The culture of tea drinking appeared in antiquity. A modern person drinks a cup of tea at least once during the day. It allows you to switch, change activities, relax or cheer up, keep warm in the cold season. Tea is loved by both adults and children. Convenience and speed of preparation, pleasant taste made it popular all over the world.
Many people think that there are only two types of brewed tea - black and green, however, in addition to them, there is a wide variety of types of tea: red, white, yellow, pu-erh, oolong, herbal, etc.
The best and most delicious tea is obtained from freshly brewed tea tree leaves. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to prepare a cup in accordance with the technology, since everything necessary for this may not be nearby. In order to solve this problem, manufacturers began to pack tea leaves in bags, which made the drink available to everyone, anywhere.In this article, we will consider the criteria for choosing tea bags, get acquainted with the features of products from the best manufacturers and rank brands based on user reviews, and also find out what to look for in order not to make mistakes when choosing.
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Most types of this product are made from tea tree leaves, which are harvested by hand from plantations. However, tea leaves are not always used for the production of goods; some drinks are prepared from other plants and fruits. But, since they are not very popular, we will not consider them in this article.
Depending on which leaves are used to prepare the product, not only the taste characteristics, but also the quality of the tea depend. On this basis, they are distinguished: high-grade (a whole sheet is used), medium-grade (fragments of sheets) and low-grade species (sheets are crushed into powder). Experts recommend evaluating this parameter before choosing a product, since the highest quality drink is obtained from large-leaf varieties.
Black tea is obtained from leaves that have been fully fermented. In accordance with the technology, plant elements are placed in a room with certain indicators of humidity and temperature. Under the influence of microorganisms, the leaves change their color, acquire a specific aroma. Red tea is the same black, only this name is used most often in Asian countries. The differences in the name are due to the fact that Asians pay attention to the color of the drink, while Europeans pay attention to the color of the raw material. For brewing it is necessary to use boiling water, the infusion must be aged for at least 6 minutes.
Green - the second most popular - is made from raw materials, which are dried immediately after collection. This name was given to the infusion by the color of the drink obtained after brewing. According to buyers, this variety cannot be brewed several times, and to get the result, it is enough to pour the leaves with water at a temperature of 85 ° C.
The white variety differs from others in the color of the leaves on the bush - they have a light shade. For the manufacture of the product, not only leaves are used, but also the buds of the tree. After harvesting, they are dried in the sun (sometimes fire is also used for this purpose). The drink has an almost transparent color, and a pleasant sweetish aroma. According to the recommendations of experts, you should not use boiling water for brewing - you should use water with a temperature of about 65 ° C.
For the manufacture of yellow variety use only leaf buds that have not yet blossomed. Immediately after harvesting, they are dried in the sun, doused with boiling water and dried. To obtain the desired result, you need to use water with a temperature of 70 ° C.
Oolong. The preparation of this variety is long and difficult.The collected leaves are dried in the sun, after which they curl and begin to ferment. Then, the raw material is fried, twisted again and dried again. After such leaves are poured with boiling water, they acquire an unusual color: the green middle contrasts with the red edges. The resulting drink can vary from pale white to bright red. Boiling water is used for quick brewing, and to obtain the best flavor, it is recommended to pour raw materials with warm water at about 65 ° C and leave for at least 5 minutes.
Pu-erh is made from "old" leaves, which are stored in a certain way for several years. After oxidation and fermentation occurs during storage, the raw material acquires a dark color, which is transferred to the infusion during brewing.
Herbal infusions, as their name implies, are made from various herbs and plants. The most popular of them are St. John's wort, wild rose, linden, raspberry, thyme, etc.
For a long time, manufacturers took advantage of the fact that inside the tea bag it was not visible what was poured inside, and used low-quality raw materials, which hardly resembled a real drink in taste and aroma. Recently, the situation has changed, there is a tendency for self-respecting manufacturers to start preparing tea bags from high-quality raw materials in order to maintain their reputation at a high level.
There is a myth that says that after a bag of raw materials is poured with boiling water, you can immediately drink the infusion. First, you need to understand that, depending on the type of tea, you need to use water of different temperatures for brewing, as well as withstand different durations of the infusion.As a general rule, brewing of light colors (white, yellow, green) should be infused for 1-2 minutes, while the water temperature for the first type should not exceed 70 ° C, for the second - 75 ° C, for the third - 80 ° C.
