The best survival knives for 2022

Ever since the Vietnam War, only army models have been used as survival knives, which have been very popular. In addition to the designated functionality, such designs were very cumbersome. The handle was made heavy, and a saw was placed on the end part. Thus, the pilots who crashed in the jungle had a chance to survive in the wild. It should be noted that the demand for tactical weapons among the civilian population appeared only in the mid-90s. The criteria for choosing modern designs depend on the purpose of the knife.

The first tests in the special forces

In order to survive in truly extreme conditions, a person will need a certain set of items, including a steel knife (possibly folding). Such devices can be found in every, without exception, emergency emergency stock (NAZ). It is not customary to use such items in everyday life, but for a long hike with the family, it is still worth taking.

Initially, such devices were used by the military (army). The design was developed in the early 60s and was in great demand among the pilots who served in Vietnam.

A characteristic feature is considered to be the presence of a saw (disk type) instead of a blade and a heavy handle. In the impenetrable jungle, such a device is simply irreplaceable.Such products gained popularity after the film adaptation of Rimbaud. It took years of hard experimentation to develop the design of the world's best manufacturers. To date, tactical weapons are in great demand among both the military and ordinary people (tourists).

Benefits of survival knives

What characteristics, according to buyers, should a tourist knife have? Extreme tourists often go on long and very dangerous journeys. Being in difficult conditions, a universal blade (kitchen) will not be enough. A characteristic feature of such products is considered to be multifunctionality. The design is purchased to perform the following tasks:

For cutting carcasses of small animals. As a small sapper shovel for digging.
Removing vegetation along the way.Cutting of matter (leather, fabric).
Breeding fire.Combat weapon (for self-defense purposes).

Such a device will help to survive in extreme conditions. The NAZ set also includes a compass, sharpener and other useful items.

Scope of use

Similar designs are also called multi-tools, which in translation from English means a multifunctional tool. The range of their application is really wide. Initially, it was a massive tool that was used in the army. Over the years, the design has been improved and supplemented with all sorts of devices. It is produced not only for the army, but also for ordinary users. Has amazing abilities. A variety of devices can be hidden in the handle cavity, which makes the knife an indispensable assistant in difficult conditions for life.

The multitool will become an indispensable device both in the wild forest and during an ordinary walk over rough terrain.A survival knife is used both in extreme conditions and during a camping trip. The main mistake when choosing such devices is an attempt to save where it is not recommended. The design must be resistant to bad weather conditions and of the highest possible quality. The world's best specialists have been working for decades to create an ideal weapon. It is based on the use of high-strength steel and a hollow handle, inside of which auxiliary devices can be located.

It should be noted that a survival knife can be made with your own hands, at home, with the appropriate equipment and skills.

Functions that are always at hand

After the premiere of the film, where the main character was played by Sylvester Stallone (hero of the Vietnam War), our compatriots learned about the existence of tactical weapons. It is difficult to make it on your own, but it is possible, which is what most of our compatriots used. However, the "universal survival knife" soon appeared on the shelves. The hero managed to survive in the wild only thanks to such a device that all, without exception, the audience wanted to get. Years later, we can say with confidence that such a knife is not at all the ultimate dream, and in terms of functionality it cannot be compared with modern multitools.

Characteristics of NAZ

A description of the best and highest quality extreme survival kits can give a basic idea of ​​what a person will have to face on a hike. If it is not possible to establish contact with rescuers, the kit will help people survive in the wild.

Based on numerous photos and reviews on the network, the classic set consists of the following devices:

  1. Small pencil.
  2. Sandpaper (used for quick sharpening of the blade).
  3. Antibacterial patches.
  4. A set of needles with ordinary thread, reinforced and medical.
  5. Small blade.
  6. Wax matches (do not get wet and damp).
  7. Heliograph mirror.
  8. Broad spectrum antibiotics.
  9. Tablets for water filtration.
  10. Small tweezers.
  11. Potassium permanganate.
  12. Pin.
  13. Fishing gear.
  14. Magnifier.
  15. Silicon stones.
  16. A tool with a flint.

