
  1. Features of higher medical education
  2. Criterias of choice
  3. Selection Guide
  4. TOP-5 best medical universities in Moscow for 2022

Rating of the best medical universities in Moscow in 2022

Rating of the best medical universities in Moscow in 2022

Becoming a doctor is not easy, because it's about gaining the skill to treat people, save lives, stand guard over health. In Moscow, medical and nursing education is taught in thirteen universities. The question is how to choose the best one, where the noblest profession in the world is taught with the highest quality. Before submitting documents, it is advisable to find out as much as possible about the educational institution of interest. We have collected complete information about the most popular, according to graduates, medical universities in the capital and compiled a ranking of the best for 2022.

Features of higher medical education

In medical universities of our country, there is an exclusively full-time form of education.At the entrance exams, the main disciplines are surrendered - biology, chemistry. The average undergraduate course is 6 years, with the exception of nursing - 4 years, dentistry, pharmacy - 5 years. After obtaining a diploma of a general practitioner, there are two options for continuing higher education in the field of medicine:

  • residency (2 years) - for obtaining a narrow specialty of a practicing doctor (along with classical programs, there are rare ones - space medicine, diving medicine, etc.);
  • postgraduate study (3 years) - for future scientists (after defending a dissertation, a candidate of medical sciences degree is awarded upon graduation).

Applicants try to choose prestigious famous universities in Moscow, despite the difficulties of admission and education:

  • high passing scores in the USE (average of 80);
  • score for admission (from 370 out of the maximum possible 400);
  • a large competition (about 50 people per place);
  • a small number of budget places;
  • high cost of education (200-300 thousand rubles a year);
  • busy schedule;
  • a large amount of material to digest.

Criterias of choice

How to choose the right educational institution, everyone decides for himself, but it is appropriate to know what to look for, consider the selection criteria.

Type of

  1. State - educational institutions established by the state or municipality.
  2. Private - the founders are individuals or legal entities.

In addition to the form of ownership, there are no other differences between them. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of non-state educational institutions, they contain all the elements that are in state ones:

  • state accreditation;
  • standard diploma;
  • having budget dreams;
  • scholarships;
  • payment for maternity capital;
  • respite from the army;
  • benefits for students.

The main condition is the availability of accreditation, which can be easily checked on the Rosobrnadzor website.


What are medical universities?

  • the university is a multidisciplinary educational institution with various training programs in medical specialties;
  • the institute is a single-profile institution of narrowly focused activities for the training of medical personnel;
  • academy - trains a wide range of specialists in the field of medicine.

passing scores

Upon admission, an important role is played by the passing scores required for admission, the number of which will be enough to get on the budget. For applicants in targeted areas, these scores are usually lower. There are categories of beneficiaries who enter without taking into account passing points out of competition. Having learned the indicators of the last year, the future applicant can evaluate their estimated opportunities for admission to the next academic year.

Budget places

In state and commercial universities, a certain number of budget places are allocated, involving tuition fees from the founders of the institution. Students in this case study free of charge. Even if financially possible, everyone strives to go to the budget: this is a kind of indicator of success, independence, and an increase in student self-esteem. Among medical universities in Moscow, there are those where exclusively commercial training is supposed, it is appropriate to clarify this even before admission, so as not to experience disappointment in the future.

Places in the hostel

Relevant for non-resident applicants and local in the presence of good reasons. These include:

  • orphans;
  • disabled since childhood;
  • disabled people of I, II groups;
  • children from large, incomplete, low-income families;
  • children of disabled parents;
  • participants in local wars.

After the settlement of these categories of applicants, rooms are allocated to the rest, subject to availability. In some universities, an application for a place in a hostel is written when submitting documents, in others - after the announcement of the list of applicants.


To get a complete picture of the university of interest, when deciding which one is better to choose, it is advisable to analyze all the reviews about it. For this you can use:

  • communities in social networks;
  • review sites;
  • alumni forums;
  • advice from acquaintances who graduated from a certain metropolitan medical school.

It is not recommended to rely solely on advertising information from the official website: it gives a somewhat one-sided presentation of the advantages with no cons.

Selection Guide

  1. To be firmly confident in the correctness of the choice of the future profession. Otherwise, you will have to change the direction of study or educational institution.
  2. Objectively evaluate your strengths for admission to the institution of interest. Clearly present the requirements for applicants, passing scores, competition for a place.
  3. Have all the necessary information about the educational institution: is there a place in the hostel, how can you get to the educational buildings, how much does tuition cost, payment methods, are there budget places in this specialty, is it possible to get on the budget or study for a fee.
  4. Preliminarily study all available Internet resources in order to analyze the feedback from students and graduates about this university. This will allow you to get a complete picture of it and the learning process, find out the advantages and disadvantages, and avoid mistakes when choosing.
  5. For a more detailed study, it is advisable to visit an open day, view the official website, a list of teachers, a description of curricula, photos of buildings, classrooms, and infrastructure.