Oolong, pu-erh, black (red) and herbal drinks take longer to brew - from two to 6 minutes. Most of them require the use of boiling water (for oolong - 85 ° C).
According to the recommendations of experts, for varieties with large leaves or fruit additives, the infusion time should be extended by 1-2 minutes.
The benefits and harms of black tea have been described many times, and are known to everyone. This drink not only tones, but also energizes, charges with a positive mood for the whole day.
The branded drink of the English brand Greenfield has long been sold on store shelves and is known to almost everyone. The goods are manufactured by the largest manufacturer in Russia, Orimi LLC.
The product is sold in various forms of release - boxes of 25 or 10 pieces, or as part of gift sets. Despite the fact that this is a Russian-made product, it is manufactured under license and in full compliance with the requirements of international standards. The composition has no extraneous additives, there is only one main ingredient - long leaf Ceylon tea. Since the bags are small, the contents are crushed, according to the international classification, it is closest to "seed and crumb".
The box is standard for this type of goods - inside the cardboard box there are individual foil bags. Thanks to such packaging, the contents of the package retain the taste and aroma for a long time.According to the description on the package, to prepare the drink, you need to pour boiling water over the bag and leave it for 3-5 minutes. According to the advice of tasters, such a long period should be kept only if you like strong tea. For an infusion of medium strength, it is enough to withstand a bag for no more than 1 minute.
Index | Meaning |
View | black |
Variety | Ceylon |
Country of origin of raw materials | Sri Lanka |
Best before date | 36 months |
Number of bags, pieces | 100 |
Average price, rub. | 107 |
Translated from English, the name of the product means "English breakfast". It is assumed that a cup of this fragrant drink should start the day, but it will be appropriate at any time of the day. The product is produced both in loose form and in bags. Buyers note the natural composition of the product - Kenyan, Indian and Ceylon black long leaf, and nothing more.
25 bags are placed in a cardboard box, each of which is in an individual foil envelope. The bottom of the cardboard box has a cut through which you can tear off the window in order to get the bags. Each individual envelope contains information on how to brew the infusion on your own, as well as its aging time (4 minutes). As with the previous product, it should be borne in mind that you need to wait this time to get a strong infusion, one minute is enough for a light drink.
Index | Meaning |
View | black |
Variety | Kenyan, Indian, Ceylon black long leaf |
Country of origin of raw materials | Asia |
Best before date | 36 months |
Number of bags, pieces | 25 |
Average price, rub. | 98 |
The products of this English company are not very well known among ordinary buyers, however, many of those who have tried the drink note its worthy taste and aroma. Fans of the Earl gray variety argue that if in doubt about which company’s product is better to buy, you should pay attention to this particular manufacturer. The bags are made of special filter paper, which allows the grains to soak in water and saturate it with taste. They are great for quick brewing because they don't require long steeping. Each envelope is packaged in foil packaging to prevent loss of flavor during storage. To give the drink an unusual aroma, bergamot flavoring has been added to the composition.
Index | Meaning |
View | black |
Variety | Earl gray |
Country of origin of raw materials | India |
Best before date | 36 months |
Number of bags, pieces | 50 |
Average price, rub. | 399 |
One of the most delicious types of tea with the addition of herbs and fruits, according to customers. The name of the tea is translated as “pleasure”, and indeed, after you try it, it is difficult to give up the desire to brew another cup. The composition with the taste of wild rose, lemon, apple is complemented by a light floral aroma. This drink is liked by both adults and children.
Envelopes with the mixture are packaged in individual foil bags that preserve the aroma. Each one has instructions for use. Despite the fact that the manufacturer requires 2-3 minutes of infusion, after a minute the drink acquires a pleasant taste.
Index | Meaning |
View | black |
Variety | Earl gray |
Country of origin of raw materials | India |
Best before date | 36 months |
Number of bags, pieces | 50 |
Average price, rub. | 399 |
The review is continued by the representative of Svay, who has proven himself on the positive side with his taste. The product is packed in a cardboard box, inside which there are pyramids with loose leaf tea. Many buyers claim that this is one of the most delicious drinks that can be found on the shelves of Russian stores.
The pyramids are made of durable polymer material, through which you can see that there really are large leaves inside. According to buyers, only boiling water is required for brewing, since tea cannot be infused in warm water.
