
  1. The benefits of music for children
  2. Rating of the best music schools in Voronezh
  3. Conclusion

Rating of the best music schools in Voronezh in 2022

Rating of the best music schools in Voronezh in 2022

The development of children outside of school institutions has a beneficial effect on the perception and further development of the child, his ability to adapt to changes in the world around him. A comprehensively developed person will be able to choose his future vocation, as he has tried various areas of activity, and can understand which one is more attractive for him.

Studying at a music school helps to instill in a child a sense of rhythm and the value of good music from an early age, as well as learn to perceive the world not only literally, but also spiritually, filled with harmony and tranquility. And which of the schools should be chosen in Voronezh in 2022, we will consider in this rating.

The benefits of music for children

Music has an impact on the perception of goodness, beauty and humanity, and also opens a child's self-esteem and awareness of the value of each individual.

Development of mental abilities

Looking carefully at the notes, you can see that one note is not only a separate and specific sound, but also the connection between them and its properties. All components in musical literacy (rhythm, melody, mode) have a clear structured system. Such an organization and sequence is reminiscent of mathematics, the child not only learns to hear sounds, but also consolidates knowledge of mathematics. Or, thanks to the music, he will need to seriously take up mathematics, which will please any parents.

The duration of the sound is based on ordinary fractions, which trains the ability to translate them into ordinary numbers. There are five parallel lines in the music book, they do not intersect, just like different parts in the orchestra and different voices in the choir. The concept of proportion is also characteristic of music: by doubling the duration of the sound, the sound of the music turns out to be twice as slow. Another proof of the similarity with mathematical canons is the opposites, mathematics is based on them, in music there are also such concepts. Fast and slow, high and low, monophony or polyphony and many more similar options.

Music is a unique science, it seems completely inexplicable, and at the same time so logical and accurate.

Also, the development of spatial thinking with the help of music lessons is achieved through playing with hands that perform different functions.

A number of scientists have conducted research on the influence of music on the development of intelligence in a child, increasing IQ, mental abilities and the ability to remember more information, unlike peers.

Playing a musical instrument engages the motor and visual lobes of the brain, encouraging both hemispheres to work at the same time, helping them to develop with maximum activity. After all, performing several tasks at the same time for musicians is easier than for people who are not related to this type of art.

Physiological benefits

During music lessons, not only spiritual and mental skills are developed, but also motor skills. Playing musical instruments requires compliance with a special position, which will have a beneficial effect on posture and help the motor apparatus to form correctly.

Discipline and perseverance are also important, thanks to classes, children get used to this, which will be needed for education, and even in adulthood it will have a positive effect.

The psychological benefits and relaxing effect of music have been known to everyone for a long time, and for active children it will be very useful for 45 minutes of the lesson to sit and take a break from physical exertion.

In music schools, they teach not only playing a certain instrument, but also singing, and it contributes to the development of breathing techniques. In the first lessons, teachers talk about proper breathing and its importance, and constant training will help develop the diaphragm and lungs. Singing is especially beneficial for asthmatics as it helps improve lung drainage.

Choral singing is recognized as an effective way in the treatment of stuttering, as a disease in the early stages.Stuttering is most common on the first syllable, and with constant lessons in the choir, such a deficiency can disappear due to the connection of one word with the next. And the child may not hear that he said the wrong word, skipped part of it and will continue to sing. Over time, he will not worry about the inability to say a word and stuttering may disappear altogether.

Confidence in your strength

Public performances, concerts and competitions, participation in city processions and parades will help the child to get comfortable in public and not be afraid to express their opinion in adult life in any situation. Be it work, personal or friendships.

Little musicians are taught to draw the attention of the public and listeners to themselves. According to statistics, almost 95% of the country's population experience stage fright, so it is easier to accustom a child to public speaking from childhood than to try to do it in adulthood. And such experience will be useful in any profession and field of activity.

Receiving the first recognition at city events, performances in cultural centers and at concerts in honor of the holiday will give impetus and incentive for the development of the child in the musical field.

Rating of the best music schools in Voronezh

Below are the top picks for a music school in town, as voted by parents and students based on reviews and feedback from real people.

CHILDREN'S SCHOOL OF ARTS №8 them. A. A. Babajanyan
votes 7

This school has more than 600 students who want to receive additional education, as well as develop creative inclinations and talents. Pupils participate in many competitions and often win prizes in city competitions, festivals and exhibitions.

The program provides for 11 different areas of the educational process, fulfilling the tasks and curriculum for each of them. Children are trained at the age of 5 to 18, receiving, in addition to secondary education, and music.

The school belongs to municipal organizations, which makes it possible for everyone to study, regardless of financial capabilities, since the cost of education will be less than private schools and individual lessons with a teacher. For exact pricing information, please contact DSHI directly.

The mode of operation of this institution is from 8 am to 9 pm, there are no breaks and days off too.

Address: Polina Osipenko street, 27A
Telephone: 280-17-74, +7 (473) 249-08-64
  • Large selection of instruments and different directions in music;
  • Participation of students in creative competitions;
  • Provision of textbooks, notes and necessary material;
  • Classes only 2 times a week;
  • The study schedule is fixed, it is not possible to come at another time.

Music school-studio "Meloman"
votes 3

The advantage of this school is the ability to start training from any point where it was completed, and even in the summer you can attend classes. For students, new technologies, an individual approach are used, and even concert practices are used.

