
  1. How to choose the right unicycle
  2. The best budget unicycles of 2022
  3. The best unicycles of the middle price category

Rating of the best unicycles of 2022 according to consumer reviews

Rating of the best unicycles of 2022 according to consumer reviews

Modern technology is developing at a rapid pace. Relatively recently, such a type of personal transport as a unicycle surprised others and caused a lot of interested, enthusiastic looks.

Today, such products are ubiquitous, which has become the reason for even greater public interest. Everyone is interested in what kind of device it is and how it works.

However, before buying, you should know some of the nuances and design features of the unit. This is necessary to avoid errors that could adversely affect operation.

How to choose the right unicycle

When buying, there are several factors to consider, which are described below.

  • Rider power and weight

For people whose weight does not exceed 50-60 kg, you can safely choose a model with a power of about 400 - 500 watts. However, with a greater body weight - 90-100 kg. a unicycle with a capacity of more than 1 kW may be required. Also, this factor is influenced by the terrain. On smooth roads, without slopes and potholes, you can safely drive a unit operating at full load. However, in cities with hilly terrain, you need to make a margin of +150 - 200 W to the optimum.

Experts recommend making a performance margin under normal conditions. This will reduce the load on the electrics and batteries, which guarantees an extension of the service life.

IMPORTANT! Some manufacturers indicate peak power. This parameter is 2-3 times higher than the nominal value and serves to determine the thrust of the power plant at moments of critical loads. When buying, you should take into account exactly the nominal indicators. This is the value at which the engine can run for a long time without overheating or damage.

  • Wheel size

The following parameter determines the user's convenience during operation. For beginners, experts recommend buying models with a small diameter. This helps to jump off in time and saves money. Smaller models cost significantly less. For experienced riders, you can buy units with wheel sizes of maximum diameter. This design has a high center of gravity and sharp control.

  • Build quality and seals

First of all, the unicycle should be equipped with high-quality moisture protection. The safety of the user and the durability of the structure depend on this feature. When the controller contacts are closed, control is blocked and the power plant fails.The wheel comes to a sudden stop while driving, which can cause serious injury.

  • Single or double design

The single wheel machine is suitable for experienced users who ride with confidence. As a training tool, you can buy a dual apparatus. This will help you keep your balance and learn to control.

  • Battery

The power reserve and the saved forces during the “delivery” of the device to the place of charging depend on the type and capacity of the battery. The optimal mileage is considered to be from 20 to 40 km. However, the higher the score, the better.

  • Frame

Monowheel body panels are made of polymers, carbon fiber and composite materials. These tools provide a minimum weight, sufficient structural strength.

  • Manufacturer

Some users do not listen to recommendations - buy a device from a famous brand. It's a matter of build quality. A large company will not risk its name for a penny savings on parts or assembly shops. As a rule, branded unicycles are much more expensive. However, the build quality and manufacturer's warranty fully justify the money spent.

The best budget unicycles of 2022

This category includes vehicles that are popular among users due to their low cost and decent quality. Such units will be an excellent solution for novice riders with no driving experience.

Ecodrift X5

Price - 30,000 rubles.

An attractive gadget from a popular manufacturer opens the rating of budget models. A 400 watt engine is used as a power plant. This is enough to accelerate the rider to a speed of 18 km / h. The power reserve is limited at around 15 - 18 kilometers. This distance is due to the use of a simple battery.Charging time is short - 2 hours to fully restore capacity.

The weight load is designed for 120 kg at the peak. Nominally, the motor calmly pulls a person weighing no more than 90 kg.

The unit is equipped with a 14-inch wheel, which is completely sufficient for beginners and users with low requirements.

There is no enhanced moisture protection. The unicycle controller is not sealed, water ingress can cause a short circuit on the onboard circuit. However, you should not be afraid - the protective elements can withstand moisture, raindrops or inaccurate washing. The threat of breakage appears when driving through deep puddles.