A person will have more opportunities if he has a working compass that will help determine his current location. However, some features should be taken into account, including:

  • the compass should be worn separately, as it has a low wear resistance index;
  • the material from which the handle is made must be non-magnetic;
  • the same requirements apply to the blade.

Rating of high-quality and inexpensive survival knives

votes 26

Famous product from a Chinese manufacturer. The length of the blade will be 25 cm. The hardness index of steel fluctuates in the range of 55. The handle is completely metal, which negatively affected the weight of the structure (880 g). We owe the first prototype of the product to the master of his craft - Jimmy Lyle. It was he who was approached by the director of the Rambo films in order to create the legendary blade. It turned out to be weighty and elongated, but capable of replacing a small ax. For solving small problems, the design is recognized as not very convenient. Inside the handle there was a sealed container in which were:

  1. Sinker.
  2. Threads.
  3. Patch.
  4. Matches.
  5. Fishing line.

The average price is 1650 rubles.

rambo knife
  • on the guard is a convenient cross-type screwdriver;
  • the shape of the blade is intended for chopping blows (fighting vegetation);
  • there is a saw on the butt;
  • NAZ compliance;
  • high strength steel;
  • multitasking;
  • strength.
  • the price is too high;
  • significant weight;
  • For transportation you will need a really high-quality case.

Gerber Spine
votes 17

A distinctive feature of the design is simplicity and ease of use. The functionality is worthy of respect. The shank is full, the handle with rubberized inserts. The manufacturer provides a variety of wearing options. The blade does not differ in presentability, it is made of steel 7 Cr 17 Mo V. Can be sharpened and processed. The blade is fixed. The scope of use is varied.

Sellers offer products at a price of 2815 rubles.

Gerber Spine knife
  • practicality;
  • the quality of the materials used;
  • rubberized handle;
  • durability;
  • value for money.
  • not identified.

votes 13

If you review goods from China, then you should pay attention to these products. Multifunctional device with plastic sheath. The blade is fixed with a clip. In the manufacture of steel with a hardness of 58. Blade length - 85 cm, product weight - 224 grams. Fiberglass and black nylon handle. The complete set, in addition to the gun itself, is as follows:

  • can opener;
  • two-meter paracord;
  • belt clip;
  • flint;
  • sharpener.

To use the design, step-by-step instructions are not needed. Everything is extremely simple and functional. The blade itself is protected against corrosion. Steel combines elasticity and hardness. The back side of the handle is equipped with a bottle opener and a nail puller. If the question arises, which one is better to buy for tourism and hiking, then you can consider this offer. Moreover, the goods can be ordered online on the manufacturer's website.It has nothing to do with the category of edged weapons.

The average cost is 2990 rubles.

knife stash
  • practicality;
  • comfort;
  • functionality;
  • reliability;
  • durability;
  • help in the forest;
  • good options;
  • versatility.
  • not identified.

votes 19

The product from the Chinese manufacturer enjoys well-deserved popularity among those who like to tickle their nerves in places where no human has gone before. Without this device in extreme conditions simply can not do. It is elementary in operation, the weight is insignificant - only 205 g, the blade is 115 mm long. ABS - plastic handle. The manufacturer provides a fastening for a safety cord.

The average cost is 3290 rubles.

Nightnale knife
  • light weight;
  • comfort;
  • practicality;
  • reliability;
  • strength.
  • not installed.

votes 12

The product is produced in Russia. Remarkably, the popular model can also be found in the open spaces of AliExpress. The total length of the blade is 116 mm. The weight is insignificant, only 280 g. The handle is made of metal and equipped with wooden lining. In order for it to justify its purpose, 8 functions are provided to ensure the survival of a person in difficult situations. The necessary elements are present: an awl and a screwdriver, a blade with a razor sharpening, a false blade equipped with teeth on the butt, a can opener, a screwdriver.

How much does the item cost? You can buy it at a price of 3490 rubles.

knife Werewolf-2
  • the possibility of purchasing in the online store;
  • universality;
  • faithful assistant to fishermen, hunters and tourists;
  • functionality;
  • quality;
  • practicality;
  • reliability;
  • ideal blade length;
  • fabric cover.
  • overpriced.