TOP-5 best medical universities in Moscow for 2022

Consider the rating of high-quality, in terms of education, metropolitan higher educational medical institutions, where it is better to enter in 2022.


Address: Trubetskaya st., 8
☎+7 (499) 248-0553

The most popular medical university in Moscow and the Moscow Region is traditionally recognized from year to year as the First Moscow State Medical University. I.M. Sechenov with invariably the best teaching staff, voluminous educational programs. This is the largest of the Russian medical universities - a real research center for the development of domestic medicine as a science. The total number of students is 17 thousand people. More than two thousand teachers work at 120 departments, while every eight out of ten have a degree and are engaged in science. For admission, you will have to work hard: in addition to the exam, entrance exams are taken, the passing score is quite high - about 330, budget places are allocated, but not much).

The list of educational programs is impressive:

  • medical business;
  • dentistry;
  • pharmacy;
  • medical and preventive business;
  • pediatrics;
  • clinical psychology;
  • bioinformatics.

Within the framework of the undergraduate program are presented:

  • nursing;
  • management;
  • social work;
  • biotechnology.

Remote technologies, web-based learning, an electronic library, virtual operating rooms and laboratories are actively used. The university is famous for its unique scientific and medical library. The basis of the classes is self-preparation and practice.The educational buildings are located close to each other, which is convenient for students, each has a canteen with an inexpensive tasty menu of hot dishes. All students are paid a small academic or social stipend. The best of the best receive increased, presidential and other types of scholarships.

Within the framework of the new generation GEF, a virtual clinic is successfully operating, where students work out practical professional skills on simulators, phantoms, and simulators.
Created several years ago, Sechenov Pre-University conducts preparatory courses for students in grades 9-11 for successful admission. Student dormitories in the amount of five buildings are designed for 2600 places, including rooms adapted for the disabled.
In extracurricular activities, everyone can show their talents, the university has creative, sports, intellectual clubs, studios, circles. There is a student government.

Tuition fee: 415 thousand rubles. in year.

  • the strongest teaching staff;
  • rich educational programs;
  • emphasis on practice and self-study;
  • virtual clinic;
  • use of computer technologies of training;
  • versatile extracurricular life;
  • closely spaced buildings;
  • unique library;
  • guaranteed scholarship;
  • canteens with hot meals.
  • high cost of education;
  • few places in hostels.


Address: st. Delegatskaya, 20/1
☎+7 (495) 681-6513

The second line in the top five is confidently occupied by the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry. A.I. Evdokimova. It is a popular center for higher medical education in dentistry and related specialties.

Teachers work on the author's innovative programs, aiming to train specialists, in addition to the most popular area - dentistry, in a number of others:

  • medical business;
  • economy;
  • social work;
  • pedagogical education at the higher medical school;
  • clinical psychology.

There is also a faculty of additional professional education, a military training center. The opportunity to get on the budget is explained by the not too high passing score - 260, the large number of allocated budget places - 290, and the lack of entrance exams. The results of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, chemistry, biology are counted.

At 80 departments, systematic training in the sciences of health, practical programs is carried out.

University clinics:

  • medical center in building No. 1;
  • center of dentistry;
  • center of maxillofacial, plastic surgery and dentistry.

The Department of Organization of Scientific Projects conducts:

  • clinical trials of medicines;
  • testing of medical devices for state registration;
  • post-registration diagnostics;
  • marketing research of medical products (medical equipment, tools).

In all buildings of the university there are fast food outlets - cafes, coffee machines. Student dormitories are represented by three buildings equipped with furniture, household appliances, bedding. The second and third buildings house the university library, which provides textbooks for students, residents, graduate students, and methodological literature for teachers. All copies are available electronically. Educational buildings are located far from each other, which entails inevitable travel costs.

All conditions for learning, full-fledged practice, informal life, creative, sports interests of students are created here.

The extracurricular spectrum includes:

  • student rescue team;
  • eco-movement;
  • media center;
  • trade union committee;
  • parliamentary council;
  • sports club in seven directions;
  • creative teams.

Future doctors develop their talents, find activities according to their interests, thereby expanding their horizons, living a rich life.

Tuition fee: 450 thousand rubles. in year.

  • high quality education;
  • the best dental direction;
  • a wide range of specialties;
  • rich library fund;
  • affordable hostel;
  • lack of entrance exams;
  • versatile informal life;
  • participation of students in clinical trials.
  • expensive training.


Address: Ostrovityanova street, 1
☎+7 (495) 434-0543

The third in the top five is the Russian National Research Medical University. N.I. Pirogov, where about ten thousand Russian and foreign students study annually. More than a thousand teachers work at 135 departments, combining scientific activity with practice, thanks to which classes are held in the best metropolitan clinics. The passing score of the USE is 271, with a shortfall, you can enter on a paid basis. First-year students are taught in one building, which is very convenient. There is a rich library that provides the necessary educational literature, although not new, but in the right amount. But there is only one dining room. Therefore, you have to take breakfast from home, have a snack in the buffet.

