
  1. Mini PBX, what is it
  2. Varieties of PBX
  3. Control, programming and configuration
  4. Mini PBX - top of the best

Rating of the best mini PBXs for 2022

Rating of the best mini PBXs for 2022

At present, for the smooth operation of office workers, control over telephone lines is necessary. Requires management of internal outgoing and incoming calls. For these purposes, you can purchase a mini PBX.

Mini PBX, what is it

Mini PBX is a switching device that provides internal and external communication of the enterprise, primarily telephone. Mini PBX can perform the functions of an office PBX, PBX, UPATS. The functionality provided may vary by device model and configuration.

Using PBX, it is possible to significantly reduce the number of external lines, thereby not paying for an excessive number of telephone numbers.

PBX will save the organization an impressive amount of money, since internal calls will be free. The connection time between operators is short because short numbering is used.

Each firm can customize the equipment to suit their needs and needs. Existing city lines can be divided between employees (some make calls to the city, others talk on internal lines). Switching devices, as a rule, have a voice menu and other settings.

The main purpose of mini-ATS

This device is designed to perform the following functions:

  1. Call forwarding. This function is the most demanded, regardless of the type of business of the company. It is designed to forward incoming calls to a fax or to a specific employee of the enterprise. To do this, the person who picked up the phone dials the desired extension number and hangs up the phone. The external caller will hear certain music first. The connection to the internal destination will then be established. If the employee is absent for some reason, the call will be forwarded to the old number.
  2. "Interception" of a call. If an employee is at another workplace, and at that time his phone rang, the mini PBX will help answer the call. It is possible to do this even while the employee is moving around the building, from office to office. To do this, pick up the handset on any unit and dial a certain digital sequence. The call will be forwarded to this phone.
  3. You can receive a call when the operator is busy.If an employee is talking on the phone and a parallel call comes in, a special beep is heard in his handset. By dialing the desired sequence of numbers, you can switch to a new subscriber and talk to him.
  4. Connection order. If an employee cannot establish a connection with a company landline phone, a special code must be entered. Mini PBX will notify you that the desired line is free and make the connection.
  5. "Follow me". This option allows you to forward the call to any internal subscriber located on the territory of the building. Therefore, the employee may not be at the workplace, but receive work calls.
  6. Conference call. With this option, during a conversation between two people, several more can be connected to them for a conversation. Participants of such a conference can be both internal and external subscribers.
  7. Joining a conversation. With this option, the director can connect to the conversation with the subordinate at any time, even if at the moment, the employee is talking on the phone. Only a person with a certain status has the right to join the conversation. Connection to the subscriber is accompanied by a special signal. Appropriate sound beeps and priority levels are configured during the installation of the mini PBX.

Additional functions

Mini PBX, in addition to the basic functions, has additional options. They are useful in certain moments of work. Below, examples of some of them will be given.

If the person working on the main line is busy (talking), the incoming call can be queued. The external operator will hear a voice message, which can be done by yourself, depending on the specifics of the job.It can be not only a simple request to stay on the line, but also a message of a certain content.

In order to unload the work of the secretary, external users are given the opportunity to independently call the internal number of a particular department or company specialist.

The mini PBX is equipped with speech processors, which makes it possible for each internal employee to use an answering machine. Voice message allows you to process incoming information without human intervention.

Each employee can be given a personal code for making long-distance and international calls. Thus, the manager will know which of the employees made calls outside the city network. If the employee does not have a special cipher, then he will not be able to use the toll line.

Varieties of PBX

Office telephone exchanges using such equipment allow you to make as many phone calls as possible between networks in cases where the price per call is less than usual.

Analog mini PBX

The principle of operation of an analog PBX is that sound vibrations are converted into electrical ones, and the “electrical” model of an audio message completely repeats the “pattern” of sound vibrations. That is why such a conversion is called analog.

A device of this type should be used in cases where the number of users within the network does not exceed 80, and there is no need for digital connections. In these cases, the installation of an analog PBX will be more economically feasible, because. the capabilities that the equipment will provide users will be similar to digital options. However, analog PBX will cost less.

Digital PBXs

Digital PBXs take into service more than eighty ports at once.Such installations convert speech streams into binary pulses using the pulse code modulation method. Digital installations are more expensive compared to analog ones, as they are able to give the user, in addition to the number of ports already noted above, the ability, for example, to connect digital terminal equipment.