Ecodrift X5
  • fast charging;
  • durable case;
  • cute design.
  • controversial protection of on-board electronics from water ingress;
  • does not lift.

Airwheel Q3 260WH

The price is 28000 rubles.

Next in line is a representative of the budget segment with optimal stability indicators for beginners.

A design feature is a pair of two wheels of equal size. This makes it possible to speed up the learning process for a beginner and give additional stability on unpaved surfaces.

A modest 450 W motor is capable of accelerating the user to 18 km / h, which is relatively good. This speed is enough to move around the city. The average mileage varies within 30 kilometers, depending on the rider's weight and terrain conditions. The recharge period reaches 3 hours to fully replenish the capacity of the elements.

An additional advantage of the design is decent protection against moisture - the motor and controller are not afraid of trips through puddles and rain.

Aggressive design serves as a reminder to the user about the capabilities of the device. The passability of the gadget is enough for walking along forest paths, parks.

Airwheel Q3 260WH
  • stable construction;
  • durable case;
  • optimal wheel size;
  • excellent power reserve;
  • comes with a portable handle.
  • overpriced.

Ninebot One A1

Price - 25,000 rubles.

The bronze rating goes to a futuristic gadget with an attractive appearance. The body of the unit resembles science fiction films. Sleek lines complemented by a minimalist design and built-in lighting.

The low cost imposes a number of restrictions. The drive power is limited at around 400 W, and the capacity of standard batteries is only enough for 15 km. Wheel sizes are suitable for teenagers, children or short adults.

The advantages of the design include fast charging technology - the unit replenishes the battery capacity in just 2 hours.

Ninebot One A1
  • good acceleration;
  • short charging time;
  • attractive design;
  • solid foundation;
  • sensitive control.
  • insufficient power of the power plant during climbs;
  • small power reserve.


The price is 25,000 rubles.

The silver of budget modifications is occupied by the unsightly design of Chinese engineers. The unit is a wheel equipped with a brightly colored plastic case. The footpegs are clearly designed for teenagers or users with small feet. The width of the platform is not enough for a foot size 44 and above.

Moving away from design decisions, the design inspires complete confidence among experts. Wheel power - 800W forcibly muted to extend durability. The maximum speed of the unit is only 18 km / h. The duration of the run on a full charge is limited to 25 kilometers. These parameters are completely sufficient for moderate use by beginners or users with low requirements.

Also an important parameter is high-quality protection against moisture. The motor wheel is completely closed from rain, puddles. The controller is also sealed, which allows you to overcome shallow puddles and ride during heavy rain.

In terms of comfort, the wheel is equipped with a 14-inch rim, which guarantees a comfortable driving experience for the user. The tire is installed in a size of 2.1” with sufficient inflation, optimal rolling and flotation is achieved.

  • reliable design;
  • decent power;
  • durable case;
  • light weight;
  • moisture protection.
  • unsightly appearance;
  • uncomfortable footrests.

Ninebot One S2

Price - 32,000 rubles.

The leader of budget unicycles, a representative of a popular brand among users in Russia and the CIS countries. The design is characterized by increased load capacity and cross-country ability. An asynchronous electric motor with a power of 500W is used as a power unit, which is enough to accelerate to 25 km / h.

Sufficient flotation is ensured by the 14” wheel diameter. This is enough to overcome low obstacles or drive along forest paths.

The body of the product is made of high-strength plastic, which allows you to forgive inept handling and light blows. Complete with the device, the manufacturer supplies a set of interchangeable bumpers. This is considered a plus, since the structural element is most susceptible to mechanical damage.

As a bonus, it is possible to replace the firmware, which allows you to increase the speed limit to 45 km / h. A similar procedure applies to tuning and after reprogramming, the factory warranty is canceled. The point of contention is the lack of a transport handle.This reduces the total weight of the structure to 11 kg, but prevents carrying after the battery is used up.

