
  1. What does music education provide?
  2. How to choose the right music school for your child
  3. Rating of the best music schools in Samara
Rating of the best music schools in Samara in 2022

Rating of the best music schools in Samara in 2022

Scientists around the world put on the agenda not only the promotion of economic growth, but also the development of human capabilities. Civilization, they argue, has reached a new level, there is a strong integration of sciences. A modern person for successful self-realization must have a culture of thinking that takes him to a new level.

Today, the depth of intelligence is expressed not by a set of knowledge and its volume, but by the depth of thinking.

Depth, culture of thinking is the result of the versatility of interests and skills. Music education is one of the important facets of personality development. About which music schools in Samara are the best, will be discussed in this material.

What does music education provide?

Sherlock Holmes, despite his purely analytical mind, played the violin admirably. The author of theoretical physics, Albert Einstein, played the piano and violin beautifully. A chemist with a capital letter, scientist Alexander Borodin, the author of 21 chemical studies, is a recognized talented composer, creator of the dazzling Polovtsian Dances. The list of gifted people who can be talented in many areas is long.

Professor Chernigovskaya compares the work of the brain with music, similar in style to jazz improvisation, in which the performers are neurons and out of communication.

Human beings live in two worlds at the same time:

  1. in the one that is designated by objects, food, electronics and technology, that is, in the material;
  2. in the world of sensations, emotions, feelings, decisions, comparisons, results of the brain - in the world of thinking.

Art develops in a person the desire for creativity, that special state that consists of self-expression, development of abilities, empowerment, self-knowledge and an indescribable feeling of delight from the result.

Every kid, scientists say, needs to be taught music, in the process of learning there is a “fine refined tuning of the neural network”. The left and right hands perform different jobs when playing a musical instrument - this is a huge internal work of the brain. And even if the child does not become a professional musician, the level of his thinking will allow him to be ready to set and solve complex creative problems, to new discoveries, to a talented approach in any field of activity, and therefore to success.

How to choose the right music school for your child

  • From scratch"

Almost every music school offers auditions for entrance exams. It is necessary to soberly assess the child's abilities and choose the school in which he will be able to study. Perhaps, later, the question of transferring to a more prestigious or specialized school in a certain direction will arise. At the initial stage, you should not overload the child.

  • Family heritage and traditions

In "musical families" each subsequent generation is trained in the same musical institution as the previous one. This gives a very good effect in terms of mastering the material, contact with the teacher, understanding the subject.

It has become a good tradition for many schools to return graduates of different years, who have received recognition in the musical environment, to their native "walls" to take the places of teachers.

  • private tuition

In private music schools much more attention and time is paid to each student. If parents observe moments of lack of concentration, distracted attention, poor perseverance in their child, then commercial training should be preferred.

  • Specialization

In each city, you can choose a "strong" school for a certain class - for example, violin, vocals, piano, and so on.

If the child's inclinations are manifested in a particular area, and at the same time he himself has a great desire to study this musical discipline, then you should not be afraid of a distant location, an inconvenient schedule, and other obstacles. All fears are in vain, and efforts will pay off handsomely.

Errors when choosing

The prestige of the school is of great importance at a time of deep passion for music. For children taking their first steps in the world of music, the closest school is more suitable.

Rating of the best music schools in Samara

Children's Music School No. 1 named after Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich

The musical educational institution has been leading its history since 1933.

Students are offered a choice of 8 departments in the following classes:

  • piano;
  • folk;
  • choral;
  • artistic;
  • string-bow - violin, domra, mandolin, guitar;
  • wind - flute, clarinet, bassoon, saxophone;
  • vocal;
  • classical guitar.

As part of the additional set, you can also specify directions:

  • class of percussion instruments;
  • bayan and accordion class.

The school has 16 creative teams. The Children's Violin Ensemble has existed since 1972. No less, well-deserved collectives of 1974 - junior choir, middle and senior singing choirs. The school also operates ensembles - pop-jazz, vocal, instrumental and violinists.