It is worth noting that the cost will be the higher, the greater the number of functions of the PBX is able to provide. At the same time, the user will not always need all the functionality, which means that there is a risk of overpaying for something that will not be applied in practice. That's why:

When choosing a PBX, it is important to clearly formulate the tasks of the communication system, special requirements. This will allow you to choose a switching device that will provide the required functionality and, other things being equal, will cost less.

Wireless PBX

Wireless devices used in the office do not require a wired connection and establish a mobile connection for employees. If such a system is used, then all employees must have special radiotelephones available for movement throughout the enterprise. An important advantage over cellular communications is that it is free to use.

The capacitive characteristics of such exchanges are increased without any trouble. To use this type of connection, no authorization documents are required. Radiotelephones, unlike wired counterparts, are not subject to eavesdropping. At the same time, they have a high-quality and clear sound.

Virtual PBXs

This type of device can be considered a product of the most modern technologies. The virtual autonomous station is located on the server of the Internet provider, does not need to purchase additional equipment and is built into the network already laid in the offices.

Using such a network, cash costs fall to a minimum. And if necessary, you can increase the capacity of this mini-station in a very short time.

If suddenly the office was forced to move, there is no need to replace the current telephone numbers and call the wizards to install and connect a virtual PBX - all control functions are transferred via the Internet.

PBX using GSM

GSM PBX is intended for organizing telephone communication in places where it is impossible to lay other types of lines, but the signal of any mobile operator is available.

The GSM gateway increases the number of external lines and also reduces the cost of office mobile communications. You can install this type of stand-alone telephone exchanges anywhere that is covered by your network of IP addresses.

Control, programming and configuration

The advantage of a mini-PBX is that you can carry out full administration or change settings, both from a system telephone and using a computer.

The easiest way is to program the PBX using a proprietary telephone. First, no additional hardware is needed. In addition, in the office, in any case, there is already one telephone connected to the system (supplied with a mini-ATS). Secondly, setting up from the phone takes much less time.

First of all, the device is connected to the system port, then the “Program” mode is selected. And only then the main parameters (short internal number, subscriber's name) are selected on the numeric keypad. When prompted for a password, the numbers 1,2,3,4 are typed on the keyboard. After that, you need to distribute the incoming / outgoing communication. Otherwise, every time you make a phone call, all phones in the office will ring.

Attention: depending on the type of PBX, the algorithm of actions may vary. Some PBXs cannot be configured independently. Since in modern models, for example, Panasonic of the NSP and TDE series, access to programming is possible only after entering a login and password, which is issued only to certified specialists.

Among the shortcomings is the impossibility of remote work. Therefore, setting up system telephones is possible only at the client's premises.

Complete initial configuration is easier to perform from a computer. For example, if you need to perform many operations (distribution of incoming / outgoing communications). You can use the KX-TE Maintenance Console to do this. The settings are grouped in thematic tabs. It doesn't take long to find what you need.

The PBX is connected to a computer or laptop via USB. It is also possible to work remotely. But you will need to install software on your computer (the disk is supplied with the hardware kit).
The advantage of PC configuration is that all original configuration settings can be saved. And in case of resetting the settings (when turning off, PBX failure), quickly restore.

Setting up via a modem is a rather complicated method that was used 10 years ago, and will certainly require certain knowledge from the user. Typically, this method is used at remote sites that are not equipped with a PC, where there is a telephone line, and the Internet connection is unstable or does not exist at all.

Mini PBX - top of the best

Today, telephone devices have several varieties. Office PBXs are offered by many well-known manufacturers of digital office equipment: Samsung, LG, Panasonic, Siemens.Mini-devices can be of different types: digital, analog, hybrid. Both standard PBXs and compact modern stations were included in the rating of the best.

Panasonic KX-TEB308

The latest release of the KX-TEB308 series analog devices from a well-known manufacturer provide high-quality communication within a small enterprise. Automation allows for high-quality and efficient processing of all calls with their routing. All expenses for the organization of communication work are subject to accounting. The latest generation of analog telephone exchange has successfully replaced the outdated models of the KX-T206 series. These mini-stations are fully compatible with analog types of office equipment.

