
  1. How are they classified
  2. Instrument parameters
  3. Selection rules
  4. The best table fireplaces: rating
  5. Results

Rating of the best desktop electric fireplaces for 2022

Rating of the best desktop electric fireplaces for 2022

The fireplace is one of the most expensive household items. The device requires special care. Not every room is suitable for its installation. However, there are still many who want to install such a product in their apartment, even if the housing is located on the 10th floor. It is within our power to make a fireplace on our own, but nowadays such a product can be purchased at a store, however, powered by electricity. The unit will radiate heat well, and the fire is not much different from the real one. The electric fireplace is very easy to install. You just need to choose a suitable place in the room and connect the plug to the outlet. In this option, you do not need to harvest firewood and clean the chimney.

How are they classified

An electric fireplace will warm and decorate any room. They are produced in a variety of variations. The main thing is to purchase a quality item that meets all safety standards. Before buying an electrical appliance, you need to understand its device and principle of operation. There is a wide range of products on the market.

Mobility classification

  1. Built-in devices are mounted against the wall. They are stationary and cannot be moved. Such electric fireplaces have the following device: an electrical device is mounted in a metal frame that radiates heat and creates the illusion of burning firewood.
  2. Portable devices. A small base is made in the form of a fireplace. The device can be freely moved around the apartment. In the center of the body is a hearth with a virtually burning fire. This design is popular due to its ease of use.

Location classification

  1. Wall structures have a base thickness of 8-15 cm. The unit is suspended on mounts in the right place. This electric fireplace has a beautiful design, it is clearly visible artificial fire.
  2. Desktop devices. A large number of varieties of this unit are produced. Such fireplaces are usually mounted on a cabinet or table.
  3. Floor structures have elegant decor elements, the device can be moved around the entire perimeter of the living space.

Characteristics and features

Manufacturers install devices on the model that maintain the desired temperature. In this way, energy is saved.
The electric fireplace automatically turns off when the set temperature is reached using the thermostat.After the device cools down, the sensor restarts the heating system.

Most of the products are available with the ability to adjust the temperature and select the operating mode:

  • illusion of a flame without heating;
  • imitation of burning firewood with the temperature reaching half the power;
  • illusion of fire with maximum heat.

Instrument parameters

The power of the electric fireplace is laid down in its technical characteristics. The amount of heat transfer depends on the dimensions and performance of the heating elements of the device. The calculation is very simple: 1 kW should heat 10 m2 of living space. Power adjustments are described in detail in the instructions supplied with the product.

Power consumption varies by brand and model:

  • in working position: 30-50 W/h;
  • standby: 1-1.5 W/h;
  • in a state of creating the illusion of a flame: 5-10 W / h.

special effects device

A burning fire can represent strips of fabric. This principle of operation has an electromechanical component. The red patches move due to the air that the fan drives. The flickering of fire imitates a special incandescent lamp. Firewood and logs are made in the form of models.

The flame can be performed on the LCD screen. Modern technology allows you to make a virtual picture of burning firewood as close to reality as possible. Of course, at a large angle, visibility deteriorates, but in general the image is of very good quality.

The reflector is installed under plastic dummies of coals and branches. The effect of flickering fire is created due to the circular movement of the reflector and backlight. This device transmits reflections to the glass screen located inside the fireplace.

The three-dimensional hearth is a device where innovative technologies are applied.Here the illusion of fire is created by a combination of water dispersion and halogen bulbs. The light falls on a fine fog, and the resulting image is difficult to distinguish from a real flame.

Features that expensive products are equipped with:

  1. Water vapor. The electric fireplace has a device that turns the liquid into a cold suspension.
  2. Nice smell. Special flavored liquids will fill the room with the incense of smoldering firewood.
  3. The effect of crackling burning wood. The corresponding sound is transmitted using the speakers and the device on which it is recorded.


