
  1. How to choose the right neurological clinic
  2. The best neurological clinics in Moscow
  3. Conclusion

Rating of the best neurological clinics in Moscow for 2022

Rating of the best neurological clinics in Moscow for 2022

Diseases of the century are nervous. Neurological disorders include a wide range of dysfunctions: disruption of the brain and cranial nerves; tumor processes; brain injury; diseases of the spinal cord and nerve roots; dementia; Parkinson's disease; Alzheimer's disease; disruption of the cerebral vessels; multiple sclerosis.

Statistics speak of 50 million people in the world diagnosed with epilepsy and 47.5 million people with dementia.
Every year, 7.7 million people fall ill, and more than 10% of the world's representatives suffer from migraines.
The situation is complicated by bacterial and viral, fungal, parasitic infections that affect the nervous system.

The help of neurologists is moving from being in demand to being in great demand.
Patients require an extensive technology base and research platform for diagnosis.
Modern technologies do not stand still, and it is possible to detect many diseases at an early stage of occurrence.Heavy-duty laboratories and equipped physiotherapy departments are put at the service of people suffering from severe diagnoses. The age of diseases is also getting younger. The pandemic and bad ecology complicate the tasks of doctors.

How to choose the right neurological clinic

In order to receive competent assistance, certain criteria must be met.

  • Diagnostics

Even in the presence of a diagnosis, the possibility of developing accompanying symptoms should be considered. For in-depth diagnostics, it is better to contact multidisciplinary centers or clinics with excellent laboratory facilities. Increasingly, neurological disorders are associated with immunological, endocrine, neurosurgical and infectious diseases.

  • The doctors

After establishing an accurate diagnosis, it is advisable to choose a center with a high specialization of doctors in a narrow profile of the disease. The possibility of developing an individual program of treatment and rehabilitation also plays an important role.

  • The latest medical developments

New medicines and modern medical equipment guarantee the quality of treatment. Collaboration with scientific centers, the presence of own departments and international cooperation will also help to receive high-level assistance.

  • Surgical intervention

In some cases, surgical care is required, which should be carried out in specialized medical centers.

  • Licenses

It is important to check the validity of the license and its compliance with the services provided.

  • Patient Rating

The number of positive reviews, the average rating and the popularity of the clinic play an important role.

  • CHI

Not all Centers and clinics provide a full range of medical services for CHI. Preliminary consultation at the registry should include the position of the possibility of obtaining assistance under compulsory medical insurance.

  • Own site

The presence of an individual Internet platform of the Medical Center indicates its status, and therefore the level of services and the quality of medical care provided.

With complex diagnoses, which are manifested by a difficult clinical picture, it is important to be under constant supervision. A first-class specialist will help not only to prevent danger, but also to alleviate the course, and if cured, undergo proper rehabilitation.

The best neurological clinics in Moscow

Clinical facilities for adults

Clinic for Rehabilitation Neurology

Since 1984, the recovery of neurological patients has become official, since until that time such patients were classified as incurable. In addition to the treatment of epilepsy, amblyopia, VVD, b. Alzheimer's disease, stroke, parkinsonism, autism, ADHD, mental retardation, the staff of the center were looking for new types of stimulation of the nervous system, the selection of complex treatment programs, not limited to the drug approach.

Scientific research has borne fruit, the clinic is the first in Russia:

  1. began to use transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS);
  2. began to use an integrated stimulation approach;
  3. introduced individual selection of stimulating parameters.

The institution performs diagnostics and consultations, treatment in a complex and practices an individual approach to stimulation and activation of the brain.

Clinic for Rehabilitation Neurology    
ResearchIssued publicationsTeaching aidsPatentsMonographs
  • the presence of the Department of Neurology and Clinical Neurophysiology;
  • an excellent team of specialists, with professors, doctors and candidates of medical sciences, doctors of the highest category;
  • availability of online consultation;
  • there is a consultation with a pediatric neurologist;
  • several types of diagnostics - from ultrasound to laboratory;
  • use of innovative techniques;
  • only proven technologies are used;
  • treatment with extremely high frequencies (EHF);
  • biofeedback method (BFB);
  • cooperation with international organizations and clinics in Germany, USA, Israel;
  • use in the treatment of massage, manual therapy, medicines, injections, reflexology;
  • unique methods of stimulation of the central and peripheral nervous system;
  • work with cerebral vascular dysfunction, insomnia, convulsive conditions, speech delay;
  • elimination of the consequences of injuries of the nervous system;
  • the use of hirudotherapy and laser therapy;
  • the possibility of treatment at a day hospital with procedures;
  • convenient site navigation;
  • presented in social networks;
  • Lots of positive patient feedback.
  • there is no information on service on OMS.
Clinic for Rehabilitation Neurology  
DoctorPrimary examination, cost, rub.Secondary inspection, cost, rub.