Panasonic KX-TEB308 belongs to the entry-level hybrid analog stations. It is distinguished by the impossibility of changing the configuration and the absence of any extensions. It has the same standard volume of telephone lines: only 3 urban lines and up to eight internal ones. A maximum of 4 proprietary telephones can be connected to it. Such volumes are often used in private households, and if in an enterprise, then very small.

Panasonic KX-TEB308
  • you can program the work from various devices: PC, modem installation, system phone;
  • all users can use the function of identifying the subscriber's number;
  • several operating modes of the station are available;
  • presence of voice mail;
  • the conference feature has two outside lines.
  • not detected.

Panasonic KX-TES824 / KX-TEM824

Modern models have the possibility of additional expansion and installation of two additional boards for connecting additional lines, urban and domestic. The maximum capacity is 8 external numbers and 24 internal numbers.

The capacity of the new mini-stations from Panasonic differs from one another, but they have the same functionality. All mini PBXs of this manufacturer are compatible with Panasonic system models and analog equipment used in offices - faxes, telephones, modems. There are "hybrid ports" for connecting extensions. It is possible to connect a cordless DECT telephone in parallel.

The KX-TES824 model is considered basic, has a simple name "S-ka", allows you to connect city lines through three ports, there are 8 hybrid ports for internal lines. To increase the capacity of the mini-station to the maximum size, two empty slots are available.

Panasonic KX-TEM824, "M-ka", completely coincides in function with "S-koy", but it already has a board for additional connection of urban and hybrid internal lines. Its capacity, therefore, is 6/16 format as standard, and when the KX-TE82480x board is connected, its capacity becomes maximum, increasing to 8/24. This card, identified by the letter L, can add 8 non-hybrid lines to connect non-proprietary telephones.

These models are used to provide communications for offices and small businesses. It is possible to create an internal telephone network with a further expansion perspective.

Panasonic KX-TES824 / KX-TEM824
  • increase of connected external lines to the station up to eight instead of the planned six;
  • use for programming a computer, phones, modem device;
  • availability of caller ID function in FSK/DTMF format to all internal subscribers;
  • presence of voice mail;
  • the presence of one OGM channel and a built-in DISA function.
  • not detected.

Maksikom MXM500P

Digital IP PBX Maksik MXM500P is a universal switch for IP and classic telephony, one-way and two-way GGS, facsimile. Any of the hundreds of possible configurations Maksik MXM500P provides a complete set of necessary functions, as well as a built-in director-dispatching service. Therefore, this model of automatic telephone exchange is widely used as an office automatic telephone exchange, PBX and PBX at enterprises and in organizations of civil and special purposes. Special modifications of the MXM500P are installed on some Atomflot icebreakers and function as KATS (ship automatic telephone exchanges).

Access to the most important service functions is possible from any telephone set connected to the PBX.

Maximum comfort of using communication capabilities and maximum efficiency of its management are provided by connecting system telephones. The station has the status of TORP (telecommunication equipment of Russian origin), which is very important for import substitution programs.

The MXM500P not only allows multi-party conferences with up to 63 participants and the ability to gather with the touch of a button, but also conference calls, during which the host grants voting rights to individual employees, can connect additional participants and entire departments.

The station provides up to 620 external trunk lines (CO), up to 1280 internal lines for telephone sets, up to 384 system SLT lines (STA), up to 128 external SIP lines, up to 256 third-party SIP phones, up to 4 E1 streams. Depending on the scale and complexity of the tasks, solutions are offered based on one, two and three ATS units.

This model has the widest range of connected terminal equipment. These are conventional, and system telephones, and DECT bases, and intercoms, and intercoms. With the help of special adapters, loudspeaker channels are connected to the SL or SL ports (no special boards are required for this). In addition, it is possible to connect voice frequency channels and special telephones of the MB system, gateways, routers, faxes and fax modems.

Maksikom MXM500P allows you to configure the external and internal communication of the organization in strict accordance with its tasks and features. For this, group and individual subscriber settings are used, including the settings for prohibitions / permissions. Thus, the communication system is tuned to a specific management model adopted in a given organization. What's more, internal communication is guaranteed to be confidential.

System scaling does not require the purchase of additional licenses. The cost of solutions based on MXM500P is lower than that of solutions of similar functionality with imported PBXs.

