To cheer up, cheer up and bring your body into tone, it does not take much effort. Many now thought about a cup of coffee or tea, but no. Orange juice can help with this. It has not only a pleasant sweet and sour taste, which hides a lot of benefits for the human body. As well as a bright color that can instantly cheer up and get rid of sadness. For this reason, orange juice is very popular with people all over the world. But there is not always a desire or opportunity to cook fresh orange juice, so you should carefully study the best manufacturers of such a tasty and healthy drink.
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When consuming certain foods, a person does not always think about their benefits to the body. The choice is usually based on taste preferences, and the benefits and harms are already fading into the background. Sometimes certain foods are simply included in the diet because they are healthy. And what benefit they will bring, a person may not even think about it.
So does orange juice. Often you can see various signs or posters advising you to include certain fruits or vegetables in your diet, and next to them you can see a glass of orange juice. And it is not in vain that he is drawn on such posters. After all, it has great benefits.
Most people know about orange juice only that it is rich in vitamin C, which in turn is responsible for immunity. But besides this, such a drink contains such vitamins A, E, K and PP. Also in the composition of the juice you can find components such as sodium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and iron, as well as fiber, flavonoids, antioxidants, acids and essential oils.
So, since there is a high content of vitamin C, it can be used to raise immunity, which is very necessary in the winter and autumn seasons. With the onset of cold weather, people often begin to get sick with colds, to avoid this, you can simply drink a glass of such a healthy drink every day. In addition to restoring immunity, this vitamin helps fight fatigue, even chronic fatigue, and helps strengthen blood vessels.
The presence of vitamin A helps strengthen vision, and also helps in the fight against cataracts.But since it also contains vitamin E, the color of the skin and its condition will improve, the nail plates will no longer be brittle and get stronger, and the condition of the hair will also improve.
Also, the composition of the juice has a beneficial effect on the digestive system. The presence of antioxidants and fiber will help cleanse the body of toxins and excess fluid. It will also have a positive effect on appetite and normalize stool. At the same time, an environment will be formed in the body that will create a barrier from viruses and various bacteria and fungi. The mucous membrane of the mouth, stomach and intestines will be disinfected. In addition, it is worth noting that with the constant use of orange juice, the liver will be cleansed. It is also worth noting the low calorie content of the drink. Therefore, its use will be very useful if you want to reduce weight.
If it talks about the benefits of the drink for the female body, then it is very useful for menstruation and menopause. With it, you can get rid of the symptoms of PMS. Due to the fact that the drink is rich in folic acid, daily use will help prepare the body for conceiving a baby. It will also be very useful during pregnancy, since during this period the expectant mother's immunity will be reduced. But in this case, it is better to consult a doctor. Many doctors recommend using orange juice during lactation. But here you should reduce the portion of the drink.
For men, orange juice will also be very useful. With its help, you can maintain "male strength". This will be very helpful in preparing for the conception of a child. Since the quality of spermatozoa will be improved and they will become more mobile, it will be possible to conceive quickly.
Such juice will also be very useful for children.With it, you can strengthen the growing body. But you should not neglect the recommendations of the pediatrician, since citrus fruits are strong allergens.
Since orange juice contains acids, you should not drink it on an empty stomach. This can provoke an upset of the digestive system. Although it can be consumed at breakfast.
Pure juice is not recommended for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Especially if a person has a stomach or duodenal ulcer, as well as other problems with the intestines. In this case, it is better to dilute it with water.
Citrus fruits are also strong allergens. For this reason, people who cannot tolerate vitamin C should not drink this drink. Also, orange juice can have a detrimental effect on tooth enamel. To avoid this with frequent use of juice, it is better to use a straw.
But even if a person does not suffer from diseases of the stomach or intestines, does not have a tendency to allergies, it is worth adhering to the norm of the drink. Therefore, it is not recommended for children under 3 years of age. And children from 3 to 7 years old can drink about 100 ml of the drink per day. Schoolchildren can increase the dose to 150-200 ml per day, and adults up to 250 ml. At the same time, do not forget that by increasing the dose of the drink, there will be a risk of developing diabetes and obesity.
Usually, coming to the store, the buyer is faced with a large assortment of juices and nectars. How not to make a mistake with the choice here? Although you can focus on your previous purchases. But if you buy a drink not so often, it is forgotten over time. Therefore, you need to learn how to study the packaging of goods.
To begin with, it should be noted that all juices in tetra packs are reconstituted and direct extraction. The first option is a product made from concentrated juice. The second one is not made from concentrates, but is outlived directly at the factory, after which it goes through the pasteurization process. Therefore, the second option would be preferable.
