An indispensable ingredient in Olivier and vinaigrette is a small storehouse of protein with vitamins - green peas, which retain their freshness and taste after conservation. Housewives know its value, especially in winter when fresh vegetables from the garden are not available.
Canned product is produced by many enterprises. Therefore, you can always pick up the right product or new items on the table. The rating of the best brands of canned products will help you choose high-quality peas.
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Green peas are the fruits of peas, a herbaceous annual crop of the legume family, which have not reached a mature state.
Rounded grains of saturated green color are in a flat or convex elongated pod. They are very juicy with a sweet taste and a pleasant smell.
Man has been cultivating peas for a long time. Scientists have discovered its seeds in places where people have lived since the Stone Age. The inhabitants of ancient China and India revered peas as a symbol of fertility and wealth.
The first written evidence of the consumption of peas comes from the writings of the Greek philosopher Theophrastus in the 3rd century BC, where they are mentioned to be sown along with other legumes at the end of winter. For the ancient Romans, it was a natural element of the diet, included in the Apicius cookbook. In addition, by placing a pea inside a bull bladder, the locals made rattles for their children.
During the Middle Ages, pea grains became an important ingredient in the fight against hunger. Later, they turned into a more luxurious dish, and for some regions of Europe they became a real delicacy.
The availability of canning technology developed by the Dutch in the 19th century allowed everyone to enjoy the taste and benefits of the green kernel.A hundred years later, the freezing process provided an extended shelf life, increasing the popularity of this nutritious crop.
Green peas have many useful properties due to their unique composition. It is rich in easily digestible proteins and carbohydrates, while being low in fat and cholesterol.
Canned green peas are a jellied food product processed by pasteurization or sterilization without additional preservatives.
As a rule, the composition contains:
Usefulness determines the list of minerals (total number 26, including iron, potassium, chlorine, iodine, etc.) and vitamins:
Preservation of nutrients is ensured by gentle processing.
The value of the glycemic index, equal to 35-48 units, allows the use of limited doses by diabetics. Low calorie content ensures the popularity of models among losing weight.
Classic nutritional (energy) value of preservation per 100 grams:
Green peas are a versatile product with healing properties. The unique substances included in the composition have a beneficial effect.
If you refuse meat or reduce its consumption, you should definitely look at green peas, which have a high protein content.
Use is possible in moderate doses, otherwise increased gas formation may occur, creating discomfort for the mother and fetus.
During lactation, the product in its own juice is not recommended due to the possible occurrence of unpleasant manifestations, such as frequent regurgitation, diarrhea, constipation, pain or colic.In addition, if stored improperly, pathogenic bacteria can develop in conservation, negatively affecting the condition of a woman.
It is allowed to be included in the diet after reaching six months. Initially, as complementary foods, followed by an increase in the daily dose to 100 grams in the form of mashed potatoes with meat, fish, and vegetables.
It is allowed to include in the weekly menu to promote:
It is allowed to include in the menu in small doses during remission to promote:
The high content of protein and fiber of a low-calorie product is easily digested with a quick saturation of the body. At the same time, the work of the intestine is normalized with the removal of accumulated toxins.
Along with a positive effect on the body, such a harmless product has dangerous properties.
Not recommended for sedentary seniors due to possible bloating or flatulence!
Canned peas can be served as an independent dish with the addition of melted butter, sauce, mayonnaise or sour cream. In addition, it is used as a decoration in snacks or cold dishes, as well as to add to:
When preparing first courses, you can add filling along with peas to enrich the taste and saturate with useful substances.
Tips and recommendations for eating peas allow you to maintain health.
Popular industrial production models do not exclude the use of additional preservatives or food additives that do not have the best effect on the properties of the product. Therefore, cooking products with your own hands at home cannot be compared with samples from the store.
Now there is no problem to find recipes for how to make canned food. There are many tips on the Internet, including step-by-step instructions on how to preserve.
Green peas of the brain or smooth-grain variety for canning are bought at the market or grown in the garden.After husking, the kernels are thoroughly washed and poured with salted water for boiling for four to six minutes. Then the liquid is drained, and the peas are washed again and laid out in sterilized glass jars with a volume of no more than half a liter.
When ready, it is poured with salted boiling water in proportion to one liter of water, one tablespoon of salt with the addition of sugar, as well as vinegar essence. The process is completed by rolling the lids, followed by cooling at room temperature. Finished products are removed in the refrigerator or cellar.
If it is impossible to make it yourself, you need to be able to choose the right company for the best products and where to buy budget canned food. A wide range does not always allow you to find the required product with maximum benefit. This material will tell you what to look for in order not to make mistakes when choosing. First of all, we must look not at the cost, but at compliance with the interstate standard (GOST) and the all-Russian product classifier (OKPD), as well as the following:
Shop windows and supermarket shelves are filled with a wide range of canned green peas of various brands. Often, a large number of products confuse the buyer, which does not allow choosing the highest quality, but not very expensive option, which one is better to buy.
In addition, now you can order online in the online store of the manufacturer or supplier of canned products, the list of which necessarily contains green peas.
When compiling the list, the best consumer reviews on the pages of suppliers and the Yandex.Market aggregator, the results of the examinations of Roskontrol, a review of an independent food inspector, as well as the naturalness, benefits and harms of the canned product were taken into account.
Brand - Russia.
Country of origin - Moldova, Russia.