Index | Meaning |
View | black |
Variety | Ceylon |
Country of origin of raw materials | Sri Lanka |
Best before date | 24 months |
Number of bags, pieces | 20 |
Average price, rub. | 185 |
The next contender in the rating is the product of the Russian company Orimi LLC, which is sold in bright packaging, on which, in addition to colorful drawings, a large amount of information is applied. Here you can get acquainted with the composition of the product and recommendations for brewing, as well as learn about the new products of this brand with other flavors. Inside there are 25 bags, each of which is packed in an individual foil envelope.
After brewing, an infusion of dark yellow color with a rich and bright aroma is obtained. Buyers note that inside the sachet there are fragments of large leaves, and not dust, as in most budget products.
Index | Meaning |
View | green |
Variety | long leaf green tea, crushed strawberries, mango, white peach and strawberry flavoring |
Country of origin of raw materials | unknown |
Best before date | 24 months |
Number of bags, pieces | 25 |
Average price, rub. | 59 |
Despite the fact that the name says melissa, in addition to it, to give the tea a pleasant taste, mint is added, as well as a natural lemon flavor. The colorful box holds 25 individually wrapped sachets inside. The contents of a bag of fine grinding, all fragments are equal to each other. The infusion turns yellow-green in color, the longer it withstands, the darker the result.
The taste of lemon balm is most pronounced, after which mint is felt, and the lemon leaves a barely perceptible aftertaste. After the cup is empty, there is no feeling of astringency and chemical aftertaste.
Index | Meaning |
View | green |
Variety | long leaf green tea, lemon balm and mint leaves, natural lemon flavor |
Country of origin of raw materials | China |
Best before date | 24 months |
Number of bags, pieces | 25 |
Average price, rub. | 224 |
In a bright and colorful package there are 20 pyramids, without individual packaging, which are simply piled on top of each other. The composition of the drink is unusual - in addition to the main ingredient, there is pineapple, artificial mango flavor, as well as flower petals - rose, orange. Inside the pyramids are fragments of tea leaves and flower petals. All this creates an unusual exotic complex of taste and aroma that adults and children like.
Buyers note the rich taste with minimal astringency of green tea, a pleasant fruity aftertaste. For brewing, you need to withstand the pyramids in boiling water for no more than two minutes.
Index | Meaning |
View | green |
Variety | green leaf tea, pineapple chunks, mango flavor, rose petals, orange flower petals |
Country of origin of raw materials | China |
Best before date | 24 months |
Number of bags, pieces | 20 |
Average price, rub. | 128 |
This drink can be attributed to tea only conditionally, since this ingredient is in last place in the composition, which indicates its small percentage. In addition to it, you can find here the leaves of currant, mint, goldenrod, hibiscus, chamomile and thyme, flowers and fruits of sea buckthorn, cornflower, wild rose. Tea has a tonic effect, energizes and saturates the body with vitamins. According to the manufacturer, the product can also relieve physical and mental fatigue accumulated during the day.
Inside the cardboard package there is a tray in which a plastic bag with pyramids is placed. One pyramid is designed for one teapot of tea leaves, or for 3-4 cups of infusion. There is also an option with sachets like those sold in regular tea packages. In this case, they are packed in individual foil envelopes. Buyers note that it is more convenient to brew pyramids or sachets than leaf collection, since due to its fine structure it is difficult to completely remove it from the cup. The manufacturer recommends pouring boiling water over the contents of the pyramids and holding for 20-30 minutes.
Index | Meaning |
View | green |
Variety | currant (leaf), mint (leaf), goldenrod, hibiscus, chamomile, sea buckthorn (leaf and berry), thyme, cornflower (color), rosehip, green tea |
Country of origin of raw materials | Russia |
Best before date | 24 months |
Number of bags, pieces | 10 |
Average price, rub. | 185 |
Made from Chinese tea. In addition to natural sheet raw materials, there is nothing superfluous in the composition. The drink belongs rather to budget goods, this can be seen from how the manufacturer saved on everything - cheap cardboard packaging, the absence of individual envelopes for each sachet, etc. Inside the box there are 25 bags of 1.8 grams each.
After brewing, the tea is brown in color, which is not like ordinary green tea. Inside the sachet are crushed leaves of medium size, without impurities. The manufacturer recommends keeping the infusion in boiling water for 3 minutes, but after one it can be consumed. The more infusion, the stronger the drink.
