Wrinkles, their appearance significantly increases the age of a person, first of all, they appear around the eyes, since the skin there is thinner and more sensitive. Their formation is facilitated by many reasons, but despite this, specialists in cosmetology have long developed tools and procedures that help fight the resulting creases, especially with small ones. The most simple and affordable are anti-wrinkle creams designed specifically for the epidermis around the eyes.

How are eye creams different from regular ones?

The skin of the body is distinguished by its sensitivity and structure, therefore, the care products for it have differences in their composition, each of which is developed specifically for certain areas.

Considering creams for the skin around the eyes, it can be noted that they should contain more simulating substances. This is due to the fact that this area has practically no fat layer and contains many blood vessels and is quite easily deformed. Means for this part of the face are recommended to be applied with light massage movements, but in no case should they be rubbed, as the dermis is stretched, which contributes to the appearance of new wrinkles.

What are

Creams for appearing "crow's feet" around the eyes, are divided, like many other skin care products, according to various indicators, for example, such as:

  • gender, that is, for whom it is intended, for the male or female half of the population;
  • type of dermis, the composition is for oily, dry, combination or sensitive skin;
  • the age for which the drug is designed, for example, for people over 25, 30, 45 and 50 years old, the ingredients included in the drugs will have quite significant differences;
  • the time of use, according to this criterion, the funds are morning, evening or intended for any time of the day;
  • the consistency of remedies for creases in the eyelid area, they are not only creamy, but also gel-like, as well as in the form of serum;
  • packaging, jars, tubes, fluids with or without dispensers;
  • packaging volumes.

When choosing a product for this purpose, buyers often pay attention to what time of day it is intended for, cosmetologists recommend simultaneously purchasing creams for care in the morning and evening. This is due to the fact that each of the types of composition has its own specific functionality. So, considering preparations for use in the daytime, we can say that they have the following features:

  • moisturizing;
  • fast absorption after which there is no oily sheen;
  • not clogging pores;
  • protection from exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • light texture;
  • the absence of a film, which allows the cover to breathe normally;
  • as well as the possibility of using as a base for make-up.

What pumps creams for night use, they have such properties as:

  • calming effect, which helps to relieve stress after a day;
  • muscle relaxation;
  • active nutrition;
  • regeneration and restoration.

As a rule, anti-wrinkle preparations for use at night have a thicker consistency than those intended for daytime use. It is recommended to purchase creams for complex care, from one manufacturer.

What to look for when choosing

In order to choose the right product for the care of the skin around the eyes, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors:

  • the age of the person who will use it;
  • condition and type of cover;
  • how deep wrinkles and their number;
  • the presence of allergies;
  • Is it possible to combine the drug with already used cosmetics.

The presence of a huge selection of products designed to combat wrinkles around the eyes, buyers can easily choose the one that suits their requirements.


An anti-aging drug is used in the same way as all others:

  • to avoid a possible allergic reaction, it should be applied in a small amount to the outer part of the palm;
  • before use, clean the area on which it will be used, this can be done by washing with any means, for example, tonic or lotion;
  • distribute with light massage movements;
  • wait for absorption
  • if there is excess, remove with a napkin, but do this without wiping the product, but as if blotting.

In order to understand whether the structure of the product is suitable for further use, a few days of regular use will be enough.

Causes of wrinkles around the eyes

The appearance of wrinkles is a natural process that cannot be avoided, but there are factors that provoke their appearance ahead of time.

The skin itself around the eyes is considered very sensitive and differs from the cover in other parts of the body than that:

  • thinner;
  • it contains a small amount of sebaceous and sweat glands;
  • has a loose subcutaneous fat layer;
  • contains a minimum amount of collagen and elastane, unlike other parts of the skin of the face.

The presence of such features reduces the ability of the cover to resist external factors, which provokes the development of wrinkles in some cases even ahead of time.

