
  1. Features of earth drills
  2. Main technical characteristics of motor drills
  3. Difficulties in choosing auger
  4. Rating of the best earthmoving drills for 2022
  5. Instead of an epilogue

Rating of the best earthmoving drills for 2022

Rating of the best earthmoving drills for 2022

The earth motor drill is designed to perform drilling processes in soil bases to a depth of 10 meters. The entire performance of the tool will directly depend on the power and basic characteristics of the equipment used. Basically, earthen drills are used for:

  • Installation of piles for the subsequent construction of various structures;
  • Setting columns for a fence or fence;
  • Performing strengthening procedures for an already built foundation, i.e. installation of additional piles;
  • Drilling holes in agricultural land.

Features of earth drills

The technology under consideration is characterized by a very narrow specialization, which indicates its high quality. This circumstance is explained by a competent design and properties of the units and mechanisms used in it. However, all modern models can perform another full range of earthworks.

Some samples are characterized by overestimation of performance in order to make them more competitive. From this it can be seen that the choice of an earthen motor-drill should be based on practical accents, i.e. it is necessary to carefully study the materiel of the device. In order to most correctly select the equipment for a specific task, it is necessary to fully study the conditions for the upcoming operation.

For example, for drilling holes in the ground for agricultural purposes, a model with low or even low-power characteristics is quite suitable. However, as practice shows, a medium-power product that can cope with the vast majority of tasks is suitable for an ordinary consumer. In any case, the technique under consideration is conventionally divided into the following models:

  1. Professional - they are used by structures and craftsmen who have made drilling part of their professional activity. Technique they use on a regular basis, so it must be hardy, powerful and reliable.The price of such products is usually several times more expensive than the average segment. It is also worth noting that professional equipment is rather heavy and it will be difficult for the operator to work with it alone;
  2. Household (household) - are low-power or medium-power models that are relatively small in size and equipped with a not very powerful engine. Are intended for carrying out ordinary works on the friable, slightly compressed soil.

In any case, any model of a motor drill should have several modes of operation:

  • Idling - used in cases where drilling work is completed and it is required to pull the drill out of the soil;
  • Reverse stroke - this mode is used for loosening the soil;
  • The direct move forward is responsible for the drilling process itself.

Motor drill classification

The equipment in question can vary in many parameters, but first of all it is convenient to subdivide them according to the type and properties of the electric motor used, which can be:

  • Four-stroke - the most efficient model, capable of delivering maximum performance results with low fuel consumption;
  • Two-stroke - their performance is an order of magnitude less, they also consume a little less fuel, but they have an undeniable advantage - they are quite light in weight.

The difference in cycles can be seen in the following example: for models designed for 3 horsepower, the revolutions will be 160 rpm, while the drilling diameter will vary from 300 to 350 millimeters. And, for example, for a four-stroke equipment designed for 5-6 horsepower, the speed will already be 250 rpm and the drilling diameter reaches 450 millimeters.Also, the tact rate will be applicable to establish the number of operators: two-stroke models can be controlled by one person, however, their drilling depth will be less than that of four-stroke models, which are usually controlled by two operators and the drilling depth will increase accordingly.

According to the method of torque transmission, motor drills can be:

  • Hydraulic - for deepening into the soil, enhanced hydraulic technology is used, which facilitates the work of the operator;
  • Mechanical - for deepening into the soil, the operator will have to exert some muscular effort.

Also, the drilling equipment under consideration may differ in the type of speeds:

  • Single-speed - these devices operate at a constant constant speed and can, as a rule, rotate in both directions;
  • Multi-speed - they are used for better soil cultivation. For this equipment, the operator can independently set the number of revolutions per time interval, which will depend on the density of the earth or weather conditions.

It is worth noting that this equipment can also be divided into wheeled and manual types. The weight of the first motor-drills is much greater, because they have increased power, and wheels are required to move them. They can drill into hard ground to great depths. Hand-held instruments are suspended by the operator(s), can be operated by a single person, and are relatively light in weight.

In turn, wheel samples are divided into:

  • Modular - they have a motor and gearbox located on different parts of the structure;
  • Single-frame - they have a gearbox and a motor enclosed in a single housing.

