
  1. What do neurologists treat?
  2. When should I go to see a neurologist?
  3. The best neurological clinics for adults
  4. The best pediatric neurological clinics

Rating of the best neurological clinics in St. Petersburg in 2022

Rating of the best neurological clinics in St. Petersburg in 2022

The modern pace of life is fast paced. Physical and mental activity increase, the amount of stress increases, the daily routine suffers. In addition to constant stress and overexcitation, a negative influence from the outside is added - malnutrition, environmental problems. Such a "complex" effect on the nervous system can lead to neurological diseases, which, in turn, can affect various organs.

Such a branch of medicine as neurology is engaged in the study, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system. In addition, neurologists work with some pathologies of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, sciatica, neuritis).

In modern neurology, innovative methods of research and diagnostics are used, as well as the latest tools, equipment, and specially designed drugs.In cases where conservative treatment is not effective enough, as well as in severe or advanced diseases, surgical intervention is necessary.

What do neurologists treat?

Neurologists successfully treat a number of diseases such as:

  • headache;
  • osteochondrosis of different parts of the spine;
  • spinal hernia;
  • inflammation of the trigeminal nerve;
  • epilepsy;
  • nervous tics and tic disorders;
  • stroke;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • insomnia and various sleep disorders;
  • hypotension or hypertension;
  • trauma;
  • meningitis and other inflammatory diseases;
  • complications that occur during pregnancy;
  • dystrophic disorders in the spine and others.

Pediatric neurologists diagnose and treat diseases such as autism, cerebral palsy, hyperactivity disorder, and other disorders of the nervous system.

It should be noted that in some cases, neurologists work together with doctors from other areas of medicine, gather consultations, jointly develop methods, make decisions regarding drug-free therapy, as well as the need for surgical intervention.

When should I go to see a neurologist?

The need to apply and make an appointment for a consultation arises in the presence of the following phenomena:

  • Headache. And we are not talking about periodic pains, but about constant, prolonged, as well as sharp, arising unexpectedly, growing and not eliminated by conventional medicines.
  • Recurring dizziness.
  • Recurrent fainting spells or pre-syncope states.
  • Pain in the face, neck, back, limbs or the whole body.
  • Severe muscle weakness.
  • Sleep problems and insomnia.
  • Violation of speech, memory.
  • Problems with concentration.
  • Violation of coordination of movements.
  • Obsessive or uncontrollable movements, as well as tics.

An appeal to a pediatric neurologist is necessary in the following cases:

  • There is a tightening of the toes (when walking, as well as standing);
  • If the child has difficulty falling asleep or wakes up frequently.
  • The kid is distracted, has difficulty concentrating.
  • There is rapid fatigue, memory loss.
  • If the child has difficulty communicating with peers.

The best neurological clinics for adults

Clinic of Neurology, St. Petersburg State Medical University. Academician I.P. Pavlov

Address: st. Leo Tolstoy, 6-8

☎ +7 (812) 338-71-83

Nearest metro station: Petrogradskaya


The multidisciplinary clinic operates on the basis of the University of St. Petersburg State Medical University and is a large polyclinic and hospital complex.It includes 40 outpatient and interclinical departments, as well as 20 specialized clinics.

Doctors of the university clinic are engaged in the diagnosis, counseling, treatment of a wide range of diseases related to various areas of medicine. One of the main areas is neurology.

The neurological clinic consists of the following departments:

  • hospital complex for 52 beds;
  • block of rehabilitation of patients with stroke;
  • polyclinic No. 31 - consultation and diagnostic center;
  • migraine center;
  • scientific and methodological center for multiple sclerosis;
  • neurology laboratory;
  • angioneurological center.


When diagnosing, such types of studies are used as:

  • radiography;
  • transcranial dopplerography;
  • electroneuromyography;
  • electroencephalography;
  • echoencephalography;
  • lumbar puncture.

The main areas of medical practice are:

  • Treatment of patients in the acute phase of the disease;
  • Treatment of cerebral and spinal stroke. At the same time, patients are served by a special team consisting of a neurologist, an exercise therapy methodologist, a physiotherapist, an ergotherapist, a speech therapist-aphasiologist, and nurses.
  • Rehabilitation of patients with multiple sclerosis, neuromuscular diseases, spondylogenic and diabetic lesions of the nervous system.

The main ongoing medical and rehabilitation activities include the following activities:

  • drug treatment;
  • manual therapy;
  • massage;
  • physiotherapy;
  • exercise therapy classes;
  • acupuncture;
  • hirudotherapy.

