
  1. Classification
  2. Application rules
  3. The best hormonal remedies
  4. The best non-hormonal creams and ointments
  5. The best combined drugs
  6. The most effective ointments and creams made on the basis of herbal ingredients

Rating of the best creams and ointments for allergies for 2022

Rating of the best creams and ointments for allergies for 2022

Allergies cannot be predicted. It appears suddenly and provokes unpleasant symptoms. These are skin rashes, severe itching, local hyperemia and peeling. Ideally, to improve the condition, you need to fix the problem. Antihistamines help to stop unwanted symptoms. With skin lesions on the background of an allergic reaction, ointments and creams are widely used.

Pharmaceutical companies offer a wide range of antiallergic drugs for external use. Depending on the severity of the disease and the characteristics of its pathogenesis, drugs are used on a hormonal and non-hormonal basis, combined and liniments based on natural components. The list of the most effective means is presented in the rating below.


The group of ointments includes drugs that are intended for topical application to the area of ​​the skin. According to the nature of their composition, they are divided into the following categories:

  • creams;
  • gels;
  • suspensions, emulsions and liniments having a liquid consistency;
  • pastes;
  • ointments.

Gels, suspensions, emulsions and creams do not contain fatty components. Therefore, they are highly absorbent, well applied to the skin. They do not leave a film and are easily washed off with water. Such products are perfect for application to skin formations where exudate is present.

Ointment, liniment and paste, on the contrary, include fatty compounds. It is advisable to use them for dermatological diseases that are accompanied by dryness and varying degrees of cracks. These preparations, when applied, form a small lipid film on the surface of the skin.

According to its composition, all external preparations: hormonal and non-hormonal.

Application rules

The skin surface is washed with warm water and slightly dried with a towel. Liniment is applied topically, strictly on the area of ​​the rash, in a thin layer.

Hormonal ointments are allowed to be used under an occlusive dressing. To do this, the skin is covered with a drug and a gauze napkin or a small piece of bandage is applied on top.

Note! An occlusive dressing is allowed to be done if it is indicated in the instructions for a particular drug. After treating the affected surface, wash your hands well with soap and water.

The best hormonal remedies

Creams and liniments on a hormonal basis are deservedly the most effective antihistamines. However, they cannot be used on their own, you should get a doctor's prescription. This will prevent negative consequences and quickly achieve the desired result of therapy. Some hormonal agents are allowed to be used in childhood and with the localization of allergies in the face.


Celestoderm-B is a liniment and cream, in which betamethasone acts as an active ingredient. Designed to relieve symptoms of allergies and inflammation. Regardless of the dosage form, it has good absorbency. The drug does not leave marks on the skin and clothes after application. The therapeutic effect occurs in a few minutes. It is indicated for many dermatological diseases, namely for the treatment of eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, negative reactions to the sun.

The scheme of application is up to 3 times a day. According to user reviews, to eliminate signs of allergies, it is enough to use no more than 2 times. It is forbidden to apply the medicine for a long time, without consulting a doctor. Children under 6 months ointment is contraindicated.

  • you can babies from six months;
    it is permissible to apply the cream on the face, including the eyelid area.
  • not found.


Pharmaceutical product of Russian production. The active substance is dexamethasone. The drug has an effective therapeutic effect and has a low cost. It comes in the form of cream and ointment. The pharmacological property is determined by the pronounced antipruritic, anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictive action.

The duration of the course of therapy is no more than 3 weeks. Liniment is used up to 3 times a day, observing equal intervals between doses. In pediatric practice, it is allowed to use from a year. However, children from 12 months to 12 years of age should be treated with this drug for allergies under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Under the Akriderm line, pharmaceutical companies produce other medicines. Their names differ slightly. And in addition to betamethasone, the composition includes additional components in the form of gentamicin, salicylic acid and clotrimazole. It is important to be careful when buying ointment.

  • allowable price and Russian production;
  • can be applied to children's skin.
  • not found.


Sinaflan is the most affordable external remedy for combating an allergic reaction. Released in the form of an ointment. The main component is fluocinolone acetonide. The drug has proven itself among doctors and patients, has been used in medicine for a long time. Effectively fights itching and inflammation against the background of psoriasis, eczema, allergic diseases and promotes wound healing.

The attached instructions for use indicate the possibility of using liniment for the treatment of infants, but under the supervision of a specialist. The general course of treatment for children should not exceed 5 days.Adult patients are also prohibited from abusing Sinaflan. Given the reviews of the drug, it can be applied to the skin of the face as a fight against herpes and acne. But this is self-medication and can lead to the development of side effects.

