Rating of the best creams for depilation of intimate areas for 2022

Rating of the best creams for depilation of intimate areas for 2022

Beautiful, delicate skin without extra hairs in the intimate area gives every woman self-confidence. The modern set of various means for unwanted hairs is quite diverse from electric and laser hair removal in stationary conditions to effective and convenient depilatory creams for home use. Cream for depilation of the intimate zone is a unique find of developers. A woman does not need to go to the salon and experience awkwardness and embarrassment during the procedure, but it is enough to purchase a cream and do the procedure at home.

Depilatory cream: composition and mechanism of action

Depilatory cream is a mass of compounds of chemical components that penetrates the hairs, destroying the bonds in the composition of the protein of the hair cortex (keratin). This softens the hairs. Some of the funds enter the roots, which contributes to slower growth. It is enough to remove softened hairs after the procedure with a special spatula. Most often for this purpose, the destruction of the connection in the hairs using Thioglycolic acid (TGA) in the salt forms of calcium thioglycolate and sodium thioglycolate.

This substance is several times stronger than acetic acid, so one of the most important recommendations of the manufacturer is not to overexpose the depilatory cream for longer than the specified time and to exclude it from getting on the mucous membranes.

Also in the composition of creams for depilation there are other components:

  • alkalis, caustic soda (slaked lime);
  • fragrances and fragrances;
  • panthenol;
  • natural extracts and herbal ingredients such as aloe juice, tea tree oil, sea buckthorn, honey, milk;
  • components for moisturizing and relieving inflammation, irritation from the skin;
  • clay;
  • silk proteins;
  • sea ​​salt and mud;
  • vitamins A, E, C;
  • stabilizers and preservatives (teteareth-20 titanium dioxide, calcium or sodium hydroxide, potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate);
  • hyaluronic acid.

Means are divided according to several criteria: effect, scope, type of skin and hairs.

According to the form of release are:

  • creams;
  • gels;
  • aerosol foam.

By skin and hair type:

  • for sensitive or hypoallergenic;
  • for hard and thick hairs;
  • for dry skin;
  • for oily;
  • for combined.

Scope or area of ​​use:

  • complex (intimate area and armpits);
  • legs;
  • arms;
  • stomach;
  • back;
  • face;
  • only for the bikini area;
  • of the whole body.

By effect:

  • with moisture;
  • sparing;
  • relieve irritation, inflammation;
  • tightening effect; with skin-care components;
  • with components that slow down hair growth.

Myths and realities of depilation of intimate areas

  1. Stiff hairs can be removed if the cream is left for a longer time. One of the most common mistakes. It is better to choose immediately a cream for hard hairs. The composition of the cream often contains components with a high degree of danger, and overexposure will not have a beneficial effect, but can harm the skin in the form of a chemical burn.
  2. Means for removing unwanted "thickets" causes cancer. According to experts and clinically proven test results, the correct use of depilatory cream does not cause cancer.
  3. Men's cream, copes better than women's. This is not a confirmed fact, the epidermis of women and men differs in its type. Cosmetic developers take this into account, so it is better to choose products for the right purpose.
  4. Intimate hair removal is a tribute to fashion. No, first of all, this is hygiene, after the procedure, the skin in the intimate area sweats less, the discharge does not linger, it is easier to care for.
  5. Intimate hair removal is dangerous.It is not the procedure itself that is dangerous, but the misuse of funds and their selection. The procedure itself, performed by professional means in compliance with the instructions, does not carry dangers.

Rules for using cream for depilation of the intimate area

  1. Before using any product for intimate depilation, you should read the manufacturer's instructions, as they can vary significantly. First of all, according to the method of application, on dry skin or while taking a shower.
  2. The second important point is to test on the inside of the arm (on the wrist or in the crook of the elbow). Apply a strip of 0.5 cm and leave for the time indicated in the instructions for depilation. If during this period the skin turns red, spots, itching, burning appear, then it is better not to use this cream, it will cause the same reaction in the intimate area.
  3. Before using for one day, you should exclude the use of other cosmetics, especially alcohol-containing ones, as their residues can interact with the components of the depilatory cream and cause irritation or chemical burns.
  4. You need to apply the cream with a special spatula and wear gloves, since its contact with the nails can have a negative effect, destroy the top layer of the nail plate.
  5. Remove the cream after the procedure, also with a spatula against hair growth. When all the cream is removed, wipe the surface with a dry cloth.
  6. The procedure is recommended to be carried out no more than 1 time in 1.5-2 weeks, and in no case should the procedure be extended.

