Rating of the best ENT clinics in St. Petersburg in 2022

Rating of the best ENT clinics in St. Petersburg in 2022

Now medicine can cope with almost any degree of diseases associated with the organs of the ear, throat and nose. The effectiveness of prevention and treatment depends on the qualifications of workers, the quality of equipment and the chosen methods of treatment.

In St. Petersburg, a large number of otolaryngologists offer their services. In order to eliminate your mistake in choosing, the editors of the site "top.htgetrid.com/en/" present to your attention a rating of the best ENT clinics in St. Petersburg. The review presents public and private clinics that are equipped with high-quality, modern equipment, and services are provided by highly qualified workers.

Network of clinics "My clinic"
votes 7

Official website: https://www.myclinic.ru/
Working hours: weekdays - from 8.30 to 21.00, Saturday - from 10.00 to 16.00, Sunday - day off
Phone: ☎ 8 812 493 03 03
Address: Gorokhovaya street, 14/26; Varshavskaya street, 59
For whom: for an adult, for a child
Type: private

For 17 years, the clinic has been providing services in all medical areas. The otolaryngological department is represented by highly qualified doctors, including: a doctor and a leading specialist, a doctor of the highest category, a candidate of medical sciences.

Highly qualified doctors will provide medical care for diseases:

  • nasopharynx and oral cavity;
  • nose and paranasal sinuses;
  • acute and chronic diseases of the ear;
  • acute and chronic sinusitis.

The cost of basic services (full information is indicated on the website):

ServicePrice (in rubles)
Primary appointmentfrom 1 500 - 2 500
Secondary reception1200
Drug administration400
Posterior rhinoscopy500
Foreign body removal1100
Puncture of the paranasal sinuses1700
Meatotympanic blockade800
Washing the tonsils440
Reposition of the bones of the nose6500
Washing the maxillary sinus550
Lavage of the nasopharynx according to Bahon400
Removal of polyps13200
Removal of neoplasm in the nasal cavity11500
  • high qualification of medical workers;
  • modern equipment;
  • effective treatments.
  • not found.

Clinic named after Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov
votes 4

Website: https://www.pirogovclinic.ru/
Location: Vasilevsky Island, Bolshoi Avenue, 49-51
Phone: ☎ 7 812 320 70 00
Type: private
Suitable for: children, adults

Information about the clinic

The private clinic has been providing professional multidisciplinary services for 21 years. Patients of a private clinic can receive any medical assistance, from consultation and diagnosis to complex operations.

The institution has:

  • comfortable stationary wards and own resuscitation service;
  • complex of anesthesiology and own operating rooms;
  • high-quality equipment of the European level;
  • own clinical diagnostic laboratory;
  • a full range of radiation, ultrasound and functional diagnostics.

Hospital employees have the degree of candidate and doctor of medical sciences, as well as the highest category. Physicians are permanent participants of international and all-Russian forums. The piggy bank of knowledge and experience is replenished by studying at research centers and conducting joint training programs with leading medical organizations.


The Department of Otorhinolaryngology is represented by a candidate of sciences and a doctor of the highest category - Vyacheslav Valerievich Vavin. Patients will receive highly qualified treatment using modern equipment for the following ENT diseases:

  • external, average and internal otitis;
  • tonsillectomy, polypous rhinosinusitis;
  • deviated septum, polyps;
  • obstruction of the lacrimal canal;
  • acute and chronic form of laryngitis, nasopharyngitis;
  • adenotomy, acute and chronic diseases: sinusitis, ethmoiditis, frontal sinusitis, sphenoiditis.

The cost of services on the site is not indicated. Information can be obtained by calling the above phone number.

  • high qualification of doctors;
  • quality equipment.
  • not detected.

Mariinsky Hospital
votes 5

Phone number: ☎ 7 812 605 03 03
Address: Liteiny Avenue, 56
Type: public hospital
Suitable for both children and adults
Official site: https://mariin.ru/

Hospital Information

The Mariinsky Hospital is a state budgetary healthcare institution. The chief physician of the hospital, Oleg Vladislavovich Yemelyanov, has a doctorate in medical sciences, and is also an honored doctor and professor.

The Mariinsky Hospital offers patients multidisciplinary treatment using high-level equipment. Treatment is provided by medical professionals. The Mariinsky Hospital has 2,000 employees, including professors, doctors of medical sciences, candidates of medical sciences and doctors with the highest or first category.

The institution has many years of experience and continuous improvement of knowledge and development of new methods.

Department of Otolaryngology

The Department of Otolaryngology operates on the basis of the Department of Otolaryngology, St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University.

The department provides specialized assistance using modern diagnostic methods, conservative and surgical treatment. Modern equipment is used for effective prevention and treatment. The hospital accommodates 60 patients.