Ganzo G8012
votes 24

How to choose a budget, but high-quality option? Experts recommend paying attention to this model, produced in the Middle Kingdom. Fixed blade size - 115 mm, weight - 356 grams. The handle is made from ABS plastic. Equipped with a diamond sharpener, a glass breaker built into the handle, a rope cutter and a hanging strap to carry around your waist. The blade has a matte finish and straight sharpening.

The average price is 3515 rubles.

knife Ganzo G 8012
  • does not reflect;
  • reliability;
  • durability;
  • build quality;
  • practicality;
  • functionality.
  • not installed.

Victorinox Hunter pro (0.9410)
votes 13

The Swiss company produces simple, but quite practical tools. The handle is ergonomic, made of non-slip plastic. Holds well in the palm of your hand. A loop is attached to the wide blade, which allows you to remove the product with one hand in a matter of seconds. It will be an ideal gift for those who do not see themselves apart from nature.

The average cost is 4446 rubles.

knife Victorinox Hunter pro (0.9410)
  • build quality;
  • pleasant appearance;
  • reliability;
  • simplicity of design;
  • comfort in use;
  • price-quality ratio;
  • Lifetime manufacturer's warranty.
  • the set does not include additional tools;
  • leatherette case.

Buck 656 Pursuit
votes 14

Basically, the company specializes in the manufacture of folding structures, but this model is an exception. The fixed blade is of excellent quality. The product is lightweight, which makes it easy to use.In the manufacture of a special material is used - nylon processed in a special way. There are rubber pads, internal grooves. The polyester sheath prevents damage to the blade during wear.

The cost of production is 4810 rubles.

knife Buck 656 Pursuit
  • practicality;
  • reliability;
  • long service life;
  • build quality;
  • price-quality ratio.
  • missing.

Courier AUS – 8 TW
votes 15

What are the quality models? This product can be attributed to the TOP of Russian origin. The product is recommended for use in the Courier Service of the Russian Federation, due to the resistance of the blade to mechanical damage, reliability and strength. The blade is 152 mm long and weighs 288 g. The handle is made of polyamide and craton. Sheath installation is possible in any unloading mechanism. The handle has notches for fingers and longitudinal grooves. The blade is equipped with serial sharpening, which allows you to quickly and accurately saw through or cut metal elements.

Sellers offer products at a price of 4895 rubles.

Knife Courier AUS – 8 TW
  • the presence of a titanium coating;
  • reliability;
  • long service life;
  • practicality;
  • value for money;
  • functionality;
  • versatility.
  • missing.

Rating of popular models of legs for the survival of the budget segment

votes 21

The Russian manufacturer has launched the production of professional tools HB - 101, giving them the code name "basurmanin". Despite its small size, its functionality can be envied. The set consists of:

  • fishing line;
  • matches ordinary and wind;
  • antimicrobial agents for water purification;
  • sulfur paper for making a fire;
  • threads;
  • pins with needles.

The steel handle is equipped with two compartments: one with twine and stock, the other with a stylet and a saw. The thickness of the 16 cm blade is 35 mm. In the manufacture of blued steel is used, characterized by reliability and durability.

The average cost is from 5000 rubles.

knife Basurmanin
  • practicality;
  • strength;
  • ease of use;
  • functionality;
  • durability;
  • excellent kit.
  • not identified.

Camillus Trekus
votes 11

Despite the small size of the blade - 114 mm, the product weighs a lot - 340 grams. Made using solid steel. The handle is made of fiberglass G 10. There is a Button-Lock system that allows you to quickly and easily open and close the product. Despite the country of manufacture - China, there are no complaints about the quality.

The purchase price is 5570 rubles.

Camillus Trekus knife
  • compactness;
  • strength;
  • functionality;
  • handle comfort;
  • durability.
  • not installed.