Index | Meaning |
View | green |
Variety | Chinese green leaf tea |
Country of origin of raw materials | China |
Best before date | 36 months |
Number of bags, pieces | 25 |
Average price, rub. | 50 |
The "green" modification of the English manufacturer deserves no less attention than the "black". The product is sold in colorful packaging, the color of which clearly hints at its contents. Each sachet is individually wrapped to keep the fragrance inside.
Buyers note the beautiful olive color of the infusion (which indicates the quality of the feedstock), as well as a rich taste with a creamy tint. Even after a long brewing, the infusion does not become bitter, as is the case with cheap varieties. It is recommended to drink such tea fresh, as in this case it retains the maximum amount of nutrients.
Index | Meaning |
View | green |
Variety | Chinese green leaf tea |
Country of origin of raw materials | China |
Best before date | 36 months |
Number of bags, pieces | 25 |
Average price, rub. | 110 |
This representative of the Lipton exclusive line is not often found on store shelves. A beautiful bright box immediately attracts the attention of buyers. Inside there are twenty pyramids, in which tea leaves are poured, folded in a certain way. In addition to them, the composition contains only osmanthus and pear flavors. The pyramids are translucent, through them you can see tea leaves rolled up into tubes that straighten out in boiling water.
The birthplace of tea leaves is East Asia, namely the island of Java. The name of the brand is translated as "gunpowder". Buyers note that the number of leaves in the pyramid is enough not only for one, but even for 2 or three cups.
Index | Meaning |
View | green |
Variety | long leaf green tea, flavoring of osmanthus and natural pear |
Country of origin of raw materials | Java island |
Best before date | 24 months |
Number of bags, pieces | 20 |
Average price, rub. | 70 |
This novelty is suitable for those who like to experiment with different tastes. The brand is still rarely found on sale, but it has every chance of gaining popularity among lovers of the tea ceremony.
Inside the colorful packaging are 25 sachets, each individually wrapped. Immediately after brewing the bag, a pleasant tart aroma appears, after two minutes the infusion is ready. It acquires a rich yellow-brown color and a pleasant taste, leaving a delicate floral aftertaste. Bitterness is almost not felt, a small tea sediment remains at the bottom of the cup. The tannin contained in green leaves can stain the walls of the cup in a dark color, this is normal. Some connoisseurs note that the absence of such a plaque, on the contrary, may indicate that the raw materials used to manufacture the product are not natural.
Index | Meaning |
View | green |
Variety | green tea |
Country of origin of raw materials | China |
Best before date | 24 months |
Number of bags, pieces | 25 |
Average price, rub. | 126 |
A drink from a well-known eco-producer is rarely found on free sale, it is best to order it on the Iherb profile website.The first thing that catches your eye when you get acquainted with the packaging is a note about the caffeine content. In addition to this ingredient, there are also a variety of useful substances, including antioxidants. In addition to tea leaves, the composition includes: lemongrass, mint, passion fruit, plum and kombucha. The last ingredient is little known to anyone, under the unusual word is hidden "kombucha", which was previously grown in jars on the windowsill. The brand is based on the name of the Hindu Yogi Bhavan.
Each sachet has instructions for brewing tea. It is recommended to withstand the infusion for about 3 minutes. If the strength is not enough, you can use two envelopes. It is not recommended to exceed the daily allowance of 4 cups. The result is a pleasant infusion without bitterness, a pleasant fruity and floral aroma spreads around the room. Wishes and wise sayings are applied on the label of each bag.
Index | Meaning |
View | green |
Variety | green tea, lemongrass, peppermint leaf, kombucha, natural passion fruit flavor, natural plum flavor |
Country of origin of raw materials | India |
Best before date | 24 months |
Number of bags, pieces | 16 |
Average price, rub. | 303 |
Due to the wide variety of tea brands, finding a tasty and inexpensive drink for every day is not an easy task. We recommend paying attention not only to the price of the product, but also to the ingredients from which it is made.It would be useful to evaluate (if possible) the amount of grinding of the leaves. The larger they are, the tastier the infusion of them will be.
Unfortunately, brands using natural raw materials are becoming rarer, and even the brand that you are used to constantly buying can suddenly become noticeably worse. We recommend that you do not stop at one brand and try new formulations, since there are more and more of them lately. Before buying, it is recommended that you read customer reviews of a particular brand to find out what you can expect from a purchase. We hope that our article will help you navigate the variety of tea brands and make the right choice.