
  1. Criterias of choice.
  2. Top 10 music schools in Novosibirsk

Rating of the best music schools in Novosibirsk in 2022

Rating of the best music schools in Novosibirsk in 2022

A music school is not only an opportunity to learn how to play a musical instrument, but also a good way for the harmonious development of a person, both an adult and a child. Studying at a music school develops the skill of “listening and hearing” (which will be useful in the future for learning foreign languages), finger mobility and fine motor skills, teaches discipline and composure. It also expands the horizons and musical taste, and participation in various open lessons and music competitions helps to get rid of the fear of public speaking, which is useful in life.

At the same time, the wrong choice of an educational institution can forever discourage a child or an adult from all the desire to study music. So how do you make the right choice and not make a mistake with the school? This and the best music schools in Novosibirsk will be discussed below.

Criterias of choice.

To begin with, it is worth finding out what types of educational institutions exist:

  1. Private educational institution - in which all classes are paid, both adults and children can study. Classes are held in small groups, often individually, with an individual approach to each student.
  2. Budgetary educational institution - is on the balance of the state, classes in it are free (there is a possibility of additional paid classes). In order to get into the school, you must pass an entrance test (sing a song prepared in advance, recite a poem, complete simple tasks for a sense of rhythm and musical ear).Classes are held in groups (classes), the training program is approved by the ministry, a qualifying exam is taken at the end of each year, and homework is done during the training. In addition to learning to play a musical instrument, students attend vocal classes, study solfeggio, music history and other theoretical disciplines.
  3. Individual lessons with a teacher. To do this, it is enough to choose a teacher who, for a fee, will teach everything you need. The price of studying with an individual teacher is often lower than in a private educational institution, while the quality of education can be higher. Indeed, in the process of teaching music, a lot depends on the teacher and his ability to present the material.

The choice of the type of training depends only on personal preferences. In addition to the type of training, there are several rules that should be considered when choosing an educational institution.

  1. Staffing of teachers.
    It is no secret that the quality of the knowledge gained directly depends on the level of the teacher. At the same time, he does not have to be a good musician, but he must be able to convey knowledge well to the student. Often parents make the mistake of thinking that the level of a teacher depends on his age - the older he is, the more experience he has, and if the teacher is young, then most likely he will not be able to teach the child anything. This is not entirely true: a young teacher may be genuinely passionate about music and pedagogy and devote time to learning new techniques and teaching methods. And a teacher with many years of experience can approach his work formally. Therefore, before choosing an educational institution, it is worth reading reviews on teachers, talking with the parents of other students attending this school, and then getting to know the chosen teacher personally.
  2. Strengths of the educational institution (specialization).
    Formally, each music school provides training in all available areas, but in practice each institution has its own strong class (it can be piano, violin, vocals). Therefore, if a child wants to become a famous violinist, it is worth looking for a school where the violin class will be strong. Information about the specialization can also be found in the reviews.
  3. Participation of students in musical competitions.
    The higher the level of the school, the more often its students become winners of music competitions and competitions. Information about participation and victories is on the official websites of schools.
  4. School level.
    Like any educational institution, among all music schools, one can be singled out, which is famous for its level of education, and its name alone is already the so-called “quality mark”. Therefore, if the child later plans to professionally study music, enter the conservatory, then you should pay attention to such a school. The learning process in it will certainly be more difficult than in the usual one, but for further development it will be an advantage.
  5. Location of the educational institution.
    If the child does not plan to connect his future life with music (that is, he does not need a high-class teacher who works on the other side of the city), then you should choose a school that is closer to home in order to spend less time on the road.
  6. Child comfort.
    The result of training will directly depend on whether the child likes the process itself or not. If he is not comfortable, not interested, then there will be no result. It is worth choosing an educational institution so that the child himself wants to attend classes. Sometimes this will require changing several schools, but the result will be worth it.

Given these points, we will rank the best schools in Novosibirsk in 2022, both private and public. All of them have a highly qualified staff, the ability to find a way to the student, and their students are winners of the competition.