  • implementation of long-term projects - inter-regional competition-festivals in the class of classical guitar;
  • participation in international competitions with obtaining the titles of laureates;
  • honored teachers with many years of experience;
  • good material and technical condition;
  • teaching staff with a high level of professional training;
  • favorable creative environment in the team;
  • many positive reviews about the school.
  • irregular updating of information on the site.

Contact Information:

Russia, 443087, Samara, st. Chapaevskaya, 80,

☎ Director 8-846-333-42-68

☎ watch 8-846-959-49-47


Music school for children №17

The school began its educational activities in the fall of 1981.

Groups with a total of 80 students were recruited in the following specialties:

  1. accordion playing;
  2. playing the accordion;
  3. playing the violin;
  4. playing the piano.

To date, the number of students has grown to 255 people, you can choose a specialty in the game from 10 possible instruments.

The teachers of the school created and manage:

  1. choirs - from junior to senior;
  2. vocal ensembles;
  3. instrumental violin ensembles;
  4. instrumental domra ensemble;
  5. mixed violin-domra ensemble.

The school sets new ambitious goals and solves them.

  • strong traditions of the educational institution have been formed over the years and continue to live today;
  • powerful teaching staff;
  • reporting concerts of all departments, with the provision of the opportunity for each student to perform;
  • conducting zonal master classes;
  • organization of solo concerts of students;
  • presentations of musical collections of authorship of the wards of the school;
  • solo concerts, holidays and concerts with the participation of laureates;
  • holding Christmas musical evenings with the participation of school choirs and instrumental ensembles for invited guests of the district;
  • traveling concerts in preschool institutions;
  • good site with easy navigation;
  • the site provides detailed information about the admission rule, required documents, schedule, listening to the timing of the announcement of the results.
  • author's concerts of professionals - former students of a musical institution;
  • subscriptions for family trips to theaters and the Philharmonic.
  • the institution does not provide scholarships, social support;
  • lack of boarding school and hostel.

Contact Information:

Russia, 443087, Samara, Prospekt Kirova, 228.

☎ Director 8-846-953-09-16

☎ watch 8-846-959-49-47

Children's Music School No. 10 named after Dmitry Borisovich Kabalevsky

The institution of additional education has been leading its history since 1950.

The sixties were marked for Dmitry Borisovich by participation in the competition of young pianists of the Volga region. Rich in competitions, including the competition named after Dmitry Borisovich Kabalevsky, the history of the school keeps traditions. The teaching staff over the years of existence has grown from 3 to 60 teachers, the number of students is approaching the mark of 450 people.

Groups are selected by class:

  1. button accordion;
  2. accordion;
  3. violins;
  4. clarinet;
  5. piano;
  6. cellos;
  7. domra;
  8. balalaikas;
  9. pipes;
  10. guitars;
  11. flutes.

The possibilities of the school are expanding, high-level teaching is yielding results.

  • the museum of Dmitry Borisovich Kabalevsky functions;
  • the school is the owner of a grant for historical and cultural heritage;
  • among the teachers of the school there are winners of competitions and festivals, former students who returned to their “native land” in order to pass on their knowledge to young musicians;
  • multiple diplomas of laureates of competitions on account of the ensemble of cellists and the orchestra of folk instruments;
  • school graduates tour in the cities of Europe and Russia, wear honorary titles of honored artists, heads of sound engineering departments, diplomats of international competitions;
  • strong bayan school;
  • the child quickly gets used to the stage, thanks to intensive concert activity;
  • many students after graduation became students of the Metropolitan and European conservatories;
  • great site, great information.
  • lack of scholarships.

Contact Information:

Russia, 443096, Samara,

Bolnichnaya street, house 14.

☎ 8-846-336-43-50

Children's Central Music School

The institution of additional education was established in 1909, carries deep traditions, the school is recognized as one of the best in the city.

