Headphones, online collections, online tracks, collections, an iPhone in hand - a standard set of music for a contemporary. Why learn musical notation, have an idea about fugues and oratorios, if you can enjoy the result.
Fortunately, few people think so. A child should be taught music not only with a suddenly successfully sung melody, but also with a complete absence of hearing. A sense of harmony, understanding of the world, inspiration and joy of embodiment - that's what music gives. At the reporting concerts in music schools, you can hear the performance of Queen melodies arranged for bayan. Children make them on their own, with the support of teachers.
It has been noticed that people who know classical works are more loyal to other modern manifestations of culture: rock, pop, folk music.
We will talk about the choice of an educational institution and the best music schools in Chelyabinsk below.
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A child immersed in the world of notes and sounds does not know the boundaries of the impossible, he can play the squabble of birds on a tree, the morning wind, a bad mood. The ability to create - one of the most important life skills begins with a musical score, rhyme, color rainbow.
Science claims that music accelerates the assimilation of speech, due to the proximity of the centers of the same name. It is easier for a musical person to relax, learn the text by heart, and realize a creative idea. The study of a foreign language, which is carried out using the singing of foreign songs, is several times more successful and reduced in terms of learning time.
When singing songs, the processes of musical and textual components in the brain do not mix, they run in parallel. The musical skill opens the way to multi-tiered thinking, the formation of neural connections, harmony, and a positive perception of the world.
Passive perception of the results of other people's creativity does not develop a personality, on the contrary, it increases the craving for consumption, devalues the process of creation, blocks the feeling of sincere joy.
There are two possible approaches to making a decision.
It is better to get it at the nearest music school, focusing on the location.State institutions have similar educational programs and comply with regulatory requirements. There is no big difference between the level of specialists in neighboring or remote areas.
If a child has good vocal abilities, or has a natural talent for playing an instrument, then you should turn to sources of information about outstanding teachers. The specificity of deep music learning is so peculiar that it is not easy to find a master.
The child begins to stand out from the group, strives for development, there is support from parents, but this is not enough. A good teacher is a psychologist, a master of his craft, devoted his whole life to music. Only he will choose the right program, apply unique techniques, do no harm and develop talent in the right direction.
The issue of individual or group forms of education, paid or on a general basis, is jointly resolved.
Over time, a person enters the musical community, concerts, festivals, performances become a need and gain experience.
At a certain stage, the choice of direction comes: jazz, solo, choir, symphony orchestra, folk music, sacred music - the variety is great. Parents have a great responsibility for life outside of school, for the schedule of performances and concerts. The process will require time and material costs:
The success of the child grows out of the diligence of the parents.
Family traditions are not always the basis for the musical development of children.
Parents tend to wishful thinking, to insist on one or another creative direction.Exceptions rarely occur, and drill produces ingenious results. You should not force a child to learn music "under duress."
High prices for private lessons are also not a guarantee of excellent results.
The worldwide fame of a musician is a titanic work, will, love for art and people, and only then - talent.
Do not forget that music producers, heads of the musical part in theaters, composers - also began their career with a "musical educational program".
One of the directions of the complex higher educational institution is the music school, which traces its history from the musical technical school, opened in 1935.
The first sets went in three directions:
The course consisted of 25 students, masters of amateur creativity, who were fluent in playing the piano, trumpet, violin, viola, button accordion, clarinet and vocal soloists. Subsequently, recruitment graduates reached significant heights, in particular, they headed the music department at the City Drama Theater, taught at the leading music schools in Chelyabinsk.
The musical directions of the school expanded and acquired such classes as:
Today the institute has a separate faculty with departments:
All students of the faculty are actively involved in the concert creative life, which is both part of the learning process and the practical side of the experience of the musical community.
Four hundred musical holidays annually, with their traditions, recognized soloists, performance schools and creative teams, decorate the life not only of the city, but also of other regions and abroad.
Many countries of the world are looking forward to the tour of the boys' choir, folklore groups, academic ensembles, wind and symphony orchestras, jazz band, vocal and instrumental groups, folk instruments orchestra and others.
Contact Information:
Russia, 454091, Chelyabinsk,
st. Plekhanov, house 41.
☎ 8-351-263-34-61
The vocal school of Chelyabinsk for young children and their parents offers one free lesson as a gift.
Lessons are conducted according to unique methods and allow you to master the art of vocals in the shortest possible time.
An innovation in the curriculum was the Party lesson format. An environment without emotional pressure, a pleasant atmosphere and support. Teachers deeply analyze the song from melody to text, which guarantees a worthy performance in a week.
Contact Information:
Russia, Chelyabinsk,
st. Brothers Kashirin, house 131.
☎ 8-351-700-77-60
The municipal budgetary institution of additional education was established in February 1949. In 2015, the school received a license and is under the founding of the Department of Culture of the city.
Musical directions are represented by the following departments:
Education is carried out in person and in groups of 8-12 children, or 2-8, has a budgetary and paid basis.
Contact Information:
Russia, 454007, Chelyabinsk,
st.Gorky, house 10-A.
☎ 8-351-775-51-31
In a musical institution of additional education, it is proposed to undergo training in the following areas:
Age of students: from 6 years to 18. The school prioritizes the quality of education, the opportunity to gain stage experience, the desire for creativity, the development of musical taste.
The 45th anniversary of the music school was celebrated in 2015 and was marked by an anniversary concert, with the participation of former graduates and students. The big holiday brought together fans of children's creativity, the musical community of the city.
Today, the school has more than 400 students, and the number of teachers has exceeded 50.
Contact Information:
Russia, Chelyabinsk,
st. Ostrovsky, house 15.
☎ 8-351-790-51-60
The school works on educational art programs, with advanced level options.
At the choirmaster department, young men and boys are instilled with a vocal ear, develop musical abilities, and pay much attention to the skill of teamwork.The purpose of training is the singing voice, the artistic perception of the musical works of Russia, historical genre works and the brightest phenomena of musical world creativity.
The training program is designed for several years, group training is carried out.
The repertoire includes:
Up to 75 people participate in a concert choir, up to 12 people in a choral ensemble of a junior choir, up to 90 people in a male choir, and up to 32 people in preparatory choirs.
Each choir provides for a different age of participants.
The sound of the choirs of the initial three steps is homogeneous - on trebles and violas. The fourth step of the choirs has a mixed composition of voices - trebles, altos, tenors and basses.
Contact Information:
Russia, 454138, Chelyabinsk,
Prospekt Pobedy 318-A.
☎ 8-351-793-38-88
The institution is one of the oldest in the city, founded in 1969. A separate building seems to be shrouded in a cloud of scales and the sound of strings.After classes, large wooden doors swing open, letting out dignified teachers or children with music folders onto the street sidewalk.
Among the musical directions, programs can be distinguished:
Individual training or group lessons are available. Full-time education takes place in the first and second shifts.
Academic performance is preserved for students as an instrumental tradition. Lessons in solfeggio, musical literature, choral creativity, orchestral performance are included in the compulsory program.
Paid training is possible. In the individual mode, you can learn to play a musical instrument and solo singing. Small groups consist of two to five students. Other groups can have up to 12 students.
On additional vocational education, you can take the program:
Upon completion of training, students are awarded certificates.
Today, the school has more than 300 students, and the number of teachers has exceeded 35.
Contact Information:
Russia, 454091, Chelyabinsk,
st. Kirov, 139-A.
☎ 8-351-264-52-51
Musical taste, as well as the culture of communication, the inquisitiveness of the mind grow on the favorable soil of family foundations. The child takes the first steps in the world of music by listening to lullabies, birds singing, ringing bells.The task of parents is to choose the right music school.