So, what provokes the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes, of course, age, but in addition to it, there are also additional factors, including:

  • Regular eye strain, as well as active facial expressions. In order to reduce their impact, you should periodically close your eyes and try to completely relax the muscles of the face. Stay in this position for at least 10 minutes.
  • The appearance of edema, which is an indicator of the accumulation of fluid in the eyelids, which leads to stretching of delicate skin and, accordingly, the appearance of creases.
  • The sun's rays have a negative effect, leading to rapid aging.
  • Lack of sleep and stress are another enemy of the skin, especially on the face.
  • Glycation is a biochemical reaction in which glucose damages collagen fibers, which leads to loss of elasticity and the appearance of wrinkles.
  • And of course, age-related changes, over time, the rate of cellular regeneration in the body slows down, the synthesis of protein fibers and hyaluronic acid decreases, which leads to a deterioration in the external indicators of the skin and not only on the face.

If it is rather difficult to deal with age-related changes, then it is possible and even necessary to deal with the influence of other factors, as this will allow you to preserve beauty and youth longer.

Prevention of wrinkles

To preserve the freshness and youthfulness of the face, it is recommended not only to use special care complexes, but also to follow some tips and recommendations from cosmetologists. Among these:

  • try to control facial expressions;
  • do not squint, as a rule, this happens in bright sunlight or with poor eyesight, in the first case it is recommended to use sunglasses, and in the second - to visit a doctor to find the right solution to the problem;
  • choose the right position for sleeping, in this case it means sleeping on your back, which not only has a beneficial effect on the face, but also maintains the health of the spine;
  • those who spend a long time at work that causes eye strain should periodically take ten-minute breaks in which the eyes should be closed;
  • choose the right products for the care of the area around the eyes.

By following the recommendations for care and prevention, you can maintain a fresh and young look for a long time.

Ranking of the best creams for wrinkles around the eyes for 2022

The abundance of products for this purpose often causes difficulties with the choice, but do not be upset, as you can always consult a cosmetologist who will help you choose the right product.It is also possible to choose a drug on your own, having previously studied its composition and read the reviews about the selected product. Below is a small list of creams for wrinkles around the eyes, which includes the best manufacturers according to users.

After 25 years

It’s too early to talk about wrinkles after 25 years, but it’s time to think about the prevention of their command. In this case, it is worth stopping at products that have a moisturizing effect and, in some cases, drainage.

Eye Care, Youth Glow 25+, Garnier

The formula of this cream is designed not only for moisturizing, but also for cellular renewal and providing radiance to the skin of the face. The composition includes caffeine, which is a powerful antioxidant that can protect the dermis from external environmental influences, as well as improve blood circulation, has the ability to penetrate into the upper layer of cells, enhancing the effect of cosmetics, toning and evening out color, slowing down aging. "Care around the eyes, Radiance of youth 25+" is intended for day care for all types of facial skin, among the active ingredients are caffeine, vitamins C, A, E, fruit acids, Shea butter, and green tea extract, does not contain sulfates, parabens , soaps, fragrances.

Eye Care, Youth Glow 25+, Garnier
  • price;
  • Components;
  • impact.
  • despite the natural ingredients, there is an allergic reaction.

Roller around the eyes "BB Cream, The Secret of Perfection", Garnier

The massage roller from the French company Garnier, not only significantly reduces signs of fatigue due to the massage effect, but also due to the components in the composition it fights against imperfections that appear around the eyes, such as darkening and bags.The unique formula has a complex effect at the same time:

  • fights bags and dark circles under the eyes;
  • eliminates signs of fatigue;
  • smoothes and gives freshness and radiance to the epidermis;
  • moisturizes.

The formula of this cream includes ingredients such as haloxyl, a substance that is highly effective in combating bags and dark circles that appear around the eyes, and mineral pigments that have a tinting effect that instantly conceals darkening and creates a natural coating. The container in which I release the product allows you to easily and economically distribute the composition over the surface.

Roller around the eyes "BB Cream, The Secret of Perfection", Garnier
  • price;
  • Components;
  • efficiency;
  • suitable for all types of dermis;
  • packaging is economical.
  • no.

Hyaluron Expert, L'Oréal Paris

The French company L'Oréal Paris is engaged in the production of cosmetics, which are used all over the world. Cream "Hyaluron effect" is intended for application to the skin around the eyes, suitable for those who have it dry, as the two types of hyaluronic acid included in the composition contribute to intensive moisturizing of the cover. So, the main components of the tool are:

  • high molecular weight hyaluronic acid, which moisturizes and smoothes the surface of the face;
  • and a low molecular weight acid that helps replenish moisture by penetrating deep into the layers of the dermis.