The Department of Otolaryngology treats many diseases of the ENT organs, including:

  • chronic diseases: laryngitis, tonsillitis, polypous rhinosinusitis, otitis media, sensorineural hearing loss, purulent otitis media;
  • acute diseases: frontal sinusitis, sinusitis, otitis media, external diffuse otitis media, polysinusitis;
  • ethmoiditis, all types of rhinitis;
  • atheroma of the auricle, fungal infections of the paranasal sinuses;
  • boils, snoring, vocal cord nodules, frontal sinusitis, sphenoiditis;
  • polyps, stenosis and others.

The hospital provides paid and free services, the cost of which can be found by phone or on the website.

  • budget prices;
  • high level of professionalism of employees;
  • good equipment;
  • hospital.
  • not detected.

OrKli Hospital
votes 0

Location: Vasilevsky Island, Sredny Prospekt, 48/27. Metro station "Vasileostrovskaya"
Working hours: Monday to Friday - from 8.00 to 20.00, Saturday - from 10.00 to 15.00, Sunday - day off
Phone: ☎ 7 812 321 08 12
Website: http://orkli.ru/
Suitable for both children and adults
Type: state

Information about the Hospital

For 21 years, the Hospital has been providing multidisciplinary care. The hospital is located in an old building built in 1874. A radical reconstruction and redevelopment made it possible to place all clinical services in one place. The hospital includes: a medical laboratory, a diagnostic center, a day hospital and a multidisciplinary clinic.

The motto of the Hospital is "We do everything for your health." The personal pronoun “We” refers to a team of highly qualified employees with a minimum of 10 years of experience. Diagnostics and treatment are carried out on modern and high-quality equipment.


The department of otolaryngology is represented by the staff of the department, which is part of the center of surgery and the doctor of the highest category, professor and doctor of medical sciences - Lev Aleksandrovich Glaznikov.

The Department of Otolaryngology provides:

  • physiotherapy for chronic and acute diseases;
  • therapy with specialized drugs;
  • disease prevention;
  • surgical treatment (curvature of the nasal septum, removal of polyps, etc.);
  • rehabilitation and general strengthening activities.

An appointment with a doctor includes familiarization with the patient's complaints, visual and instrumental examination. If necessary, the ENT doctor can refer you for a consultation with doctors in such areas as an endocrinologist, oncologist, cardiologist and for diagnostics, which includes endoscopy, fluoroscopy and blood tests, sputum, as well as swabs from the nose and throat.

The cost of all services provided can be found on the specified website or by phone, below is a small part of them:

ServicePrice (in rubles)
Initial consultation of professor and candidate of sciences2200
Secondary consultation2800
Anemization of the nasal mucosa300
Injection of drugs into the auditory tube or larynx800
Blockade inside the nose800
Catheterization of the maxillary sinuses + their washing8100
Cauterization of the nasal mucosa1500
Lavage of ENT organsfrom 800 to 1600
Removal of foreign bodies1600 - 2 400
Submucosal vasotomy of the inferior turbinates25300
Removal of benign nasal formations41600
Removal of cysts and papillomas in the pharynx15200
Bilateral tonsillotomy29700
Correction of a deviated septum of the nose41000
  • good specialists;
  • modern technical equipment;
  • day hospital.
  • no.

EndoLOR Medical Center
votes 1

Phone number: ☎ 7 812 642 02 45
Location: Koroleva Avenue, 65
Opening hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday - from 9.00 to 20.00, Wednesday - from 9.00 to 18.00, Saturday - from 10.00 to 18.00, Sunday - day off
Official website: https://endolor.ru/
Suitable: adults and children
Type: private

About clinic

The Otolaryngology Clinic of Dr. Aleksey Yuryevich Krotov has been actively working in the field of endoscopy for more than 25 years, which makes it possible to cure many diseases of the ENT organs that traditional methods of treatment cannot cope with. Alexey Yurievich is a doctor of the highest category and a candidate of medical sciences.

Own experience and development, as well as the experience adopted from domestic and foreign specialists, allows us to carry out safe and effective treatment using microsurgical techniques. Treatment is provided by professionals in their field using a unique endoscopic, microsurgical instrument and video equipment. As well as modern technologies in the form of cryosurgery, radio waves, laser and shaver system.

For complex treatment, the clinic employs specialists from related fields who provide services of acupuncture, therapy, manual therapy, therapeutic massage, somnology and neurology.

Services and their cost

The EndoLOR Center treats and corrects such diseases as:

  • deviated septum, nasal polyposis;
  • cysts, foreign bodies, fungal sinusitis, adenoids, snoring;
  • abscess hematomas, sphenoiditis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis;
  • obstruction of the lacrimal ducts;
  • chronic and acute forms of rhinitis, tonsillitis, dacryocystitis, otitis and sinusitis.

