
  1. From classical to improvisation
  2. Features of choice or tips for beginners
  3. Classic Lineups
  4. Formulations with fruits or special ingredients
  5. For delicious mulled wine with healing ingredients
  6. Conclusion

Rating of the best mulled wine spice sets for 2022

Rating of the best mulled wine spice sets for 2022

The coming winter is not only cold, but also fluffy snow, a series of holidays and a cup of hot wine with a splash by a warm fireplace. However, only the right combination of seasonings will allow you to fully enjoy mulled wine. For this purpose, special kits have been created that are easy to find on the market or order online. And to decide among the abundance of offers, how to choose and where to buy the best set of spices for mulled wine, this rating will help.

From classical to improvisation

Mulled wine mix is ​​a small bag of spices, designed for a certain number of servings. By 2022, there are a lot of different recipes for a hot drink, but still an absolute set of seasonings for it has not been determined. A number of experts in the wine industry recommend paying attention to the presence of the following elements.

cinnamon sticksThe most popular ingredients for delicious and fragrant mulled wine.
dried clovesIt can often be found in the composition of the drink, it is responsible for the tart, memorable smell.
GingerThe best assistant at the first sign of a cold.
Different types of pepper.Disperse the blood and have a warming effect. However, when deciding to use this seasoning without fail, the main thing is not to overdo it.
star anise or star aniseThey give a feeling of a special licorice aroma, giving the drink an oriental touch.
CardamomIt has a light ginger fragrance, has beneficial properties.
MuscatAllows you to enhance the quality of other ingredients.
saffron flowersResponsible for giving a spicy taste with a soft golden hue.
barberry berriesAdd an unobtrusive sourness.
dried herbsMost lovers put it in the drink all sorts of spicy or medicinal plants to enhance the beneficial effect.

These components, as a rule, are found in different combinations, which is why it actually depends on how many servings the drink is enough for.But if until 2022 ready-made formulations could not surprise with a large assortment, now there is a tendency not only to improve the quality of the ingredients, but also the packaging itself.

Pros and cons of ready-made kits

  1. Compiled at the time of production spices simplify the dilemma of determining the right proportions of all ingredients. This nuance is good for those who have not yet become a specialist in the preparation of mulled wine, allowing them to avoid mistakes when choosing.
  2. Seasonings collected by the manufacturer, as a rule, do not require large financial investments; they can be purchased for a good price from 20 rubles.
  3. Convenient packaging. It can be a simple vacuum or perforated bag. The latter is considered more relevant, since it does not require additional filtering of the drink.
  4. Such formulations are easier to store, as they are quite compact, and since 1 sachet is designed for one-time use, the spices will never stale. A set for a wine drink can be easily found at any outlet. And even if you decide to supplement it with your special ingredient, you can always find it in a special section. Or, as is now customary, order online with home delivery.

But even here there are drawbacks.

  1. When purchasing a complete complex, you have to trust the integrity of the manufacturer.
  2. Most of the components of the bags are heavily crushed or ground. Which is not desirable.
  3. It is difficult to assess the condition of the components included in the kit, especially if the filter bag is not transparent.
  4. Products placed in tight bags are unable to fully open, which affects the taste properties of the drink.

Features of choice or tips for beginners

  1. It is not at all important that the broth be with wine - there are a lot of recipes for those who do not accept alcohol.For them, a non-alcoholic version of mulled wine with a base of any kind of juice or with hibiscus is suitable.
  2. To avoid oversaturation of the strong drink with different tastes, you should not use more than 5 seasonings. If you do not take into account these criteria, you can get something completely tasteless.
  3. It is better not to use ground ingredients. Small particles will create an unpleasant sediment, it will be much more difficult to filter the drink properly in this case, and it will be unpleasant to crunch on the teeth.
  4. The collection may also include a skin - a circle of lemon or orange, whole dried fruits and berries.
  5. For a person suffering from allergies or nervous diseases, it is worth giving preference to complexes that do not contain star anise, and people with a stomach problem or gastritis should avoid cardamom.
  6. It is better to store seasonings in airtight containers, as otherwise they can absorb the smells of the surrounding products. If the kits are not used for a long time, the components lose their aromatic and taste qualities, and therefore the best manufacturers create complexes for single use only.
  7. If you have time and desire, you can make a set of seasonings to create a drink with your own hands.
  8. When deciding what should be included in the set, you should first decide what exactly you want to get in the end. In the event that mulled wine is needed to combat a seasonal illness, the following will be relevant:
  • cinnamon;
  • ginger;
  • coriander;
  • black pepper.

For ordinary feasts with friends and relatives, seasonings such as:

  • nutmeg;
  • stigmas of saffron;
  • carnation;
  • star anise;
  • coriander and even melissa.