  • effectively fights itching and inflammation;
  • can be applied to the face.
  • not found.


The drug exists in the form of a cream and ointment. Released by prescription. It has a pronounced pharmacological effect, penetrates well into the deeper layers of the skin. The active substance clobetasol has vasoconstrictive, anti-inflammatory and antipruritic properties. To improve well-being with allergies, it is enough to use the ointment up to 2 times a day. On the face area is applied in rare cases and not more than 5 days in a row. Children are assigned from a year.

Dermovate is recommended for short courses. With prolonged use, there is a decrease in the pharmacological effect and an increase in the risk of side effects. Despite the high price, the tool is characterized by positive reviews.

  • pronounced anti-inflammatory effect;
  • able to penetrate deep into the dermis.
  • not found.


Advantan is convenient to use. It is sold in several dosage forms: ointment, cream and emulsion. The main component is methylprednisolone aceponate. The drug is one of the most effective and safe hormonal drugs among analogues. Equally has anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties. It has a high degree of activity. One application is enough to stop itching, swelling, irritation, pain and other signs of inflammation.

The main advantage of Advantan is the possibility of using children from 4 months. Also, the drug is allowed to be used for allergic reactions on the skin of the face. The disadvantage of the drug is the high cost. But this is nothing compared to high safety and a pronounced therapeutic effect.

  • the safest drug from the hormonal group;
  • almost no side effects.
  • not found.

The best non-hormonal creams and ointments

Liniments and creams on a non-hormonal basis sometimes have more positive reviews than preparations containing hormones. They are made mainly from natural ingredients, are safe and include dexpanthenol. If we take into account the therapeutic activity, then it is somewhat lower than that of hormonal agents. However, this is enough to treat many allergic diseases and achieve positive results of therapy.

Radevit Active

Radevit Active is an ointment based on biologically active components - A, E and D. Due to its unique composition, the liniment is designed to soften the skin, reduce inflammation, itching and strengthen the immune status. Due to ethyl alcohol, there is a rapid penetration of the active ingredients deep into the dermis. Vaseline, wax and glycerin help moisturize and prevent skin cracks. Apply up to 2 times a day. To improve the effect of the ointment, it can be applied under an occlusive dressing. If necessary, it is allowed to use a facial product as a rejuvenation and nourishment of the skin.

Due to the complex composition, the medicine does an excellent job of relieving the average symptoms of allergies.But with a pronounced clinical picture, they cannot fight the disease. This is confirmed by the feedback from patients and doctors. Therefore, the drug is mainly used to moisturize and nourish the dermis in the form of additional therapy.

Radevit Active
  • the presence of vitamins D, E and A;
  • copes well with the relief of moderate allergy symptoms;
  • You are allowed to use face wash.
  • not found.


The drug belongs to the group of histamine H1 receptor blockers. The active ingredient is dimethindene maleate. Pharmacological action occurs in 15-20 minutes. Elimination of itching, inflammation is observed, irritation and pain are reduced. When applied, a cooling effect is noted. Medicinal properties persist for 1-4 hours. The best effect can be achieved by combining the liniment with the means for oral administration.
Fenistil is characterized by minor side effects and a small list of contraindications. Approved for use by children from 1 month. The main indication for prescribing the drug is itching on the background of an insect bite and treatment of the consequences of a sunburn. The ointment is completely safe, so it can be applied to the face area.

  • widely used in pediatrics for the treatment of babies older than 1 month;
  • approved for use by children from 1 month;
  • completely safe.
  • not found.


Bepanthen in the form of an ointment and cream includes dexpanthenol as an active ingredient. Helps heal damaged skin. When interacting with the dermis, it turns into pantothenic acid, which improves cell metabolism and accelerates their regeneration.For the treatment of allergic reactions, the agent is allowed to be used for mild symptoms or as the basis of complex therapy. With severe lesions of the skin, taking Bepanten alone is not enough.

The medicine is completely safe, except for individual intolerance, it has no contraindications. It is characterized by the absence of side effects. It is allowed to be used by young children, women during lactation and childbearing. The cream can be used to treat the nipple area to prevent damage.

  • safe;
  • has no contraindications;
  • applied to children from birth.
  • not found.


Naftaderm is an ointment with a liquid consistency. The drug is based on Naftlan oil. The active ingredient has anti-inflammatory activity, helps repair skin damage, relieves itching and disinfects. Apply in a thin layer up to 2 times a day. The scope can be any. Contraindications and side effects of the ointment are practically absent.