Despite the presence of a whole campus, consisting of four comfortable dormitory buildings, only beneficiaries manage to get a place.The rest are looking for housing on their own. Extracurricular activities are diverse, this includes sports sections and clubs, student government, and a volunteer organization. Cultural and creative studios are widely represented:

  • choir;
  • vocal studio;
  • dances of different directions;;
  • KVN;
  • theatre;
  • poetry club;
  • orchestra;
  • cinema club;
  • drawing studio;
  • guitar club.

Everyone here will find something to their liking in their free time from study.

Tuition fee: 330 thousand rubles. in year.

  • teachers who combine science and practice;
  • effective educational programs;
  • many areas of study;
  • classes in the best clinics of the capital;
  • rich library;
  • interesting extracurricular life;
  • participation in scientific and practical events.
  • few places in the hostel.


Address: Lomonosovsky pr-t, 27
☎+7 (495) 932-8814

The Faculty of Fundamental Medicine of Moscow State University named after M.V. M.V. Lomonosov. There are two areas of study here:

  1. medical business;
  2. pharmacy.

Moscow State University is included by the World Health Organization in the list of universities that produce qualified doctors. The difficulty of entering the oldest Moscow university known far beyond the borders of our country is due to the high passing scores of the Unified State Examination (at least 373, including Russian, chemistry, biology, specialized mathematics), a small number of budget places (no more than 70), high tuition fees (about half a million rubles a year).

Lectures and practical classes are conducted by lecturers from the best universities in Europe and the USA, leading Russian medical scientists. Together with scientists from the Michigan Medical University, a system for early cancer detection has been developed and is being tested, which will allow us to successfully fight a terrible disease.Within the framework of the educational program in the direction of "Pharmacy", the training of professionals engaged in research, development, production of medicines is carried out. An in-depth study of the English language, information technologies of clinical medicine is being conducted. As part of cooperation with European medical universities, the most worthy students undergo internships abroad. The best laboratory assistants, graduate students, senior students receive nominal scholarships. Extracurricular life at the faculty consists of:

  • sports clubs (football, volleyball, basketball);
  • theatre studio;
  • cinema club;
  • student council;
  • media center.

Traditional events, sightseeing trips around the country and to Europe, interuniversity competitions and festivals are held.

Average cost of education: 390 thousand rubles. in year.

  • high level of teaching;
  • prestigious university;
  • active extracurricular life;
  • double diploma;
  • overseas internship;
  • the opportunity to receive a nominal scholarship;
  • large campus;
  • participation in scientific and clinical research.
  • expensive education;
  • difficult to do.

RUDN Medical Institute

Address: st. Miklukho-Maclay, 6
☎+7 (495) 787-3827

Closes the rating popular in the capital and Moscow region Medical Institute of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. The main advantages are interesting scientific student projects, the possibility of internships abroad. The largest division of RUDN University trains highly qualified international specialists in the following specialties:

  • medical business;
  • dentistry;
  • pharmacy.

More than 1,700 students, 1,000 residents, graduate students from different countries study here every year.For half a century of history, about 6.5 thousand certified doctors and pharmacists for 112 countries of the world have come out of its walls. At 43 departments, experienced teachers, leading scientists conduct training:

  • professors;
  • academicians of Russian and foreign academies;
  • honored scientists;
  • Laureates of the State Prize;
  • doctors and candidates of sciences.

The Institute constantly participates in scientific and educational events:

  • scientific seminars;
  • scientific and practical conferences;
  • Assembly "Healthy Moscow";
  • scientific and clinical research in the studied disciplines.

There is a student scientific and educational center, a community of young doctors, a literary and musical lecture hall, and a student theater.
Preparatory courses are held for applicants - medical and biological school "Medic", Open Days. The institute is equipped with 14 modern scientific laboratories with the function of training education by the method of information and computer testing, a system of webinars, live broadcasts. Practical classes are held in our own departments of liver fibroscanning, andrology, computed tomography.

In the specialty "General Medicine", the minimum passing score is 227, there are only 30 budget places, the cost of education is 340 thousand rubles. in year.

  • strong teaching staff;
  • cooperation with foreign medical universities;
  • internships in other countries;
  • high level of technical equipment;
  • own clinical departments, laboratories;
  • participation in scientific and educational events;
  • training in the latest methods and technologies of treatment;
  • a wide range of extracurricular activities;
  • adequately priced training;
  • good cheap eatery.
  • big competition for the budget.

The presented rating with an overview of the five best medical universities in Moscow and the Moscow region will tell you how not to make a mistake with the choice if you passionately want to become a high-class doctor.

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