Moscow city,
st. Marshal Vasilevsky, house 13, building 3, entrance 2.
☎ 8-495-22-76-03 - Moscow, Moscow region
☎ 8-800-500-75-03 - regions

Scientific Center of Neurology

The history of the medical institution has been going on since 1945, when the Research Institute of Neurology of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences was created on the basis of the Clinical Center for Nervous Diseases of the VIEM named after I.I. A.M. Gorky. Since 2006, the Institute of Neurology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences has teamed up with the Institute of the Brain of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, which made it possible to expand the experimental base and reduce the time for implementing research results.

The Clinical Center conducts:

  1. consultations;
  2. diagnostics;
  3. rehabilitation;
  4. hospital treatment.
Scientific Center of Neurology  
DoctorDiffusion-tensor , cost, rub.Paranasal sinuses, cost, rub.
  • availability of the only new generation MR tomograph in Russia;
  • availability of surgical treatment for Parkinson's disease;
  • the presence of surgical treatment of pharmacoresistant epilepsy;
  • treatment and examination on complaints of neurology of the post-COVID period;
  • specialized direction of memory and cognitive health;
  • treatment of trigeminal neurology;
  • admission of patients diagnosed with multiple sclerosis;
  • help with headaches and migraines;
  • 8 equipped laboratories;
  • 9 medical departments;
  • performing ultrasound of the peripheral nervous system, with examination of the nerve plexuses;
  • mastering the strategy of prevention of dementia, stroke;
  • 112 CMN, 35 DMN, 19 professors, academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences work in the team;
  • 10 main directions of scientific research;
  • missing.

Moscow city,
Volokolamsk highway, house 80.
☎ 8-495-374-77-76
☎ 8-958-811-81-81 for paid services
Moscow, Vorontsovo field, house 14.
☎ 8-495-374-77-96
Academic Polyclinic

Neurological Center named after B.M. Hechta

A specialized medical institution is engaged in the treatment and diagnosis of diseases of the nervous system, pain symptoms.

  • admission of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis;
  • treatment of the peripheral nervous system;
  • restoration of the functions of the spinal cord and brain;
  • help with Parkinson's disease;
  • treatment of diseases of the autonomic nervous system;
  • cooperation with the Research Institute of General Pathology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the Department of IPO of the PMSMU named after I.M. Sechenov;
  • the use of electroneuromyographic diagnostic methods;
  • work with vegetative testers;
  • high qualification of specialists of the center.
  • missing.
Clinic for Rehabilitation Neurology  
DoctorPrimary examination, cost, rub.Secondary inspection, cost, rub.

Moscow city,
st. Budayskaya, house 2.
☎ 8-800-234-34-34
☎ 8-495-727-00-03

Doctor Shakhnovich Neurology Center

A unique approach to the patient consists in a confidential conversation, testing, determining the status of reflexes, and diagnosing the spine. The procedure is carried out on a day hospital and takes several hours. Further treatment is carried out according to an individual program under the supervision of attached doctors and correction.

  • reception of patients with ischemic attacks;
  • treatment of stroke, hypertension, multiple sclerosis;
  • work with diagnoses of encephalopathy and Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, epilepsy;
  • examination and treatment of dementia, intracranial hypertension;
  • excellent team of doctors;
  • high-tech equipment for examinations;
  • with comfortable conditions for patients;
  • providing assistance at home;
  • rehabilitation services, hospitalization.
  • not found.

Moscow city,
Sadovnicheskaya Embankment, house 79, 2nd floor.
☎ 8-800-500-68-67

EMC European Medical Center

From a highly specialized direction at the origins of the clinic in 1989, a long way has been traveled and since 2009, in addition to the polyclinic, the Oryol EMC has opened a hospital, an intensive care unit, 4 surgery units and a powerful diagnostic center with tomographs, endoscopic and mammography equipment.

The EMC Department of Neurology has vast experience and emerges as a winner in the fight against rare and complex diagnoses.