Naftaderm is characterized by a pronounced therapeutic effect in relation to allergic reactions. But it has some peculiarities in application. This is an unpleasant specific smell, liniment is not absorbed into the skin and can leave dirty marks on clothes. Despite this, it has many positive reviews.

  • safety;
  • high pharmacological action;
  • no contraindications.
  • has some features in the application;
  • unpleasant specific smell;
  • does not absorb into the skin;
  • can leave dirty marks on clothes.


The drug is released in the form of a gel and liniment.The main component is deproteinized dialysate from the blood of healthy dairy calves. After application to the skin, the product accelerates the regeneration processes, helping the rapid healing of wounds. According to the instructions, the drug is not intended for the treatment of allergic diseases, but it is often prescribed by doctors and has good reviews from patients.

Since precise clinical studies have not been conducted, it is not recommended to use the gel in children. Given the feedback from users, the ointment is widely used to rejuvenate the face, eliminate scars and scars.

  • quality composition;
  • pronounced restorative properties.
  • not found.

The best combined drugs

Combined type anti-allergic drugs for external use are ointments and creams with active ingredients, which include not one, but a whole series of different components. In most cases, it is a component of hormones, as an addition, an antibiotic and a remedy for fungus. Used to treat allergies that manifest on the skin, with bacterial and fungal infectious complications. With the help of the application, it will be possible to quickly and efficiently achieve a pronounced effect on the return of a healthy look to the skin.

Lorinden S

Lorinden C is a combined remedy presented in the format of an ointment, based on active ingredients - clioquinol and flumethasone. Excellent fight against inflammatory and allergenic skin reactions, including complications caused by fungal or bacterial infections. The oily base contributes to additional skin hydration and forms a protective film on the surface.The course of application should not exceed 14 days, and during the day you can apply only 1 - 2 times. There are a large number of contraindications, in which a significant effect and excellent manifestations are visible.

The presence in the composition of flumethasone prohibits the use of young children. Uncontrolled use of the drug, application of a thick layer on large areas of the body is not recommended.

Lorinden S
  • good effect for allergies with fungal and bacterial infectious complications;
  • perfectly fights against inflammatory reactions of the skin;
  • a large number of contraindications.
  • not found.

Akriderm SK

Combined ointment Akriderm SK contains betamethasone and salicylic acid. This combination gives the substance antiseptic and keratolytic properties, adding efficiency in the fight against dermatitis, psoriasis and other undesirable manifestations. Exfoliation and cleansing of the skin from inflamed lesions occurs, and then, in a short time, a healthy shine returns and irritation disappears. Application is carried out on painful areas not with a thick layer, rubbing is not recommended.

A small 15 g volume is enough for long-term use due to the fat content and low absorption. The maximum course is up to 21 days (3 weeks), but experts recommend treatment for 5 to 7 days, which is quite enough to achieve a positive result.

Akriderm SK
  • a small 15 g of volume is enough for long-term use;
  • visible effect on skin peeling.
  • not found.


Ointment and cream Belogent contain betamethasone and gentamicin.The combination of a synthetic glucocorticosteroid and an antibiotic allows the use of the agent for the treatment of complex allergies aggravated by a bacterial infection. Not too high price. It is applied to limited areas for no more than 2 - 3 weeks, and side effects are extremely rare. By agreement with the doctor, it can be used for children from one year old.

A pronounced and rapid action occurs due to the hormone and antibiotic included in the cream and ointment. The presence of a large list of indications is not limited to allergies.

  • a combination of a hormone and an antibiotic;
  • pronounced and fast action.
  • not found.


Both ointment and cream, Triderm is endowed with simultaneous antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory action. The main active ingredient is the hormonal component betamethasone. Additional - clotrimazole, which has a significant effect in the treatment of fungal infections, as well as the antibiotic gentamicin.

Medical professionals rank Triderm among the most effective drugs prescribed for common skin problems and allergies. Even a slightly small volume is sold at a rather inflated price, which causes discontent among those in need. Pharmacies sell analogues of domestic production with a lower price. It is not recommended to use the product for children under 2 years of age.

  • the most popular and commonly prescribed drug;
  • acts quickly;
  • safely.
  • not found.

Akriderm GK

A complete Russian analogue of the well-known drug produced in Belgium called Triderm.Clotrimazole, betamethasone and gentamicin, included in the composition, have a significant effect in the fight against bacteria and infections of the skin, various complications resulting from allergies. A complex action and high effect brings quick relief, and the complete disappearance of the problem occurs in a couple of days.

