
  1. Types of eyelash care products
  2. Rating of the best natural oils
  3. Rating of the best cosmetic oils for eyelashes
  4. Usage Tips
  5. Conclusion

Ranking of the best eyelash oils for 2022

Ranking of the best eyelash oils for 2022

The daily care of a girl and a woman who wants to look attractive at any age consists in applying various kinds of cosmetics to the skin of her face. And often, many people think that this is enough, forgetting about eyelashes and eyebrows. But it is their condition that gives our face a special zest, emphasizing the dignity.

Types of eyelash care products

Each female representative considers long and thick eyelashes to be one of her advantages. But what about those who by nature do not possess this wealth? Correcting the situation and making your eyes bright will help proper care not only for the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eye we are considering, but also for the skin around. If you have damaged hairs or they are simply sparse and short by nature, various cosmetics come to the rescue. These include:

  1. Oils;
  2. Serums;
  3. Gels;
  4. Drops.

Our review today is dedicated to the ranking of the best oils for eyelashes in 2022.

Features of oils and their effect

First, let's get acquainted with the concept itself. These are substances of oil consistency, which include vitamins and minerals of various groups. Their job is to feed the hairs inside. Those. they do not mask them from the outside, creating only a visible effect, they literally heal them and promote growth and strengthening. In addition, healthy hair will shine and become thicker.

To achieve the described effect is possible only through long-term and systematic use.

Rating of the best natural oils

Usma oil

Perfect for those who suffer from excessive hair loss of eyelashes and eyebrows. It helps to strengthen them, stimulates growth and, accordingly, an increase in volume. Those who have already tried it note the shine and the fact that the hairs became stronger. A stunning effect is achieved due to the components present in its composition, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair follicles as a whole.

If we talk about the visible effect, then you can observe it after two weeks of use, provided that it is regular. When applied, you will not feel discomfort in the eyes.

Usma oil
  • noticeable effect;
  • comfortable application;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • not greasy.
  • not detected.

A bottle of such a product will cost you about 290 rubles.

Castor oil

A natural product suitable for everyone, taking into account individual intolerance. It is able to restore hairs in 3.5 weeks. At the same time, the owners of their dark shades may later be surprised that their eyelashes look so amazing that they can easily be compared with false ones, so their volume increases.

Castor oil
  • noticeable transformation;
  • enhances color;
  • limitations:
  • the oil has a specific smell;
  • may leave greasy marks.
  • not detected.

The average price is 40 rubles.

Burr oil

The composition includes natural substances that strengthen the hairs when used for several weeks. It is recommended to use it every day before you go to bed. Tellingly, it is safe for 100% of users. With it, you can not worry that some kind of allergic reaction will occur. Even if a droplet gets into your eye, you should blink quickly and the discomfort will go away. After a few weeks of use, you will notice that the eyelashes look healthier. And most importantly, this is not a visual effect, they will really become healthy.

Burr oil
  • noticeable effect;
  • composition rich in vitamins;
  • will not cause discomfort during application;
  • acceptable price.
  • not detected.

Peach oil

Its cost is on average about 70 rubles.

The tool is suitable for most girls and women, because it is absolutely safe to use. Due to its texture, after a short period of time there are no greasy marks left. Due to its components, it gives volume to the eyelashes, making them shiny.

Peach oil
  • minimal consumption, due to which, the bottle lasts for a long time;
  • safe to use;
  • easy to clean;
  • acceptable price.
  • not detected.

The price for a bottle of 30 ml will be 100 rubles.

Almond oil

Due to the natural composition, in which vitamins, various acids, etc. the process of growth, as well as strengthening and recovery, is noticeably accelerated. Well suited for those girls who are fond of building.

This type contributes to a beneficial effect not only for the eyelashes, but also for the upper eyelid. Means looks after, gives the restoring effect.

Almond oil
  • economical consumption;
  • minimum price;
  • a universal remedy not only for eyelashes, but also for the skin of the eyes.
  • not detected.

The average price is set at 75 rubles.

Peanut butter

The product cares not only for eyelashes, but also for hair on the head. It is completely natural and is taken from the root part of burdock. Because This product is universal, for each individual application, separate bottles are produced.

What distinguishes this remedy from the previous ones is its texture. It is much denser and due to this it can cause difficulties in removing it. But despite this, the effect will please, your eyelashes will noticeably increase in volume and become more elastic.

Peanut butter
  • cost-effective to purchase;
  • consumption - economical;
  • can be used as a hair treatment.
  • may be difficult to clean.

The cost of such oil in a bottle of 100 ml varies around 90 rubles.

apricot oil

It is logical to assume that it is extracted from the seeds of the fruit of the same name - apricot. It will provide you with care not only for eyelashes, but also for the skin around the eyes.With frequent use, many consumers notice a positive effect on the skin in the form of its rejuvenation and even smoothing of expression lines. Eyelashes become soft and shiny, so to speak, health inside, health outside. It will also act as a regenerating agent in case of damage to hair extensions.

The texture is not to say that it is very thick, but not liquid, medium fluidity.

apricot oil
  • average price;
  • spent for a long time;
  • takes care of both eyelashes and skin.
  • not detected.

Sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn itself is a very useful product. The substance that is extracted from its fruits is also great for treating, nourishing and strengthening eyelashes.

It has a characteristic orange color for this product. You should pay special attention to this parameter, because when using it, you can get things dirty.

Sea buckthorn oil
  • well helps in treatment and care;
  • spent moderately.
  • capable of leaving traces of a characteristic color;
  • the price is above average.

What I want to say about the cost, it will average 150 rubles.

