
  1. Criteria for choosing a good music school
  2. The best music schools in Yekaterinburg
  3. general information
Rating of the best music schools in Yekaterinburg in 2022

Rating of the best music schools in Yekaterinburg in 2022

Each person is talented in their own way, but in order to succeed, they need to choose the right direction, reach their full potential and never stop working on themselves. It is very important to start developing as early as childhood, when the mind absorbs knowledge like a sponge, and the ability to memorize is extremely high, which allows you to learn skills qualitatively and bring them to automatism. Many parents want their child, who has the makings of a good musician or singer, to reach the pinnacle of this skill, and therefore carefully choose the educational institution in which he will comprehend it. The choice of an institution is really very important, because the quality of the acquired skills and knowledge depends on the competence of teachers and the training system in it. In the city of Yekaterinburg, there are many music schools that are distinguished by a decent level of education and discipline. This review will tell you how to choose the best of them and not regret your choice.

Criteria for choosing a good music school

The choice of an institution of additional education does not consist only in the amount of payment or the availability of vacancies. Many people turn to acquaintances or friends to share their experiences about a particular place, but at the moment, almost any institution has its own personal website, which details its inner life, achievements, reviews and requests from students . There you can get tips and advice straight from the mouth. In addition, in addition to general criteria, such as the age of admission and the referrals present, there are also characteristics with which you can find a win-win option without making a mistake when choosing:

  1. Location;

A convenient location often solves many problems: you do not need to carefully control the location of the child, worry that he may get lost. He will not need to be accompanied, he will be able to get to his destination without interrupting his parents from the necessary things and without too much haste.It will be a big plus if the school is located in the city center, near a metro station or bus stop, which makes it easy to navigate the map by district and not get lost.

  1. Type of ownership;

Most of the educational institutions of additional education are state-owned, but this is not at all a minus, and sometimes even brings considerable benefits. In many private institutions, it is often necessary to make additional contributions to maintain order, cleanliness and newness inside the building. Such a fee hits hard on the wallet of parents. However, all this gives great confidence that the child will be safe (hiring private security organizations), fed (availability of a buffet and meals) and surrounded by the best conditions for learning, personal tools, etc. In public schools, additional services are also provided, but, as it is correct, only on benefits or their quality is relatively lower than that of private schools.

  1. Situation;

A lot depends on the situation inside the building. Nothing should distract the child from the educational process, and a pleasant and neat finish always sets you in a working mood. Spacious corridors, neat and bright rooms with a discreet design are perfect for learning something new, in addition, the building needs to be renovated, otherwise economic problems will constantly remind of themselves and spoil the atmosphere of attentiveness and inspiration. It is inspiration that is a constant companion of art, and therefore the interior space must be fresh, beautiful and clean.

  1. Number of directions;

As in any other school, the more different areas of education are represented, the better and more prestigious.In this case, the child will always have a choice of where to go and what to do, he will be able to attend several profile or additional subjects at once per week. This not only stirs up a general interest in art, but also broadens the horizon, allows you to learn different techniques and skills. In addition, the presence of many directions indicates the high competence of teachers who come to teach in this institution, as well as the exclusivity of education.

  1. Cost of education;

The price of education is almost always decisive when choosing a school. Most institutions are municipal, and therefore parents do not contribute money, they only pay for additional services or voluntary contributions. In private institutions, the average price per year for children's classes may not suit the layman, but it is justified by improved conditions, service and structure.

  1. teaching staff;

A competent teacher is not only an incomparable master of his craft, but also a person who loves children and respects their interests. Some schools have very responsible and competent teachers, with many years of experience, who have earned recognition not only for their merits in education, but also for their personal qualities. A good teacher will be able to subtly feel what the child needs for his further development, how not to bury his talent in the ground, but to fully reveal his potential. That is why it is necessary to look closely at the composition of teachers in the school, and if there are worthy people among them, this will significantly increase the productivity of classes.

  1. internal order;

Some institutions have special internal regulations that are designed to develop discipline, responsibility and sensitivity among students.Such rules are really important, because in the institution the child will learn not only the art of playing the instrument, but also communication skills, the rules of etiquette. Too strict rules, of course, are not always good, but still maintaining order in the institution is necessary.

The best music schools in Yekaterinburg

This is a rating of the best and most prestigious musical educational institutions in Yekaterinburg with a description of the nuances of each of them, the history and principles of education. Any of these establishments can provide an excellent knowledge base for a child and lay the foundation for his path as a talented artist.

Children's Music School No. 6
votes 11

Address: st. Moscow, 213.

