
  1. Varieties in form
  2. Appointment by type of sliding
  3. Material used
  4. Advantages and disadvantages of ice
  5. Criterias of choice
  6. Rating of the best ice rinks for children for 2022

Rating of the best ice rinks for children for 2022

Rating of the best ice rinks for children for 2022

The world changes over time, but the desire of the kids to ride on a fine winter day from an ice or snow slide remains unchanged. The handy tools that were used until recently were replaced by convenient, colorful, durable, lightweight and inexpensive devices - ice cubes. Domestic and foreign manufacturers have managed to fill an empty, and at first glance, not very attractive niche in the consumer market. But this turned out not to be the case. Products provided in a wide variety to small customers quickly gained great popularity. Made from various materials, in various variations, colors, with drawings from their favorite cartoons, ice cubes give kids complete freedom of choice.

Varieties in form

In accordance with the age category of children, as well as their preferences and compliance with the safety of use, ice cubes are produced in the form of:

  • elongated devices with sides of various heights with one or two handles;
  • round flat or concave "pills" with two grips or hinged loop-handles;
  • "shovel" with a holder;
  • flat, soft seats with handles;
  • plates of large size to accommodate two people.

Many of them have longitudinal grooves that contribute to better sliding on the snow cover.

Appointment by type of sliding

Based on the slope on which the kid will spend his skiing, the choice of the most suitable option for the ice rink also depends. So, if the hill is covered with snow, then it is better to stop your eyes on the devices in the form of a trough. This is the safest form for a snowy slope. A prerequisite should be the presence of bumpers at the edges of the device. And the higher they are, the less snow will fall on the child during the descent and the more comfortable the ride will be. A pair of handles, located on both sides of the device, allow the baby to comfortably secure himself in the ice sled and maintain balance in the process of sliding. As mentioned above, such devices have guide strips on the bottom, which ensure the smoothness of the exit and the stability of the device.

For icy slopes, elongated models with one handle located in the front, round and other configurations with a flat bottom may be more suitable. It is imperative that such products have handles or belts that will allow children to hold on and maintain balance during the descent.

If you use such products on an ice slide, then it is quite difficult to maintain balance in them.

When using elongated devices with one handle, experts recommend starting to try to ride from low slopes with a smooth ice surface. This is justified by the fact that, holding on to the handle located in front of the ice rink, it is rather difficult for the baby to balance his body when moving. Therefore, it will take some time to find this balance and learn how to maneuver the device if necessary.

Round products bring their own "zest" to the skating process. They create a rotation around the axis when accelerating the movement, which gives an unforgettable experience to the kids. And the handles located opposite to each other allow the child to hold firmly inside the ice cube, evenly distributing their weight over the entire surface of the device.

Material used

The material used for the manufacture of ice sledges for children is the basis for the reliability, safety and comfort of the product. So, for long and comfortable riding, durable plastic is used that can withstand temperatures of at least -30 ° C. The thickness of the bottom of the product also plays an important role in the life of the device. The larger it is, the longer the operating time of the product.For greater convenience, as well as providing a warm layer between the device and the body of the child, a fabric coating is used. But its service life is much shorter than that of the main composition.

Also, for seats designed for riding downhill, high-strength polyvinyl chloride is used, equipped with a soft filler. This composition provides fast and high-quality sliding, and also provides more comfortable sitting conditions for children.

Advantages and disadvantages of ice

The main advantages of ice sledges are their availability, lightness, good maneuverability, excellent glide, stability and transportability. Made of durable, but at the same time lightweight plastic or polyvinyl chloride, provides products with low weight. The child himself is able to bring him to the place of skiing, as well as tow him up the hill after the descent. To do this, all models have different handles and straps. Depending on the size, configuration, composition and design, the cost of fixtures ranges from 100 to 1000 rubles.

The disadvantages of such products include:

  • the impossibility of using them as vehicles around the city, but only for skiing;
  • gaining prior experience in operating the device for safe use;
  • lack of a mechanism for emergency braking at high speed ice.

But modern manufacturers are working to eliminate these shortcomings and some of them have already equipped their products with hand brakes.

Criterias of choice

To make it convenient, comfortable, safe and high-quality for a child to ride from a snow or ice slide, careful attention should be paid to choosing the right model.