Maksikom MXM500P
  • It is a universal switch for telephone IP, facsimile communication;
  • Wide range of connected equipment;
  • Flexible configuration;
  • There are solutions based on one, two and three ATS units;
  • The optimum ratio of price and quality;
  • Fast payback: 6-8 months.
  • Not detected.

Ericsson LG Aria Soho

In the past few years, an innovative development from LG Ericsson-LG Aria Soho has won the hearts of consumers and has become one of the recognized leaders in sales. This station works great on a typical telephone line.

The station has a high-quality cable for connection.After it is connected to the appropriate port, you will need to enter your password and do further settings according to the detailed instructions available.

Compared with similar products, this telephone exchange has wider features. In the factory configuration, the station can work with eight subscribers simultaneously and three external lines. The modular structure will allow you to easily expand the possibilities and make it possible to connect up to 48 subscribers of internal lines and up to 12 external ones. Mandatory features such as comfortable handling of outgoing and incoming calls, instant call forwarding makes this station really reliable to use.

Ericsson LG Aria Soho
  • there is a function of filtering and barring incoming calls;
  • the possibility of conference calls with 15 internal and external subscribers;
  • built-in automatic secretary and the ability to notify subscribers about the event;
  • can connect to faxes, intercoms and any other external devices;
  • analyzes traffic.
  • no.

Ericsson-LG IPECS-300

This system is able to serve up to 300 internal subscribers and up to 200 external lines without loss of quality. The built-in control module has its own iPECS protocol, thanks to which it economically uses all the resources of this mini PBX.

The digital station has 6 channels for the voice mail function, which can record for 230 minutes. Spacious memory - up to 6,000 subscriber numbers. The device is equipped with other features:

  • there are connectors for connecting external devices and blocks;
  • it is possible to combine with several stations;
  • you can connect multiple phones;
  • supports WiFi.
Ericsson-LG IPECS-300
  • capacious memory;
  • maintaining a long-term relationship.
  • not found.

Siemens HiPath 3000

This modern communication system is the best suited for organizations of small and medium forms of management. There is access to city telephone lines with connection to various telecom operators. The station can work with Internet providers. The device productively supports IP-telephony with integrated switches. Phones can be connected with one cable each to the LAN system. The WLAN base station will carry voice communications and system applications.

HiPath Xpressions will enable voicemail and multimedia exchange within a large organization. Various feature sets adapt well to any user.

Numerous applications, error control system in the internal network, similar to cellular communication, the ability to integrate with third-party manufacturers of similar products increase the efficiency of business processes and improve overall productivity.

Siemens HiPath 3000
  • the possibility of application for medium forms of business, including hotels;
  • advanced features compared to similar products on the market;
  • wide variability of server capabilities.
  • not found.

Samsung Office Server

The system combines the solutions of a miniature telephone exchange, a router for connecting to the Internet and a wireless access point to the network. It is possible to connect to an external line through two independent communication nodes. There is a standard port for Internet access. Support for the Wi-Fi function allows you to effectively build local networks and connect to the global Internet.OfficeServ SOHO not only has a completely standard PBX solution for any office, but also expands the possibilities with the ability to serve up to 8 Wi-Fi devices.

Samsung devices in the telecommunications market are popular due to the combination of build quality and technical capabilities of the stations. Easy and intuitive operation, innovative solutions and almost limitless compatibility with many devices add pluses to Samsung products. Built-in capabilities to support WLAN, Wi-Fi IP-telephony make Samsung devices one of the best-selling in recent years.

Samsung Office Server
  • adaptation to Russian networks and an extremely small number of failures due to the exceptional technical reliability of the Samsung station;
  • the ability to provide different types of communication for the work of small and medium-sized businesses;
  • simple operation and installation of stations;
  • you can reduce the cost of paying for calls if you connect the company's offices into one numbering plan;
  • operation and maintenance of remote subscribers.
  • not found.

Telephone exchanges for offices are reliable systems for providing high-quality communication between external and internal subscribers. These devices distribute the load on the lines so that they all work normally, without overloads. Incoming and outgoing calls, forwarding services to other numbers, work in standby mode - all these basic functions meet the needs of modern business. When choosing compact telephone devices for your office, take into account the intensity and load of telephone communication centers, the choice of model and installation features depend on this.

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