Today, special sports equipment that is intended for contact martial arts and targeted training of strikes, as well as combinations, includes boxing paws. This type of sports equipment should not be associated exclusively with boxing, they can be attributed to the universal type of sports equipment, I use them in various types of martial arts. We will talk about what paws and pads are, and which model is better to choose, below.
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Such a sport as boxing originates in the Roman Empire, where it received its further development. The inhabitants of Rome considered this sport quite spectacular and bloody, suitable for the gladiator fights that took place in the Colosseum. Fisticuffs arose long ago, and archaeologists today provide indisputable evidence of this historical fact. During excavations, they discovered various devices, chains and other objects, thanks to which the blow was stronger and more painful. In those distant times, fisticuffs and fights often took place, without the use of any weapon, this was a certain stage in the preparation of warriors.
The sport is well known among the ancient Greeks. It is historically proven that the Greeks used a kind of boxing gloves, which were leather strips. With them, the fighters intertwined their fingers and hands, sometimes forearms. They also had a name - meilihai. Later they were replaced by gloves that have a different look. These are gloves that were sewn together from leather ruts and gloves, and a little later spikes and metal rings were added to them. In Greece in the middle of 600 BC. fisticuffs were included in the Olympic Games, during which the fights took place on a square-shaped sandy area. The main objective of the fight is to knock out the opponent or his voluntary surrender.
If we talk about Rus', then fisticuffs also took place. But more were for fun than shows for spectators or for profit. History knows some rules that were not fixed anywhere, but the participants adhered to them and demanded their observance from the opponent.
Believers in Rus', the church, and later the Bolsheviks did not welcome fisticuffs and called them barbarism.
At the same time, in Europe, including England, boxing was and developed. For training, athletes used gloves, and at competitions and tournaments, sparring was carried out without them. Boxing gloves in England were made of leather, and the inner filling was horsehair. In 1867, the requirements for holding fights were changed, one of the points of the new rules and in order to reduce injuries was the requirement to use boxing gloves in tournaments.
It was from that time that gloves began to be divided into types:
In the modern world, amateur, coaching, projectile gloves are also distinguished, which can be lace-up or Velcro, and the filler in them is foam or glove-layered.
According to the description, paws for sparring in boxing are put on hands, they have no “fingers” and a striking part on the surface.
Separate models of boxing paws are fixed on the hands or forearms of the athlete using belts. The variety of models depends on the technique that the athlete is practicing.
Many paws are suitable for receiving blows, not for delivering them.
Among the materials from which this type of equipment is made, natural and synthetic are used.Of course, paws made from natural materials are more popular, they are more comfortable and resistant to wear, such paws rarely cause allergic reactions in athletes than those made from artificial materials.
More often, boxing paws are made using natural or artificial leather, felt or horsehair internal filling, as well as polyethylene or polyurethane foam.
From a technological point of view, boxing paws are divided into:
The first type of paws in the list have a flat surface, are considered classic and are suitable for hitting. Boxing paws allow you to practice punches and kicks.
Bent-shaped paws are not suitable for practicing a direct strike, for the most part they are used to practice uppercuts and hooks. This type of paws is considered more traumatic, it is recommended to use them for experienced boxers, for beginners it is better to refuse them.
Boxing paws of a universal type, including makiwaras, are attached to the forearm, they have a large working surface. Such boxing equipment has a different shape, you can work out different techniques and strikes in them.
Characterizing boxing paws in general, we can definitely say that they do not belong to a homogeneous type of equipment in sports, their division is conditional, although the shape and size of boxing paws can have significant differences. Therefore, when choosing equipment of this group, it is necessary to approach it subjectively, to determine the tasks for which they are purchased, but there are a few practical tips before buying them:
It is generally accepted that in addition to the shape of boxing paws, the degree of rigidity of such sports equipment also matters. The paws are softer, so to speak, pierced will help the athlete feel the impact. Also, training in them using bandages - Gloves can strengthen the ligaments that support the fist. Rigid paws are suitable for practicing combinational movements, movements and their tactics, working out distance and balance.
Training with the use of boxing paws perfectly develops boxers' reflexes, striking technique, defense and fighting strategy. Working in the paws, the athlete, in addition to effective training, also receives an intellectual warm-up, the athlete has the opportunity to find himself in a situation close to a real fight.
In addition to the main purpose (working out punches, increasing the speed and power of punches), boxing paws help develop a certain rhythm, accuracy of punches, a certain strategy, and an individual style of an athlete.
Working in boxing paws, the athlete will also be able to:
Training in boxing paws is not only useful and effective, it is interesting and unusual. In the process, which, you can change the development of various combat skills, both attack and defense, counter-attacks. The person holding the paws has the ability to imitate the different styles of boxers, thus allowing the opponent to get used to them. The intensity of work can also be different, it can be increased or decreased. Such a training is always energetic and one that takes up a large amount of the athlete's strength, but the result from them will not take long to wait, of course, the athletes will acquire fighting reflexes.
Those who have the desire and time can make boxing paws on their own. To do this, you need genuine leather or a substitute. For the filler, a multilayer plastic tape (penofol) or karemat, foam rubber is suitable. You will also need rings made of plastic or metal, a five-meter cord, nylon, strong threads. Paws of such a plan are both comfortable and light, dense and durable.
If you decide to purchase paws and pads for boxing, we suggest considering the following options.
Price — 3300 dew. rub.
Price - 6400 dew. rub.
Price 8 950 dew. rub.
Price - 10700 dew. rub.
Price - 5650 dew. rub.
This type of sports equipment is quite effective, which allows you to develop muscles, work out the athlete's striking technique, improving it. Thanks to regular and long-term training, wrestlers' sports skills will be impeccable. The technique of blows and the accuracy of their application will noticeably improve. The athlete will develop such important qualities as perseverance and endurance.In appearance, the pads resemble a pillow, for the manufacture of which rubber is often used, and the outer coating is leather or high-quality leatherette. The internal filling is foam, thanks to which the pads receive such qualities as elasticity and strength, they can withstand quite powerful blows. To increase the level of comfort of this sports equipment, their shape, often curved pads, also allows. Some models have Velcro and straps that allow you to firmly and securely fasten them on your hands. Modern pads have bright colors and an interesting, stylish design. This allows you to stand out in the gym among rivals and teammates in battle. Makivars (pads) provide good protection for an important part of the athlete's hands - the wrist. Pad workouts are always effective and comfortable.
Among the pads, attention should be paid to the following models:
Price - 5200 dew. rub.
Price - 16900 ros. rub.
Price - 12 850 dews. rub.
Boxing paws, pads, makiwaras are necessary and effective types of sports equipment that allow not only to work out punches, but also to improve the athlete’s technique, improve his fighting qualities and achieve high results in sports. To be faster, to have high speed, to keep your individuality in battle and to always be on top is possible thanks to regular training, the effectiveness of which can be increased by using high-quality sports equipment for boxing and other types of martial arts.