
  1. What is RAM
  2. Where could I buy
  3. Rating of the best RAM modules for a gaming computer
  4. Errors when choosing RAM

Rating of the best RAM modules for a gaming computer for 2022

Rating of the best RAM modules for a gaming computer for 2022

The modern world cannot be imagined without computers. They surround us everywhere, are used both for work and for many other tasks. And, of course, we must not forget about such a popular pastime for many people as computer games. No matter how much gamers who do not see anything beyond the monitor are scolded, games continue to be in demand, as well as computers specially adapted for them, which allow them to get real pleasure from this activity.

The main differences between a gaming computer and an ordinary office "typewriter" is the presence of a powerful video card that allows you to reproduce complex graphics, and a large amount of RAM, which saves the player from the trouble of freezing the game and being late in sending commands. The main characteristics that distinguish the device adapted for games are speed, multithreading, and high computing capabilities.

The amount of RAM directly affects all of the above characteristics. The more it is, the better the bandwidth of the computer. Using RAM in multi-channel mode reduces the load on the processor and improves the fps (frames per second).

To achieve maximum effect, it is better to use volume division. Two 16GB sticks will be faster than one 32GB stick. This use just allows you to provide the above-mentioned multi-channel mode.

What is RAM

RAM, or RAM, is one, two, or even more strips inserted into special devices - slots located on the motherboard. It is volatile, meaning that the data stored on it is only available while the computer is connected to a power source, unlike the information stored on a hard drive.

RAM is needed, first of all, to speed up the computer, since the speed of writing and reading information using a hard disk is many times inferior to the speed of the processor. That is why the processor does not contact the SSD directly, but through the RAM. Through it, the drivers of all installed programs are loaded as soon as the computer connects to the network, and all the information received and entered will certainly go first into the RAM module.

A striking example of her work is typing a document in a Word text editor. If you do not save the text on the SSD using a special floppy button in the program, then if the computer is turned off from the power supply, it will not be saved, because the RAM is completely cleared every time it is turned off, and then loads all the information necessary to start the device from scratch.

Types of RAM

In matters of computer technology, progress does not stand still, but gallops forward at a furious gallop, so that new items in various types of components appear with enviable regularity.Currently, there are two types of RAM: static (SRAM) and dynamic (DRAM). Static modules are characterized by a higher information transfer rate, but the price for them will be higher than for dynamic devices. They are mostly used as cache memory for the processor.

Dynamic modules are much more widespread and in great demand. Their main types are listed below:

  • DDR SDRAM is a first-generation double data rate dynamic memory that is now practically not used and is extremely rare on sale;
  • DDR2 SDRAM - the second generation of DDR SDRAM, also belongs to obsolete ones;
  • DDR3 SDRAM - the third generation of DDR SDRAM;
  • DDR4 SDRAM - the fourth generation of DDR SDRAM - the most common type of RAM on sale;
  • DDR5 SDRAM is the fifth generation of DDR SDRAM, which is under active testing and is just starting to go on sale.

The RAM stick has a specific configuration that exactly matches the slot on the motherboard. A special key on the bar, made in the form of a cut, coincides with the protrusion of the board, so inserting it correctly is often not difficult.

It is necessary to pay attention to the purpose of a particular type of RAM.

  • SO-DIMMs are compact modules used in laptops, some all-in-ones, and mini-ITX, nano-ITX, and pico-ITX motherboards. It is mechanically incompatible with conventional motherboards that are installed in desktop computers.
  • DIMM is a RAM format that is suitable for stationary computer devices.
  • Server RAM is the same size as DIMMs designed for personal computers, but it will not be possible to install it in a regular computer due to its specific characteristics.

The most important characteristic of RAM is its volume. Game programs, as a rule, require a very large amount of resources from the computer, and if there is not enough RAM, they may simply not load because they do not have enough space. The 4 GB volume is perfect for working with documents, but it will not be interesting to play on such a device. For simpler games, 8 GB of memory is sufficient, but complex games with serious graphics require 16 GB or more.

The second most important characteristic is the frequency of the RAM. It must match the frequencies of the motherboard and processor, otherwise you can’t wait for performance, and the RAM will not be able to give out its maximum performance.

