
  1. What is sunflower oil
  2. Label
  3. The best inexpensive brands of sunflower oil
  4. The best brands of mid-priced sunflower oil
  5. The best oils of expensive brands
  6. The main criteria for choosing sunflower oil

Rating of the best brands of unrefined sunflower oil for 2022

Rating of the best brands of unrefined sunflower oil for 2022

A must-have ingredient in daily cooking or holiday menus, sunflower oil is the most popular type of vegetable fat. It is included in the daily diet of every person and in terms of composition it belongs to a class of fatty acids that is useful for the body. The oil is produced from sunflower seeds, and also undergoes special processing, due to which it is stored for a long time, without requiring special conditions for this. In addition to useful properties, it has a pleasant taste and delicate aroma, without which many dishes are unthinkable.

What is sunflower oil

If we talk about taste, then there are the following types:

  1. Refined. In other words, purified. It is cleaned from impurities and substances that contribute to the occurrence of foam or combustion. Due to such processing, filtration, bleaching, refined oil loses its pronounced taste, color, and also does not create sediment during storage. True, in addition to harmful substances, the product loses vitamins. It is usually used during the preparation of cold dishes, snacks, salads, as well as pastries, sauces or mayonnaise. In addition, it is well suited for frying, as it does not burn, does not foam, does not create splashes.
  2. Unrefined. This type undergoes gentle, minimal processing, consisting of filtration and purification from harmful impurities. It retains useful substances and vitamins, so unrefined oil is good for the body. It has a bright sunflower aroma, rich taste, thick golden color. During storage, a precipitate is formed, a slight turbidity. Suitable for salads or cold appetizers. But when frying, it behaves quite capriciously - it foams or burns in a hot pan.


In addition to being divided into two main types, oil also has additional properties. The packaging usually contains information about the quality of the product, as well as the types of processing carried out.

  • Deodorized - maximally purified from substances and impurities using high temperature steam. Loses its aroma and saturation with vitamins, suitable for cooking dietary dishes.Helps with the absorption of vitamins A and E.
  • Frozen - cleaned at low temperature and filtered. Does not form foam or spatter.
  • Cold pressed - obtained by pressing sunflower seeds, without heating. Useful, contains useful substances, has a pronounced taste, aroma of seeds. But this type is not stored for a long time, like any other natural product.
  • Hydrated - processed with hot water and heating to 60 degrees. Cleared of turbidity and sediment. At the same time, the aroma is preserved, and the color pales a little.
  • Cheese-pressed - obtained by pressing the seeds with an oak press, without heating. It is of high quality, having a light aroma, a small sediment.
  • With the aroma of roasted seeds - obtained from pressed roasted seeds, it has a rich taste, and is also economically consumed.
  • Oleic - produced from oleic seeds (a special variety of sunflower).
  • Vitamin E - after the procedure for cleaning raw materials from impurities, the vitamin disappears, so the presence of such a mark on the label means that vitamin E was introduced artificially.

The best inexpensive brands of sunflower oil


The product is ideal for salads or cold appetizers. This is the first grade oil, from the Krasnodar producer (Republic of Adygea), obtained from the seeds of the sunflower growing there. "Selyanochka" is made in accordance with GOST, so the characteristics do not exceed the norms declared by the standard. In comparison with competitive brands, "Selyanochka" has the least amount of phosphorus-containing substances, so it is not only tasty, but also completely harmless. It demonstrates a rich smell without unnecessary impurities, deep amber color.Subject to storage rules, it retains its characteristics and taste properties for a long time, because it has a low level of oxidization. Sediment may occur at the bottom of the bottle, but this phenomenon indicates the naturalness of the product. Produced in a container of 900 ml. The average cost is - 70 rubles.

unrefined sunflower oil Selyanochka
  • long-term storage due to low oxidizability;
  • does not contain pesticides and carcinogens;
  • quality product;
  • fatty acid composition is as balanced as possible;
  • affordable cost.
  • Not recommended for use while frying.


Aromatic sunflower oil from a Russian manufacturer (JSC "Efko", Belgorod), produced in accordance with GOST by freezing. This is considered one of the best, sparing, as it allows you to save the maximum amount of nutrients. It has an extended shelf life, does not form sediment or turbidity, and retains its rich taste for a long time. The color is pale golden. "Sloboda" can be used to prepare any dish, salads, lenten menus, pastries. This brand has been awarded the Russian Quality Mark. Produced in a package, the volume of which is 1 liter. The average cost is 93 rubles.

unrefined sunflower oil Sloboda
  • high content of Omega-9 acids;
  • pronounced aroma of seeds;
  • free of pesticides and harmful substances;
  • used to prepare most everyday meals;
  • stored for a long time without losing quality characteristics.
  • not found.