Classic Lineups


The collection has an unusual tart taste with a pronounced aroma of citrus and cinnamon.A decoction based on this mixture has a great effect on the nervous system and is especially recommended during the cold season. The complex is suitable for use in non-alcoholic mulled wine with cherry or grape nectar.

spices for mulled wine Aidigo
  • The filter bag is made of dietary fiber that can withstand temperatures up to 200°;
  • preparing quickly;
  • small cut;
  • without GMO;
  • flow-pack packaging made of thick foil;
  • does not contain flavor enhancers;
  • quality components;
  • recipe how to cook;
  • gift option;
  • beautiful packaging.
  • Short shelf life;
  • simple composition.
The weight7 g
average price30 rub.

KAMIS minute set

The products of this brand have long been known on the Russian market, offering seasonings for various dishes. A peculiar set of spices for a warming drink was no exception. The collection was based on:

  • cinnamon;
  • orange peel;
  • carnation;
  • cardamom.

Which will add new notes to the taste of red wine, making it possible to create an invigorating drink just before the arrival of guests.

spices for mulled wine KAMIS minute set
  • natural ingredients;
  • useful action;
  • preparing quickly;
  • taste qualities;
  • aroma;
  • great value.
  • Sold in powder form;
  • a lot of sugar.
The weight40 g
average price52 rub

Glintmeister "Scandinavian Glegg"

This brand is one of the best in its segment. The set is packaged in compact attractive boxes for easy storage. The mixture is distinguished by exquisite notes of star anise with an unobtrusive hint of almonds.

spices for mulled wine Glintmeister Scandinavian Glegg
  • The recipe on how to use the collection is indicated on the package;
  • has a pleasant warming effect;
  • assembled by hand;
  • easy to use;
  • invigorates;
  • rich aroma;
  • seasonings themselves are well distinguishable;
  • there are no unpleasant crumbs;
  • optimally balanced proportions;
  • components are compatible with each other;
  • suitable for non-alcoholic mulled wine based on hibiscus;
  • convenient cardboard packaging.
  • Only for 1 time;
  • not enough spices.
The weight44 g
average price86 rub.

Alpine mix

The series from GlintMeister has a significant advantage over its counterparts, since all components are presented in one piece. A bouquet of ginger and star anise will make the final product deep, and the orange peel, which is part of it, will give a richer citrus flavor.

spices for mulled wine Alpine mix
  • The set is packaged in a convenient sachet;
  • does not contain sugar;
  • the recipe for classic mulled wine is written on the package;
  • easy to prepare;
  • pleasant rich taste;
  • contains orange peel;
  • without GMO;
  • a good combination of spices;
  • the price corresponds to the quality;
  • suitable for white wine;
  • can be bought as a set;
  • no chemical aftertaste;
  • is inexpensive.
  • Not found.
The weight40 g
average price90 rub.

Kotanyi instant seasoning

A collection of spices for mulled wine from this manufacturer will not only help you warm up after a walk, but also give you good spirits and cheer you up. Thanks to the wonderful composition, which included:

  • cinnamon;
  • vanilla;
  • carnation;
  • ginger.
  • it is also suitable for making tea or grog. This seasoning is the perfect combination for real mulled wine.
spices for mulled wine Kotanyi instant seasoning
  • Nice glossy bag;
  • good composition;
  • rich taste;
  • preparing quickly;
  • convenient to use;
  • there is a recipe on the package;
  • price.
  • Heavily grinded.
The weight35 g
average price70 rub.

Formulations with fruits or special ingredients

Santa Maria

A classic bouquet of spices, complemented by an orange peel, will make this alcoholic drink a real decoration of a family or holiday table. Raisins, as well as particles of ginger and cinnamon, give it a rich taste and excellent aroma. The finished composition will help to significantly save cooking time. It is recommended to store in a dry and dark locker.

spices for Santa Maria mulled wine
  • There is a zip fastener;
  • delicious;
  • well-known manufacturer
  • quality mix;
  • the portal on the package allows you to evaluate the contents;
  • does not contain sugar;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • small pieces.
  • The bag is designed for 1 bottle;
  • a lot of raisins.
The weight37 g
average price64 rub.


