In recent years, the popularity of mineral water among Russians has grown significantly: they drink it in restaurants, gyms, airplanes, travel, and on vacation. This is due to its therapeutic and prophylactic properties: it quenches thirst, removes toxins, helps to get rid of excess weight, normalizes metabolism and digestion processes. But not all mineral water is equally beneficial to health. We offer to consider the best, according to buyers, brands in Russia for 2022.
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The set and ratio of elements, their compounds, the presence of ions, colloidal particles contained in mineral water, carbonated or without gas, accelerate metabolic processes, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In order to avoid mistakes when choosing mineral water in a supermarket, grocery kiosk or online store, you should not take the first one that comes across. It is best to know what to look for when buying, what selection criteria to be guided by.
Mineral water affects the body in different ways, it can be of three types for its intended purpose:
Also, mineral water is carbonated and without gas. It all depends on your preferences, who likes what. As a rule, water is saturated with gas immediately before bottling into containers: after all, even in natural carbonated mineral water, the concentration of gas decreases over time. The only thing you should pay attention to when choosing sparkling water: with gastritis and stomach ulcers, it is advisable to drink it in one gulp, with low or normal acidity - drink in small sips.
First of all, it is important to know exactly the class of water according to the salts it contains. Let's see what they are:
Less common are glandular (with anemia), sodium (with constipation), sour (with low acidity of the stomach), fluorine (with osteoporosis). There is a mineral water of a mixed type, where there are different salts and active anions.
Which is more useful, everyone chooses for himself, but you should follow the recommendations and opinions of experts. After all, mineral water is designed to improve the vital activity of the body, otherwise you can cause irreparable harm to health.
When buying, carefully read the label. The packaging of a quality product must indicate:
Many manufacturers indicate a list of diseases for which this type of water is recommended, place the company logo. If the information on the label is incomplete, missing, or the text is unreadable, you should refrain from purchasing. Also, it is advisable to choose where to buy goods, so as not to run into a fake. It is preferable to do this in pharmacies, large stores, directly from the manufacturer.
Over time, the best producers of mineral water emerged, including Russian ones. Their features:
Which company is better - everyone decides for himself, but mostly the choice of consumers falls on a branded product. The advice of specialists and doctors confirm the correctness of this choice. If two or three decades ago, high-quality mineral water was beyond the reach of the average buyer, now even the most famous brands offer an inexpensive original product, novelties with discounts.
The main purpose of mineral water is to saturate the human body with all the necessary microelements, of which about fifty are required for a full life and maintaining health. Therefore, the degree of mineralization should be 200-500 mg/l.
It is better to purchase water with a low ORP, which allows you to regulate the processes of oxidation and restoration of the body, helps to avoid many serious diseases.
It is advisable to give preference to mineral water in a glass bottle: in this case, the beneficial properties of water are better and longer preserved.
Mineral water is produced in containers of different materials, from 0.5 to 10 liters. It can be:
The best manufacturers produce their product in glass bottles, which contributes to the preservation of organoleptic characteristics: color, taste, smell, degree of transparency. Budget mineral water is often sold in cheap plastic packaging, which can cause cloudiness, flaking, foreign odors, and changes in the taste of water. The best way to safely consume mineral water is directly from a natural source.
Mineral water is included in the category of goods that are quite affordable for the average buyer. Even the most famous brands produce an inexpensive product. When choosing, it should be borne in mind that too high a price indicates in most cases an overpayment for a brand, expensive packaging, delivery, but rarely speaks of exceptional quality. Too low prices, in turn, indicate a possible fake.
We present an overview of mineral water brands popular in Russia with a description of the main advantages and disadvantages.
Manufacturer: Kolinska d.d.
Volume: 0.5 l.
Price: 80 rubles.
A manufacturer from Slovenia guarantees the high healing properties of its product due to ancient traditions and a unique chemical composition. Mineral Blend:
Due to the content of magnesium reduces fatigue and irritability, normalizes sleep.
It is recommended to take courses of 4-6 weeks twice a year.
Produced in plastic bottles of 0.5, 0.75, 1 l.
Manufacturer: CJSC Mineralnye Vody Zheleznovodsk.
Volume: 1 l.
Price: 95 rubles.
Natural highly mineralized water (13 - 19 g / l) from a well of a geothermal source in the Stavropol Territory has a rich composition:
It is prescribed for the treatment of chronic gastritis, intestinal dyskinesia, diseases of the liver, gallbladder; irritable bowel syndrome. Thanks to the unique ratio of components, it restores the motor activity of the intestine, normalizes the microflora. Effective for weight loss. Considered a natural laxative. It contains almost twice as much natural iodine than other mineral waters, therefore it is recommended for the prevention of goiter (Graves' disease), mental retardation in children. The amount of magnesium in water helps to strengthen the cardiovascular and nervous systems, improves the condition of the skin and hair. Sold in green glass bottles, it is recommended to partially release the gas before use.
Producer: JSC KavMinVody.
Volume: 1.5 l.
Price: 54 rubles.