Main technical characteristics of motor drills

Drilling motorized devices are used to work both on light soils and on heavy soils up to the 4th degree of complexity. They are used both for industrial purposes and for household purposes. Any motor-drill has a number of qualitative characteristics, on which the efficiency of its work, productivity, as well as the ability to perform certain types of tasks will directly depend.

Engine volume

It is this equipped part that is responsible for the rotation speed of the auger tool (drill), which is directly buried in the ground. The type of soil for which the device is selected will also depend on the required volume of its engine. For example, for drilling a well in sandy soil, it will be enough to use a device with a motor capacity of up to 35 "cubes", for working on chernozem soil this figure should already reach at least 40 "cubes". If we are talking about the processing of compacted, compressed and difficult to yield soil, then the volume should be at least 200 "cubes".

Engine type

It is believed that liquid fuel engines are much more efficient than electric ones. They can withstand heavy loads, their connection to the gearbox is carried out by means of a standard centrifugal clutch, which allows it to slip in situations of overload. In any case, the last property is significant, since during the drilling process the tool is heavily loaded, and when overloaded, the drill brakes sharply, so the clutch that has not fallen off can easily be damaged.

In the electric motor, the connection between the gearbox and the motor is carried out using a special coupling, which also provides a rigid hitch without the possibility of slipping.Thus, during an overload, the hitch will not fly off, and the engine may simply burn out from permanent operation in emergency conditions.

From this it is possible to conclude that electrical appliances are suitable for short-term work, and for long-term work, it is preferable to use gasoline models.


This property can have a significant impact on the cost and weight of the product, and the productivity and speed of the work performed will depend on it. Typically, a standard mid-range power auger has 3 horsepower. It is not bad for loose soil or sandy soil. However, for hard soils of the 4th category, a minimum of a tool with a power of 3.5 horsepower is required.

Drill head dimensions

To perform work in the garden or vegetable garden, a motor drill with low power will do just fine, however, the length of its auger tool must be at least 2 meters. If you need to drill a hole of greater depth, then you can use a special extension cord. For household needs, the diameter of the auger head may well be in the region of 20 - 25 centimeters.

Several types of augers can be supplied with some devices at once, while there are models that are generally sold without them (you will have to buy separately). Practice shows that if future work does not fall under the category of any construction, then the length of the auger can be sufficient in the range from 70 centimeters to 1 meter.

Fuse equipment

This part is essential for the safe operation of the drill. In the event that the drilling process can be suspended due to the impact of the drill with a stone / tree root or something similar, the fuse will stop the tool.


Professionals recommend using only high-quality fuel for gasoline drills. Also, it is necessary to constantly monitor the state of sharpness of the knives on the drill head. If both of these factors meet the required parameters, then this will significantly increase the service life of the equipment, because. the risk of premature wear of the clutch and gearbox will be minimal.

As a fuel, it is preferable to use a substance that includes gasoline and oil in a ratio of 50 to 1. For the initial “break-in” of the engine, this proportion can be reduced to 25 to 1. However, it is always worth enlisting the recommendations of the manufacturer of the drill regarding the possibility of using oil in the fuel substances.


The level of application of muscular effort to pressing it during work will depend on the mass and size of the tool. The device must equally reliably withstand loads in both cold and warm seasons. At the same time, the operator should not strain excessively during the drilling process. Depending on the type of work performed, it is possible to distinguish the following classification:

  • Weight from 8 kilograms - such devices are suitable for various works with soil, drilling soils interspersed with clay, soil of medium hardness, slightly frozen soil, as well as soft shale;
  • Weight from 10 kilograms - these devices are able to work on compressed and heavily frozen soil;
  • Weight from 11 kilograms - they are used for planting young trees and drilling deep holes for piles under the foundation, as well as for other construction work.

Removable accessories

Sometimes, complete with the device itself, interchangeable nozzles for it can also be supplied. It is highly desirable to purchase such sets, because.components will be produced by the same brand as the main tool, and this will mean their full compatibility. At the same time, by means of removable nozzles, the functionality of the entire toolkit will be significantly expanded.