The company approaches the selection of components for its compositions with great responsibility, striving to give consumers the maximum experience of all the subtleties of invigorating mulled wine. And the combination of exquisite aromas of cinnamon, vanilla, ginger and orange peel will soothe and envelop you with pleasant warmth on a cold evening.

spices for mulled wine
  • Also suitable for the preparation of soft drinks;
  • helps to cope with a cold;
  • completely natural composition;
  • convenient packaging;
  • instructions for use on the back of the sachet;
  • The ingredients in the set fit nicely.
  • Seasonal items are not always available.
The weight40 g
average price129 rub.

global spice

The manufacturer has collected spices for hot wine almost in its entirety, which will save you from careful straining, which can sometimes be tedious. The resulting mulled wine will conquer those around you with its taste and aroma.Among the main components of the collection, you can find black pepper, star anise and even bay leaf, which will give the infusion some piquancy and a richer flavor.

spices for mulled wine Global Spice
  • The mixture is placed in convenient sachets;
  • taste;
  • nice smell;
  • spices of medium grinding;
  • the package is designed for 2 servings;
  • does not contain GMOs;
  • the recipe is on the package;
  • well-chosen composition;
  • ease of use;
  • you can buy 3 bags for 1 cost;
  • convenient bag.
  • Not found.
The weight20 g
average price89 rub.

For delicious mulled wine with healing ingredients

Composition "Red Heat"

Another quality product from Glintmeister with the addition of allspice Jamaican pepper and whole nutmeg. Mulled wine with this composition will help get rid of the feeling of fatigue, as well as help stop the symptoms of a cold and relieve you of a headache.

spices for mulled wine Glintmeister "Red Heat"
  • Speed ​​of preparation;
  • whole components;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • delicious;
  • attractive cardboard packaging;
  • instructions for use on the back;
  • to the best of the ingredients;
  • adequate cost.
  • There are no citruses among the ingredients;
  • seasonal offer;
  • may contribute to an allergic reaction.
The weight40 g
average price86 rub.

Mix "Christmas mix"

Whole spices present in this composition from Glintmeister favorably distinguish it from possible analogues. The natural composition, enriched with useful herbs, makes the color of the drink itself much richer, and the taste and aroma brighter. In the composition of this composition, you will feel notes of wild rose and hibiscus.

seasonings for mulled wine Mix "Christmas mix Glintmeister
  • If you grind or cut smaller, enough for 2 applications;
  • good shelf life;
  • quality composition;
  • the recipe is printed on the packaging;
  • gift option;
  • properly selected spices;
  • there is no anise, which provokes allergies;
  • components are viewed;
  • rich flavor of cloves.
  • Rarely found on sale;
  • the instruction font is small;
  • there are a lot of raisins.
The weight44 g
average price92 rub.


Due to the content of citruses, this mixture is rich in vitamin C, and is a complete antioxidant. Such a collection will help with the prevention of colds and viral diseases. The rich composition makes the drink an excellent tool for strengthening the immune system. And the combination of fragrant herbs and spices will bring a feeling of warmth and care into your life. The composition contains:

  • ginger - to cleanse the body of harmful substances;
  • nutmeg - stopping bouts of depression;
  • cinnamon - stimulating brain activity; as well as vanilla - good for the heart.

Spices can be both ground and whole.

spices for mulled wine ]Tarshish
  • Well-chosen composition;
  • bright taste;
  • rich aroma;
  • natural ingredients;
  • there is a cooking instruction;
  • quality packaging;
  • can be purchased as a set.
  • Finely chopped, some spices are simply ground;
  • a lot of cloves.
The weight25 g
average price218 rub

magic tree

A set of seasonings from this manufacturer includes anise and ginger, the components contained will not easily create a unique aroma, but will also help to quickly cope with the manifestation of a cold. The composition also has a positive effect:

  • for appetite;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • prevents nervous breakdowns.

Everything is contained in a convenient polymer bag, so it takes up minimal space on the kitchen shelf. The mix also allows you to make punch, grog or soft drinks.

spices for mulled wine Magic tree
  • Intense aroma;
  • only natural ingredients;
  • pleasant subtle smell;
  • taste properties;
  • has a good effect on well-being;
  • gives vigor;
  • beautiful packaging.
  • Price.
The weight30 g
average price117 rub.


In conclusion of the above review, it should be noted the trend towards the acquisition of such already compiled sets, not only among beginners in the preparation of a hot drink, but also among masters in this matter. However, not all compositions can be purchased at any time of the year at will. Some producers produce limited seasonal products, which makes them more popular among connoisseurs of mulled wine. No less important role in the purchase of the composition is played by its cost. According to numerous reviews, the leaders were the brands Glintmeister - which produces a product in a different segment and Santa Maria. Their offer stands out for its value for money. It is these sets that can most often be found in a specialized department or in an online sale. The lines from KAMIS, Kotanyi, Pripravych and Magic Tree are slightly inferior to them. In turn, such spice producers as Farsis or Aidigo are gaining popularity. However, what recipes will be used, and what exactly from the presented rating will help decorate the table, it's up to you to decide.

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