Cost of services (in rubles)

  • CT of the brain - from 3,700;
  • MRI of the brain - from 5,600
  • X-ray of the skull - from 1,100;
  • EEG - from 2,700;
  • Echoencephalography - from 1,100;
  • Acupuncture - from 1 850;
  • Hirudotherapy - from 800.
  • high professionalism of medical personnel;
  • responsiveness, kindness, attentive attitude towards patients;
  • high level of research activities;
  • cleanliness, comfortable conditions of stay in the ward;
  • quality, varied food.
  • misbehavior of front desk staff.

City Multidisciplinary Hospital No. 2

Address: Educational lane, 5

☎ +7 (812) 338-48-88

Working hours: from 09:00 to 19:00

Nearest metro station: Ozerki


Founded in 1991, the City Multidisciplinary Hospital No. 2 today is one of the largest specialized multidisciplinary hospitals not only in St. Petersburg, but in the entire North-West region.


The neurological department of hospital No. 2 uses innovative diagnostic methods and modern standards for the treatment of patients with diseases of the nervous system:

  • using the principles of evidence-based medicine;
  • following the latest national and international recommendations;
  • multidisciplinary (as well as interdisciplinary) case management;
  • application of the achievements of biomedical science in medical practice.

The neurologists of the hospital have professional training received in the best Russian and European medical centers. Nurses have also received special professional training, which allows them to achieve high quality medical services.

Neurology departments provide high-tech medical care to patients with such disorders as:

  1. acute violation of cerebral circulation (department No. 1);
  2. diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system (department No. 2);
  3. neuromuscular pathology (department No. 3).

Cost of services (in rubles)

  • Primary appointment and examination by a neurologist - 1,000;
  • Primary appointment and examination by a neurosurgeon - 1,000;
  • Electroencephalography - 2,000;
  • MRI of the brain - 4000.
  • excellent attitude of doctors, attentiveness and goodwill;
  • cleanliness in the wards;
  • varied and tasty food;
  • highly qualified specialists.
  • household inconveniences (interruptions in hot water, etc.).

Center for Clinical Neurology

Address: Nevsky prospect, 22-24

Working hours: Mon-Fri from 9:00 to 21:00; Sat-Sun from 9:00 to 17:00

☎ +7 (812) 314-58-84

Nearest metro station: Nevsky prospect


The Center for Clinical Neurology deals with the treatment of children and adults, accepts entire families. Leading neurologists of St. Petersburg work here. The center cooperates with research institutes, educational and practical bases of the city in the field of neurology and rehabilitation. Also, the Center has the Certificate "Golden Fund of Doctors of St. Petersburg".

Particular attention in the Center is paid to the quality of service, the establishment of a loyal cost of services, corresponding to the professional qualifications of medical personnel. Once a month there is an additional reception on Sunday. There are discounts for children and pensioners.


  • Reception of a neurologist (adult, child);
  • Diagnostics (functional and ultrasound);
  • Reception of a psychiatrist, psychologist, speech therapist;
  • Osteopathy;
  • Therapy;
  • Reflexology;
  • Massage;
  • Treatment room services.

Additionally, the following services are provided to patients:

  • blood donation for analysis;
  • performing injections;
  • psychologist services (preparation for a public event, stress relief, etc.);
  • relaxing procedures with an osteopath;
  • appointment with a cardiologist (three times a week);
  • consultation with a psychotherapist (twice a week).

For the treatment of certain diseases of the nervous system, consultations are held with the best specialists of the city's leading clinics in such areas of medicine as pulmonology, endocrinology, gastroenterology and other areas.

The Center of Clinical Neurology employs the best medical specialists, holders of many years of practice and rich experience. Consulting and medical activities are carried out by specialists with the highest category, in addition, many consultants have an academic degree.

Cost of services (in rubles)

  • Consultation of a neurologist - from 3,000 to 4,000;
  • Consultation of a psychotherapist - from 3,500;
  • Electroencephalogram - 3,500;
  • Triplex scanning of vessels of the neck and brain - 5,500;
  • Reflexology - 2,500;
  • Osteopathy session - 3 500.
  • exact adherence to the recording schedule;
  • high-quality diagnostics;
  • attentive, sensitive attitude towards children;
  • accurate and understandable description of the diagnosis;
  • conscientious attitude of the staff;
  • pleasant, homely atmosphere;
  • qualified assistance;
  • acceptable cost;
  • modern technology.
  • there is no provision for calling a specialist to the house.