Full information about the cost of the clinic's services is available on the website. The table below shows the main services and their cost:

ServicePrice (in rubles)
Primary appointments up to 45 minutes:
clinic director2600
ENT doctor of the highest category2000
ENT doctor of category I-II1800
Repeated appointments up to 45 minutes:
ENT doctor of the highest category1400
ENT doctor of category I-II1200
Outpatient express reception1200
Outpatient reception at dispensary observation900
Endoscopyfrom 600 to 2600
Washing according to Proetzfrom 750 to 3,000
Sanitation of the paranasal sinuses600
Computer rhinomanometry1500
Comprehensive treatment of acute sinusitis3 900 - 5 600
Thermal reduction of polypsfrom 10,000 to 35,000
Radio wave effect on the turbinatesfrom 10,000 to 20,000
Drainage and washing of the paranasal sinusesfrom 1,500 to 2,500
Thermocoagulation of blood vessels 5 000 - 7 000
Polyp removal3000
Washing the tonsilsfrom 900 to 4,000
Treatment of tonsillitis in a conservative wayfrom 1,400 to 9,000
Removal of benign formationsfrom 3,000 to 7,000
Preoperative complex laboratory diagnostics3 200 - 3 800
  • high professionalism;
  • extensive experience in treatment using microsurgery;
  • complex treatment;
  • good-natured attitude;
  • cozy atmosphere;
  • high-tech equipment.
  • missing.

ENT clinic of Dr. Korenchenko
votes 0

Location: Krasnogvardeisky district, Novocherkassky prospect, 33 2/1, next to the Novocherkasskaya metro station
Phone: ☎ 7 812 210 34 71
Working hours: Monday to Friday - from 9.00 to 20.00, Saturday - from 10.00 to 16.00, Sunday - day off
Official site: https://kdklor-spb.ru/
Clinic type: private
Suitable for: adults and children

A bit of history

The founder of a network of specialized private ENT clinics is Dr. Korenchenko. The first hospital was opened in 1994 in the city of Samara, the opening of a branch in St. Petersburg took place in 2012.

Sergei Viktorovich Korenchenko was the first to create a center for laser surgery and medicine in the USSR.Sergey Viktorovich was a member of the Academy in the section of life safety, in the European Rhinological Society (he is also the founder of the Samara Rhinological Society) and in the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology. Dr. Korenchenko received the medal of Hippocrates, Lomonosov, as well as the Star of the Scientist. He was awarded the title of "Professor" and "Honored Scientist".

Hospital Information

The ideology of the institution is the following saying: "There are no superfluous formations in the upper respiratory tract." Following this saying, the clinic was able to achieve very high results in diagnosis and treatment. The level of knowledge is always increasing due to the annual participation in the Congress of the Russian Society of Otolaryngologists and in the Congress of the Russian Society of Rhinologists. Also, the treasury of knowledge and experience is replenished due to the fact that the clinic is a member of the European Respiratory Society of the European Academy of Allergology and Immunology, as well as the European Rhinological Society.

The ENT clinic of Dr. Korenchenko employs highly qualified personnel who, thanks to their extensive experience, modern European-level knowledge and high-tech equipment, will provide patients with a high level of diagnosis and treatment of various ENT diseases. Diagnosis and treatment is provided to both children and adults.

The main services provided and their cost (detailed information can be found on the website or by phone number):

ServicesCost (in rubles)
ENT doctor using a video endoscope2000
ENT doctor of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences using a video endoscope 2500
professors4 500 (consultation duration 1.5 hours)
repeated from 1,700 to 3,000
Wash procedures1 000 - 1 500
Manipulations (reposition of the nasal bones, blockade, puncture, opening of an abscess, removal of a foreign body, etc.)from 500 to 12,000
Molecular-quantum operations for the reduction of nasal conchas24 000 - 34 600
Laser operations (adenoids, lymphoid tissues, ENT organs)from 3,000 to 37,900

You can make an appointment for a consultation at the phone number indicated above or through the website. At the consultation, the doctor will conduct an examination with a video endoscope and, if necessary, prescribe additional tests.

  • great work experience;
  • European level of diagnostics and treatment;
  • high-tech equipment;
  • good relationship;
  • convenient location.
  • not detected.

