
  1. Varieties
  2. How to take blood from a finger
  3. How often do you need to change
  4. How to make the right choice
  5. Overview of the highest quality types of lancets

Rating of the best lancets for 2022

Rating of the best lancets for 2022

To avoid a sharp jump in blood sugar levels, a person with diabetes needs to use a glucometer daily. The operation of this device is based on taking a drop of blood with a lancet - a needle specially designed for this purpose, and subsequent analysis. So that the surface of the skin can be pierced painlessly or with a minimum of discomfort, interchangeable needles are placed in a device with a spring trigger, resembling a pen.

The finger piercing pen is equipped with sharp lancets, which are disposable consumables that require constant replenishment. In order not to make a mistake in the selection of devices, diabetics need to understand all their varieties and features.


Lancets have successfully become a replacement for scarifiers. The word itself has German roots, since in German the word "lanzette" comes from the French "lance", which means a spear. A sharp needle is able to pierce the skin of a finger almost without pain. Each device has a removable cap that guarantees its sterility.

Devices differ in their appearance and can be automatic or universal. Their principle of operation and cost depend on this. There is a separate category of devices that are used in pediatrics.

Models for universal use

The main advantage of these products is that they can be used with all types of glucometers. The exception is Softclix devices, which can only be used in the Accu Chek Softlix piercing pen.

A big advantage of this type of product is the ability to control the depth of skin puncture by means of a piercing pen.

Regulation is carried out as follows:

  1. If the knob is in position 1 or 2, this means that the device is used for children.
  2. Adjuster position 3 is suitable for women.
  3. Adjuster in position 4 or 5 is necessary for people with rougher skin.


Thanks to innovative technologies, this type of device is the thinnest and sharpest, so that the puncture of the skin is not felt at all. They are used when it is necessary to take blood from an adult or a small child.

Another convenience of automatic scarifiers is that no devices or special handles are required for their use, you just need to press on the head of the device.

Automatic piercers are expensive, so people with diabetes rarely have the opportunity to use them every day, and prefer universal devices.

Punctures for children

Due to the high price, the use of such devices is limited, even despite the fact that due to their sharpness, they simply cannot cause the child any pain, or psychological inconvenience and suffering.
Therefore, many parents are inclined to think that switching to universal piercers will be a good alternative.

How to take blood from a finger

The procedure for taking blood is extremely simple and does not require any special skills, but there is a certain sequence of actions that must be followed:

  1. Before starting the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap.
  2. The protective cap is removed just before the puncture.
  3. The spring of the holder is cocked to the stop with a slight pressure.
  4. Remove the protective cap from the needle.
  5. Using the regulator, set the required piercing depth (for starters, it is advisable to select position 2).
  6. When the pen touches the skin of your finger, you must press the start button.
  7. After the procedure, the cap of the pen is removed, the used lancet is removed and disposed of.

How often do you need to change

Since they have direct contact with blood, only sterile single-use needles should be used.Many diabetics try to use the same lancet several times, but this makes the needle less sharp, and unpleasant sensations of soreness occur during the puncture.
The lancet must be changed each time the meter is used. It is simply impossible to use automatic needles several times - manufacturers have taken care of this.

All those suffering from diabetes need to keep in mind that prolonged use of one device can provoke the occurrence of inflammatory processes. Therefore, the following recommendations must be observed:

  1. Each procedure for taking blood should be done with hands thoroughly washed with soap and water. It is unacceptable to use alcohol when working with a glucometer.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to allow another person to use the used lancet.
  3. Consumables for the glucometer - lancets and test strips - it is advisable to store in places inaccessible to children, excluding exposure to direct sunlight.

How to make the right choice

In order to choose the right devices for blood sampling, it is important to take into account the model of the glucometer (piercing pen), as well as determine how often it is supposed to be used during the day.

When selecting an important criterion is the ability to pierce the skin of the finger, given the thickness of the skin. Here, preference is given to universal models, since they are used in conjunction with a piercing pen, which has special regulators in order to select the required puncture depth.

The cost of lancets largely depends on several factors:

  1. Manufacturing firm. Here, the championship belongs to manufacturers from Germany, which is why the price of their products is so high.
  2. The number of items in the package.
  3. Type and model. The most expensive are automatic lancets.

Consumables purchased from public pharmacies will cost more than the same supplies only purchased from a commercial pharmacy.

In the process of monitoring blood glucose levels, the quality of the lancet is the most important point. If you carelessly take measurements, the risk of all kinds of complications or infection increases. An accurate result is necessary for prescribing the correct dosage of drugs, as well as for correcting nutrition.

In modern conditions, the acquisition of consumables for glucometers is not a big problem. It is important to treat the selection of lancets and their use as responsibly as possible.

Overview of the highest quality types of lancets

There is a wide range of these products on the market. It can be purchased at medical institutions and online stores. Lancets are designed for blood sampling. With their help, the skin on the finger is pierced. The device is equipped with a thin needle. In pharmacies, you can find the following types of devices:



This model is suitable for the Contour TS or Plus unit. The device can make punctures of all kinds. It belongs to the universal type devices. For production, medical steel is used. This allows you to get high quality products. There is no doubt about the reliability of the product. The removable cap will keep the handpiece sterile.

Microlet lancet
  • reliability;
  • high quality;
  • medical material of manufacture.
  • not found.