These acids occupy almost the main part of the composition, engaged in enhanced cell nutrition, preventing the appearance of creases and fighting existing ones. Suitable for all skin types, even those with sensitive skin.

Hyaluron Expert, L'Oréal Paris
  • Ingredients;
  • price;
  • Effect;
  • suits everyone.
  • no.

Natura Siberica moisturizing cream-gel

This tool can be called one of the best solutions for skin care around the eyes for girls under 30 years old. The organic composition of the product tones, moisturizes and helps to smooth out small creases, also preventing their possible appearance. Among the components of the drug, natural oils, vitamins A, E and C, as well as vegetable proteins are distinguished. Natura Siberica gel is suitable for all types of skin, including sensitive ones. It has properties such as:

  • recovery;
  • nutrition, hydration;
  • protection from external influences, including ultraviolet rays;
  • pull-up;
  • and also has regenerative abilities.

Regular use of the drug will get rid of bags, swelling and dark circles under the eyes. Users note that the texture of the cream-gel is quite light, has a pleasant smell and has a cooling effect.

Natura Siberica moisturizing cream-gel
  • price tag;
  • natural composition;
  • suitable as a base for make-up;
  • has a complex effect;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • efficiency.
  • with pronounced darkening of the eyelids, does not cope with the elimination of the problem.

The best creams for wrinkles around the eyes after 30 years

Upon reaching the age of 30, a woman may begin to notice more pronounced age-related changes, which should be given more serious attention. Timely use of care products will help in the fight against the problem, the main thing is to choose the right method and drugs.


One of the popular French companies engaged in the production of cosmetics for facial skin care. Cream-gel HYDRAPHASE INTENSE YEUX, suitable for both ladies and men with sensitive epidermis.The ultra-light hypoallergenic gel consistency, based on thermal water, with the addition of caffeine and hyaluronic acid, which allows it to be well nourished and quickly absorbed without leaving a shine. The composition of the formula allows you to fight swelling and dark circles in the eyelids, has no smell.

  • natural, hypoallergenic composition;
  • light;
  • effective;
  • suitable for both the female and male half of the population;
  • convenient economical tube.
  • price.

Mineral 89 by Vichy

Another product from the famous Vichy brand, Mineral 89, has a regenerating and moisturizing effect, smoothing and strengthening the dermis around the eyes. The main part of Mineral 89 is Vichy mineralized water, with the maintenance of hyaluronic acid and caffeine. The hypoallergenic composition copes with dark circles that appear on the eyelids and fights cell dehydration, eliminating minor age-related changes, preventing their appearance. The tool can be used both during the day and at night, for owners of sensitive skin.

Mineral 89 by Vichy
  • natural substances included in the composition;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • effective;
  • has a strengthening effect.
  • price.

Clarins Multi-Active Eye Care

The French brand Clarins is engaged in the production of professional cosmetics, which is very popular in many countries. The drug has a rather high cost, but despite this, the number of its fans is growing, this is due to its effectiveness. Clarins Multi-Active Eye Care is designed to combat the appearance of dark circles and puffiness around the eyes, while regular use copes with minor wrinkles.The developed formula is intended for owners of sensitive skin, protects the epidermis from the effects of negative external factors, and is suitable for use at any time of the day. Users note that the result is noticeable almost immediately after application.

Clarins Multi-Active Eye Care
  • quick result;
  • pleasant light fragrance;
  • economical packaging.
  • high price.

Dr. Sea AntiWrinkle Eye Cream

Israeli brand Dr. Sea manufactures products containing Dead Sea minerals. The AntiWrinkle Eye cream additionally contains green tea extract, shea butter, which have a calming effect on tissue cells, preventing wrinkles from forming. The hypoallergenic drug perfectly copes with traces of stress or a sleepless night, it does not include parabens, and it is great for sensitive dermis, calming and tightening it. It is quickly absorbed without leaving any traces of shine.

Dr. Sea AntiWrinkle Eye Cream
  • natural components;
  • fast hydration;
  • no allergic reaction;
  • bulk packaging.
  • not identified.