The third important characteristic is timing. This is the time that elapses between accessing the RAM and the moment it issues the requested data. The shorter the period of time passes, the faster the device will work.

Top RAM Manufacturers

A fairly large number of manufacturers produce components for computer equipment, and when choosing a product, it is better to focus on well-known and well-established trade names.

  • Crucial is a Chinese company that is distinguished by strict quality control of manufactured goods and excellent technical characteristics. The RAM of this brand perfectly copes with the tasks that modern games put before them.
  • HyperX is a subsidiary of the famous manufacturer Kingston, which specializes in the production of components for gaming computers.
  • Corsair is one of the most popular manufacturers in the field of computer peripherals. It produces a wide range of RAM, some of which are suitable for gaming assemblies.
  • Patriot is another leader in the production of high-quality modules that can solve the most complex graphic tasks.
  • Kingston is a manufacturer, in the range of which you can find anything, from flash drives of any size to the most sophisticated computer peripherals for professional gamers.

Products of lesser-known companies, as a rule, are cheaper, but can upset you with unstable work or a short warranty period.

Where could I buy

Components for a gaming computer, including RAM, can be bought both in real stores and in virtual ones. When choosing a product on the Internet, you can thoughtfully and carefully compare all the characteristics, read reviews, study information about the compatibility of the selected device with the existing processor and motherboard. The effectiveness of a physical store consultation is directly related to the competence of the sales assistant, so it is better to prepare yourself in advance and study which options will best fit the existing assembly.

It is best to buy components in proven and long-established stores selling computer equipment, which will reduce the risk of buying defective or counterfeit goods, and in case of problems it will be possible to exchange or return it under warranty.

Rating of the best RAM modules for a gaming computer

To create a rating, customer reviews on the Yandex Market Internet trading platform were studied and the most popular products were selected.

Rating of the best DDR3 RAM modules

Third-generation RAM is still quite often used in gaming computer assemblies, but it is inferior in speed and performance to subsequent generations. However, this type of RAM is still widely used for light games that are popular with children and teenagers.

Patriot Memory VIPER 3 8GB (4GBx2) DDR3 1600MHz DIMM 240pin CL9 PV38G160C9K

The average price is 4089 rubles.

RAM with a total memory capacity of 8 GB is divided into two modules of 4 GB. frequency - 1600 MHz, throughput - 12800 MB / s.

Patriot Memory VIPER 3 8GB (4GBx2) DDR3 1600MHz DIMM 240pin CL9 PV38G160C9K
  • there is support for XMP;
  • good cooling;
  • lifetime warranty;
  • stable operation without errors;
  • attractive design.
  • the amount of memory is not enough for serious games with complex graphics.

HyperX Fury 8GB (4GBx2) DDR3 1600MHz DIMM 240pin CL10 HX316C10FBK2/8

The average price is 5679 rubles.

This device consists of two 4 GB modules. Frequency - 1600 MHz, throughput - 12800 MB / s.

HyperX Fury 8GB (4GBx2) DDR3 1600MHz DIMM 240pin CL10 HX316C10FBK2/8
  • democratic value;
  • stable operation in two-channel mode;
  • good cooling;
  • overclocking capability.
  • insufficient memory for many modern games with complex graphics.

HyperX Fury 8GB DDR3 1600MHz DIMM 240pin CL10 HX316C10F/8

The average price is 5719 rubles.

RAM, consisting of a single module with a capacity of 8 GB. Frequency - 1600 MHz, throughput - 12800 MB / s.

HyperX Fury 8GB DDR3 1600MHz DIMM 240pin CL10 HX316C10F/8
  • attractive design;
  • stable work;
  • affordable cost.
  • in speed is inferior to devices with the same amount of memory, consisting of two modules.

Patriot Memory VIPER 3 16GB (8GBx2) DDR3 1866MHz DIMM 240pin CL10 PV316G186C0K

The average price is 7743 rubles.

The product from one of the most famous manufacturers consists of two 8 GB sticks. Frequency - 1866 MHz. Bandwidth - 14900 MB / s. Made in China.

