Sleep is one of the most important processes that occupy part of our lives. During sleep, a person restores vitality and energy, quality sleep has a beneficial effect on the psyche, and a comfortable bed helps to strengthen the musculoskeletal system. Teenagers, going through a period of active growth and formation of the body, also need the most comfortable and high-quality sleeping place that provides healthy sound sleep.
Beds for teenagers offered by furniture stores are distinguished by a large selection of modifications, sizes and shapes. In order to choose the best option, you should figure out what types of teenage beds exist, what material they are made of, and what criteria to choose the best model for.
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Modern variations of this furniture are aimed at children from 12 to 16 years old and differ in their design:
They also differ in design - there are options designed exclusively for boys or girls, as well as original design solutions.
These are beds, the width of the bed is from 0.8 to 1.2 or 1.4 m. The height is standard, the shape is most often classical, traditional. This model is suitable for one teenager. With sufficient space in the room, you should give preference to furniture with additional built-in elements:
Choices that are very popular with teenagers and turn the usual activities into a game, and the bed is a special place for privacy, where you can cozy up with a book and just be alone with yourself.
Two- and three-tier beds are also convenient because they save space in a small room: the beds are located one under the other, perpendicularly, at different or the same height. The lower tier is equipped with a working area, or equipped with lockers, drawers and shelves. In addition, there are solid and separate structures, which, if necessary, can be turned into two separate beds. A bunk bed consists of two tiers and a pull-out bed, which during the day can be easily pushed inside the structure.
Suitable for small rooms.
Sliding. The berth of this option is equipped with an additional retractable element, on which a soft block is placed.
Foldable. Provides plenty of free space in the room. The berth unfolds into a horizontal position, the frame mechanisms are safe, durable and easy to move.
Folding. Combines a sleeping place and a desktop. During the day, the bed can be easily removed and the desktop can be pulled out. There are also designs with a wardrobe built into the bottom, which can be used by folding the bed.
Modular system. A versatile product that combines individual elements that can be arranged in the desired order. Usually it is one or two beds, a desk, cabinets, cabinets, a chest of drawers, poufs and other pieces of furniture.
Thanks to the modular system, together with a teenager, you can create your own interesting version of the interior and change it at your discretion.
Armchair bed. An option for very small or densely crowded rooms. During the day, the design folds into an armchair, at night it easily turns into a standard-sized single bed. The design is distinguished by originality and variety of forms. The base of the chair-bed may contain a box for bed linen.
This part is attached to the frame of the furniture, located under the mattress. There are the following types of bases:
Solid. It is a furniture board made of plywood, boards, plywood or chipboard. The disadvantage of this design is poor ventilation, which leads to the formation of fungus and the development of bacteria.
Reechnoe. This is a frame with rails attached to it. Made from wood, metal or plastic. Wooden or metal plates provide good air circulation, but can sag under a heavy mattress. Plastic rack bases are not strong enough, their service life is short, and the mattress is poorly ventilated.
On slats (orthopedic). This option is made in the form of a frame with bent-glued wooden planks (lamellas) made of birch or beech wood. Due to the curved shape of the planks, the load is distributed evenly, which enhances the orthopedic properties of the mattress. This type of base is best suited for a teenager.
As for the mattress, its choice depends on the height and weight of the user. With indicators above average, you should choose a soft mattress. If the indicators are below average, then the hard version of the mattress, with a more elastic filler, is best suited.There are also intermediate options in which one side is softer than the other. The optimal solution would be an orthopedic mattress of medium hardness.
Many furniture factories are engaged in the production of beds for children and teenagers. The best of them have won the maximum number of positive user reviews, these include the following companies:
This category includes classic frames, as well as various modifications, complemented by shelves, drawers and other elements that significantly save room space. The presented options are a good combination of price and quality.
This model of a teenage bed is a comfortable sleeping place, the dimensions of which are 190x80 cm. This size is suitable for a child and a teenager. Delta 19 features a sleek, discreet design that fits any type of bedroom interior. The product is made of laminated chipboard and is complemented by two spacious drawers for storing bed linen or toys. This practical solution allows you to save free space in the room. Also, Delta 19 is equipped with a side that is responsible for the safe sleep of those who toss and turn in their sleep. The base of the product is solid. You can choose from several color options for the case and the front of the drawers: natural wood texture, bright orange, blue, pink and light green.The average cost is 6,730 rubles.