Products of the Kursk manufacturer, which has the Russian Quality Mark.According to independent checks of Roskachestvo, the product is absolutely harmless, environmentally friendly, without the content of carcinogens dangerous to the body and harmful impurities. It has a low level of oxidizability, which indicates a high degree of purification. It has a balanced fatty acid composition. Sunflower oil "Alyonushka" demonstrates a rich amber color, a light, unobtrusive aroma of seeds, and a moderately pronounced taste. Suitable for dressing salads, preparing sauces, and also used in home canning. Available in plastic bottles of 250, 500 and 900 ml. The average cost is - 95 rubles.

unrefined sunflower oil Alyonushka
  • without cholesterol and harmful substances;
  • rich in vitamin E;
  • environmentally friendly, safe;
  • low level of oxidation;
  • high-quality cleaning technology;
  • taste and aroma of moderate intensity.
  • not found.

The best brands of mid-priced sunflower oil


Fragrant oil with an extract of rose petals from the Belgorod manufacturing company. Obtained by cold pressing, thanks to which it retains its beneficial properties in full. Gives dishes a light aroma of sunflower seeds, suitable for frying, because it does not create foam, and also does not burn during the process. A flavoring from rose petal extract that adds a slight acidity without overpowering the flavor of the seeds. In addition to giving an unusual aroma, rose petals have another function - they are useful for the body, providing a tonic, anti-inflammatory and refreshing effect. In addition, they are able to restore the intestinal microflora. "Altero" contains vitamins B and C, iron, calcium, carotene. The volume of the bottle is 810 ml.The average cost is - 120 rubles.

unrefined sunflower oil Altero
  • unusual taste, variety in the daily menu;
  • high quality product;
  • can be used for baby food;
  • rose petal extract, as an additional benefit for the body;
  • can be used for frying;
  • does not burn, does not foam;
  • tasty and fragrant.
  • overpriced.

"Krasnodar elite"

A quality product from a Krasnodar manufacturer. Obtained by cold pressing, therefore, it retains vitamins, trace elements and substances useful for the body. It has a light pleasant aroma, deep rich taste. This is a high oleic oil, which contains a large amount of fatty omega-6, omega-3 acids. Their presence is essential for a balanced healthy diet. "Krasnodar Elite" is packaged in a dark glass bottle, which allows you to maintain the original quality when stored at home, protecting it from the harmful effects of light. The volume of the bottle is 500 ml. The average cost is - 146 rubles.

unrefined sunflower oil Krasnodar elite
  • tasty, fragrant;
  • gives dishes an unusual taste;
  • high nutritional value;
  • high content of fatty acids;
  • dark glass container.
  • overpriced.


Products of the Krasnodar manufacturer (LLC "Grand-Star"). It is of the highest grade obtained by freezing, during such processing the temperature gradually decreases, cooling the raw material, while stirring it. With this manufacturing technology, it retains the maximum amount of useful substances and trace elements.At the same time, “Kubanochka” is stored for a long time without losing its original aromatic and taste qualities, does not become cloudy, and does not form a pronounced sediment. It has been tested in laboratory conditions, demonstrates high quality, fully complies with GOST. Produced in plastic bottles of 500 ml, as well as packages of 1 and 5 liters. The average cost is - 150 rubles.

unrefined sunflower oil Kubanochka
  • suitable for salad dressing;
  • pronounced aroma, taste of sunflower seeds;
  • high-quality cleaning;
  • long shelf life;
  • retains its original properties for a long time.
  • not detected.

"Gifts of the Kuban"

One of the best unrefined sunflower oils from the Krasnodar manufacturer Blago Company LLC. The brand fully complies with modern requirements of the quality standard. It has a deep golden-orange color, rich aroma. "Gifts of the Kuban" is a natural high-quality product and does not contain any foreign substances. It gives a pleasant aroma, delicate taste, can be added to cold dishes or snacks, used in baking, and also used in frying, as it does not foam, does not create splashes. Available in 650 ml bottles, can be stored for 12 months. The average cost is - 150 rubles.

unrefined sunflower oil Gifts of Kuban
  • does not contain dangerous carcinogens;
  • convenient volume of the bottle;
  • economical consumption;
  • has a balanced fatty acid composition,
  • fragrant and tasty;
  • suitable for baking;
  • affordable cost.
  • not detected.

"Kuban product"

Unrefined sunflower oil with a rich taste and pronounced smell. Produced in 500 ml dark glass bottles."Kuban product" is obtained by cold pressing roasted sunflower seeds. Demonstrates high quality, contains a large amount of vitamins, as well as useful substances such as carbohydrates, phospholipids and stearins. This brand is suitable for dishes such as salad, hot dishes, boiled potatoes. The average cost is - 168 rubles.

unrefined sunflower oil Kuban product
  • bright color;
  • rich aroma;
  • does not have bitterness.
  • not detected.

The best oils of expensive brands

"Food from the Village"

An environmentally friendly product from a domestic manufacturer of the same name. Cold-pressed raw oil obtained by the method of cold pressing and undergone gentle purification. Thanks to a gentle purification technology, it retains its beneficial properties, is distinguished by a high content of vitamin E and Omega-6 acids. Sunflower "Dinners from the Village" has a mild taste, delicate refined aroma, so it is ideal for dressing salads, making sauces, and making confectionery creams. Produced in glass bottles of 250, 500, 750 ml, as well as in plastic packages of 1 and 5 liters. The average cost is - 207 rubles.

unrefined sunflower oil
  • environmentally friendly;
  • gentle processing technology of raw materials;
  • high level of nutritional value;
  • glass packaging;
  • suitable for frying, does not burn;
  • delicate aroma and taste of seeds.
  • not detected.