Clinic of Neurosis

Address: 15th line of Vasilyevsky Island, 4-6

Opening hours: weekdays from 9:00 to 21:00, weekends: Saturday, Sunday

☎ +7 (812) 246-21-79


Another name of the medical institution is "City Psychiatric Hospital No. 7 named after Academician I.P. Pavlov." The clinic cooperates with the Department of Sexology and Psychotherapy of the North-Western State Medical University. I.I. Mechnikov, as well as the National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Neurology. V.M. Bekhterev and East European Gestalt Institute.

The hospital is designed for round-the-clock stay, contains 190 beds, as well as four departments.The main profile of the hospital is the treatment of acute conditions in patients with borderline disorders. The hospital wards are distinguished by an increased level of comfort, single wards are equipped with a TV and provide for individual storage of products. In the wards with a high level of comfort.

The main specialization of the clinic is the treatment of mental disorders such as:

  • panic attacks;
  • neuroses and neurosis-like states;
  • depression;
  • anxiety disorders;
  • insomnia and other sleep disorders;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD);
  • stress and more.


  • Conducting consultations;
  • exercise therapy;
  • Therapist's consultation, ECG;
  • Neurologist consultation, EEG;
  • Reflexology room services
  • Physiotherapy;
  • Laboratory diagnostics;
  • Gestalt therapy.

Cost of services (in rubles)

  • Stay in a hospital - 2,430 (per day);
  • Reception, examination and consultation of a neurologist (primary) - 1,700;
  • Reception, examination and consultation of a psychotherapist - 2,000; Electroencephalography - 1,000;
  • Ultrasound of the brain - 1,000;
  • Acupuncture - 1,000.
  • well thought-out exercise program;
  • excellent attitude of nurses;
  • the clinic is perfectly clean;
  • the friendliness of the staff;
  • quality physiotherapy;
  • pleasant interior;
  • comfortable rooms for four;
  • cleanliness of the bathroom and shower;
  • open area;
  • well-chosen drugs.
  • low quality food.

Clinic of Psychiatry Doctor SAN

Address: st. Marata, 78P

Opening hours: daily, around the clock

☎ +7 (812) 407-18-00

Nearest metro station: Zvenigorodskaya, Pushkinskaya


Doctor SUN LLC has been operating since 2004, and today it has become one of the largest private clinics in St. Petersburg in the field of psychiatry.The head of the clinic is one of the best specialists in the pharmacotherapy of mental disorders - A.V. Bocharov - Associate Professor of the Department of Psychiatry and Narcology, North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov.

Clinic of Psychiatry "Doctor SAN" specializes in the following areas:

  • neurology;
  • narcology;
  • psychotherapy.

In addition, the clinic is treated by such doctors as:

  • clinical psychologist;
  • gastroenterologist;
  • cardiologist.

Many doctors of the clinic are candidates and doctors of sciences, have international certificates, and also take part in research activities. In addition, the clinic has been providing a platform for clinical and scientific research for more than 10 years.


"Doctor SUN" treats various mental disorders, including those resistant to drugs. The main activities of the clinic are the following areas:

  • psychotherapy;
  • psychiatry;
  • narcology;
  • neurology
  • hemocorrection;
  • neurophysiological examination;
  • pathophysiological examination;
  • diagnostics.

The work uses a scientific approach, pharmacotherapy is carried out in accordance with modern standards. Inpatient care, as well as intensive care, are carried out using plasmaphoresis and hemosorption. There are short hospitalizations, long-term (up to 3 weeks), as well as stay in a day hospital. At the same time, patients can be accompanied by family members, and support and assistance are provided here for relatives of patients with mental disorders. As for the conditions of stay, patients are provided with comfortable small rooms equipped with a bathroom and a TV. Anonymous examination and treatment is also possible.

Cost of services (in rubles)

  • Neurologist's consultation - 2,340;
  • Psychotherapist's consultation - 4,500;
  • Epileptologist's consultation - 2 340;
  • Consultation of a somnologist - 4,500;
  • Narcologist consultation — 4,500;
  • EEG - 2000;
  • Acupuncture session - 2,500;
  • Massage of the neck, back, arms and legs - 2,600;
  • Neck and back massage - 1 600.
  • comfortable conditions of stay in the hospital;
  • quality food;
  • availability of parking in the courtyard of the clinic;
  • clear and coordinated work of the staff;
  • highly qualified medical personnel;
  • attentive attitude of doctors to patients;
  • anonymity;
  • clean, comfortable rooms.
  • high prices for hospital stay;
  • rude behavior of individual employees is observed;
  • high cost of services.