The clinic works with:

  • cerebrovascular diseases, stroke;
  • demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system and multiple sclerosis;
  • paroxysmal conditions and epilepsy;
  • violations of higher brain processes and dementia;
  • tremor, parkinsonism, dystonia;
  • facial, headaches;
  • sleep disorders;
  • neuromuscular disorders;
  • dizziness, migraines, disturbances of stability.

The clinic has a great positive experience in the treatment of diseases of the plexuses, nerves, neuromuscular diseases.

European Medical Center  
DoctorPrimary examination, cost, rub.Initial inspection, cost, c.u.
Neurologist epileptologist24723278
neurologist muscular dystrophy800490
Teleconsultation, neurologist24723278
Neurologist at home, (MKAD)40020495
  • highly qualified team of 23 people, there are KMN and DMN;
  • excellent children's neurological direction;
  • online consultation with a neurologist;
  • you can chat on whatsapp;
  • round the clock assistance;
  • the presence of a personal account on the site;
  • COVID control.
  • high prices.

Moscow city,
st. Shchepkina, house 35.
☎ 8-495-933-66-55

  1. Moscow, Orlovsky pereulok, 7;
  2. Moscow, st. Trifonovskaya, house 26;
  3. Moscow, Spiridonievsky lane, 5/1;
  4. Moscow, Rublevo-Uspenskoe highway, 187.

Medical Center NEVRO-MED

The multidisciplinary center is represented by two branches and has more than 30 years of experience.
The clinic specializes in neonatal, general, pediatric neurological care.


  • clinical genetics;
  • epileptology;
  • somnology;
  • rehabilitation;
  • service for all age categories;
  • strong team of specialists;
  • with regular advanced training of doctors;
  • a wide range of examinations provided.
  • work only on prepayment.
Medical Center NEVRO-MED 
DoctorPrimary examination, cost, rub.
Neurologist 4000

Moscow city,
Bolshoy Ovchinnikovsky Lane,
house 17/1, building 3.
☎ 8-495-951-87-63

Children's direction

Children's Medical Center for Neurology and Pediatrics

The center has been operating since 2016 and provides comprehensive care for neurological diseases in children.

Children's Medical Center for Neurology and Pediatrics 
DoctorCost, rub.
neurologist-epileptologist for adults4000
  • unique diagnostics;
  • high-tech equipment;
  • there are laboratories equipped with the latest devices;
  • high qualification of specialists and long work experience;
  • internships and confirmation of qualifications of specialists;
  • admission of patients of any stage of severity;
  • fairy tale therapy;
  • online application for consultation;
  • availability of an early development laboratory;
  • the presence of a cerebellar stimulation laboratory;
  • neuroyoga treatment;
  • ultrasound examination.
  • relatively young center.

Moscow city,
Prospekt Andropova, Dom13/32
☎ 8-495-150-13-32

Neurological clinic EPILEPSY CENTER

The clinic provides medical care to patients of all ages diagnosed with epilepsy.


  • diagnosis of higher mental functions of the child;
  • Internet consultations;
  • holding videoconferences together with specialists from the National Medical and Surgical Center named after N.I. Pirogov;
  • specialized rooms for examinations with a high level of comfort;
  • the presence of neurolinguistic testing with the preservation of cognitive skills after surgery;
  • consultation of specialists in hereditary genetic diseases and neuropsychologists;
  • conducting an invasive video-EEG;
  • many positive reviews;
  • free initial consultation;
  • competent return of patients to a full life;
  • accessible site navigation;
  • remedial classes available;
  • with planning of implantation of deep electrodes;
  • cooperation with epileptological centers in the USA and Europe;
  • team members receive internships under the organization of the international anti-epileptic league;
  • long-term monitoring on Japanese equipment;
  • collegial discussion of the course;
  • the site provides information about team members;
  • individual approach to each patient.
  • not found.

DoctorPrimary examination, cost, rub.Secondary inspection, cost, rub.
Neurologist epileptologist80004000

Moscow city,
Vysokovoltny proezd, 1, building 3,
1st floor.
☎ 8-495-920-54-51
☎ 8-916-980-34-25
Website: https://center-epilepsy.rf


A huge percentage of the world's population suffers from headaches, sleep disturbances, migraines, dementia, VSD, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, speech development and many other diseases caused by neurology. The cause can also be viral, infectious, fungal infections, injuries, hereditary changes.Decent diagnostics, competent treatment, proper rehabilitation will help not only to join the ranks of full-fledged residents, but also to avoid sudden complications. The quality of life is becoming more and more important every day.

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