Comfortable furniture with a stylish design, which has the optimal size of a bed, which is suitable for a teenager of any height and build. Sakura 900 is made of chipboard and equipped with high quality fittings. Differs in high rates of wear resistance and safety: the framework has no sharp corners capable to injure the child. The base has two spacious drawers that can accommodate bed linen or other necessary accessories. The average cost of SVK Sakura 900 is 8,063 rubles.
A model that demonstrates a good combination of price and quality. The product is distinguished by a high indicator of reliability of the base, as it is made of natural wood - solid pine timber. It is worth noting the high build quality, all frame joints are glued and tightened with furniture fasteners. Thanks to these characteristics, the furniture is able to withstand the weight of an adult. The base of Chalet Smile is made of curved glued lamellas, which ensures good ventilation of the mattress, even distribution of the load on the spine, and also prevents the growth of harmful bacteria.
All parts are polished to perfection, the frame has no sharp edges and corners.Wooden elements are covered with Italian varnishes and enamels, absolutely safe for the health of a teenager. The manufacturer offers up to 13 shades that repeat the color of expensive woods. The average cost is - 15,510 rubles.
This is a multifunctional complex that combines an extended type of bed and an additional block of mezzanines. The mezzanine is a reliable and spacious cabinets, three of which are open and six are closed with hinged doors. You can conveniently place toys, books, decorative items and other necessary items in the lockers. In the lower part there are three drawers for bed linen or clothes. The Delta 21.11 complex is convenient to be completed with other parts of the cabinet furniture of this series. As for the design, there are several colors of natural wood to choose from, as well as facade colors such as white, cream, light green, blue, pink, yellow, orange. The average cost of Delta is 19,030 rubles.
A modern teenage bed made of safe chipboard. The structure rests on high-strength metal legs.The features of this model also include the presence of a neat side back, equipped with a convenient pocket for storing various items. The upholstery is made of eco-leather, as well as wear-resistant fabric, which is able to retain its attractive appearance for a long time. In addition, Sontelle Aland 1 has a stylish design that allows you to combine the product with any piece of furniture and bedroom interior. The average cost of a product is 21,700 rubles.
Modern bed for teenagers with an attractive design and neat workmanship. The compact model saves space in the room, while being equipped with a comfortable bed. The lower part of the structure has a spacious drawer for storing bedding, toys and other items. Another advantage of the VMK-Chalet Shuttle is the presence of a side wall that can be placed on any side, at your discretion. The average cost of Chalet Shuttle is 27,080 rubles.
Beds with two tiers make it possible to save space by compactly placing two beds in one room. As for the second option - loft beds - they are designed for one teenager.The frame consists of an upper tier with a berth and a lower one, designed to accommodate a desktop, chest of drawers or other elements.
A strict classic model, the metal base of which is able to withstand heavy loads. Thanks to this, Valencia is suitable for children and adolescents with a large build. The product is equipped with a convenient and safe ladder, drawers and shelves. The berth of the second tier is equipped with a side rail that protects against falling during sleep. The steel frame is powder coated, the manufacturer offers four colors to choose from. The size of the bed is 120x190 cm. The average cost is 12,500 rubles.
One of the most versatile bunk beds for teens. The frame is durable, made of metal, which is designed for heavy loads. Granada PJ is equipped with a convenient and reliable ladder, which can be placed from any convenient side. The lower part has drawers for placing bed linen in them. Between the beds there are shelves for various items. Stylish laconic design fits any interior of the children's room. The average cost is - 18,897 rubles.
Having two tiers, this bed allows you to use the space of the children's room with maximum efficiency. Made using natural wood - solid pine - and has no sharp corners, as each element is carefully polished. Outside, the tree is covered with safe varnishes and enamels from Italian manufacturers. There are up to 13 shades to choose from. The base of Chalet Cadet 2 is made of curved glued lamellas, which provide good air circulation and even distribution of the load on the spine. An additional convenience is the presence of a side that ensures the safety of a teenager during sleep. The design is made in the Scandinavian style that is popular today. The average cost of Chalet Cadet 2 is 19,640 rubles.
Bunk bed for teenagers made of natural wood (pine). Complemented with two roll-out drawers designed to expand the main storage system. It is distinguished by reliability and practicality, and the Scandinavian style of design makes it neat and concise. The side rail is responsible for safety. The base can be selected from three presented options: solid with transverse bars and flooring made of fiberboard, with curved glued lamellas, orthopedic with flexible lamellas. The size of the bed is 180x70 cm. The average cost of Veles-Art Classic is 20,670 rubles.