Top 10 music schools in Novosibirsk

10th place - "Virtuoso"

Addresses: st. Pisareva, 53, ☎contact phone +7(383)227-83-51 (ext. 2);

Gorsky Microdistrict, 53, ☎contact phone +7(383)227-83-51 (ext. 3), working hours: daily from 10.00 to 22.00.

The private music school, which has been operating in Novosibirsk since 2011, has 2 branches, a license for the right to carry out educational activities and a wide range of educational programs, including for adults, African drums.

  • individual approach to each student;
  • personal training schedule;
  • There are classes for adults.
  • classes are paid (the cost of a lesson is from 300 rubles, the first lesson is free).

9th place - "Music Lessons"

Address: 57 Karl Marx Ave., ☎ contact phone +7 (905) 611-31-30, working hours: daily from 10.00 to 22.00.

Music Lessons is a private institution that since 2010 has been offering the residents of Novosibirsk classes in the following areas: guitar, synthesizer, vocals.

  • rental of musical equipment;
  • convenient schedule of classes, it is possible to study at home;
  • a unique training system - the ability to get results in 2 months;
  • guarantee for the result (we are ready to return the money if there is no result).
  • classes are paid (the cost of the lesson is from 300 rubles).

8th place - Municipal budgetary institution of additional education of the city of Novosibirsk "Choral Children's Music School No. 19"

Address: st. Petukhova, 74, ☎contact phones 8(383) 347-19-39, 347-22-06, working hours: Monday - Saturday from 08.00 -20.00.

The educational institution was established in 1984 and since then has been working in the following areas:

  • academic choral singing;
  • folk choral singing;
  • pop solo singing;
  • choral singing for preschool children.

The main advantage of the school is working with children with visual impairments.

  • small cozy room
  • high level of professional skills of teachers;
  • teaching children from 3 years;
  • specialization of the school - choir, vocals, theoretical disciplines;
  • work with children with visual impairments.
  • no learning to play musical instruments.

7th place - Municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education for children in the city of Novosibirsk "Children's Music School No. 5"

Address: st. Dmitry Donskoy, 20, ☎ contact phones 8 (383) 225-63-63, 225-63-60, working hours: Monday - Saturday from 8.00 to 20.00.

One of the most famous music schools in Novosibirsk, which provides training in the following areas:

  • piano;
  • department of folk and wind instruments;
  • string-bow department;
  • vocal department;
  • department of musical culture.
  • high level of teaching staff;
  • the best training in pop vocals in the city;
  • individual approach to each student.
  • not identified.

6th place - Municipal budgetary institution of additional education of the city of Novosibirsk "Children's Music School No. 1"

Address: st. Nekrasova, d.4, ☎ contact phones +7 (383) 221‒90‒82, +7 (383) 218‒46‒42, working hours: Monday-Saturday from 08.00-20.00.

The educational institution provides training in the following areas: piano, violin, viola, cello, harp, button accordion, accordion, domra, guitar, balalaika, flute, clarinet, oboe, saxophone, trumpet, drum set, pop guitar, synthesizer, choral singing, academic singing, pop singing, general musical training. This educational institution offers its students 2 types of educational programs: for those who want to get general knowledge (4 years) and additional pre-profile education (8 years).

  • one of the best string classes in the city;
  • high level of education;
  • professionalism of teachers;
  • strict compliance with the drawn up schedule;
  • convenient location of the school;
  • students are laureates and winners of music competitions.
  • some parents note that teachers have set high pre-audition requirements for children to enroll in school.

5th place - Municipal budgetary institution of additional education of the city of Novosibirsk "Children's Music School No. 8"

Address: st. Bohdan Khmelnitsky, house 25/1, ☎ telephone 8 (383) 276-02-56, working hours: Monday-Saturday from 08.00 -20.00.

State musical educational institution, which specializes in learning to play the piano.

  • the school has one of the strongest piano classes in the city;
  • high professional staff;
  • training is absolutely free, there are no additional fees and donations;
  • professional musical equipment;
  • the choir created at the "Kamerton" school often takes part in the festive events of the city.