"Organic Life"

Unrefined sunflower, first grade. It is environmentally friendly, made from natural raw materials by cold pressing (under a mechanical press).Due to modern technology of seed processing, the finished product demonstrates high quality, saturation with vitamins and substances useful for the body. The taste of the product is moderately rich, the aroma is light, delicate, not interrupting the main taste of the dishes. It is widely used in the preparation of salads, appetizers, sauces. "Organic Life" is produced in a glass container with a volume of 500 ml. It can be stored without loss of properties during the year. The average cost is - 284 rubles.

unrefined sunflower oil Organic Life
  • gentle method of seed treatment;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • glass packaging reliably protects from sunlight;
  • pleasant unobtrusive taste, without bitterness;
  • suitable for frying or stewing;
  • does not form a precipitate.
  • overcharge.


A popular brand of unrefined sunflower oil from the Krasnodar company. Produced by cold pressing from high-oleic varieties of sunflower seeds. In terms of nutritional value, Apetitelle is superior to olive oil, as it contains over 80% oleic acid, which is a source of Omega-9 acids. The product has a light smell and mild taste - thanks to this, Apetitelle will appeal to those who prefer a delicate aroma to the pronounced taste of sunflower seeds. It is resistant to oxidation, so it retains its original characteristics throughout the entire shelf life. Suitable for dressing salads, and also used in the preparation of sauces or cold appetizers. In addition, it can be used for frying - when exposed to high temperatures, the oil shows stability, does not create foam, does not splatter and does not burn."Apetitelle" is available in dark glass bottles that protect against the negative effects of sunlight. The container volume is 500 ml. The average cost is - 290 rubles.

unrefined sunflower oil Apetitelle
  • neutral taste and aromatic properties;
  • long shelf life;
  • high content of Omega-9 acids;
  • suitable for seasoning dishes, as well as for frying.
  • high price.


A special brand from a Russian manufacturer producing environmentally friendly products. The oil is absolutely natural, the raw materials for it are obtained from Altai farms. It is created using cold pressing, undergoes additional purification from impurities. "Altaria" can be used for making sauces, salad dressings, cold appetizers, and can also be used in preservation. Not only natural purity is unique, but also a special packaging - "Altaria" is produced in steel vacuum cylinders, the volume of which is 250 ml, and is also equipped with an additional four-layer aluminum bag. Such complex packaging allows you to completely protect the product from interaction with sunlight and air (to avoid oxidation). The steel cylinder is equipped with a special dispenser operating in three modes of oil supply - drip, jet, fan. The average cost is - 350 rubles.

unrefined sunflower oil Altaria
  • convenient spray dispenser;
  • eco product;
  • reliable packaging fully retains its properties;
  • can be used for preservation or preparation of sauces;
  • economical consumption.
  • high price.

The main criteria for choosing sunflower oil

When choosing, you need to consider the following properties and characteristics:

Color. One has only to look at a shelf of oil bottles from different brands to notice the differences in color hue and saturation, despite the fact that all the options offered belong to the same category and are made from the same type of raw material. The color depends on the concentration of the dye. If the product has been carefully processed and has been cleaned of pigment, the color loses its saturation and brightness. That is, the color indicates the processing technology and the degree of purification, rather than the quality.

Sediment. The appearance of sediment at the bottom of the bottle or slight cloudiness in unrefined oil is normal, indicating its naturalness. Refined does not create sediment if the production or processing technology did not make mistakes.

Package. Sunflower oil is produced in various types of packaging - plastic, glass, cardboard, tin, steel containers. The quality does not depend on the type of packaging, but the packaging itself can affect the quality, in particular how long the oil can be stored without losing its original characteristics. The most common is the packaging of transparent plastic, so it has a low cost, and is also completely safe in case of accidental dropping of the bottle. However, when heated, a plastic bottle can release harmful substances that enter the product. The innovative bottle-shaped packaging with built-in spray dispenser provides economical consumption (spray, drop or jet) and long-term storage.

Compound. The composition should not contain anything other than sunflower oil. In the case of the presence of oils of a different type, it changes the name to "vegetable".According to the standard, 100 g of sunflower oil should contain 10 g of saturated, 45 g of unsaturated and 40 g of polyunsaturated fats. In addition, the presence of vitamin E is mandatory.

Shelf life. Sunflower seeds ripen from June to October, so the coincidence of the production date with this time period indicates the freshness of the product. As for the bottling date, it is desirable that it coincides with the production date, or is as close to it as possible. After opening the package, it is necessary to use the oil within a month, and it is better to store it in a dark place, inaccessible to light, at a temperature of +5 to +20. Storage in the refrigerator is acceptable.

Due to the high content of fatty acids and vitamins, sunflower oil saturates the body, improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and normalizes metabolism. It has a positive effect on reproductive function, and also improves immunity, improving performance, replenishing energy. In addition to benefits for the body, the oil gives a pleasant taste sensation, saturating cooked dishes with a special aroma loved since childhood.


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