;
  • Knowledge of two foreign languages;
  • Availability of the program "Studying Russian as a foreign language";
  • Additional courses in guitar and calligraphy.
  • Not found.


Specialties: Private tutor, Speech therapist, defectologist.

Average price: 500 ₽/40 min.

Experience: 20 years

Before interacting with a client, Tatyana conducts a comprehensive diagnosis to identify weaknesses in order to subsequently select the most effective training methodology. At each online meeting, the defectologist provides the child with a visual aid for a more convenient perception of the information provided. Parents are also sent electronic manuals for additional classes.

The complex of the program includes special techniques for the development of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus, massages, as well as the study of oral tasks (tongue twisters and texts of increased complexity). In her practice, Tatyana uses interesting games that can attract the attention of a child. The games were specially developed by Tatyana Sergeevna, and also borrowed from the International Virtual Forum in Japan in 2014 "Socio-cultural and philological aspects in the educational and scientific context".

The specialist helps children overcome the fear of speaking in front of a large audience - one example of such work is the team's victory at the All-Russian Festival of Arts "Planet of Childhood" in the nomination "theatrical production" under the direction of Tatyana Sergeevna.

  • Low price;
  • Impressive experience;
  • High qualification;
  • Participation in international forums;
  • Numerous victories in competitions and festivals;
  • None.


Experience: 8 years.

Specialties: Speech therapist, defectologist, psychologist.

Average price: 500 rubles / 30 minutes.

As a speech therapist, Denis works with preschool children and first graders, teaching them all the necessary initial skills - the ability to read and write. In the process of acquiring the basics, children learn to gradually adapt in kindergarten or school, adapt to the assimilation of different amounts of information, to enjoy communication with peers. Clients acquire useful communication skills, and also receive useful tools for the development of important mental functions: the ability to focus attention, perseverance, imaginative thinking, and others.

Having the specialty of a neuropsychologist, Denis Vasilievich uses the latest techniques in his practice, which help not only to adapt the child to society and instill in him important communication skills, but also to correct noticeable speech defects (logopsychology).

Denis has a degree in Psychology, which also allows him to work with adult clients. During the conversation and additional questions, Denis accurately identifies the root of the problem and, using special techniques, helps to solve it.

  • Affordable cost;
  • Work seven days a week (from eight to eight);
  • Acceptance of applications from adult clients;
  • Psychological assistance in adaptation in society.
  • No.


Experience: 21 years

Specialties: Private tutor, Speech therapist, Defectologist, Psychologist.

Average price: 750 rubles / 30 minutes.

In addition to online consultations, Svetlana has a special equipped office for receiving clients offline near the metro stations: Ryazansky Prospekt and Kuzminki.

Svetlana takes on individual and group work (the cost is much lower, but the efficiency is also reduced).In her work, she uses psychological practices to encourage the child to work, uses classes in the format of games for a more noticeable result. Svetlana works with different ages: from preschoolers to the elderly. Operates well with knowledge and easily determines the root of the problem.

In addition to defectology, Svetlana is engaged in private tutoring and is happy to help students with term papers, and schoolchildren with essays and projects.

  • Average cost;
  • Psychological support;
  • Possibility of offline meetings.
  • Not found.


When choosing a good defectologist, it is not enough to pay attention to the high cost and the list of educations received. An important and, perhaps, the only criterion in choosing a specialist is the assessment of the child. Even if the specialist has rich knowledge in his field and can correctly determine the diagnosis of his patient, if the child does not “find” a friend in the defectologist, he will not be set up for productive work.

Defectologists, especially for children, should ideally have an accompanying psychological education that will allow the specialist to determine the methods of interaction with the child, relax him and prepare him for further work - as you know, speech therapy work is quite painstaking and takes a lot of time. The specialist must set up the little patient for long-term work and make him trust him.

You can find a defectologist by various ads in the social. networks, contact a special agency that provides lists of employees listed on it, or consult websites such as

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