Patriot Memory VIPER 3 16GB (8GBx2) DDR3 1866MHz DIMM 240pin CL10 PV316G186C0K
  • there is the possibility of overclocking;
  • good cooling with metal radiators;
  • does not heat up even during prolonged operation;
  • affordable cost;
  • stability, no errors.
  • availability of a guarantee.
  • the height of the heatsink interferes with the compatibility of the RAM with some types of motherboards that have DDR3 connectors.

HyperX Fury 16GB (8GBx2) DDR3 1600MHz DIMM 240pin CL10 HX316C10FBK2/16

The average price is 9389 rubles.

This product, like the previous one, is made in China. It consists of two strips of 8 GB each. Frequency - 1600 MHz, throughput - 12800 MB / s.

HyperX Fury 16GB (8GBx2) DDR3 1600MHz DIMM 240pin CL10 HX316C10FBK2/16
  • compatible with Hyperx Savage RAM;
  • stable work.
  • The warranty period is only 6 months.

Rating of the best DDR3L RAM modules

These memory modules feature lower power consumption than conventional 3rd generation modules, which are labeled DDR3. Their supply voltage is 1.35 V, while for DDR3 it is 1.5 V. Otherwise, these modules are similar in characteristics, but it is highly not recommended to install DDR3L and DDR3 boards at the same time, because due to the difference in power consumption they may not work correctly.

HyperX Fury 4GB DDR3L 1600MHz DIMM 240pin CL10 HX316LC10FB/4

The average price is 3270 rubles.

The device contains 1 module with a memory capacity of 4 GB. Frequency 1600 MHz, bandwidth - 12800 MB / s.

HyperX Fury 4GB DDR3L 1600MHz DIMM 240pin CL10 HX316LC10FB/4
  • attractive price;
  • stable operation without errors.
  • slow response;
  • not compatible with complex graphics.

Kingston ValueRAM [KVR16LN11/8] 8 GB

The average price is 5499 rubles.

Products from a well-known manufacturer is a single module with a capacity of 8 GB. It has PC12800 bandwidth and 1600 MHz clock speed.

Kingston ValueRAM [KVR16LN11/8] 8 GB
  • stable work;
  • compatibility with a large number of devices of various types;
  • low profile module.
  • The amount of memory is not enough for games with complex graphics.

HyperX Fury 8GB DDR3L 1600MHz DIMM 240pin CL10 HX316LC10FB/8

The average price is 6160 rubles.

The RAM consists of a single 8 GB module. Frequency 1600 MHz, bandwidth - 12800 MB / s.

HyperX Fury 8GB DDR3L 1600MHz DIMM 240pin CL10 HX316LC10FB/8
  • double-sided packaging;
  • good cooling;
  • simple installation;
  • stable work.
  • inferior to multi-channel devices in speed;
  • the amount of memory is not enough for complex games.

HyperX Fury 8GB DDR3L 1866MHz DIMM 240pin CL11 HX318LC11FB/8

The average price is 6160 rubles.

An 8 GB device consists of a single bar. Frequency 1866 MHz, bandwidth - 14900 MB / s.

]HyperX Fury 8GB DDR3L 1866MHz DIMM 240pin CL11 HX318LC11FB/8
  • attractive design;
  • stable work;.
  • slow response time;
  • does not support games with complex graphics.

HyperX Fury 16GB (8GBx2) DDR3L 1600MHz DIMM 240pin CL10 HX316LC10FBK2/16

The average price is 10420 rubles.

The device consists of two bars, each with 8 GB of memory. Frequency - 1600 MHz, throughput - 12800 MB / s.

HyperX Fury 16GB (8GBx2) DDR3L 1600MHz DIMM 240pin CL10 HX316LC10FBK2/16
  • XMP support;
  • stable work;
  • fast response;
  • supports almost all modern games.
  • high price.

Rating of the best DDR4 RAM modules

Fourth generation devices are currently the most popular and, judging by the trends in the computer technology market, in 2022, fifth generation modules will not yet have time to gain a foothold in the market so firmly as to win a leading position.

Kingston 8GB DDR4 2666MHz DIMM 288pin CL19 KVR26N19S6/8

The average price is 3290 rubles.

This fourth generation device consists of a single 8 GB stick. Frequency 2666 MHz, bandwidth - 21300 MB / s.