Therapeutic-table bicarbonate-sulfate calcium-sodium water is suitable for healing in chronic diseases:
Significantly improves immunity, restores the vitality of the body when working in hazardous industries, in environmentally unfavorable conditions. The content of silicon allows you to increase the elasticity, flexibility of tendons, ligaments, participates in the reproduction of collagen fibers, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the mucous membranes, the respiratory system. Produced in green glass, transparent plastic.
Producer: JSC Narzan.
Volume: 0.5 l.
Price: 35 rubles.
Elite brand of medicinal and table mineral water of a mixed type, containing sulfates, bicarbonates, calcium, sodium. One of the few mineral waters with magnesium in optimal concentration. It has been bottled in Kislovodsk for more than a hundred years. Recommended for the prevention and treatment of many diseases:
In addition, it improves memory, reduces fatigue, calms the nervous system, and strengthens the heart muscle. Used as a tonic for the face, it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.
Narzan can harm the body only in two cases:
The product is manufactured in accordance with GOST, has passed all certifications, including those of the European level, and is allowed to be imported into the EU countries. To prevent counterfeiting, the manufacturer puts a special marking on each bottle: laser engraving on the glass, image of the company logo. Natural carbonation water is not artificially saturated with carbon dioxide before bottling, therefore it has a pleasant taste and can be consumed by children.
Producer: Holding Aqua.
Volume: 0.5 l.
Price: 47 rubles.
Chloride-hydrocarbonate water of volcanic origin has been extracted from the mountain springs of the resort town of Essentuki for more than a century. The traditions of extraction and bottling are not violated, the purity and usefulness of the product remains high. Bottling is carried out in glass, PET bottles, bottles for coolers. The volume of containers is from 0.5 to 1.5 liters. The plant has laboratories where chemical and microbiological testing of the product is carried out. The company is one of the top three sales leaders in Russia.
Healing properties extend to the digestive, urinary, cardiovascular, nervous systems of the body. Allowed for daily consumption. It effectively fights against the manifestations of influenza and colds, as it significantly increases the body's immunity, accelerates the elimination of toxins, and suppresses the vital activity of microbes and viruses.During sports and physical labor, the product will allow not to lose vital minerals and trace elements, to maintain the water-salt balance. Children are recommended for chronic gastritis, constipation, frequent colds.
Producer: CJSC Visma.
Volume: 1.5 l.
Price: 42 rubles.
Real life-giving moisture from the very heart of the Caucasus Mountains with a unique mineral composition, table water not only quenches thirst, but lowers cholesterol levels, eliminates heartburn, heaviness in the stomach, speeds up metabolic processes, has a beneficial effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems. It undergoes natural cleaning of rocks, slightly mineralized, remaining pristinely clean and transparent. Recommended even for small children and pregnant women. The uniqueness of the product in the content of iodine. Its amount is equal to the amount required per day for the normal functioning of the human body. Water is poured into comfortable turquoise-colored PET bottles, glass with red ornaments, from 0.5 to 1.5 liters, the ergonomic shape of which makes it easy to hold a container even for a child. During production, it is not processed, reaching the buyer in its original form. The manufacturer constantly holds promotions that stimulate the buyer:
Producer: IDS Borjomi Russia.
Volume: 0.5 l.
Price: 26 rubles.
Natural table water with a classic mineral taste from the wells of the Kostroma spring to stimulate digestion, maintain acid-base, water-salt balance, improve metabolism. Recommended for baby food, sports and physical labor, recuperation of the body. It is cleaned naturally, passing through coal, sand, clay. Contains salts and minerals necessary for the full functioning of human systems and internal organs:
It has a mild taste, odorless and colorless, due to low mineralization (2-5 g/l). Does not include substances and compounds harmful to the body. It is sold in regular PET bottles, a sports version with a flip-top cap, for children with a stopper-drinker, in bottles with the image of cartoon characters. There is a line with a fruity flavor in cans. Available in capacities from 0.33L to 19L for coolers.
Manufacturer: Bobimex LLC.
Volume: 0.33 l.
Price: 13 rubles.
Refers to bicarbonate calcium-magnesium natural table mineral waters. The manufacturer complies with all national and international requirements for the production of food products. Safety proven in practice. Saturated salt composition, mild taste allows the whole family to use the product for daily consumption. The amount of nitrates and fluorine does not exceed the permissible level. Suitable for cooking.
Manufacturer: PepsiCo Holdings LLC.
Volume: 0.5 l.
Price: 42 rubles.
Drinking table water from natural artesian wells, which undergoes two stages of purification during production: natural filters and modern devices. It is bottled in plastic and glass transparent bottles from 0.26 to 5 liters. It is completely safe: it does not contain toxic elements, bacteria and microorganisms. However, the chemical composition indicated on the label is not entirely reliable: the content of magnesium and calcium is much lower. With regular consumption, a deficiency of these micronutrients can develop. Excellent thirst quencher. It is produced in a classic taste and with additives: citrus, raspberry, strawberry, etc.
Mineral water, whether it is still or with gas, has a special place due to its healing qualities. Therefore, it is important to buy a product from trusted manufacturers that guarantee high quality goods. The presented rating with a description of popular brands of mineral water in Russia will allow you to understand which one is better to buy or order online, how much a quality product costs.