  • not identified.

4th place - Municipal budgetary institution of additional education of the city of Novosibirsk "Children's Music School No. 6"

Address: st. Sovetskaya, 35a, contact phone +7 (383) 222‒29‒64, working hours: Monday - Saturday from 08.00 -20.00.

The school provides training in the following musical areas: piano, violin, flute, guitar, domra, synthesizer, academic vocals. The advantage of the school is its small, cozy room, in which it is comfortable to study, as well as the presence of a special department for children from 3 years old.

  • department of early aesthetic development (for children from three years old);
  • small, cozy building;
  • good attitude towards children;
  • high professional level of teaching staff.
  • not identified.

3rd place - Municipal budgetary institution of additional education of the city of Novosibirsk "Children's Music School No. 9".

Address: st. Molodist, 13, ☎ contact phone +7 (383) 345-04-23, working hours: Monday - Saturday from 08.00 -20.00.

The educational institution was opened in 1960 and since then has been demonstrating a high level of education. The attention of students is offered training in all musical directions, but the specialization is balalaika.

  • high level of training in the balalaika class;
  • good staffing;
  • individual approach.


  • not identified.

2nd place - Municipal budgetary institution of additional education of the city of Novosibirsk "Children's Music School No. 3".

Address: st. Lazareva, d.1 , ☎ contact phones +7 (383) 284‒40‒70, +7 (383) 284‒40‒72, working hours: Monday - Saturday from 08.00 -20.00.

The educational institution provides training in the following areas: piano, button accordion, accordion, domra, guitar, percussion instruments, flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, violin, cello, pop vocal, academic vocal, folklore, synthesizer, general aesthetic development (choir , folk dance), general aesthetic education (ballroom dance).

  • the school specializes in clarinet and saxophone;
  • highly professional staff;
  • students become winners of music competitions, including international ones.
  • not identified.

1st place - Municipal budgetary institution of additional education of the city of Novosibirsk "Children's Music School No. 2"

Address: st. Rimsky - Korsakov, 3/1, ☎ contact phone 8 (383) 351-26-16, working hours: Monday-Saturday from 08.00 -20.00.

The educational institution was founded in 1940, and in 1942, for high achievements, the school was completely taken under the patronage of local authorities. The educational institution is the oldest in the city and provides training in the following areas: piano, synthesizer, violin, viola, cello, flute, clarinet, saxophone, domra, guitar, balalaika, bayan, accordion, accordion, choral singing, solo singing, drums, castanets , tambourine.

  • highly qualified teaching staff;
  • special education program for children from 3 years old;
  • students are laureates of prestigious awards and competitions;
  • among its graduates there are many professional musicians, people's artists of Russia;
  • the name of the school is a kind of quality mark; music universities treat its graduates more kindly.
  • not identified.

Let's compile a summary table of music schools with a description of their specialization and competitive advantages.

1Children's Music School No. 2the oldest school in Novosibirsk; there is a section for children from 3 years old; among its graduates are professional musicians
2Children's Music School No. 3the school specializes in clarinet and saxophone
3Children's Music School No. 9high level of training in the balalaika class
4Children's Music School No. 6special department of early aesthetic development (for children from three years old)
5Children's Music School No. 8the school has one of the strongest piano classes in the city; Training is absolutely free, there are no additional charges or donations.
6Children's Music School No. 1one of the best string classes in the city; students are laureates and winners of music competitions
7Children's Music School No. 5high level of teaching staff;
best pop vocal training in town
8Choral Children's Music School No. 19teaching children from 3 years;
specialization of the school - choir, vocals, theoretical disciplines
9Music lessonsrental of musical equipment;
convenient schedule of classes, it is possible to study at home; the ability to get results in 2 months;
result guarantee
10Virtuosoindividual approach to each student;
personal training schedule;
there is a possibility of classes for adults

Novosibirsk has a large number of music schools, each of which is superior to the other in some way.There are both private and public schools, for adults and even children from 3 years old, with their own specialization and strengths, located in different parts of the city. The choice depends only on personal preferences.

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