This model will be an excellent solution for small or cramped rooms. Made from natural, environmentally friendly materials, absolutely safe for the health of the child. The base is orthopedic, slatted, which is important for the correct position of the spine during sleep and even distribution of the load. Senso Due has a reliable ladder, designed for the weight of an adult. The frame is supplemented with bumpers that protect against falling during sleep. Another advantage is the possibility of using each bed separately, in the form of two separate beds. The average cost is - 27,069 rubles.
Here we consider models of transformable beds, as well as podium beds. Transformers are usually equipped with drawers for placing bedding, toys, books and other things, as well as additional sections that can be adjusted according to the growth of the child. Podium beds look like the usual standard design, which is located on a low pedestal, in the lower part of which there are drawers.
Inexpensive convertible bed for teenagers. Its base is made with the expectation of the changing growth of a teenager and is able to move apart to the required length.Merdes KTD is characterized by increased strength and reliability. Available in several colors, stylish appearance allows you to place in any interior. The average cost is - 11,590 rubles.
Another option for a sliding bed that "grows" with the child. The uniqueness of this product lies in the fact that Giovanni Slider is suitable for a child from 2 years old, subsequently "adapting" to changing growth. Made of natural wood - solid birch - does not contain harmful substances. Rack base. Giovanni Slider protects the child from accidental falling in a dream, for which it is equipped with side rails. Additional strength of the whole structure is provided by a pair of legs. The average cost is - 13,500 rubles.
One of the most expensive transforming beds. Mary MK-0 is made of high quality natural wood. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the design, if necessary, easily turns into a desktop for study or a hobby. The strong and reliable basis of a berth maintains big loading and the weight of the adult. The average cost is - 33,006 rubles.
Furniture stores have a wide range of different beds for girls and boys. When choosing the optimal and high-quality bed, you should carefully study the characteristics of the product: the furniture should be comfortable, safe and the child likes its appearance.
Room dimensions. It depends on which type of product is better to purchase. If the children's room has space, then it becomes possible to install any of the classic models. For small rooms, it will be more practical to purchase bunk or convertible beds, as well as furniture with a podium.
Build and growth of a teenager. The bed should be comfortable and fit the height and build of the child, while having a margin of 30 to 50 cm (width) and 25 to 35 cm (length). When buying podiums and bunk models, you must also consider the height of the product. The standard length reaches 1.9 m, and the width is from 0.8 to 0.9 m.
Construction type. It also means functionality if the frame is additionally equipped with drawers, cabinets, shelves or a work table. Storage areas can accommodate bedding, study supplies, books, toys, and other items. The most functional transformers that save room space.
frame material. Strength can be attributed to this parameter. Beds made from artificial materials usually feature bright and rich color options that teenagers love. But such structures have a significant drawback - a low indicator of strength. As a result, such a product will not last long. The most practical and durable option is a wooden frame, which means reliability and durability.In addition, wood products are safe, as they do not contain harmful chemical compounds. The most popular materials from furniture manufacturers are:
Product safety. The fulfillment by a furniture manufacturer of standard safety requirements is one of the most important criteria. Quality certificates testify to the level of safety of the purchased product. As for the appearance, it is better to give preference to a frame with rounded edges so that a mobile child does not get hurt on sharp corners. You should also carefully check the quality of accessories. The materials from which children's furniture is made should be environmentally friendly, best of all - natural. Another indicator of safety is the presence of bumpers that prevent accidental falls in a dream. This is especially true for high bunk beds. Also, if a model with two tiers or more is purchased, you should pay attention to the strength and reliability of the ladder.
Appearance. Design and color performance also play an important role, since any color affects the psychological state of a person. Here you should focus on the taste of the child, who himself determines the most comfortable and pleasant color for himself. Do not forget that it is the child who will see this shade every day, so it is important that the design suits him completely. To achieve harmony in the interior of the nursery, it is necessary that the external design matches the rest of the details of the existing interior.
Manufacturer.It is best to give preference to products of well-known furniture factories. Such companies have been around for a long time and managed to earn a positive reputation. Products undergo multi-stage testing to fully comply with a number of standards. In addition, the products of such firms are given a warranty period of 2 to 5 years.
Existing models have not only the classic type of construction, but also the most unusual and striking forms: in the form of a princess castle, a pirate ship, a sea shell, a sports car, a spaceship and other fantastic and fabulous items. When buying one of the original options, the nursery furniture turns into the creation of a unique and cozy space in which the child can feel like a hero of his favorite fairy tale, cartoon or movie.
It is important that the growing child takes an active part in the creation of his nest. In this case, adults are responsible for the technical part, and teenagers are responsible for the creative part, and then choosing the optimal, comfortable and beautiful bed for a teenager can become an exciting family affair.