The best pediatric neurological clinics

Epileptology and Pediatric Neurology Clinic "Epijay"

Address: Bolshoi Sampsonievsky prospect, 96,

☎ +7 (812) 467-33-55

Opening hours: daily from 10:00 to 19:00, weekends - Sunday.

Epijay Clinic dedicates its activities to the examination and treatment of children and adolescents with epilepsy or paroxysmal conditions. The specialists of the medical institution adhere to European standards, recommendations of the Ministry of Health, and also use the best practices of many years of practical experience.

Patients are admitted in spacious comfortable rooms; a large room is provided for long-term EEG studies. The clinic also has a spacious hall, reception, a playroom for the youngest patients.

For an accurate diagnosis, the clinic has modern equipment with advanced software that allows for high-precision studies and a complete picture of the disease.Also, there is a mobile electroencephalographic complex that allows you to conduct research not only in the diagnostic room, but also in any clinic room. Innovative ultrasound equipment is also distinguished by its ability to conduct various types of examinations, replacing other devices.


  • Diagnosis of epilepsy;
  • Diagnosis of neurological diseases;
  • EEG, video-EEG monitoring (including field monitoring);
  • Electroencephalogram;
  • Neuropsychological testing;
  • Adaptive physical education;
  • Consultation of a neurologist;
  • Epileptologist consultation;
  • Consultation of a pediatrician;
  • Family psychologist services;
  • Services of a defectologist.

Cost of services (in rubles)

  • Consultation of a neurologist-epileptologist (primary) - 2,500;
  • Consultation of a pediatrician (primary) - 3,000;
  • Speech therapist consultation (primary) - 2,500;
  • Psychologist consultation - 2,500;
  • EEG for children under 4 years old - 2,400;
  • EEG for children older than 4 years and adults - 2,100;
  • EEG + consultation of an epileptologist at home - 9,500;
  • Video EEG monitoring - from 6,000 to 24,000.
  • competent, competent specialists;
  • kindness and care;
  • cleanliness and comfort;
  • children's corner available;
  • there is a small parking lot in the courtyard of the clinic;
  • no queues.
  • not detected.

Neurological Center "Prognoz"

Address: st. Parade, 3, building 2

☎ +7 (812) 337-26-06

Nearest metro station: Chernyshevskaya

The Prognoz Specialized Neurological Clinic has been operating since 1988, dealing with diagnostics and treatment, and successfully helping young patients suffering from alalia, autism, mental retardation, ADHD, Down syndrome, dyslexia and other developmental disorders.Also, "Forecast" helps children cope with the difficulties that arise in the process of schooling.

Medicine here is closely intertwined with pedagogy, so the heads of the clinic are a neurologist (O.I. Efremov) and a speech therapist (V.L. Efimova). In addition, the clinic cooperates with teachers and rehabilitation doctors of the Logoprognoz center, providing treatment without medication, conducting special developmental classes. Drug treatment is prescribed by a doctor, and is carried out at home under the supervision of the parents of a small patient.

In addition, the Prognoz Center pays attention to equipping the clinic with modern diagnostic equipment.

Highly qualified psychologists, neurologists, speech therapists receive, consult, diagnose children aged from 1 month to 16 years.


In the Prognoz Center, special attention is paid to hardware diagnostics - the latest medical equipment is used here, which accurately detects disorders in the brain. Thanks to a clear diagnosis, a safe and unmistakably effective treatment can be prescribed. A special diagnostic complex has been developed for examining babies from 3 to 12 months.

Complex neurological diagnostics includes such methods as:

  • conducting an EEG;
  • ASVP;
  • UZDG (study of the blood supply to the head and neck);
  • night video-EEG monitoring (according to indications).

The unique method of diagnosing the vestibular system and balance, carried out only at the Prognoz Center, also consists of several techniques (eye-tracking, posturography, and others).