This studio school is famous for its teaching staff and uses only their favorite repertoire in teaching, does not force its students to take exams and tests, considering such an innovation to be more effective, which will attract children to school.

Opening hours from 10:00 – 22:00

Address: st. Generala Lizyukov, 63a
Telephone: 8-930-410-6565
  • There is a first trial lesson, it is completely free;
  • The lack of exams will attract children to this particular school;
  • Non-standard approach to training and development;
  • No age restrictions;
  • Competitions are held at the school between students, concerts for the holidays;
  • Opportunity to attend classes in the summer.
  • High price due to individual lessons.

Children's Art School No. 7
votes 3

She entered the top hundred schools of the Russian Federation and was recognized as one of the best in the city of Voronezh according to the results of the All-Russian competition, more than 6,000 children's schools took part in it throughout the country.

The school has several main directions in the study of music and talent development.

The school belongs to municipal organizations and accepts a certain number of students per year free of charge for specific departments.

Participation in city competitions, concerts and performances will help the child gain tremendous experience and achieve the desired results.

The opening hours of the institution start from 8:00 to 20:00 daily, a break from 13:00 - 14:00.

Address: Moskovsky Ave., 123
Telephone: +7 473 273-26-88
  • Free education;
  • Good professional teachers;
  • Excellent location and easy access to transport;
  • It has a large number of students, which indicates the desire of parents to choose this particular school for education.
  • Strict adherence to the regulations and curriculum;
  • Age restrictions;
  • Availability of exams and certifications.

Music school "Muze"
votes 2

A modern approach to learning is promised in this institution without unnecessary study of theory and routine, so that the child wants to go to classes.And the first result can be demonstrated to parents after two months. Such a quick response and the opportunity to show off the first steps in music will spur children to walk and study further.

Also, the school allows you to choose your own repertoire, which will help increase interest in classes, and an individual approach will help you achieve high results if you wish.

Sufficient budget prices for one lesson and the possibility of buying a subscription at a discount make it possible not to take the last money from the family budget, but simply to help the child develop in a creative direction.

The school website states that the result will be achieved with 100% probability, otherwise they will return the money for the education. Such self-confidence speaks volumes about the quality of education.

Address: st. Oleko Dundicha, 25
Telephone: 8-905-544-0363
  • Sufficiently loyal prices for individual lessons;
  • Good teaching staff;
  • There is a first free trial lesson;
  • Convenient class schedule, flexibility and the possibility of compiling individual programs;
  • Special program and unique approach to work;
  • Availability of visits to the home of the teacher and classes at home;
  • Selection of an instrument, the possibility of renting from a teacher;
  • Teachers can provide home recording studio design services.
  • A small selection of tools and areas of study.

Children's art school №6
votes 2

The institution was built in 1961, and over 58 years of history has accumulated a lot of experience and formed its own traditions and foundations. And the teaching staff approaches learning creatively and with innovative author's ideas.

The school has a friendly atmosphere and welcomes co-creation. Pupils get the opportunity to perform and participate in competitions, record songs with the assistance of teachers.

There are several directions and the department of folklore is considered the strongest. Education in this institution since 2011 is carried out free of charge. It is also possible to receive additional choreography, tutoring and lessons beyond the program on a paid basis.

Opening hours of the institution: from 8:00 to 20:00 on all days except Sunday.

Address: st. Alexey Gerashchenko, 8
Telephone: +7 (473) 246-22-62
  • Free training within the main program;
  • Opportunity to participate in city performances;
  • Holding many competitions and concerts;
  • Large selection of tools for learning and various areas;
  • The schedule of classes is agreed with parents and students before the start of the school year.
  • From the city authorities comes a list with a certain number of places for free education in each direction;
  • A clear schedule of lessons and there is no opportunity to take a missed lesson;
  • Holidays in general education institutions coincide with holidays in a music school;
  • Most often, training takes place in groups, individual lessons on playing a particular instrument are held less often.

Children's art school №11 named after M. I. Nosyrev
votes 3

It belongs to one of the best and oldest schools of additional education in the field of music and creativity. The school celebrated 60 years since the opening of the Children's Art School. The training programs at the school are approved by the Ministry of the Russian Federation and are carried out according to the curriculum. Holidays and weekends coincide with general education schools.

The school accepts 1000 people for free education, there are also paid services and classes. Training is carried out in groups, in the classrooms there are not only musical instruments, but also computers that facilitate learning and help to master and consolidate the material covered in the lesson.

Opening hours of the institution from 8 am to 20 pm, Sunday closed.

Address: st. Pushkinskaya, 39
Telephone: +7 (473) 277-00-30
Email: u
  • There is free training;
  • Participation of students in city competitions, concerts and exhibitions;
  • Convenient transport interchange;
  • Close-knit team;
  • Long tradition of the school.
  • Following only the curriculum;
  • It is not possible to reschedule classes at a convenient time for a particular person, only at set hours;
  • Availability of exams, tests and certifications.


Today, the formation of the creative qualities of the individual is one of the important problems of modern society from the point of view of pedagogy and social development.

The need to develop creative inclinations, and not physical strength, increases every year, as progress and the development of machines are replacing professions with physical activity, and the role of the individual and the social significance of the individual is growing.

Music lessons will help to reveal the potential of the child, based on individual desires and abilities, as well as adaptation in the social environment and further self-realization.