The school has very high rates for the quality of education, as well as many awards and distinctions. In 2015, the institution became the winner of the all-Russian competition "50 best art schools", as well as the owner of the "Ekaterinburg quality mark." Teachers with a high level of qualification, who have awards from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, work here. Preserving the traditions of high-quality performance is the motto of the institution. Every year, many competitions are held here, participation in festivals and grants are organized. Education is carried out both on a budgetary basis (for children from 6.6-9 years old) and on a paid basis (for children from 3 to 17 and adults). On the budget, there are such areas as: piano, choral singing, classical playing, playing folk instruments, musical folklore, playing wind and percussion instruments to choose from. For a fee, you can study painting, dancing, musical literacy and prepare for entering the school as a whole.

  • Availability of a budgetary basis;
  • Professional teaching staff;
  • High level of education;
  • A large number of directions;
  • Preparation for admission;
  • Variety of extracurricular activities;
  • Numerous educational awards.
  • Not found.

Children's Music School No. 13 named after I.O. Dunayevsky
votes 7

Address: st. 40th anniversary of Komsomol, 12A.

This establishment with a rich history was opened in 1975. Here they accept children aged from 1 to 18 years old both on the budget and on a paid department. From 1 to 3 years old, children attend preparatory courses, then they have the opportunity to choose one of the available departments: the department of early development, the department of folk instruments, playing the wind and percussion, playing the piano, string instruments and pop-jazz . Here, every child will find something to their liking, teachers provide an individual approach to each kid. Every year, a traditional reporting concert is held here, which each time surprises with new talents and concepts.

  • Many directions;
  • Good teachers;
  • Wide age limits;
  • There is a department for early development;
  • Availability of a budget department;
  • Annual concerts.
  • No achievement information.

Children's Music School No. 11 named after M.A. Balakirev
votes 4

Address: st. March 8, 8b.

This institution is dearly loved by its graduates and their parents. A good teaching staff ensures the quality and enjoyment of music lessons. The school accepts children from 6 to 12 years old for a paid and free department, and also has additional courses in the areas of "express guitar", general preparation for training, a painting studio, music making, etc. Art exhibitions, concerts are regularly held, children are sent to summer camps.

  • Good teachers;
  • Availability of free education;
  • Additional courses;
  • There is a general preparation for kids;
  • Organization of exhibitions and concerts.
  • There is little information about the institution on the web.

Children's Choir School No. 4
votes 2

Address: st. Furmanov, 45.

This institution specializes in teaching the skills of choral singing, vocals and enrolls children in early aesthetic development courses. There is also learning to play wind and folk instruments, along with singing. Despite the meager list of areas, honored teachers work with children here, who encourage the creation of new creative teams, give children the opportunity to develop and create something new. The early development group (from 3 to 6 years old) prepares for further education and allows you to practice modeling, dancing and painting, developing a love for art.

  • Warm creative atmosphere;
  • Excellent teachers;
  • There is a preparation group;
  • Organization of many concerts;
  • Creation of own creative teams.
  • Few directions.

Children's Music School No. 2 named after M.I. Glinka
votes 4

Address: st. Lomonosov, d. 57.

This is a premium class institution, which is included in the Top 100 best music schools in Russia, and also has the quality mark of the city of Yekaterinburg. Here they teach lessons on playing wind, string, folk instruments, as well as playing the piano, which is one of the most successful. You can try your hand at choral singing and join an early development group. The teaching staff has a wealth of experience, provides a special attitude to each child and develops his personal abilities to the maximum. In addition, they work with special children, the blind and the disabled. It has two concert halls, its own library and free internet.Almost all educational programs are taught on a budgetary basis, with the exception of the early development group and “acquaintance with music”.

  • Prestigious institution;
  • Many directions;
  • Many achievements and awards;
  • Availability of a library;
  • Own concert halls;
  • There is a development group;
  • Free Wi-Fi;
  • Free education;
  • Professional teachers;
  • Teaching children with special needs;
  • Participation in competitions and nominations.
  • No.

Children's Music School No. 7 named after. S.V. Rachmaninov
votes 3

Address: st. Technical, 54.

This institution was opened in 1959 and has already earned a high status among its kind. Competitions and creative events are often held here, in particular, the regional competition "Young Accompanist". Training is carried out in the field of piano, violin, cello, flute, button accordion, accordion, domra, balalaika, guitar, xylophone, choral singing. There is also an early development group and preparation for training is carried out. The composition of the teachers is very sensitive to their pupils, instilling in them the basic skills of behavior, aesthetic education and revealing the talents of each of them.

  • high status;
  • Own contests and awards;
  • Many directions;
  • There is a training group.
  • Not found.

Yekaterinburg Music School No. 16
votes 8

Address: st. Savva Belykh, 7.