Mora Bushcraft Survival
votes 18

The product is produced by a Swedish brand. It is difficult to call it a novelty, since the product has been very popular for a long time. The blade is small - 109 mm, the weight of the product is insignificant - 212 grams. The steel is strong enough - 56 - 58. The handle is made of rubberized plastic. The manufacturer controls the quality of manufactured products at each stage of production, so the marriage does not go on sale. Moreover, each copy has a guarantee for the entire period of service. The look is awkward. The blade cuts and stabs perfectly. Equipped with a diamond sharpener and fire starter, fixed and removable clips.An irreplaceable thing for foresters, hunters, fishermen and tourists.

Specialized retail outlets offer goods at a price of 5718 rubles.

knife Mora Bushcraft Survival
  • functionality;
  • reliability;
  • comfort in use;
  • quality assurance;
  • durability.
  • missing.

Esee Ashley Game Knife Micarta
votes 11

It is very popular with avid hunters. With the device, you can safely go to any game. Differs in simplicity of appearance and excellent functionality. A special elongated handle allows it to be used as a "lever". Comfortable grip, the ability to hold tightly with wet palms. Blade length 11.75 cm, steel - 1095, weight - 144.5 g, handle made of leather and micarta.

The price of the product is 6660 rubles.

knife Esee Ashley Game Knife Micarta
  • comfort;
  • practicality;
  • universality;
  • quality factor;
  • wearing comfort;
  • value for money.
  • not installed.

Survivalist Z D 2 TW
votes 14

Russian-made products with a large blade - 193 cm. It weighs 362 grams. Used to become hardness 58 - 59, the handle is made of aluminum. An ideal gift for men who prefer not to stay at home, but test themselves for endurance in the wild, getting a lot of pleasure from it. It can't compare to a homemade weapon. An indispensable thing in the event of extreme conditions. Due to the quality and strength of steel, the blade can withstand significant loads and does not corrode. The black titanium coating prevents the blade from mechanical damage. The handle is equipped with NAZ (matches, fishing line, adhesive plaster, pin, weights, wire, needle and thread, two blades).Butt with a special bevel, which will, if necessary, cut the bone.

The purchase price is 7495 rubles.

knife Survivalist Z D 2 TW
  • durability;
  • ease of use;
  • practicality;
  • reliability;
  • wear resistance;
  • the ability to use as a spear;
  • NAZ.
  • the price is high.

We Knife Co. Vaquita
votes 13

Belongs to the category of neck knives. In the manufacture of used steel S 35 VN, which is resistant to negative external influences. Thanks to the use of carbon fiber, it was possible to reduce the weight of the product to 47.9 g, leaving the strength indicator at a height. Blade of the original shape, full shank, increasing the strength of the whole structure. Blade length 8.1 cm, kydex sheath, there is a neck suspension.

The average cost is 7990 rubles.

knife We Knife Co. Vaquita
  • wear resistance;
  • attractive appearance;
  • ease of use;
  • practicality;
  • functionality.
  • not installed.

Which company is better to buy a knife for the survival of the premium segment

Esee 4P
votes 17

For those who prefer fixed blades, you should take a closer look at this product. The owner of the optimal size boasts functionality and versatility. The blade is made of 1095 carbon steel. The handle is made of micarta. Experts pay attention to its durability and ease of use. The sheath is made of polymer.

The average cost is 10620 rubles.

knife Esee 4P
  • strength;
  • universality;
  • quality factor;
  • multifunctionality;
  • the quality of the materials used;
  • value for money.
  • not identified.

Rershaw Launch 1
votes 10

Convenient device, ready to help at any moment. Folding option. Belongs to the category of light and thin. The handle is comfortable, the blade is durable. It is attached to trousers with a reliable clip that will not allow the tool to be lost during hunting or fishing.

The price of the goods is 11540 rubles.

knife Rershaw Launch 1
  • functionality;
  • universality;
  • comfort;
  • small dimensions;
  • light weight;
  • the blade opens automatically;
  • nothing superfluous in design;
  • long service life.
  • aluminum handle.

Tops Bull Trout
votes 11

The model is distinguished by the presence of a convex profile with a special recess for the fingers. A good purchase for avid fishermen who try to spend all their free time outdoors. Assistant for solving any problems. A high-quality blade does not need to be constantly sharpened, the micarta handle makes it possible to firmly hold the product even with wet hands. Weight - 87.8 g, blade 7 cm long, steel 154 CM is used. The set includes a leather sheath.