St. Petersburg Research Institute of Ear, Throat, Nose and Speech of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
votes 1

Contact Information:
website: https://lornii.ru/
address: Bronnitskaya street, 9
phone number: ☎ 7 812 676 00 76
working hours: weekdays - from 8.00 to 19.00, Saturday and Sunday - days off
Type of clinic: state
Suitable for: children and adults

A Brief History of St. Petersburg Research Institute of ENT

The Research Institute is located in an old building, which in 1879 served as a care department for soldiers who were injured during the Russian-Turkish war. In 1880, Princess Alexandra Iosifovna became the head of the department of guardianship, and the department became the Alexander Community of the Sisters of the Red Cross. The community also provided medical care to wounded soldiers, and an outpatient clinic helped indigent patients. The treatment was completely free. From 1884 to 1912, the reconstruction of old buildings and the construction of new ones took place in the Alexander community.

The community broke up in 1917, and already in 1930, Vladimir Ignatievich Voyachek, on the basis of the Friedrich Engels Ear Hospital, founded a scientific and practical institute for diseases of the ear, throat, nose and speech. The Institute was engaged in scientific and practical development in matters of clinic, pathogenesis, etiology, prevention and treatment of occupational diseases of the ENT organs, voice and speech disorders, as well as deafness and hearing loss. Scientific and practical conferences, meetings of the Academic Council, as well as classes with medical personnel and students were regularly held within the walls of the research institute.

In addition to its main task, the Scientific and Practical Institute, like the Alexander community, provided medical assistance to wounded soldiers.

research institute now

Now the institute is a federal state institution, which is subordinate to the Ministry of Health and is the only head ENT institute in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. Director of the Institute, Doctor of Medical Sciences and Professor - Sergey Anatolyevich Karpishchenko.

The Research Institute, as in the beginning, conducts multidisciplinary scientific research in the field of otolaryngology and speech pathology and trains workers. The Institute heads the Russian Society and the National Medical Association of Otorhinolaryngologists, and also organizes all congresses and conferences. The Scientific and Practical Institute publishes its own journal, accredited by the Higher Attestation Commission - "Russian Otorhinolaryngology".

Patients are provided with medical care by highly qualified workers, including 45 candidates and 19 doctors of medical sciences.In addition to the high qualifications of its employees, the institute has a unique set of operating rooms, clinical and scientific laboratories, and specialized diagnostics.

Branches and cost of services

The department of the polyclinic includes phoniatrics, X-ray, treatment and diagnostic and audiology departments, a vestibular laboratory and an electrophysiological laboratory for hearing.
The hospital department contains surgical departments for adults and children, as well as speech departments for children and adults.
The Institute holds records for VHI, CHI and VMP. Details must be clarified on the website or by phone. The Institute provides many paid services, details of which can be found on the website or by phone. For reference, below is the cost of basic services (in rubles):

Services listThe minimum cost of services from (the price is indicated in rubles):Maximum cost of services up to:
Surgical treatment of the nose and paranasal sinuses 1,700 for one side of the lateroposition of the inferior turbinates 227 00
Operative treatment of the pharynx and larynx 2,000 for unilateral electrocoagulation of hypertrophied palatine tonsils 114,000 for laryngoplasty with external access
Ear surgery 5,000 for tympanopuncture and tympanodrainage 1,296,650 for cochlear implantation
Maxillofacial Surgery 5,000 for tooth extraction with sinusitis 25,000 for bone grafting
Anesthesia3,600 for CT anesthesia35 100 for the total combined with mechanical ventilation
Hospital treatment 1,800 per night stay in the care ward 5,000 per night in intensive care
Conservative treatment of the nose and paranasal sinuses 850 for one cuckoo treatment 8 850 for the removal of small papillomas of the nose
Conservative treatment of the pharynx and larynx 500 for medicating the back throat 12,600 for the removal of a foreign body from the larynx
Conservative ear treatment 250 for the introduction of drugs in the outer and middle 6,150 for tympanic membrane defect closure
Pathologies of voice and speech 400 for group speech self-regulation classes 2,750 for an individual psychotherapy session
Physiotherapy 300 for phototherapy 800 for transcranial electrical stimulation
Ultrasound procedure 600 for an ultrasound of the paranasal sinuses 3,000 for dopplerography of the main vessels of the neck and head
Magnetic resonance imaging 3,000 for MR venography of the brain 12,000 for an MRI dynamic study
X-ray studies 150 for a tooth x-ray 9,200 for a CT scan of one area with contrast
  • high qualification of employees;
  • extensive work experience;
  • provision of multidisciplinary assistance in the field of otolaryngology and pathology;
  • availability of own scientific and clinical laboratories, a unique complex of operating rooms;
  • good attitude towards patients;
  • availability of a hospital.
  • not found.


The rating included the best private and public ENT clinics in St. Petersburg. After reading the information about the clinic, doctors, methods of treatment and finding out the cost of treatment, you can easily choose the best option for yourself. Be healthy!