Of the minuses, users call the complete lack of waterproofing. Therefore, trips in the rain or through puddles can be very expensive, up to a complete failure of functioning.

Ninebot One S2
  • optimal permeability;
  • factory warranty;
  • decent power;
  • excellent equipment;
  • sufficient power reserve.
  • no moisture protection.

The best unicycles of the middle price category

These units are designed for intensive daily use. There is sufficient comfort, power and mileage.


Price - 32,000 rubles.

In third place is a practical gadget of the famous manufacturer. The design is not outstanding. However, experts talk about the harmonious combination of design components.

The load capacity is at the standard level - 120 kg. The speed limit is limited to 20 km / h, and the distance covered on a single charge is about 30 km. Such characteristics are not a standard. However, the manufacturer focuses on comfort, not power.

For lovers of everyday use, a positive quality is the excellent protection of the engine and controller from moisture. The device can overcome shallow puddles or withstand intensive washing.

Ergonomics of the device is also shown at height. A long wing is installed on board, which allows you not to splash your pants with water. Comfortable sidewalls do not cause chafing of the shins and leg fatigue. There is also a special carrying handle that eliminates the impressive weight of about 13 kg.

  • excellent ergonomics;
  • attractive body;
  • minimum charging time - 1 hour;
  • solid foundation;
  • excellent protection of the power plant against overheating and water ingress.
  • average power and mileage per charge.

In Motion V8

Price - 54,000 rubles.

Next in line is a great option for everyday use. The device accelerates to 30 km / h and is able to travel up to 50 kilometers on a single charge. This indicator was achieved thanks to the use of an 800 W power plant and a high-capacity Li-Po battery. At the same time, the battery capacity replenishment time is only 4 hours to a full charge.

The wheel frame is designed for a person weighing up to 120 kg. At the same time, the device itself has a mass of a little more than 13 kilograms.

Users note the attractive design of the device. The flattened disc is adorned with an integrated backlight, which gives the body the appearance of a flying saucer.

The disadvantages of buyers include poor front lighting. At night, the light of the headlight is not enough. In addition, the manufacturer positions the elements as a backlight to indicate the rider on the road.

Among the bonuses, one can especially highlight the possibility of pairing with a smartphone. The user is provided with information about the state of the battery, the temperature of the engine and on-board electrics. It is also possible to see the causes of probable breakdowns during diagnostics.

Separately, you can synchronize on a shared network with other owners of similar devices. This will allow you to arrange races or general rides against the clock.

In Motion V8
  • decent drive power;
  • well-developed ergonomics;
  • sufficient power reserve;
  • high top speed;
  • stylish design.
  • poor lighting.

KingSong 16S SPORTS 840WH

Price - 65,000 rubles.

The leader of the list is a representative of a popular consumer electronics brand. The main advantage of the design is the presence of excellent performance. A powerful 1.2 kW motor is hidden in the case. The standard battery is rated for 80 kilometers, which is impressive even for more expensive devices. The power plant provides sufficient traction when driving on a hill or a forest path, which opens up a wide range of application potential.

Charging time is 7 hours.

User comfort is ensured thanks to the 16-inch wheel, which allows leveling shaking on uneven surfaces. Support pads are wide enough for comfortable leg positioning. And the side surfaces can be closed with soft pads.

Regarding the protective qualities. The engineers did their best. The motor can withstand temperatures up to 600 degrees Celsius. Moisture protection allows you to overcome deep puddles and ride in the rain.

The strong case is steady against mechanical damages. Aluminum panels are covered with thick, high-quality plastic.

KingSong 16S SPORTS 840WH
  • excellent dynamic performance;
  • good power reserve;
  • sensitive control;
  • solid assembly;
  • sufficient protection against third-party factors.
  • great weight.

Many popular models of the premium segment were not included in the rating. This is due to the high cost of gadgets, whose price tag is not available to the average user.

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