  • low price;
  • does not require ventilation and chimney;
  • no additional maintenance costs;
  • no waste products of combustion (soot, smoke, dirt);
  • ease of operation;
  • excellent design with decorative elements;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • no noise during operation;
  • maximum resemblance to fire;
  • does not harm others;
  • the structure can be moved;
  • fire simulation and heating work separately from each other;
  • multifunctionality;
  • ultra-thin models are available;
  • rapid heating of the device to operating temperature.


  • the complexity of the control panel settings, you can adjust the necessary parameters only after carefully studying the instructions;
  • not all settings are available on the remote control, certain functions are enabled on the fireplace body;
  • the constant operation of the unit causes a lack of oxygen, which can adversely affect the well-being of all family members;
  • the electromechanical apparatus emits a slight hum;
  • as the rotating elements wear out, the noise increases;
  • at an angle, the image of the fire is hard to see.

From products that do not have brightness settings, eyes get tired. The light of halogen and LED lamps, as well as the flickering of the picture, tire the eyesight.

Selection rules

So that the buyer after the purchase does not encounter unexpected features of the device, he should study in advance the characteristics and functions of the device he likes. Usually more expensive models have an increased number of options and features.

Power consumption

The electric fireplace generates heat, which directly depends on the electric power of the appliance. The range of products is very wide, so anyone can choose a fireplace to their liking, whether it is a small device that emits very little heat, but it fits perfectly into any interior or a full-sized device that can heat an entire apartment or half of a small residential building. A large structure can have a power of up to several kilowatts.

To ensure that the room is not too hot or cold, you can be guided by the rule of the ratio of area and power. For example, for a room of 10 square meters. m. The choice of a device with a power of 1 kW is optimal. In a large room, in order for it to be warm enough, it is recommended to purchase a device with a capacity of 1.5 kW.

Decorative options and decoration

The design of fireplaces is varied. It can be a classic model, decorated with elegant stucco. There are devices in a modern design, their appearance is perfect for an interior in modern or techno style. When the apartment is designed in accordance with the tastes of the buyers, then the fireplace can be decorated with additional elements, so that it fits into the individual style of the home.

The electric fireplace has the main feature, thanks to which the interior of the apartment is immediately transformed - an imitation of a live fire, as in a real wood-burning hearth. This function can be performed in various ways as mentioned above.


  1. Before connecting the device to the network, check the wiring. Grounding the outlet is an important operating condition. All current strength parameters can be seen in the product passport.
  2. It is not recommended to place the device in such a way that direct sunlight falls on it or a lamp shines brightly. Because of this, the visual effect may be distorted, become less bright.
  3. The area around the fireplace must be free in order not to impede the movement of warm air. To prevent dangerous situations, when installing the hearth, make sure that it can be easily removed.

The best table fireplaces: rating

Creating coziness and comfort in your own home can be difficult. To do this, the interior must be supplemented with a large number of various little things, including a fireplace. Today, electric fireplaces are most often installed. They are considered the safest, do not emit fumes and do not require the installation of a chimney, which significantly differs from their predecessors. Despite significant differences from conventional fireplaces, electric ones have retained their beauty, a certain uniqueness and the ability to give a sense of magic. Such an element of decor will give warmth to every home, without any risks, allowing people to enjoy their beauty and the comfort that comes from them.

Real Flame Superior

It is one of the best alternatives to fan heaters and infrared heaters. Despite its relatively low price, it has a rather unusual and attractive design. An equally important distinguishing characteristic of this model is its weight, which is 2.3 kg. He will please with a good imitation of a flame, with the only “but” - the slow movement of “tongues”.

Of course, it is impossible not to note the fact that the model does not make sounds that mimic the crackling of firewood. Instead, the customer will hear the noise of the fan heater. However, it is quite possible to turn a blind eye to such a minor minus.

RealFlame Superio
  • high efficiency;
  • low price.
  • noise;
  • wrong switch position.