However, the presence of a hormonal component prohibits the use of children under 2 years old, nursing mothers and pregnant women. The price is slightly lower than that of Triderm, and the efficiency is not inferior to the analogue.

Akriderm GK
  • perfectly copes with the complex treatment of various skin diseases;
  • quick relief and complete disappearance of the problem;
  • effective.
  • the presence of a hormonal component.

The most effective ointments and creams made on the basis of herbal ingredients

Botanical Allergy Treatments are formulated with natural oils and herbal extracts to promote cleansing, hydration and a healthy appearance. The action is distinguished by delicacy and softness, as a result of which they are recommended for children from an early age. Do not forget about the only nuance - the development of an allergic reaction to the constituent ingredients, which is indicated in the annotations, so you need to be careful about their use.

La Cree Atoderm

Ideally and safely solves the problem of atopic dermatitis in babies from the first days of life. The cream is suitable for adults who refuse preparations with natural elements. The cream contains peach oil, which adds moisture and has a pronounced regenerating effect. And as additional substances include betaine, urea, licorice extract.

Quite delicately and gently copes with the task, especially in the initial stage of dermatitis or its small manifestations. Doctors recommend using the medicine after completing a course of ointments and creams, which contain a hormone, for therapeutic maintenance and consolidation of the result, as well as to achieve a long remission period. The drug in question, including other drugs, despite the natural composition, cannot cope with severe forms of allergies.

La Cree Atoderm
  • delicately and gently copes with the task;
  • the best cream for newborns with atopic dermatitis.
  • not found.


The drug is declared as a cream of a cosmetic nature, which contains herbal ingredients of an antihistamine orientation. Ingredients: string, dimethicone, extracts of birch buds and violets, lily of the valley oil, spurge, marigold flowers, dropsy, veronica. Well relieves irritation and itching, eliminates redness and relieves discomfort due to insect bites. There are no contraindications, except for the individual non-perception of some components. Plant extracts can remove allergy symptoms, but also become the cause of the appearance, according to real reviews.

It is important to know when buying about the existence of a similar product with a similar name - Gistan N, which has a different composition and is hormonal.

  • relieves irritation and itching;
  • eliminates redness and relieves discomfort due to insect bites;
  • natural ingredients in the form of plant extracts.
  • not found.


The cream is prepared on a zinc base, shea butter, jojoba and olive oil, mixed with licorice extract.Quickly relieves the inflammatory process, irritation, itching, relieves pain and redness caused by an allergic reaction. According to the manufacturer's instructions, you need to apply the product to the damaged areas in the morning and evening for 2 weeks. The maximum duration of the course is not limited due to the absence of contraindications, except for intolerance.

With caution, it is necessary to apply the cream for the first time, since the oils present in the composition can lead to allergies. Users note information about frequent burning and redness after use.

  • compatibility of zinc and plant extracts of oils;
  • quickly relieves the inflammatory process.
  • not found.


Cream - gel with a natural composition belongs to the category of antiallergic drugs. There is peppermint oil, lavender oil, basil, chamomile extracts, celandine, psyllium, licorice and dexpanthenol. These substances enhance the property of the cream - they eliminate itching and relieve irritation, thereby cooling and soothing the skin, relieve redness and anesthetize. Approved for use 3-4 times a day.

It can be used as a separate and independent tool, and as part of a complex. It will add benefits after taking hormones and anti-allergic ointments, helps restore immunity and prolongs the remission period. In addition to naturalness and safety, there is an important advantage - a democratic price.

  • excellent combination of efficiency and cost;
  • helps to restore immunity and prolongs the period of remission.
  • not found.

Boro Plus Regular

The natural components that are part of the medicinal substance are designed to take care of the skin, remove irritation, inflammation and heal minor injuries. Consists of licorice extract, aloe - vera, turmeric, ginger lily, sandalwood and neem plant. Each of the ingredients is responsible for the task, has an antimicrobial, regenerating, antiseptic, antibacterial, softening and moisturizing effect.

The cream is not intended for the direct treatment of allergies, but it is able to remove the symptoms and improve the cover. On the Internet, there are a lot of positive characteristics about the use against allergies and children's atopic dermatitis.

Boro Plus Regular
  • quickly relieves irritation and itching;
  • positive feedback indicating the effect.
  • not found.

Allergy ointment relieves discomfort and rashes without the use of tablets and capsules.

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