The percentage of oranges in the drink is also not unimportant. Depending on this, the product will be called "juice" or "nectar". If a bright taste is closer to the buyer, then it is better to give preference to the option called “juice”. In the nectar of orange juice will be about 20-50%. For lovers of weak sweetish drinks, it is better to choose nectar.
Do not ignore the composition. Many manufacturers, in addition to the main ingredient, also add additional components. Many of them are not beneficial for the human body. It is also better to give preference to products that do not contain sugar. A good orange drink will be very tasty and sweet without it. The smell of the drink is just as important. If it smells strongly of fresh fruit, then most likely the manufacturer has added a large amount of flavoring.
The packaging of the product must not lose its tightness. It should not have dents and drips. Also, the expiration date and date of manufacture play an important role here. The fresher the product, the better. In this case, it is better not to take a product made more than four months ago. Such juice or nectar, of course, can be consumed, but the beneficial properties will already be lost.
Initially, the products of the company "Multon" were sold in our market under the name "Nico". And the name "Good" appeared in 1998. And it was positively evaluated by buyers.The thing was that the majority of juice products were supplied from European countries and had foreign names. Within a few years, the company had a noticeable success in the market, expanding its range of products.
To date, "Dobry" presents such drinks as juices, nectars, fruit drinks, which have many flavor options. The volume of drinks varies from 200 ml to 2 liters. And all the time there are new tastes that delight customers. It should also not be ignored that the company participates in a charity event, and gives part of the proceeds from the sale of goods to help children.
Orange nectar from the Dobry brand is suitable for use by children from the age of three. It is made from concentrated juice and contains a large amount of vitamins necessary for a growing body. After drinking one glass of Dobry, you will receive about half of the daily requirement of vitamin C. The manufacturer recommends drinking such nectar every day during the cold season to avoid colds.
"Dobry orange nectar" has a shelf life of 1 year. After opening, the drink should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 24 hours. 100 grams of Good Orange Nectar contain 48 kcal.
The average cost is 142 rubles.
These juices and nectars from the well-known Wimm-Bill-Dann company appeared on the territory of our homeland by the mid-90s. They became the founders of packaged juice in our country. "J-7" fell in love with the Russians for the taste and convenient packaging.
This brand does not stand still and is constantly developing, supplementing its range with new flavor combinations.During this time, the company has received many awards, including "Brand of the Year", "Product of the Year", "The Most Valuable Russian Brand" and others. It should not be ignored that for the production of J-7 tetrapacks, certified cardboard is used, which is made from forestry wood. At the same time, forestry owners restore the forest, monitor its development and the preservation of its inhabitants and vegetation.
Orange "J-7" does not contain harmful additives, dyes, preservatives. And also during production, the manufacturer does not add sugar to it. After "J-7", the mood rises, a charge of vivacity appears. It contains not only ascorbic acid, but also magnesium, potassium and antioxidants. "J-7" is suitable for children from three years old.
You can store the product for a year, while the temperature should not exceed +25 degrees. Store the opened package in the refrigerator for no more than 24 hours. 100 grams of the product contains 45 kcal.
The average cost is 140 rubles.
The Lebedyansky company is a division of PepsiCo and produces products under the Ya brand. All products of this company belong to luxury products and meet the high quality that consumers need.
When this brand was created, it was aimed at the category of people who value quality, take care of themselves and their health, and do not want to deprive themselves of taste pleasures. It is for this reason that the brand has such a loud name.
The product range of "Ya" today reaches 20 types of various juices and nectars, and there are also several options for fruit drinks from berries. Products are produced in specially designed packaging that meets all the requirements of the premium class. Also products in glass containers, which are intended for restaurants and cafes.
Orange product from "Ya" has a bright and rich taste of fresh fruit. It does not contain sugar, preservatives and harmful additives. But for that, "I" is rich in vitamin C, microelements. Drinking at least one glass of “I” a day, a person will saturate it with useful components, strengthen the immune system, improve mood and rejuvenate the body.
"I" can be stored at room temperature for one year. Open juice should be consumed in a day. 100 grams of the product contains 44.8 kcal.
The average cost is 175 rubles.
This brand from the company "Multon" appeared in 2002, but now it belongs to "The Coco-Cola Company". The manufacturer positions its products as a premium product.
Rich juices and nectars are designed for people who love to enjoy life, value independence and prefer to enjoy everything. Since the people of our country associate quality goods with imported products, the manufacturer decided to give his products such a name.