Rating of the best female creams for depilation of the intimate area

Price categoryName, manufacturerCompoundApplication areaExtra Care
Average. 800 -1000 rub. SURGI Wax Bikini&LegAloe juice, bisabolol from chamomile oil.intimate, legsThere is
Average. 500 -800 rub.Veet Silk and FreshAloe Vera and Vitamin Eintimate, faceThere is
Cheap. 400-600 rub.Eveline Cosmetics Bio Depil 9in1beeswax, aloe vera, silk proteinsIntimate area, face, armpits, legs, arms.There is
Average. 600-800 rub. Floresan Deep DepilRhodiola rosea, calendula extract, beeswax, grape seed oil.Intimate area, face, neck, armpitsThere is
Cheap. 200-400 rub.Velvet DelicatePapaya Enzyme, Panthenol, Salicylic Acid Legs, Bikini, ArmpitsThere is
Average. 600-900 rub.CRISTALINEChamomile, witch hazel, allatoin, panthenolIntimate, face, arms, legs, abdomen, back, armpits.There is
Cheap. 150-300 rub.BatisteFruit, leaf and cucumber extractsArmpits, legs, bikini areaThere is
Cheap. 400-600 rub.Avon Skin So Softmeadowfoam oilArmpits, legs, bikini areaThere is

SURGI Wax Bikini&Leg
votes 0

Gentle cream thanks to natural herbal ingredients and aloe juice. The package contains an additional moisturizing cream after depilation.

SURGI Wax Bikini&Leg
  • the procedure is painless, thanks to the composition of the cream, with chamomile and aloe, which help to soothe, relieve irritation and redness;
  • helps to reduce the rate of hair growth;
  • after the procedure, the skin becomes soft and supple;
  • additional cream after depilation nourishes and moisturizes the skin;
  • promotes rapid recovery of damaged skin.
  • not suitable for people with coarse hairs.

Veet Silk and Fresh
votes 0

Depilatory cream for sensitive skin in a fairly large package of 100 g. Quickly and effectively removes hairs, even coarse ones. Holding time 2-3 min.

Veet Silk and Fresh
  • application time up to 3 minutes, which allows you to quickly remove and save time;
  • additional effect of moisturizing and relieving irritation;
  • the aroma is light, not sharp;
  • the effect is long-lasting for more than 5 days;
  • helps prevent ingrown hairs;
  • the skin after treatment is soft as silk.
  • not found

Eveline Cosmetics Bio Depil 9in1
votes 0

The cream is available in medium (125 ml) and large (200 ml) packages. It is very popular due to the high quality and long-term reputation of the Evelyn company. Ultra gentle and hypoallergenic cream with fast action and long lasting effect.

Eveline Cosmetics Bio Depil 9in1
  • the composition of the cream is safe, with the addition of paraffin, silk proteins, aloe vera extract, coenzyme;
  • the skin after treatment is soft, silky, non-irritated
  • nourishes and moisturizes the skin;
  • the aroma is not sharp, light, floral;
  • slows down hair growth, prevents their ingrowth;
  • express effect.
  • not found.

Floresan Deep Depil
votes 0

Pleasant, dense texture of the cream, lie down in an even layer for 7-10 minutes. Can also be used during pregnancy. Suitable for sensitive and dry skin. Caring for her during and after the procedure.

Floresan Deep Depil
  • nourishes, moisturizes the skin, relieves irritation;
  • lack of a sharp aroma;
  • slows down hair growth;
  • you can not only remove with a spatula, but also with a cotton pad and rinse with water;
  • It is permissible to use not only in the bikini area, but also on the face, neck, arms and legs.
  • not found.

votes 0

Cream-mask for depilation is not only gentle on the skin, but also quickly and effectively copes with the removal of unwanted hairs.Manufacturer American cosmetics company, has developed an ideal cream-mask that copes even with thick and hard hairs.

CRISTALINE Depilatory cream-mask
  • soothes, nourishes, moisturizes and softens the skin after the procedure;
  • the smell is barely noticeable;
  • good, natural composition;
  • hair growth slows down, the hairs are thinner and do not grow;
  • suitable for any area;
  • the cream is removed without much effort.
  • not always on sale.

Velvet Delicate
votes 0

The cream copes with both short growing hairs and long and hard ones. The excellent composition allows you to remove them painlessly and helps to slow down growth, and also prevents ingrown hairs.

Velvet Delicate
  • contains natural ingredients;
  • soothes, nourishes, moisturizes the skin;
  • hair growth slows down after application;
  • hairs do not grow;
  • inexpensive and large volume;
  • easy to find on sale;
  • suitable for any area;
  • does not dry the skin.
  • not found.

votes 0

Russian company "Russian cosmetics", specializing in cosmetics. Represents a fairly wide range of creams for depilation of different areas and for different types of skin and hairs. Contains extracts of white mistletoe, western arborvitae, papaya leaves, hops, cucumber, aloe vera, fruits.