Premium class establishment, one of the best in Yekaterinburg. Traditions are preserved here, they are taught to appreciate good sound, but in every possible way they support pupils in new endeavors, help to identify the individual characteristics of each child. It provides free education in such educational programs as: piano, vocals, strings, folk and pop instruments, wind instruments.Paid services include general developmental music lessons, preparation for entry, and much more. Pupils often become winners of international competitions, festivals and olympiads that are held throughout the year.

  • Prestigious place;
  • Wide choice of directions;
  • preschool preparation;
  • Free education;
  • The presence of competitions and olympiads.
  • No.

votes 3

Address: Lenin Ave. 50zh, 2nd floor, studio 230.

This is an advanced institution that teaches not only children and adolescents, but also adults. In just 3 months, it promises to raise the skill of playing an instrument or vocals from zero to an advanced level from scratch. Teachers are well-known people of the city, virtuosos who make up an individual training program, treat each student with understanding and give talents a chance to break into the big world. After a successful debut on a concert stage within the walls of Sound City, you can play your own performance in various clubs and restaurants. Training is conducted on a paid basis, however, various discounts and promotions regularly appear, as well as the opportunity to attend the first lesson for free. Classes are organized in the following areas: guitar, vocal art, keyboards and drums.

  • Pleasant company;
  • Friendly atmosphere;
  • Regular house parties and concerts;
  • Organization of concerts and sound recording;
  • The opportunity to become famous;
  • Availability of discounts and promotions for training;
  • Unique techniques;
  • Competent composition of teachers;
  • Trial lessons;
  • Learning a skill from any level;
  • Adult education.
  • Only paid training;
  • Less conservative sounding.

Yekaterinburg Children's Music School named after M.P. Mussorgsky
votes 7

Address: st.Factory, 44.

One of the most prestigious institutions that has produced many talented and famous students. It implements such educational programs as: playing the piano, folk and string instruments. In addition, there are paid services - performing skills, early professional orientation and much more. Annual awards and competitions, as well as a qualified staff of teachers, open up a number of wide opportunities for any child, allow them to unleash their creative potential and help them achieve heights.

  • Notable alumni;
  • Availability of a summer camp;
  • Many directions;
  • Availability of free programs;
  • Teachers of the highest category;
  • A busy creative life.
  • Few destinations.

Children's Music School No. 1 named after. M.P. Frolova
votes 4

Address: st. Malysheva, 98.

This is the first in Yekaterinburg and the oldest musical institution in the Urals, opened in 1931. Almost all teachers here have the title of "Honored Worker of Culture" and other distinctions, have extensive experience in the field of education and are able to interact with any student. It welcomes the presence of creativity and new ideas, which are gladly supported and implemented. Training takes place according to the programs of piano, synthesizer, violin, cello, guitar, trumpet, saxophone, accordion and others. Among the additional paid courses there are lessons in theatrical art, academic and pop vocals, as well as early development groups. Competitions and concerts are held on a regular basis.

  • Qualified teachers;
  • Many areas of work;
  • Free education;
  • old establishment;
  • Prestigious place of study;
  • There are training and development groups.
  • Not detected.

general information

NameContactsAddressPersonal site
EDMSh No. 68 (343) 257-22-93Moscow street, 213http://music school6.ekaterinburg.rf/
EDMSh No. 13 named after I.O.Dunaevsky8 (343) 348-43-04 st. 40th anniversary of Komsomol, 12A http://music school13.ekaterinburg.rf/
EDMSh No. 11 named after M.A. Balakirev8 (343) 371-13-05 st. March 8, 8bhttp://music school11.ekaterinburg.rf/
EDMSh №48 (343) 251-49-75st. Furmanova, 45http://choirschool4.ekaterinburg.rf/
EDMSh No. 2 named after M.I. Glinka8 (343)330-63-64st. Lomonosov, d. 57http://music school2.ekaterinburg.rf/
EDMSh №7 im. S.V. Rachmaninov8 (343) 373-12-96st. Technical, 54
EDMSh №168 (343) 210-47-81st. Savva Belykh, 7https://music school16.ekaterinburg.rf/
SOUND CITY8 (343) 318-27-40Lenin Ave. 50zh, 2nd floor, studio 230
EDMSh No. 17 named after M.P. Mussorgsky8 (343)242-29-44st. Factory, 44http://music school17.ekaterinburg.rf/
EDMSh No. 1 named after M.P. Frolov8 (343) 254-48-92http://music school1.ekaterinburg.rf/

This is a list of worthy music schools in Yekaterinburg with a good education system, competent teachers and high status. Any of them will help the child achieve success and victories in art, reveal his potential, gain invaluable experience, and maybe glory.