For greater specification of the range of the chosen model, experts recommend deciding what type of skiing the device will be intended for: snow or ice. This will facilitate the selection of the shape and design of a suitable product.

So, one of the main criteria is the age of the child. For children under 3 years old, the best option would be round-shaped recessed fixtures with high sides. They will ensure their safety when moving, and convenient handles located on both sides will allow them to be firmly held inside the device.

For the children of the next age category, which is 4-10 years old, ice-sleds of any configuration are suitable, but designed for the weight of each of them.

For children over 10 years old, teenagers and adults, it is better to choose flat-shaped devices made of durable foam.

Be sure to pay attention to the material from which the product is made. If it is plastic, then it should not have cracks or chips. This will immediately lead to a violation of the integrity of the structure and expose the rolling child to the danger of being injured by fragments of the ice.

In order for the device to last as long as possible, it is better to focus on a product with a thick bottom, and to ensure good stability, it is recommended to give preference to a product with guide strips on the bottom of the device.

Do not neglect the opportunity to get acquainted with the documents for the goods, indicating that the products comply with all requirements and standards.

The dimensions and weight of the selected product is also of no small importance. They must be appropriate for the age and height of the child so that he can independently carry it with him.

Rating of the best ice rinks for children for 2022

The most high-quality ice cubes, which are in high demand among small consumers, include domestic goods and foreign products. Among them, the leading places in the list of the best are occupied by the following models.

For the little ones

Glacier Marvel Spider-Man

The products of Chinese manufacturers of the 1Toy brand of Marvel have gained particular popularity among modern kids. They are presented in various forms, but the most attractive for the children is the image of their favorite characters from animated films. Therefore, each girl or boy will be able to choose from a large number of ice cubes that suits her or him. This model is a round device with a diameter of 54 cm with two attached handles on both sides of the product. They are made of dense waterproof fabric. Each of them has a rubber handrail, which gives additional comfort to the rider when grabbing. The inner base of the device has a soft structure, as there is a layer of insulation under the waterproof coating. This eliminates the tight contact of the baby's body with a cold surface. The bottom base is made of a durable polymer material that provides good gliding on ice.

Glacier Marvel Spider-Man
  • high quality;
  • convenient design;
  • the presence of two handles;
  • Beautiful design;
  • soft structure;
  • little weight.
  • not identified.

Sledge-ice brand Polissya

Belarusian manufacturers of the Polesie brand make ice cubes for young children. Their peculiarity lies in a special concave shape that prevents the baby from slipping. The compact dimensions of 37 x 30 x 0.3 cm make it easy to carry the design.The elongated molded handle with a hole provides a comfortable grip when riding. The durable plastic from which the devices are made is perfectly adapted to harsh winter weather conditions. It withstands frosts down to -25°C. There are several colors to choose from: red, blue, blue, orange and green.

Sledge-ice brand Polissya
  • thoughtful design;
  • ease of use;
  • strength and reliability of the structure;
  • compactness;
  • availability of a color range.
  • not detected.

Device "Bunny"

Also, for the youngest fans of ice slides, domestic manufacturers offer miniature and comfortable Zaika ice rinks. Presented in a variety of colors, they will not leave indifferent any buyer. The comfortable concave shape of the seat prevents the baby from slipping to the ground. And the curly elongated handle will provide a secure hold on the surface of the device during the descent. Adapted to the snowy and frosty Russian winters, the high-strength plastic used in the production of these products will serve its owner for a long time.

Device "Bunny"
  • convenient form;
  • compact dimensions;
  • durable material;
  • little weight;
  • variety of colors.
  • not found.

Children from 3 years old

Ice sled Tobogan for children

The products of the Russian brand are perfectly focused on winter climatic conditions. The product is made of high-strength plastic that can withstand temperatures down to -25°C. Products have a round shape with high sides that protect the baby from snow falling on him. On both sides are monolithic handles. It is convenient to grab them and hold firmly in the ice.The round shape allows you to develop high speed, as well as create rotational movements around its axis during the descent. This gives the kids even more enthusiasm and fun while riding. The diameter of the product is 61 cm. The maximum weight that can withstand such a product is 50 kg. Products are available in several colors:

  • red,
  • yellow,
  • black,
  • grey,
  • blue.

The mass of each device is 800 gr.