Batiste depilatory cream
  • inexpensive and large volume;
  • available for sale;
  • composition based on natural ingredients, oils and extracts, extracts;
  • contributes to growth retardation;
  • additional care - moisturizing, nourishing the skin, soothes and softens;
  • light and pleasant consistency, applied evenly;
  • pleasant light smell;
  • economical consumption;
  • efficient and fast removal.
  • not found.

Avon Skin So Soft
votes 0

A popular inexpensive cream that is easy to purchase from a catalog consultant. Copes with unwanted hairs quickly and effectively, removes not only small and thin, but also long and coarse hair.

Avon Skin So Soft
  • inexpensive;
  • economically spent
  • easy to find on sale;
  • composition natural oils and extracts;
  • contributes to growth retardation;
  • cares for the skin - moisturizes, nourishes, soothes, softens;
  • pleasant light aroma;
  • efficient and fast removal.
  • not found.

Rating of the best male creams for depilation of the intimate area

Price categoryName, manufacturerCompoundApplication areaExtra Care
Average. 500 -700 rub.DAEN For Man Hair Removal CreamVegetable oils, glycerinIntimate, armpits, arms, legs.There is
Expensive. 1500 -2200 rub.Aroma Dead SeaChamomile, Aloe, Dead Sea MineralsIntimate, armpits, arms, legs.There is
Average. 600 -800 rub.Bielenda, Vanity Asiatic centella extractIntimate, armpits, arms, legs.There is
Cheap. 350 -450 rub.Kapous Professional Depilation CreamArgan oil, aloe vera, vitamin EIntimate, armpits, arms, legs.There is
Cheap. 250 -400 rub.Cliven young Almond oil, hemp oil, lanolin, glycerinIntimate, armpits, arms, legs.There is

DAEN For Man Hair Removal Cream
votes 1

Depilator from the Spanish manufacturer, the composition of the cream allows you to remove even very hard bristles within 10 minutes.

DAEN For Man Hair Removal Cream
  • large volume;
  • composition vegetable oils and extracts;
  • slows down growth;
  • additional care - moisturizing, softens;
  • dense texture;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • universal;
  • Handles tough hair.
  • not found.

Aroma Dead Sea
votes 0

Cream from an Israeli cosmetic company, an innovative composition fights unwanted hairs not only in women, but also in men. It does not irritate the skin and cares for it.

depilatory cream Aroma Dead Sea
  • universal, for all skin types;
  • composition of plant extracts and Dead Sea minerals;
  • extra care - makes the skin soft and smooth;
  • the consistency resembles a mask, fits snugly on the skin and is well removed.
  • does not slow down hair growth.

Bielenda, Vanity
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Depilatory cream for men with a light texture, allows you to quickly get rid of hard and thick hairs of any length. At the same time, it cares for the skin, making it softer and more hydrated.

Bielenda, Vanity depilatory cream
  • painlessly removes;
  • volume 100 ml, economically consumed;
  • universal purpose, for all skin types;
  • composition plant extracts of Asiatic centella;
  • additional care - moisturizes and nourishes;
  • light texture, absorbs quickly.
  • hair growth does not slow down.

Kapous Professional Depilation Cream
votes 0

Safe composition, hypoallergenic with natural extracts, extracts from leaves, fruits and berries, vitamin supplements, cares, relieves irritation.

Kapous Professional Depilation Cream
  • suitable for use in any area;
  • additional care - moisturizes, nourishes, softens, restores damaged epidermis;
  • inexpensive and accessible;
  • The texture is light but firm.
  • not found.

Cliven young
votes 0

Developed taking into account the specifics of men's skin, replenishes the water balance, moisturizes thanks to natural oils. The procedure takes no more than 5 minutes, quickly and effectively removes even hard bristles, and then rinses off well.

Cliven young depilatory cream
  • in the composition of natural plant components;
  • soothes, nourishes, restores water balance, moisturizes the skin;
  • slows down hair growth;
  • hairs do not grow;
  • inexpensive and large volume and easy-to-use bottle;
  • easy to find on sale, quite popular;
  • suitable for any area;
  • The texture of the cream is soft, dense, well and evenly applied.
  • not found.

Creams for removing excess "vegetation" on the skin have many advantages over other hair removal procedures:

  • economical way;
  • mobile, you can take with you on a trip;
  • light;
  • absolutely painless;
  • eliminates mechanical damage to the skin in the form of scratches, cuts, injuries;
  • you can always replace the remedy if another does not fit;
  • the effect does not last long, but it can be fixed in a few minutes;
  • large selection of resources.

The choice of a delicate composition will allow you to safely and painlessly remove hair even in intimate areas.