An appetizing product with a clean composition and a pleasant smell under a domestic brand, manufactured in accordance with GOST. A special key ensures easy opening. More peas are often placed in a jar than indicated by the manufacturer. In a transparent fill, the grains are not hard, but elastic. There is no starch taste. But there are many damaged kernels and husks, and foreign additives also occur.
Brand - Russia.
Country of origin - Russia.
Domestic products according to GOST with whole grains in brine without turbidity. Rich pea flavor. When rash, a fractional sound is heard. In jars, the actual weight of the main product often exceeds the manufacturer's stated weight. On sample, the grains are quite dense with a clear feeling of starch. No pesticides were found. Organoleptic indicators correspond to the first grade, which is indicated in the labeling.
Trademark - Russia.
Country of origin - Russia.
Fragrant inexpensive products of Russian production. The jar has a special key that easily opens the lid. Fruits of different sizes have a decent mild flavor. There are damaged grains in a cloudy filling with a starchy sediment, which does not correspond to the highest grade declared by the manufacturer.
Brand - Germany.
Country of origin - Russia.
A product with young tender grains that fall into a jar within five hours after being removed from the garden without drying and freezing.This guarantees the preservation of excellent taste and maximum usefulness. Peas in a transparent filling with a pleasant fragrant smell, outwardly looks good. The brine is harmoniously sweet and sour, without distortions. The main product is a little overcooked, but the taste is good.
Brand - Russia.
Country of origin - Russia.
Domestic product from carefully selected ripe grains, peeled in a concentrated filling. It has a recognizable aromatic taste, which allows it to be used as an addition to hot dishes, side dishes and salads, as well as a separate dish. The use of only natural ingredients in the manufacture significantly reduces the risk of allergic reactions. The tightness of the can reliably protects the sterilized peas, ensuring a long shelf life.
Brand - Russia.
Country of origin - Russia.
Natural canned product made from high quality peas. A product with a dense and juicy texture has a moderately sweet taste. Good as an accompaniment to hot dishes or as a side dish, it can be added to vinaigrette or salad, sauces or soups, or consumed on its own.An unusual type of jar with a volume of 310 grams with the function of a built-in key to open.
Brand - Germany.
Producing countries - Russia, Belarus.
Russian-made products manufactured in accordance with GOST with good organoleptic properties of the highest grade. There are no toxic elements or pesticides. Some cans of the main product are slightly less than indicated by the manufacturer. There have been cases of pods getting into the jar.
Brand - France.
Producing countries - Hungary, Russia.
Products of a well-known French brand with a pleasant and delicate smell. The kernels are almost the same in size, slightly covered with a transparent brine with a slight taste of starch. Weight may slightly exceed the indicated mass of 265 grams. The taste of the grains is not always dense, they seem soft and slightly overcooked.
Brand - Russia.
Country of origin - Russia.
Russian-made products of the highest grade, manufactured in accordance with GOST. The tin can is not equipped with a key for opening, it cuts well when opened and does not wrinkle. In a transparent fill, there are floating individual peels. Grains of different sizes, but many small ones. The taste is good, the smell is pleasant.
Brand - Russia.
Country of origin - Russia.
The trademark is owned by the Desan company, which does not have its own production, but places orders mainly abroad. The exception is canned green peas, which are produced at the Agro-Invest enterprise in Russia. The products are characterized by a unique manufacturing recipe using high-quality raw materials without pesticides and sweeteners.
It has a strong and pleasant aroma of freshness. Whole grains with the same olive color in a clear filling with excellent taste. As a rule, the weight slightly exceeds the declared mass of 240 grams. Organoleptic indicators correspond to the highest grade.
Brand | The weight, G | Weight peas, g | En. value, G | Squirrels, G | Carbohydrates, G | fats, G | Price, rub. |
green ray | 420 | 252 | 38.4 | 3.1 | 6.5 | 0 | 75-85 |
Uncle Ivan | 400 | 240 | 35 | 3.1 | 6.5 | 0 | 100 |
ECO | 400 | 240 | 38.4 | 3.1 | 6.5 | 0 | 69 |
Heinz | 390 | 250 | 70 | 4 | 11.11 | 0.3 | 60-90 |
Lutik | 425 | 240 | 38.4 | 3.1 | 6.4 | 0 | 66 |
Frau Marta | 310 | 186 | 35 | 3 | 6 | 0 | 66 |
Mikado | 400 | 240 | 38.4 | 3.1 | 6.5 | 0 | 66 |
Bonduelle | 400 | 265 | 74 | 5.5 | 7.4 | 0.7 | 80-111 |
Glavproduct | 400 | 240 | 38.4 | 3.1 | 6.5 | 0 | 108 |
6 acres | 400 | 260 | 38.4 | 3.1 | 6.5 | 0 | 52-100 |
Thus, the brands presented in the rating have very similar values of the main indicators and properties with the classic canning composition. However, points can be made:
Canned green peas are made from natural products that retain many useful properties and substances. From it, everything you need enters the body - protein, fiber, vegetable fats, vitamins and minerals. Moderate consumption has a positive effect on the body of children and adults, if there are no contraindications.
These wonderful vegetables are suitable for use as a component of hot dishes, vinaigrettes, salads, or as an independent side dish, ready to eat. Excellent compatibility with other products helps to diversify and decorate dishes of any cuisine.
Happy shopping and stay safe!