The average price is 11840 rubles.

Tops Bull Trout knife
  • practicality;
  • strength;
  • functionality;
  • universality;
  • build quality;
  • durability.
  • The price is not acceptable for everyone.

Bastinelli Creations SIN Wrapped
votes 9

Belongs to the aggressive category. Differs in functionality and a practicality. Initially, it was supposed to be made from G 10 plastic, but after that it was abandoned in favor of Kydex material. The blade is distinguished by its originality, two cutting surfaces and notches. Steel grade N 690 Co, blade - 8.9 cm, weight - 97.5 g.

The selling price is 13320 rubles.

knife Bastinelli Creations SIN Wrapped
  • functionality;
  • unique design solution;
  • aggressiveness;
  • practicality;
  • long service life;
  • reliability.
  • the cost is too high.

Ka–Bar Becker Kephart
votes 13

The product was created according to the drawings of the publicist Horace Kephart, who published a book at the beginning of the twentieth century, which became a desktop book for American tourists and thrill-seekers. A distinctive feature of the product - the handle is made of wood, the blade resembles a spear. The 1095 CV steel used has increased strength.

You can buy goods at specialized outlets at a price of 13,915 rubles.

knife Ka-Bar Becker Kephart
  • attractive appearance;
  • functionality;
  • universality;
  • practicality;
  • wear resistance.
  • missing.

Spanish "King of the Jungle"
votes 17

The manufacturer tried to please all his admirers by launching a model with three blade options. Therefore, everyone can choose a design to their liking. The product is very popular among travelers, tourists, lovers of hunting and fishing. Equipped with an impressive set of NAZ and a compass. In the event of painful symptoms, pills, a medical tourniquet, antiseptics, patches and tweezers will come to the rescue. Gunpowder and flint and steel will help make a fire, a stiletto is suitable as a screwdriver. There is even a liquid to repel annoying insects. A strong twine is wound on the handle, able to withstand a weight of 50 kg. In the manufacture of the blade, chromium and steel, vanadium and molybdenum are used.

The average cost is 18798 rubles.

knife Spanish "King of the Jungle"
  • the strength of the alloy used;
  • universality;
  • functionality;
  • quality factor;
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • the presence of an anti-corrosion coating.
  • overcharge.

Cold Steel 3V Srk
votes 11

The literal translation of the model name sounds like this: a knife for survival and rescue. Will help the owner to cope with any load and survive in any conditions. In the manufacture, the most durable steel is used - CPM 3 V, which is distinguished by wear resistance and quality factor. Can be used to break concrete or cut wood. The shape is identical to the fur seal fixtures. An ideal purchase for those who often travel to nature.

The cost of production is 18870 rubles.

knife Cold Steel 3V Srk
  • plastic scabbard;
  • convenience in storage and carrying;
  • practicality;
  • wear resistance;
  • durability;
  • reliability;
  • versatility.
  • missing.

Spyderco Respect
votes 16

The best assistant for survival in the wild cannot be found. Powerful, reliable, versatile. The appearance is impressive: a twenty-centimeter blade, finger patterns, a back 0.75 cm wide. The product is intended not only for cutting, but also for chopping. A distinctive feature is the presence of a leather scabbard made by hand. Weight - 317 grams, steel grade - CPM 154, handle - plastic G 10.

For such a product, you will have to pay 29,000 rubles.

knife Spyderco Respect
  • functionality;
  • universality;
  • practicality;
  • quality factor;
  • durability;
  • leather scabbard;
  • excellent appearance;
  • sophistication.
  • the cost is high.


Many survival knives are called army knives, as they were originally developed to equip the armed forces of various states. For ordinary people, this design helps to endure all the hardships of camping life, not to be afraid to run into a wild animal on a hunt, and go fishing comfortably. The main purpose of such knives is as follows:

  • food extraction;
  • making fire;
  • construction of a hut;
  • making primitive fishing equipment for catching fish;
  • mending clothes;
  • provision of first aid;
  • protection from attack by wild animals;
  • orientation in unfamiliar terrain.