Satellite Qlance Twist

The product is designed for Satellite piercing pens. The very fine tip enters soft tissue without injury or pain. The patient hardly feels anything. These devices are designed for individual use.The penetration depth is 0.4 mm. The 28G needle has a silicone coating. This provides sufficient puncture speed and neutralization of the vibration of the working element.

The needle has a feature. The manufacturer made a trihedral sharpening on it, which ensures the free entry of the steel rod into the soft tissues of the muscles. The product is universal. A simple needle will not be able to do this procedure. The penetration depth can be adjusted.

Satellite Qlance Twist
  • you can adjust the depth of the puncture;
  • very thin tip.
  • not found.

One Touch Delica

Experts believe that this lancet has the thinnest needle. It will easily pierce the skin for blood sampling. Each analysis requires the use of a new instrument. For this reason, the puncture is practically not felt. For the production of the working element, steel of the highest quality is used. Antibacterial treatment will protect the product from the ingress of pathogenic microflora.

Sharpening 33G has a special section and coating. Innovative technologies allow several times to improve the glide of the needle during its penetration into the soft tissues of the human body. The lancet is used in conjunction with a finger pricking pen.

One Touch Delica
  • blood sampling does not cause discomfort to the patient;
  • a thin needle easily pierces soft tissues;
  • the wound quickly heals without negative consequences;
  • you can do procedures with small children.
  • not found.

one touch

The product is made in the USA. Universal lancets are suitable for adults and children. The device has a feature. The pen-piercer comes with a special cap. With it, you can take blood in different places. On the handle there is a regulator designed to balance the device for any skin thickness.

Therefore, the child after the medical procedure will feel great. He will not feel pain or discomfort. For an adult, the blood sampling procedure will also be painless.

OneTouch lancet
  • suitable for adults and children;
  • comes with a special cap;
  • device balancing.
  • not found.


Medlance Plus

The lancet has an automatic principle of operation. Its needle is made using innovative technologies. It has a very small diameter and easily penetrates into soft tissues. Puncture with such a needle is absolutely painless, it prevents muscle damage.

The device is used once. Reuse is prohibited. The needle is located inside the automatic scarifier. After piercing, it remains in the same place. This principle of action protects the body from discomfort and damage.

Automatic adaptation will clearly do its job. It will provide the necessary distance between the finger and the device during penetration under the skin. The pressure at the piercing site is calculated. The needle enters the soft tissues to a certain depth, which ensures that a sufficient amount of blood sample is taken.

All models are color coded. This greatly simplifies the work of the physician. Using the automatic device is a pleasure. A lancet is used for various volumes, taking into account the characteristics of the patient's skin. It can be used to puncture the ears, fingers and heels.

Disinfection is provided by ionizing rays, which are used to treat the product during production. The strong case will protect a product from mechanical damages.

Medlance Plus
  • durable case;
  • high quality;
  • The needle is made using innovative technologies.
  • not found.

Accu-Chek Softclix

All products are manufactured by Roche Diabetes Care Rus LLC. A puncture can be compared to a mosquito bite. A positive result is achieved due to the thinnest needle. Its diameter is very small. Painful sensations are absent even in the most sensitive people.

The Russian manufacturer produces all kinds of lancets, which are widely used in domestic medicine. All types of products have been treated with silicone. This technology provides good sterility and painlessness of the puncture.

Accu-Chek Softclix
  • needle circumference less than 0.5 mm;
  • elements of the product are covered with silicone;
  • the prick is practically not felt.
  • not identified.


All automatic analogues are equipped with this type of fixture. Lancets are equipped with a minimum needle diameter. Often they are used for medical procedures with young children. Products are manufactured in Germany.

The product has found wide application in pediatrics. Triangular sharpening and small diameter allow you to do all kinds of medical procedures at the highest level. Quality metal ensures maximum safety.

lancet IME-DC
  • trihedral sharpening;
  • minimum needle diameter;
  • quality metal.
  • not found.


This product is presented by a Polish manufacturer. It has an automatic principle of operation. The product has its own peculiarity. The device is equipped with a double spring, which increases the accuracy of the puncture. The whole mechanism will reduce pain to a minimum. Vibration of the needle is completely eliminated, which ensures a positive result.

The model has Chinese counterparts. They are available in six varieties. The devices differ in the thickness of the working element and the depth of penetration. Each type of packaging has its own color, which will allow you to determine the diameter of the needle. This fact simplifies the lancet selection procedure. It is easier for the buyer to navigate during the purchase. The protective cap will protect the product from the ingress of unwanted microorganisms.

  • double spring increases puncture accuracy;
  • protective cap;
  • quality metal.
  • not found.


The product is adapted to all types of handles. It is often used standalone. It is ideal for patients who are afraid of the blood sampling procedure. A small needle does not cause fear. Outside, it is closed with a special capsule. The working element is made of polished steel.

The product is often used in pediatrics. The baby will not feel the puncture. The fact is that the thinnest needle is covered with a triple layer of silicone. This makes it possible to painlessly take blood from patients.

lancet Droplet
  • small and thin needle;
  • the needle is closed with a special capsule;
  • suitable for children.
  • not found.

It is better to buy all medical supplies and consumables in trusted pharmacies and online stores for diabetics. It is better not to contact dubious sellers. If a person uses universal needles, then finding lancets will be very easy.

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