Kingston 8GB DDR4 2666MHz DIMM 288pin CL19 KVR26N19S6/8
  • goods from a reliable manufacturer;
  • stable work;
  • simple installation.
  • long response time;
  • freezes on games with complex graphics.

Patriot Memory VIPER ELITE 8GB (4GBx2) DDR4 2666MHz DIMM 288pin CL16 PVE48G266C6KGY

The average price is 4809 rubles.

The device consists of two modules with a memory capacity of 4 GB. Frequency 2666 MHz, bandwidth - 21300 MB / s.

Patriot Memory VIPER ELITE 8GB (4GBx2) DDR4 2666MHz DIMM 288pin CL16 PVE48G266C6KGY
  • XMP support;
  • excellent cooling;
  • interesting design;
  • ease of installation;
  • good work speed.
  • weak overclocking capability.

HyperX Fury 16GB (8GBx2) DDR4 2666MHz DIMM 288pin CL16 HX426C16FB3K2/16

The average price is 8079 rubles.

Two sticks of 8 GB each provide excellent support for even the most complex games. Frequency 2666 MHz, bandwidth - 21300 MB / s.

HyperX Fury 16GB (8GBx2) DDR4 2666MHz DIMM 288pin CL16 HX426C16FB3K2/16
  • XMP support;
  • the possibility of overclocking;
  • good passive cooling;
  • almost silent operation;
  • attractive design;
  • goods from a reliable, time-tested manufacturer.
  • not found.

Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (8GBx2) DDR4 2666MHz DIMM 288pin CL16 CMK16GX4M2A2666C16

The average price is 8109 rubles.

RAM is two sticks with a capacity of 8 GB each. Frequency 2666 MHz, bandwidth 21300 MB/s.

Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (8GBx2) DDR4 2666MHz DIMM 288pin CL16 CMK16GX4M2A2666C16
  • stylish design;
  • good cooling;
  • convenient placement of radiators.
  • weak overclocking capability.

HyperX Predator 64GB (16GBx4) DDR4 2666MHz DIMM 288pin CL13 HX426C13PB3K4/64

The average price is 35680 rubles.

This device consists of four modules, each with a capacity of 16 GB. This provides superior performance and high speed of the computer, even when performing the most complex graphics tasks. Frequency 2666 MHz, bandwidth 21300 MB/s.

HyperX Predator 64GB (16GBx4) DDR4 2666MHz DIMM 288pin CL13 HX426C13PB3K4/64
  • XMP support;
  • fast response;
  • work stability;
  • suitable for the most complex games and video editors.
  • poor compatibility with most devices;
  • high price.

Errors when choosing RAM

The issue of choosing RAM for your computer must be approached with full responsibility, because the speed and stability of its operation will depend on it no less than on the processor.The most common errors are listed below.

  1. Mismatching the frequency of RAM with the frequency of the motherboard and processor. The difference in frequencies can lead to the fact that the device will not be able to work at full capacity if the rest of the computer components are significantly inferior to it in this indicator.
  2. Inattention to the presence of cooling. Even if powerful coolers are installed inside the computer case, the modules will not interfere with their own cooling at all, since overheating can lead to system malfunctions.
  3. Error in choosing the type of memory. For devices of different generations, there are different types of slots in motherboards, and if there is no suitable slot. module cannot be installed. In addition, it is necessary to distinguish between RAM made for personal computers and for laptops, since their mounting is also different. The indicator of a module for a laptop is the so-dimm marking, for a desktop computer - dimm.
  4. Selecting the number of memory modules without taking into account the number of free slots on the motherboard.
  5. Installation of two modules, each of which operates in single-channel mode, instead of purchasing dual-channel RAM. Planks bought at random, especially if they also differ in memory capacity, instead of adding speed, can significantly slow it down, and also lead to many system errors.
  6. Choosing the amount of memory, focusing only on games. The average amount that is currently considered sufficient for a gaming PC is 16 GB. But we must not forget that RAM is tedious not only for the gaming process itself, but also for servicing the operating system, antivirus software and many other programs installed on the computer.Therefore, to the volume required for the game, it is necessary to add a margin of memory based on the specific configuration of the installed software.

Taking into account all the above nuances, the computer will only delight with its capabilities and will allow you to relax and unwind in a quality manner, spending time playing a colorful and dynamic game.

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