In addition, with the help of a removable auger, the possibilities in the field of earthworks will be increased - through the selection of the desired nozzle, it will be possible to form high-quality and deep holes in the ground. Each nozzle can be properly adapted for a particular task. There are types of nozzles equipped with small and sharp knives that can discard small pieces of earth, and larger and harder ones can successfully cut. All this will reduce the risks of potential injury during work.

Difficulties in choosing auger

The main working part of any earthen drill is the auger. It is a spiral element with reinforced segments at the beginning and sharpened cutting edges of the spiral. With the help of interchangeable teeth, the element can be buried in various types of soil.

In order to properly select an auger for a certain type of production task, the following parameters should be considered:

  • The power standard of the apparatus itself, which is expressed in horsepower;
  • The rotation speed with which the unit will spin the spiral element;
  • Type and dimensions of the adapter with which the auger is attached to the gearbox of the unit.

Depending on the type, the auger can be equipped with two or more cutting parts, and in order for the tool to penetrate perfectly into the soil, it can be supplemented with a drill bit.

For professional devices, whose purpose is to carry out complex drilling operations, the knives can be dismantled from the base in order to sharpen or even replaced. In simpler samples, they are simply welded, which clearly reduces the service life of the entire structure, however, their cost is noticeably lower, but the material for making knives can be softer.

With the exception of the main characteristics of a spiral screw, it may also have additional parameters. This includes the length of the nozzle itself. The length will be determined not only by the type of work performed, but also by the density of the soil to be processed.

If the soil is supposed to be very hard, then the auger itself should have a thicker shaft. As a rule, the length of nozzles for hand-held power drills varies from 70 centimeters to 1 meter. The diameter of the head of the auger should be slightly smaller than the intended hole. Another thing is the total diameter of the cutting petals, which can vary from 10 to 40 centimeters. It is worth noting that the general increase in all the above parameters should be accompanied by an increase in the power of the device itself, so that it can cope with the rotation of the heavy auger.

Particular attention should be paid to the type of connecting adapter. In total there are 3 varieties that differ from each other in the shape of the shaft shank:

  • Thread - with such a connection, the auger is wound in the opposite direction of rotation onto the shaft during drilling. The hitch itself is reliable, it does not loosen much during vibration. However, some effort will have to be made to remove the nozzle, because. during operation, the clamp becomes even stronger.
  • Triangle - the auger is attached to the shaft shank with a triangular design, only the reverse shape.The connection is considered quite reliable. For fixing purposes, a cotter pin (or other device) is used.
  • A hexagon is the most durable type of fixation; cotter pins are used for this connection.

The auger tool is most often made by the same manufacturer as the drill itself. It is usually worth choosing the most optimal helical design and type of tip so as not to impede the operation of the motor, thereby providing the proper torque and giving the desired performance.

However, there are situations in which even the longest 2-meter auger may not be enough to complete a specific construction task. In this case, special nozzles come to the rescue. They, like the screw tool, are best used from the "native" manufacturer.

Rating of the best earthmoving drills for 2022

Budget segment

3rd place: "Carver AG-52 000"

Compact motor drill with a capacious tank, designed for 1.1 fuel. It is possible to work alone. Work control elements are installed on the right handle. The control handles are equipped with rubberized pads that do not allow them to slip during the work process. The total weight of the unit is 6 kilograms. Engine power is 1.4 kW. The recommended cost for retail chains is 9900 rubles.

Carver AG-52000
  • Small mass;
  • Ability to work alone;
  • Transparent fuel tank.
  • The screw is not supplied.

2nd place: Fubag FPB 71

This gas powered earth drilling tool is equipped with an excellent two-stroke engine that will cope with any tasks of an economic orientation and low complexity. Engine power is 2.7 horsepower.In addition to drilling soil, it can also be adapted for drilling ice. The maximum possible drilling holes reach 250 millimeters. The body is made of lightweight plastic, the total weight is 11 kilograms with auger. The recommended cost for retail chains is 10,700 rubles.

Fubag FPB 71
  • Adequate weight with auger;
  • budget cost;
  • Dual purpose.
  • The fuel tank cap may not close properly.