RealFlame DEWY

The model will help to heat any dwelling. This model is distinguished by a realistic imitation of live fire, the presence of decorative firewood and the use of ceramics as one of the materials, which perfectly withstands high temperatures.

RealFlame DEWY
  • compactness;
  • the ability to warm the room;
  • the presence of an independent decorative mode;
  • execution in several colors: classic black, red and champagne;
  • diode hearth;
  • attractive appearance;
  • fuel effect: coal;
  • safe use;
  • the presence of an ergonomic handle that allows you to quickly move the fireplace;
  • high quality.
  • not found.

The company that manufactures these fireplaces is a world leader and is perceived by customers as a company that produces reliable and first-class equipment. This suggests that the purchased products are not only of high build quality, but are also made of excellent materials.

Fireplace SLOGGER SL-2008I-E3

Slogger will be able to give your home not only warmth, but also comfort, decorating any space with itself. The unique design will complement any interior, and high-quality materials used during production can guarantee safety, durability and comfortable use.

Fireplace SLOGGER SL-2008I-E3
  • wear resistance;
  • good build;
  • good heating of a small space;
  • the absence of unpleasant sounds, even if the electric fireplace is operating at maximum power;
  • the ability to turn off the heating function;
  • the presence of a rollover sensor;
  • automatic shutdown when the device overheats;
  • the presence of an on timer.
  • not found.

Slogger will be an ideal solution for those people who appreciate the high functionality of the device, its ease of use and reliability. Despite their low cost, these devices are very convenient. They will help to warm the room and will be able to please with their appearance, which is possible thanks to the excellent imitation of a lit hearth. Artificial flame and beautiful design will be a great addition to any interior.

Electric fireplace EWT Mini Cube

The devices of this company are high-tech devices, which are primarily used as decorative elements. They have many differences from their predecessors. These fireplaces will not give the owners of the house such inconvenience as soot, fumes or smoke. They work from the network, which allows you to install equipment anywhere.

The whole structure of the electric fireplace and its components are made of high quality materials. The steel that is used during the creation of such a device is highly resistant to temperature rise, and the paint covering the structure is completely environmentally friendly. The manufacturer draws attention to the fact that absolutely all products undergo a series of tests after assembly, which confirms the high level of safety of each of them.

Electric fireplace EWT Mini Cub
  • good build;
  • good heating of a small space;
  • absence of unpleasant sounds;
  • automatic shutdown when the device overheats;
  • the presence of an on timer.
  • not found.

Dimplex Cube

Dimplex Cube is a modular model. This fireplace consists of a body made of metal and a fuel tank. On both sides it is equipped with protective glasses, which are rectangular in shape and are firmly fixed with remote holders.

The model will be an excellent gift for people who are able to look at the fire for a long time and admire similar interior items. The fireplace is economical to use.

Dimplex Cube
  • securely held by the outer case;
  • economical to use.
  • not found.

Dimplex Nyman

This model is distinguished by its small dimensions, which allows it to be described as a desktop. Its body is made of high quality stainless steel and complemented by tempered glass, which performs a protective function. The whole body is covered with a special, powder paint.

Dimplex Nyman
  • small size;
  • protective glass;
  • neat and compact device.
  • not found.


To choose the right electric fireplace, you should take into account just a few points:

  1. Device power. When buying, it is important to consider what functions the fireplace will perform. If the task of heating the room is assigned to it, then the power should be quite high. Choose a fireplace, based on the area of ​​​​the room in which it will be located.
  2. Dimensions. Pay attention to the dimensions of the fireplace. If they are too large, then it may be difficult to place it.
  3. Decor. The appearance of the fireplace is no less important nuance.Its design must match the design of the room in which it is planned to be installed.
  4. Functional. It is better to choose those devices that have the function of changing the intensity of heating and the brightness of the glow.
  5. Choose models that have the function of aromatization and air humidification.

Buyers have the right to choose any model in accordance with the budget for the purchase and the style of the interior. But it should be remembered that the decor of the portal should match the design of the hearth itself.

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