Many people spend a lot of time behind the wheel of their car, which is why it is so important to ensure maximum comfort. In the winter season there are additional problems. For example, additional interior heating is required. Manufacturers try to provide their cars with standard equipment, but sometimes this is not enough. A conventional heater cannot immediately cope with the heating of the seats, interior, steering wheel surface and heating of icy windows. You can find your own solution for heating for each object, but it is much more convenient to install an additional heater to everything at once. We will talk about the best interior heaters below.
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The two main characteristics when purchasing an additional heater are power and safety. That is, for example, with a large car, the power of an air heater may not be enough for proper heating, while at the same time, when choosing a liquid one for a passenger car, there is a high risk of causing overheating of the wiring and fire hazard. About the types of heaters themselves - below.
After that, you need to pay attention to fastening. For example, heaters from the cigarette lighter have a lot of installation variations. You need to build on less harm to the cabin and reliability. For example, you should not purchase a device with a self-tapping mount if you are very worried about the aesthetic appearance of the car interior. It is also recommended to think in advance where the equipment will be located, since the cord may not reach the desired location.
The third and not unimportant criterion is what the case is made of. Manufacturers produce heating equipment from different materials. Ceramics proved to be the best. It has undeniable advantages over the same steel:
Standalone models are a big plus. They create a comfortable atmosphere for the driver and passengers without overloading the battery and engine. Due to this, the period of operation is extended, the risk of unforeseen situations is reduced (for example, such as discharging a car battery) and effective glass heating is ensured.
There is also a difference in the installed heating element. In different price classes can be:
After deciding to purchase an additional heat source for the cabin, making the choice is not as easy as it sounds. In total, two types of devices for generating heat are sold on the market:
Liquid devices are installed in the engine compartment and are directly connected to the cooling system, fuel and electricity. Such heaters start working with a car engine, only after that they go to the cabin itself. This will ensure that the car starts quickly in winter, even if the engine oil is not designed to work at low temperatures, but the driver will have to sit in the cold for some time. Some people don't like this way of working. They also have a significantly higher cost, unlike air ones. However, liquid heaters are an extremely good option if you need to travel far and with long parking lots.
There are a lot of models on the market for automotive devices. There are several best representatives of liquid heating devices.
Producer: Germany.
Average price: 40 thousand rubles.
Producer: Germany.
Average cost: 30 thousand rubles.
Universal device for all types of transport: cars, trucks and special vehicles.
The principle of operation is the opposite of liquid. These devices are designed to heat the interior first, then the engine and other internal parts of the car. Air heaters are considered independent electrical equipment. They run on car batteries. Their advantages are in the rapid heating of vehicles from the middle, where the driver and passengers are. In addition, air is much cheaper than its competitors.
Among such devices are designs that work from a cigarette lighter.
The equipment itself consists of a plastic case, and a fan is fixed inside to direct hot air to the heating device. They are connected to the cigarette lighter and for full operation they need 12 V of electricity. However, independent power is approximately equal to 130-150 watts. Such heaters according to the principle of operation can be compared with a conventional household hair dryer. The flow through the filament is warmed up and passes already into the car.
You can install and fix the models with the help of various devices: special legs that are resistant to vibrations, simple suction cups or clothespins.
Due to the difference in the supplied electricity and the power of the heater, problems can arise, but manufacturers have installed an automatic system. It warns against burnout and overheating.
Producer: Germany.
Approximate cost: 1400 rubles.
An analogue of the Chinese model AutoVirazh AV‑161007. They are both almost identical, except for some features.
Manufacturer: China.
Average cost: up to 1 thousand rubles.
A small fan heater powered by a cigarette lighter.
Manufacturer: China
Average cost: up to 2 thousand rubles.
A model for getting the most with the least amount of energy.
Manufacturer: China.
Average cost: up to 1.5 thousand rubles.
Modest car hair dryer for cars.
Manufacturer: Russia.
Average cost: up to 3 thousand rubles.
Domestic model with additional useful features.
Manufacturer: Russia.
Average cost: up to 2 thousand rubles.
Another domestic representative, significantly different from analogues.
Manufacturer: Taiwan.
Approximate price 3900 rubles.
The final model in the ranking due to the large number of negative reviews.
The rating is usually based on customer reviews. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to this aspect as well. One of the reviews on the heater from the cigarette lighter:
“It often takes a significant amount of time in the morning to warm up the engine of the car and the passenger compartment. It seemed to me to make this process comfortable and as quickly as possible is unrealistic! It is more depressing that in the morning one minute is valued for five, and as a result, it takes a lot of effort to freeze the car.
At first I tried to pour winter oil into the engine. The car started up quickly, but driving in the sheer cold and with frozen windows was very inconvenient. Advised to purchase a heater from the cigarette lighter. It is a small case, under which a heating element and a hair dryer are hidden.
I was pleased that the device creates the optimal temperature in the shortest possible time, without burning through oxygen. You can install the "stove" anywhere in the cabin and direct a uniform, warm air flow in a convenient direction.
Some resent the power. With a car, a maximum power of 300 watts was enough for me.At the same time, the car’s battery does not feel overloaded with electricity, because the heater consumes only 12 watts from the cigarette lighter.
However, unfortunately, such heating is not able to cope with the task alone. Therefore, in the morning they defrost the factory device and the additional one. Then, during the day, I leave one thing to maintain a comfortable microclimate.
I am completely satisfied with the purchase and I recommend it to others!”
In addition to consumer opinion, there are also simple recommendations from the best manufacturers. When the purchase of an additional warm-up device is necessary:
When you can do without heating:
No need to chase popular models or the most expensive ones in the hope that the manufacturer was able to achieve an ideal quality-price ratio. The priority should be only the characteristics of your own car, the capabilities of the heater and personal wishes.Considering all of the above, you can safely choose a car heater.