1st place: "ELITECH BM 70V"

This model is equipped with a fairly powerful motor of 3.3 horsepower, capable of drilling holes to a depth of 180 centimeters. The installed engine consumes fuel economically on two cycles (about 0.8 liters per hour). The native auger can be replaced, so the diameter of the holes can reach 300 millimeters. The muffler has a too short nose, and the seals on the tank caps have traces of obvious flaws. The recommended price for retail chains is 12,390 rubles.

  • Acceptable price;
  • Easy start;
  • Pretty powerful motor.
  • Unreliable seals on the fuel tank.

Middle price segment

3rd place: "Hammer MTB80"

Productive and reliable model equipped with a two-stroke engine. The whole design is well balanced, which is an undoubted advantage in the process. Prefers to work on a fuel substance interspersed with oil. The volume of the fuel tank is 1.2 liters, and the power reaches 1.8 kW. The device has a very compact size, making it easy to transport and store. The recommended cost for retail chains is 14,000 rubles.

Hammer MTB80
  • Ergonomics;
  • Performance;
  • Small dimensions.
  • Problems finding parts.

2nd place: "CHAMPION AG364"

This tool is perfect for a wide range of jobs in the garden. They can not only make holes for planting trees, but also drill holes for installing fence columns. The auger has a removable design, made on the basis of a standard threaded connection. The motor is provided with two cycles, and its power is 3 horsepower. The whole structure is fixed on a reliable steel frame. An excellent solution for local tasks. The recommended retail price is 15,000 rubles.

  • Versatility;
  • Sturdy frame;
  • Powerful enough motor.
  • Not detected.

1st place: "ADA instruments Ground Drill 8 A00367"

This tool can be called a semi-professional model. Its main difference is the use of an unusually shaped frame. With it, it is easy to dig holes for the foundation and for installing lighting masts and fence posts. The maximum hole diameter is set to 30 centimeters. The preference is to work together, especially when drilling to a depth of more than one meter. Engine power is 2.4 kW, with a fuel tank volume of 1.2 liters. The recommended cost for retail stores is 17,000 rubles.

ADA instruments Ground Drill 8 A00367
  • Ergonomic frame;
  • rubberized handles;
  • Powerful engine.
  • Not detected.

Professional segment

2nd place: "Hitachi DA 300 E"

An excellent sample from a Japanese manufacturer, deservedly enjoying great popularity in Asian countries. Excellent ability to cope with compressed and compacted soil. It is recommended that two people work at the same time.The frame is equipped with two square-shaped hinges for greater comfort when working. Special pads successfully dampen the auger vibrations when working with great depths. The established cost for store chains is 44,000 rubles.

Hitachi DA300E
  • Performance;
  • Possibility of work in the conditions of low temperatures;
  • Convenient frame.
  • High price.

1st place: "ADA instruments Ground Drill 14 Reverse"

Extremely powerful and professional tool. For its by no means cheap price, it is able to provide the user with a full range of functional actions - from extended and deep drilling of holes to the use of nozzles for deep work. Attachment of nozzles is carried out in a standard way, which does not raise questions about their selection. The mechanism provides for the function of rotating the drill in the opposite direction, which excludes it from getting stuck in overly dense soil. The recommended cost for retail retailers is 50,000 rubles.

ADA instruments Ground Drill 14 Reverse
  • Multifunctionality;
  • Versatility of mounting nozzles;
  • Reversible screw rotation.
  • High price.

Instead of an epilogue

The analysis of the market of the tools under consideration found that it contains, for the most part, only high-quality models from well-known Western manufacturers. The domestic manufacturer is either not represented at all, or is only an assembler of devices from Western spare parts. However, this is not surprising, because motor drills are classified as complex production equipment, they have a minimum warranty of one year.At the same time, it is worth noting that the difference between the prices of Asian and European manufacturers is quite significant, and can reach several orders of magnitude. This circumstance is connected with the peculiarity that European firms prefer to immediately supply complete sets with different (as large as possible) content. Asian firms differ in this regard and rely on the rise in the cost of components purchased separately, while the unit itself will cost a potential buyer a relatively modest price. Thus, the question of choosing between an Asian and a European manufacturer will only be the ability of the consumer to pay for the functionality that he needs.

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