Ice sled Tobogan for children
  • reliability and structural strength;
  • convenient arrangement of handles;
  • the presence of high sides;
  • high-quality plastic;
  • choice of color.
  • not detected.

Ledyanki Nordplast

Devices of this brand of a domestic manufacturer are perfectly adapted to Russian frosty and snowy winters. Made of durable frost-resistant plastic, they provide a long service life and high-quality sliding on the snow or ice surface of the slide. Having an oblong shape with high sides, the products are great for convenient placement of children in them. And the high curved edges provide not only protection from snow, but also serve as a kind of handles to keep the body in balance. The presence of guide strips on the bottom make the fixture stable and improve the sliding process. At the front end of the ice rink there is a hole for a rope, so that it is convenient for children to pull it up the hill. All products of this form have standard sizes intended for children 4-6 years old. They are 43.5 x 37 x 5.5 cm.

Ledyanki Nordplast
  • high strength of the product;
  • convenient form;
  • the presence of high sides;
  • the possibility of attaching a rope;
  • the presence of guide strips;
  • wide color range.
  • lack of special handles.

Device "Snow slope"

Another representative of Russian manufacturers is the Snow Slope fixture. An unusual and comfortable shape, reminiscent of a sea stingray, allows you to comfortably accommodate a small person. Its dimensions are 93 × 70.8 × 16.2 cm. Small sides ensure minimal snow ingress when sliding. The beautiful, knurled, molded handles are quick to grab for balance while moving. The clever use of high-strength plastic allows the device to be used at temperatures down to -60°C. It also ensures a long product life. The maximum weight that can withstand these ice cubes is 40 kg. To attract buyers, the product is presented in several colors:

  • yellow,
  • orange,
  • red,
  • pink,
  • blue,
  • light green.

For ease of transportation of the product, it has a hole for the rope. But the cord itself is not included in the kit.

Device "Snow slope"
  • Beautiful design;
  • strong and reliable design;
  • frost-resistant plastic;
  • the presence of sides;
  • wide color choice.
  • no rope included.

For children over 10 years old

Glacier Snow Daze Warp Speed ​​48

Chinese manufacturers supply comfortable, light and high-quality ice sleds to consumer markets. They are designed for teenagers who love extreme downhill skiing, but do not want to carry heavy sleds with them. Therefore, the material used for the production of these products is lightweight, high quality and convenient to use. The size of the products supplied is 122 x 53 x 1.9cm.This allows you to go down the ice slide in various positions of the body. To fix a person on the ice rink, four reliable handles are provided, located on both sides and made of durable PVC and nylon. The product is a molded case, the upper part of which is made of high-density polystyrene foam. Thanks to him, he manages to soften all kinds of blows. The bottom surface is high density polyethylene. It provides excellent glide. Such products can be used in frosts down to -25 ° C.

Glacier Snow Daze Warp Speed ​​48
  • convenient form;
  • ease of construction;
  • the presence of molded handles;
  • strength;
  • frost resistance of the product.
  • not identified.

Ledyanka All Around

This Chinese model is designed not only for lovers of high-speed, but also supplemented by rotational movements, sliding. Their formation is facilitated by the round shape of the device when gaining high speed. And it, in turn, is provided by high-strength polystyrene foam, from which ice cubes are made. Also, this material softens the blows in collisions. Its frost-resistant qualities make it possible to use ice cubes at temperatures up to -25 ° C. To maintain balance when descending, comfortable, durable handles are located on opposite sides. The diameter of the presented model is 65 cm, which gives the product maneuverability. The thickness of 1.9 cm provides an insulating layer between the body of a seated person and the cold surface of snow or ice. Due to the lightness of the materials used in the production, the weight of the product is minimal. This contributes to its quick and comfortable transportation.

Ledyanka All Around
  • little weight;
  • ease of use;
  • the presence of handles;
  • smooth sliding;
  • possibility of use at low temperatures.
  • not found.

The desires of young buyers do not always coincide with the right option for ice cubes for their age. Therefore, parents often have to give convincing arguments to their children in order to persuade them to choose a toy that is appropriate for their weight and age. But, having previously read the information on this type of product offered in this article, it will be easier for adults to immediately offer children the best models to choose from, narrowing the circle of inappropriate products falling into the field of view of children. Happy shopping and happy winter holidays!

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