Today, the products of this brand are in great demand among buyers, for this reason, "Rich" can be found in any store at an affordable price.Such popularity was achieved due to the high quality of products, specially designed packaging design and good advertising.
"Orange Rich" combines invigorating sourness and sweetness of fresh fruit. To complement the taste, the manufacturer added a delicate fruit pulp. "Rich" is produced from a concentrate of selected fruits. The manufacturer maintains full control at all stages of production, thanks to which the product fully complies with all quality standards.
Unopened packaging can be stored for a year from the date of production at room temperature. After opening, the product is good for 24 hours. 100 grams contains 48 kcal.
The average cost is 135 rubles.
A feature of this company is the presence of its own gardens, where fruits and vegetables are grown, used for the manufacture of drinks, fruit purees and baby food. In the manufacture of products, secrets, old secrets and modern technologies are used, thanks to which the buyer receives a product of the proper quality.
Orange drink from Sady Pridonya is a natural reconstituted juice. It does not contain preservatives and dyes. Also, the manufacturer does not add sugar, the sugar that is found in the product of natural origin. "Gardens of Pridonya" is suitable for children of school and preschool age.
"Sady Pridonya" has a shelf life of 1 year, and the opened package can be stored for no more than 24 hours in the refrigerator. 100 grams of the product contains 40 kcal.
The average cost is 109 rubles.
Products under the Swell brand belong to the premium class category. It is worth noting that the bottle of such products is matte and has a corrugated surface that resembles an orange peel to the touch. The manufacturer also squeezed out three logos on the bottle to protect the buyer from acquiring a fake. You should not disregard a wide range of products, in addition to the usual tastes, there are also quite exotic and unusual taste combinations for our population.
"Orange Swell" is made from concentrate and has pulp. Due to the fact that it contains a lot of ascorbic acid, the buyer not only gets the opportunity to restore immunity, improve health, but also get a charge of vivacity and replenish vitality. Since the pulp may settle during storage, it should be shaken well before opening the bottle.
"Swell" has a shelf life of 1 year from the date of manufacture. An open bottle can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 4 days. 100 grams of "Orange Swell" contains 45 kcal.
The average cost is 130 rubles.
This brand appeared in 1965. After 4 years, the manufacturer decided to improve the drink bottle so that the buyer could not confuse it with anything else.The bottle became transparent and dimples appeared on it. Within a few years, "Granini" began to conquer the European market. The products of this brand are very popular, as the manufacturer improves technology every year. So the buyer receives a quality drink that fully meets all consumer requirements.
"Granini" is a reconstituted orange juice, which is fraught with a bright color and rich taste. With it, you can easily quench your thirst and get a boost of energy. Such a product can be consumed in its pure form or added to cocktails.
The expiration date of "Granini" is 274 days, the opened bottle can be stored for a day. The energy value is 43 kcal.
The average cost is 300 rubles.
Such Austrian juices can be purchased in more than 50 countries around the world. The company has many years of experience, for this reason the buyer receives a high-quality product that corresponds to the premium class. In the manufacture, only fruits of the proper quality, unique recipes and modern technologies are used. It is also worth noting that the Pago bottle has a green color, which allows you to preserve the natural taste and aroma. To date, the Pago assortment includes more than 30 types of fruit juices, which can satisfy the needs of any customer.
"Orange Pago" is made from concentrated juice and contains the pulp of ripe fruit. Therefore, its taste has a pleasant sourness. This product is rich in vitamin C and will help strengthen the immune system and improve the condition of the skin.
"Orange Pago" is available in 200 and 750 ml. The opened bottle can be stored in the refrigerator for 24 hours. The energy value of the product is 45 kcal.
The average cost is 200 rubles.
Previously, such juices could only be bought in Europe or America, but now they have appeared in our country. Yan uses only the best fruits, unique recipes and modern technologies for its products. Since the products are aimed at a wide range of consumers, therefore, the manufacturer is trying to introduce new flavor combinations.
"Yan" is bottled in transparent bottles, has a sealed cap, which makes a click when first opened. "Yan Orange" is made from concentrated juice. It contains no dyes and flavors, only natural components of ripe fruit. Also, the manufacturer does not add sugar.
The average cost is 140 rubles.
The rating includes orange juices and nectars from Russian and European producers. These drinks are very popular with customers and have an affordable price. By drinking this juice daily, you can make up for the deficiency of vitamins, micro and macro elements. The presented products are suitable for both children and adults.