Students are offered training in the following areas:

  1. piano;
  2. folk instruments - playing the button accordion, accordion, domra, balalaika, guitar;
  3. string instruments - playing the violin and cello;
  4. wind and percussion instruments - playing the clarinet, saxophone, flute, trumpet, percussion instruments;
  5. music theory;
  6. preparatory - for children from 2 to 7 years;
  7. individual - for lessons on individual subjects or instruments, without age restrictions.

The rich professional life of the school takes place in numerous competitions, festivals, concerts and other events.

  • holding regional methodical seminars;
  • holding solo concerts and thematic musical evenings;
  • participation in All-Russian, International, Interregional, Regional competitions with the receipt of the Grand Prix, prizes, titles of laureates;
  • the availability of career-oriented classes of all directions in order to prepare for exams in higher educational institutions and secondary specialized educational institutions;
  • holding traditional reporting concerts;
  • the presence of a spacious concert hall;
  • a lot of positive feedback about the training system in the institution;
  • holding concerts of composers-students of the school;
  • concerts of graduates on the stage of the city philharmonic society;
  • school-winner in the All-Russian competition "50 best schools".
  • employment for graduates, scholarships, boarding schools are absent.

Contact Information:

Russia, 443010, Samara,

Kuibyshev street, house 118(20).

☎ 8-846-332-38-29

Children's music school №22

The history of the school began in 1981, at that time there were three areas of study - button accordion, accordion, piano, there were 42 students.

Today it is a modern institution with more than two hundred students, and the teaching staff can be proud of the teachers who have been working within the walls of the school from the first day. The school has full-time education, organized in the following disciplines:

  1. piano;
  2. children's choral singing;
  3. accordion playing;
  4. playing the accordion;
  5. playing guitar.

The program of additional education includes classes in the theory of music history:

  1. solfeggio;
  2. musical literature lessons;
  3. listening to music.
  • conducting master classes in playing folk wooden instruments;
  • holding author's concerts and competitions;
  • participation in the cultural life of the city:
  • available information on the website.
  • no photo reports, galleries.

Contact Information:

Russia, 443050, Samara,

Izyskatelskaya street, house 28.

☎ 8-846-264-03-63

Music school for children №19

As an independent school, the institution began its educational activities in 1992. Prior to that, it functioned as an evening school at secondary school No. 87. Despite its dependent status, the school boldly participated in competitions, gave reporting concerts, opened new classes in playing the domra, guitar, balalaika. Excellent professional training of teachers, a keen interest in the work, created a unique creative atmosphere that led students to concerts in microdistricts, performances in open areas.

Creative enthusiasm, along with professionalism, reign in the school to this day.

The school has full-time education, organized in the following disciplines:

  1. playing the piano;
  2. class of folk instruments;
  3. class of wind and percussion instruments;
  4. playing string instruments;
  5. musical folklore class;
  6. choral singing class.

Additional general educational directions are provided.

The general developmental programs of the school include the following disciplines of musical art:

  • piano musical instrument class;
  • keyboard synthesizer playing;
  • class of folk musical instruments;
  • playing wind instruments;
  • playing stringed bowed instruments;
  • choral art class;
  • class of academic and pop vocals.
  • participation in international and regional competitions with grants and prizes;
  • participation in open festivals;
  • participation in art projects;
  • participation in regional competitions;
  • participation in international distance competitions;
  • participation in international olympiads in solfeggio, musical literature;
  • open days are held;
  • participation in social projects of the city;
  • festivals of initiation into musicians are held;
  • most of the graduates enter higher musical institutions, conservatories;
  • classical guitar evenings are held;
  • excellent informative site;
  • only positive feedback about the school.
  • no scholarships.

Contact Information:

Russia, 443074, Samara,

Maurice Teresa street, 115.

☎ director 8-846-262-11-29

☎ watch 8-846-262-11-28

Scientists have proven that people who play musical instruments are reliably protected from Alzheimer's disease. It's not even about the disease, it's a bonus. It is impossible to convey in words the feeling when music is born under the fingers. It runs, overflows, fills space, sings and yearns... Mind, muscles, breath - everything merges into a single mighty river, whose name is creativity.

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