The best creams for wrinkles around the eyes after 40 years

After 40 years, it is quite difficult to hide and prevent the appearance of age-related changes. But despite this, properly selected comprehensive care will significantly smooth out existing wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones.

Dior Prestige Le Concentre Yeux

Prestige Le Concentre Yeux from the famous French brand Dior, gently cares for the skin around the eyes. And regular use allows you to restore tone, remove signs of fatigue, tighten and smooth the skin of the face, including around the eyes.The consistency is applied with a special applicator with pearls, sinks deep into the layers, nourishing and restoring them. The main ingredient of Prestige Le Concentre Yeux is the Granville rose extract, which has a beneficial effect on fabrics, improving their properties. Regular use of the extract has a noticeable effect not only on the skin of the eyelids, but also on the eyelashes with regular contact, they become thicker and longer.

Dior Prestige Le Concentre Yeux
  • unique composition;
  • an effect that lasts a long time;
  • the presence of an applicator for application;
  • effect not only on the skin, but also on the eyelashes.
  • price.

Swiss Line Cell Shock Eye Zone Lifting Complex II

Cell Shock Eye Zone Lifting Complex II is one of the best eye care products for people over 40. The Swiss company Swiss Line produces a serum that has a tonic, moisturizing and tightening effect, helping to smooth existing wrinkles. The lifting effect is noticeable almost immediately after application, the URBAN-DETOX complex effectively protects against the effects of toxins and environmental pollution, strengthening collagen fibers, moisturizing and providing an antioxidant effect. The composition includes nasturtium extract responsible for the elimination of toxins and the flow of oxygen into the epithelial cells. The present moringa seeds create a protective layer against dust, and hyaluronic acid, soy proteins, and plant ingredients are responsible for the tightening effect, creating an invisible film that provides smoothing and tightening of the relief.

Swiss Line Cell Shock Eye Zone Lifting Complex II
  • compound;
  • fast action;
  • protection from the external environment;
  • noticeable improvement in the condition of the dermis;
  • suitable for both men and women.
  • price.

The best creams for wrinkles around the eyes after 50 years

Despite the fact that a woman reaches the age of 50, she still dreams of remaining beautiful and young. But at this age, to maintain beauty, more effective means are required that will have a complex effect while eliminating existing problems and preventing the emergence of new ones. It is necessary that the preparations include moisturizing and nourishing complexes.

Black Pearl Hialuronic Eye Cream

Hialuronic Eye Cream from the Israeli manufacturer Black Pearl, refers to cosmetic preparations intended for skin care around the eyes in women over 50 years old. The composition of the drug includes only natural natural ingredients and innovative developments of scientists. Hyaluronic acid is responsible for normalizing the water balance in cells, oils from plants such as jojoba, sea buckthorn and shea butter act as antioxidants, remove toxins, restoring and evening out the complexion. The container in which the product is produced is equipped with a convenient dispenser lid, due to which the consumption of the product becomes more economical. Suitable for use at any time of the day.

Black Pearl Hialuronic Eye Cream
  • perfectly restores youth;
  • convenient lid dispenser;
  • natural leaving.
  • not detected.

Vichy Neovadiol Magistral

The famous manufacturer of cosmetic products for the care of the dermis of the face produces Neovadiol Magistral cream-balm, which perfectly copes with age-related changes, making the surface velvety and smooth.The composition is based on modern technology using the “youth hormone” DHEA, it also includes proloxin, a complex of nutrients, thermal water and, of course, hyaluronic acid, which is responsible for the water balance of cells. The constant use of Neovadiol Magistral allows you to achieve noticeable results, tightening and smoothing the skin. Suitable for ladies with combination and sensitive dermis.

Vichy Neovadiol Magistral
  • quality;
  • efficiency;
  • Components;
  • availability.
  • not suitable as a base for makeup.

Summing up the article, we can say that the use of creams for wrinkles around the eyes, especially if you start doing it in advance, without waiting for the appearance of deep creases, will help keep your face younger longer. Of course, before purchasing the drug, you should take into account the recommendations for choosing or consult with a specialist, as well as use the remedy in combination with preventive measures, which will help to achieve the best effect.

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