Cost of services (in rubles)

  • Compulsory comprehensive diagnostics:
  • For children under 6 years old - 24,000;
  • For children over 6 years old (first course) - 33,000; 29 00 (second and subsequent courses);
  • For children from 2 months to 2 years - 16,250;
  • EEG with audiotherapy (according to the method of A. Tomatis) - 14,000;
  • Transcranial micropolarization (course of 10 procedures) – 20,000;
  • Electrophoresis (course of 10 procedures) - 20,000;
  • Epileptologist's consultation - 5,200;
  • Neurologist (children's) - 5,200 for 1 hour;
  • Neurologist - adults - 5,800 for 1 hour;
  • Electroencephalography (EEG) - 3,250.
  • polite and attentive attitude of doctors and staff;
  • competent explanations on issues of interest;
  • highly qualified specialists;
  • innovative diagnostic methods;
  • noticeable effectiveness from developing activities, procedures.
  • high cost of services.

Children's neurological center "Doctrine"

Address: Kolomyazhsky prospect, 33, Sodruzhestvo business center, staircase No. 2

Working hours: Mon-Sun from 9:00 to 20:00

☎ +7 (812) 777-16-16; +7 (812) 426-16-16


The Doctrine Center specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of patients not only from St. Petersburg, but also from other cities and countries. "Doctrine" is engaged in the rehabilitation of children with the following neurological diseases:

  • Autism;
  • ZRR, alalia, dysarthria;
  • ZPR, oligophrenia;
  • Down syndrome;
  • Violations of the letter, account;
  • cerebral palsy;

As for the equipment, it is implemented at a high level, modern equipment helps to obtain highly accurate diagnostic results, and rehabilitation is carried out using the latest technologies. Thanks to such equipment, even the most complex diseases can be treated and corrected.

Considerable attention is paid to comfort - the clinic is equipped with a playroom for children, a kitchen, comfortable rooms for eating and living.

The clinic's specialists regularly attend international conferences and seminars, putting into practice innovations and modern trends in diagnostics, treatment, and rehabilitation.


Center "Doctrine" conducts the following methods of diagnostic studies:

  • NSG (ultrasound of the brain);
  • EEG (electroencephalography);
  • UZDG (detection of blood flow disorders in the vessels);
  • Night EEG video monitoring (information about movement and sleep behavior);
  • ASVP and MULTI-ASSR (assessment of the level and quality of sound perception);
  • ABR (objective audiometry);
  • Posturography (analysis of sensory information and control of movements, thoughts);
  • Otoacoustic emission (examination of the inner ear);
  • Tympanometry (study of the elasticity of the eardrum);
  • Polysomnography (detection of sleep disorders);
  • Wexler test (intelligence assessment);
  • MOXO test (continuous performance test);
  • Laboratory diagnostic tests.

In addition, the medical center provides rehabilitation and treatment with effective methods that have proven themselves in the practice of world medicine:

  • Audio therapy - bioacoustic correction, TLP, audio therapy according to the Tomatis method, acoustic neuromodulation;
  • Computer techniques - "Fast ForWord", biofeedback, "Play Attention", interactive metronome technique;
  • Methods of neuromodulation - transcranial micropolarization, transcranial magnetic stimulation, stimulation of the vagus nerve;

  • Speech therapy correction - development of fine motor skills and non-verbal thinking, global reading, music therapy, visual mathematics;
  • Behavior correction - behavioral correction, ABA therapy, video modeling, IMMLS;
  • Manual techniques - manual therapy, massage;
  • Movement - exercise therapy, DFN, cerebellar stimulation, Adele suit, Gross apparatus, Bobath therapy;
  • Invasive methods - botulinum therapy, acupuncture;
  • Healing methods - barotherapy, polysensory integration, ozocerite applications, electrophoresis.

Cost of services (in rubles)

  • Reception of a neurologist (primary) - 3,500;
  • EEG - 2 150;
  • Speech therapy methods and programs - from 900 to 16,000;
  • Functional diagnostics - from 750 (tympanometry) to 34,000 (electroencephalography with video monitoring);
  • Audiotherapy according to the Tomatis method - from 26,800 to 49,300;
  • Physiotherapy, reflexology and methods of non-invasive brain stimulation - from 550 to 3,200;
  • Massage and manual therapy - up to 2,900;
  • Day stay in a hospital - from 2,500 to 3,900.
  • high level of diagnostics and treatment;
  • experienced doctors;
  • responsiveness of medical staff;
  • personal control of treatment by the head physician;
  • there is a playroom and a kitchen;
  • high-precision diagnostics.
  • indifference at the reception.

Choosing a good clinic is a difficult question, especially when the disease has affected the human nervous system. The best neurological clinics in St. Petersburg will help cure a wide range of relevant ailments.

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