Camphor oil white

This product differs from all the previous ones in that, due to its concentration, it cannot be used in its pure form, because. It is not safe. Refers to the type of essential oils that are used in conjunction with the base base - oil. Combining it with other formulations gives a positive effect and noticeably thickens the hairs, making the eyelashes thick. Many note the appearance of the effect of twisting.

Speaking of dosage, 3 drops of this remedy fall on one tablespoon of the base.

Camphor oil white
  • economical consumption;
  • very effective tool.
  • cost above average;
  • cannot be used in pure form.

The price for a bottle of 30 ml will be about 200 rubles.

Rating of the best cosmetic oils for eyelashes

Here we look at the best tools that can give your look even more charm. On the shelves of specialized stores you will find the following oils:

Spivak Argana

The tool belongs to the budget. And despite its cost, it gives an excellent result, namely:

  • gives density;
  • give elasticity;
  • creates shine.

Contains several natural oils. It is absolutely safe to use. Suitable for all skin types, both sensitive and normal.

Spivak Argan oil for eyelashes
  • acceptable price;
  • the composition that ensures the effectiveness of the agent;
  • convenient bottle with a brush.
  • difficult to find on the shelves of cosmetics stores.

The average price for this oil is 170 rubles.


Another tool that will suit the owners of "capricious" skin. With regular use, eyelashes will become noticeably thicker. This effect is achieved by strengthening the hairs at the very bulbs. Due to its composition, the action is faster than many other analog products.

DNC oil for eyelashes and eyebrows
  • affordable price;
  • suitable for both eyelashes and eyebrows;
  • composition is rich in vitamins.
  • the vial is fragile and can be easily damaged.

The price is the same as the previous tool - 170 rubles.

CC Brow Lash Oil

This bottle will cost you twice as much as the previous ones, but in return you will get an amazing effect on every hair. Natural ingredients in the right combination give us this remedy.This is a real storehouse of vitamins. After a few weeks of use, you will understand why the price is above average. If we talk about the timing when the result can be seen, then this is literally two weeks. There is one drawback when using - this is that the packaging comes without a special brush.

CC Brow Lash Oil
  • hypoallergenic;
  • composition rich in vitamins and natural ingredients;
  • fast and amazing effect.
  • some may have difficulty applying;
  • no brush included.

The cost is from 350 rubles.

Royal Brow

This cosmetic product cannot be called cheap and even attributed to the middle price segment. It not only strengthens, lengthens and makes eyelashes noticeably thicker, but is also used as a remedy that has a healing effect. Here we are talking about a situation where the eyelashes are severely damaged due to various factors:

  • building up for a long time;
  • other damage, resulting in severe deformation of the hairs.

If for all previous products the effect is noticeable after several weeks of use, then here the eyelashes improve their appearance after the first application. This is evidenced by many positive reviews from consumers.

royal brow oil
  • attractive appearance;
  • super impact in a short time;
  • safe to use.
  • high price - 750 rubles.

Brow Xenna

Due to the combined composition of several types of oils, it gives a noticeable result even, sometimes, in hopeless cases. Works great to prevent the loss of eyelashes, to create their healthy look. Manufacturers took into account one interesting feature of storage - this is a dark bottle.Thanks to this solution, the properties are preserved for a long time.

You will be able to achieve the desired result with long-term systematic use.

Brow Xenna
  • has a positive effect on damaged areas;
  • if you color eyelashes, the paint is not damaged during application;
  • convenient to use.
  • the effect is noticeable after prolonged use;
  • the price is above average.

The average price is 600 rubles.

Usage Tips

You should not assume that if you apply this or that oil, then success is guaranteed to you. It is not enough just to apply it, you need to know how to do it correctly so that the effect is even greater. And it is also important to take into account the fact that our skin, which is located around the eyes, is especially vulnerable and requires special care. And so, we offer you a few rules:

  1. The first step is cleansing. Before processing eyelashes, they need to be cleaned of mascara residues. This is necessary so that there is no negative interaction between the oil and the components of the carcass. You also need to remove all makeup from your face and get rid of the lenses if you wear them.
  2. Before applying, massage the skin around the eyes. So the oil will better penetrate inside and the effect will occur faster.
  3. It is a mistake to assume that the fatter you put on the composition, the better. And in general, it is not recommended to cover them completely. It is best if you start applying from the middle. At the same time, in order to avoid contact with the eyes, the brush on which the product is located should not be abundantly saturated with it.
  4. Before you apply the oil, you need to pour some of it into a separate vessel. And apply only when it reaches a temperature above room temperature.
  5. As for the storage method.It is recommended to leave the bottle in the refrigerator, but not on the shelf, but on the door, where the temperature is most optimal for it.
  6. Like any product, it has a shelf life. you can see it on the package. There is another way - it is to smell the oil. If you feel that the smell is not what it was before, do not risk it, get a new one. It will be better for your own safety, or rather, the safety of your eyes.

Do not use the tool without interruptions. Do it at least every 3 weeks. This is necessary so that your eyes rest from the remedy.


In this review, top cosmetics have been presented that help improve the condition of your eyelashes. When choosing, it is important to consider several points.

The first of these is, of course, the type of skin. It would seem that we are not applying the composition to her, and what does the eyelids have to do with it? The thing is that many products go as products for eyelashes and skin around the eyes. Thus, if you have sensitive skin around the eyes, choose the product carefully according to its composition. Almost always, manufacturers indicate on the packaging the type of skin for which the application of the product will be safe.

The second is what effect you want to get. If you have thick and short hairs, then a product that promotes their growth is suitable. Or, when your dies are very damaged, it is better to take an oil with a healing effect, and not something that is cheaper and does not give what you really need.

We hope that our review was useful, and now you know exactly what is right for you.


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